New version updated to 3.3
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WoW-Pro Leveling Addon: An In-Game Addon based on Jame’s Leveling Guide
- Installation
- Using the Addon
- Supplementary Addons
- Guide List
- Known Issues
- Contributing
Download and install the following Addons
- WoW-Pro Leveling Addon – The base of the addon.
- TomTom – Handles coordinates (It’s that arrow which points you to where you need to go). If you have Cartographer, you don’t need this, since Cartographer has it’s own arrow.
- Lightheaded – Makes TomTom even better, make sure to install this addon or you won’t always get a TomTom arrow to show you the way.
- WARNING: If you have QuestHelper installed, you should disable it, or at least disable the TomTom arrow option in Questhelper, or it will conflict with our addon and give you wrong directions.
If you are not familiar with the installation of addons, it can be done as follows:
- Download and unzip the addon files.
- Navigate to the World of Warcraft directory
- Windows XP: C:\\Program Files\World of Warcraft
- Windows Vista: C:\\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft
- Open the “Interface” folder, then the “Addons” folder inside it.
- Copy and paste the “WoW-Pro”, “TomTom” and “Lightheaded” folders into the World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons directory.
You can check in-game if you’ve installed it correctly; when you go to the character selection screen, on the bottom left corner of the screen is a button called “Addons”. Click that, then scroll down and look for Lightheaded, TomTom and WoW-Pro (it’s in alphabetical order). Make sure they’re
It should look like this:
Once in game, you should see the TourGuide bar under your minimap:
If this is a new character you just created, the correct guide should already be selected automatically.
If this is not a new character, click the TourGuide bar, a window will pop-up with a list of guides sorted by zones and level ranges:
Pick a guide close to your level and in a zone where you haven’t done all the quests.
There you go, just follow the addon!
Using the Addon
Following a Guide
For the most part, the guide is easy to follow. A phrase will appear on the TourGuide bar accompanied by an icon. The icon meanings are as follows:
This ingame help menu can be accessed by heading to the menu, then selecting “Interface”, then “Addons” (up near the top), then expanding (click the + button) “Tour Guide” then selecting “Help” (you can see the “Addons” button and the “Help” part to the left of the screenshot)
Use Item Button
If relevant (for example, the quest Gruesome, But Necessary where you have to use the item on the mob’s corpses), a small box will appear. It will have the graphic of the item to use for the quest. You can move it by left-clicking
and dragging. Left-click on the box to use the item.
In addition, there are comments on most objectives that can be accessed by mousing over the TourGuide bar. I’ve entered them into most objectives; except, for the most part, Accept objectives and Turn-in Objectives, though I do list where each turnin block is on the first objective of the group.
It’s a good idea to be checking the TourGuide bar before you do each objective. I’m planning in future to add an indicator to the TourGuide bar so users will know if an important comment is present for an objective.
Note Objectives
Note objectives come in two types; auto-completing and non-auto completing. The auto-completing notes should be most of them. However, some will not auto-complete (and indeed are not intended to, meaning that you only click them after you know what you
should do).
These non-auto completing notes should come in three flavours: “Repair, restock and vendor junk” (a general reminder when in town and beginning a new circuit, matches those in the guide); “READ THIS” (used to convey important information about the next objective that you want to know before you start) and “Things to do” (side objectives to complete as you quest).
I’ve tried to keep non-auto completing notes to these three formats, but I’m fairly sure I’ve slipped in places, so bear with me there.
Author’s Note: Not all of these guides have been thoroughly playtested and as such there will be some errors. I do try get it right, but they do slip through. Wowhead or Jame’s internet guide will help in the case of an error.
Supplementary Addons
DoubleWide – A simple but helpful addon, it makes the quest log twice as wide and much easier to read.
This section is still just new (I know about QuestHelper but LightHeaded performs the same function), so suggestions for improvement are welcome.
Guide List
Alliance – Updated to v0.7 – 12/07/2009
- Maw’s Human Guide (1-12) | Jame | Quality: 100%
- Snowflake’s Draenei Guide (1-12) | Kinrah | Needs Improvements
- Boston’s Gnome/Dwarf Guide (1-12) | Ayajulia | Needs Testing
- Taralom’s Nightelf Guide (1-12) | Needs Testing
- Manovan’s Night Elf Guide (1-13) | Needs Testing
- Joan’s Human Guide (1-12) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Maw’s Leveling Guide (12-20) | Jame | Quality: 100%
- Boston’s Leveling Guide (12-20) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Sven’s -Bloodmyst- Leveling Guide (12-20) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Boston’s Leveling Guide (20-30) | Nuzz | Quality: 100%
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide (30-40) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide (40-50) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide (50-60) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Hellfire Penninsula | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Zangarmarsh | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Terokkar | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Nagrand | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Blade’s Edge Mountains | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Borean Tundra | Wizerd | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Howling Fjord | Wizerd | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Dragonblight | Needs Testing – New
- Jame’s – Grizzly Hills | Laotseu | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Death Knight | Needs Testing – New
Horde – Updated to v0.7 – 12/07/2009
- Zerinj’s Orc/Troll Starter (1-12) | Clearasil | Quality 100%
- Shinke’s Tauren Starter (1-12) | Inyurbak | Needs Testing
- Snowflake’s Blood Elf Starter (1-12) | Inyurbak | Needs Testing
- Manovan’s Undead Starter (1-12) | Romgar | Needs Testing New
- SilverKnight’s Silverpine (12-20) | Clearasil | Needs Testing
- Hosho’s Barrens (12-20) | Clearasil | Needs Testing New
- Snowflake’s Ghostlands Guide (13-21) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide (21-31) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide (31-41) | Clearasil | Needs Testing New
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide (41-51) | Plover2| Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide (51-61) | Jiyambi| Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Hellfire Peninsula | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Zangarmarsh | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Terokkar Forest | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Nagrand | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Howling Fjord (70-71) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Borean Tundra (71-73) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Dragonblight (73-75) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Grizzly Hills (75-77) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
Known Issues
If you have a problem, be sure to check the leveling addon FAQ page before asking a question – it only takes a minute, and the answer might be easily found there! If you still have a problem, feel free to post a comment
anywhere on the leveling guide pages and we will respond as soon as possible.
Borean Tundra
- Hellscream’s Vigil: This quest will not auto-complete for some people, due to there being a separate quest by the same name for those who did the Thrall questline in Nagrand.
- The Lost Spirits: The use item button doesn’t show up for “The Lost Spirits” quest (It’s the “Core of Malice”). This is due to the item not being in the inventory at the start of the quest.
- Drake Hunt: Again not a bug per-se, the second time you grab it (as a daily) is included as a note instead of a accept/complete/turn-in objective set because Tour Guide otherwise detects the quest as complete (due to it sharing the same name as the
non-daily version) despite quest ID, which is supposed to resolve these sorts of issues.
Grizzly Hills
- Latent Power: One of the stone’s coordinates won’t show up as it wasn’t entered correctly (the northwestern one). It can be found at (71.10,39.00). Also, the use item button is missing. These issues will be corrected in the next upload.
If you want to help converting a section of the guide in TourGuide format, please check the following links:
Howling Fjord Alliance guide completeI just finished testing my Alliance Howling Fjord one last night, and I worked out all the bugs and things I forgot. It should be as close to perfect as I can get it with just 1 run through. It has a similar problem to Borean Tundra: the guy who gives the Orfus of Kamagua quest and the artifact ones (the Tuskarr at the ancient lift) has a second location down NEAR the artifacts, and the arrow always points there, despite a location in the notes.
The file is here, and uses the new naming convention:;13225625;/fileinfo.html
Needs testing of course, but it should be good. Dragonblight coming soon. 😮
Stygian that error is fixedStygian that error is fixed in v0.4 so just update your version and you’ll be good to go.
Hmm weird, did you tryHmm weird, did you try disabling questhelper?
tom tom arrowJame, thanks for getting the maws 12-20 guide finished and up. Im working my way through it, but the tom tom arrow is weird. It’ works great at pointing, but its never had the line underneath it filled it, its always […. Never changes just displays that all the time. I downloaded new versions of ALL the addons when you released the human 12-20 guide yesterday. I disabled all my other addons (cartographer and recount) and nothing changed. The arrow displays the distance and the time just not the white line with npc and quest names.
I’ve been following thisI’ve been following this guide from the beginning on my alliance char and it has been nice.
However, after completing the Desolace part (36-38) the addon bugged and didn’t allow the next guide to load.
I’m complete stranger to WoW addons but I think the problem is that there’s a missing letter on the
002_38_41_Dustwallow_Marsh_Jame_3040.lua line
Level Check: 41 |N|Make sure you’re 8000 or less XP off level 41 before continuing…|
(There should be “N” before that part?)
Curse updated tourguide and I had to install wow-pro guides again. Since then TomTom arrow does not work with Tourguide (but does with questhelper). Is there a setting somewher i dont see that will disengage TomTom with questhelper and make it work with Tourguide?
DKs rule…others drool
Thanks to Jame!Now I can go on with the leveling of a “test” char, being a human. I am already level 14 after doing the class quest and probably will be a lot ahead of the guide, which is alway good. I have done the fist part in loch modan and it was clearly all good. Catch me up on Terokkar EU (name: Solstafir) to share online opinions 😉
testingI’ve been leveling with the addon using James guides since lvl 30 and so far its been great no problems what so ever, expect that some of the quests needs co-ords on where to get them, and sometimes when you get a quest tour guide makes you automaticaly hand it in. Also when you get Mission To Mudsproket it’s only available at lvl 39 so that needs to be put to a later part of the guide it’s currently at lvl 38. Maybe put it where you have to hearthstone to Theramore. I’ll be done 30-40 by tommorow and I plan to test the rest of the addon and keep you updated.
New chapter
Just released a new version for the alliance!
[url=][/url] v0.4:
[*]My own latest chapter – Maw’s Leveling Guide 12-20 | Try it, the quality is very high!
[*]Also added a [b]new[/b] revamped version of the Borean Tundra guide (Thanks to Wizerd – also thanks to Elmo and NLX067)
[*]Fixed a few minor bugs
[*]Started to rename the files, so that it looks more organized in the list. [b]YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE LATEST VERSION OF TOURGUIDE FOR IT TO WORK[/b].
On this page for starters,On this page for starters, you’ll see “Updated xx/xx/2009” in the title.
In the future it will be easier, once the addons are close to finished, I will just centralize everything on these two pages:
But for now there’s still so much going on that I suggest you follow this news post here, and also the wiki pages (Main info page and list of work in progress).
WoW-Pro exclusiveOK wow-pro exclusive it is didnt think about the above mentioned points I will do everything through here. Ive been using the addon for a couple days now and am very impressed. using the guides just became so easy a Murloc could use it. just one follow up then how do we know when updates are out and where in the site would we find them? Oh ya as I said in the first post hope I didnt offend was just asking.
Thanks again for all your work and keep rocking out the good stuff you do.
I have downloaded the guidesI have downloaded the guides this afternoon and there were no problems with the files. Have you tried to put the “wow-pro_tourguide_horde” folder in the interface/addon directory? Maybe it will work anyway 🙂
Problems with the Horde addon 😕 I downloaded it, but when unzipped the folder only has _MACOSX and WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Horde in the unzipped folder, both listed with 0kb. :/
Bummer, I was really excited ’cause then I wouldn’t have to Alt+Tab so much. Haha. Oh well. I can wait for the fix. :] Love the guide btw, helps me out so much!!! Thanks for creating it!
P.S. – Yes, I downloaded the other three addons (TourGuide, TomTom, and Lightheaded).
I have used my DK to testI have used my DK to test these two alliance guides, and they work really good, cant find any bugs. The only “problem” there is, is that i get 4 lvls in Hellfire, so i skipped Zangarmarsh 🙂
Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide – Hellfire Penninsula
Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide – Terokkar
I can skip them off the list as Need Testing, they are really good 🙂
I’m not sure but I think theI’m not sure but I think the cartographer arrow does that. You can use this one with TourGuide aswell.
About the arrow.Some days ago I was testing another in-game addon (can’t remember which one, sorry) and it used the TomTom arrow in a different way than this guides do. The arrow of this addon changes colour when the player changes his position respect of the destination (the little dot on the map). The other addon I was testing had a more “clever” arrow: the colour changed as the distance changed. What I mean?
Wow-pro addon: the arrow is green when in line of the dot, red when on the opposite side;
“other” addon: the arrow is red when far away from the dot, it becomes light red, yellow and then green as the player approaches to the dot on the map.
I think that the second arrow is better, because the player can see from the colour of the arrow how far is from the destination without having to open the map. It’s also more logic than the actual arrow-colour system, in my opinion.
I started on Howling Fjord,I started on Howling Fjord, using a different method this time, but if you have the quest sequence done, I could work on adding coordinates to your guide? (If that’s ok)
That’s a good point, howeverThat’s a good point, however the phasing engine covers what… 0.1% of the total quests in the game? 😛
We’ll add the coords manualy whenever Lightheaded is innacurate, of course.
But for the rest, Lightheaded saves us a tremendous amount of time when coding the addon in this format. Adding the coords for every accept / turn in quests for all the guides would be dozens of extra hours of work.
So for now we’ll keep on using it, but maybe in the future we’ll add all coords manually, if people have the time and motivation.
They do show up in the list,They do show up in the list, they just won’t load when you click on them.
It’s not that though. |L|33114 1| is the correct way for items.
The two bars here are also normal:
T Rhapsody’s Kalimdor Kocktail |N|The path starts near 21, 48 | |QID|1452|
Note tags always have two bars |N|Insert Note Here|
Thanks for trying to help though 🙂
I’ve been using Jame’sI’ve been using Jame’s guides for leveling for don’t know how many characters. I probably have 6 lvl 70 and up characters that I’ve leveled using these great guides so thank you for them, not to mention my partner’s characters. 🙂
I just went through the old version of Borean Tundra guide. I only now noticed that my bookmark for was an old one… Wouldn’t have helped though, since the editing came only the same day I finished. Anyways I’d taken some notes of things that were wrong but I assume Wizard fixed those already. (thanks!)
In that old page I saw Jame’s comment about coords & lightheaded
“In 99% of the cases, you don’t need to add a note with coords for these two types of steps: Quest Accept and Quest Turn in. (A and T)
Why? Because Lightheaded already has a database of all the quest NPCs’ locations linked to each Quest ID (QID). So it automatically creates a TomTom arrow pointing you to the quest NPC you need to talk to to accept or turn in a quest. Better than that, it also puts the name of the quest NPC you need to interract with under the TomTom arrow.”
I have to say I slightly disagree, because as you can see from Thassarian-questline, for example, phasing makes Lightheaded give the wrong coords for turning in quests. It’s a problem with all those database mods (Lightheaded, Questhelper) because they just get the locations, and aren’t that intelligent about where the quest NPC actually is in the phase you’re in. The problem is quite much more obvious in Icecrown, when thinking of the future guides. Also for me Lightheaded doesn’t provide any other information I’d use besides those coords, so I wouldn’t want to use yet another extra addon just because of couple missing coords, which really are useful. It’s just a couple of marks extra, instead of megabytes of data (depending how many modules have been loaded).
I’m sorry I’m always this wordy, don’t know how to say everything so that is short, clear and simple. (See, that could’ve been much shorter too :P)
I really aplaud you for allowing these addon versions anyways, it’s really great, tyvm! 🙂
The Dustwallow Marsh one: NThe Dustwallow Marsh one:
N Sealed Letter |N|[note] (47.00, 46.00)| |L|33114 1|
Where you have
|L|33114 1|
Should be
You have the same kind of error in your Hinterlands file. You need to put a “|” between the item number and the number of items required.
At least, I think this is it. I can’t try it right now because I’m logging soon.
Another possibility:
T Rhapsody’s Kalimdor Kocktail |N|The path starts near 21, 48 | |QID|1452|
After “21, 48” you have two | |, this should be one.
And how do you mean, do not load? Do they not show up in the list, or do they show up in the list but when you click on it nothing happens? If they don’t show up in the list, it is a guides.xml issue.
Could use helpTwo of the alliance files do not want to load and I could use help figuring out where the error is.
Here is a link to the two files:
If you find the error, please fix it and send me the fixed version by e-mail:
Great feedback about theGreat feedback about the alliance helfire files. Yes they were written by Nuzz, and I’m not surprised the quality is good. And yes, he wrote them a while back so the exp curve adjustments need to be made, and maybe a few minor changes here and there.
Ah, just noticed that BlackAh, just noticed that Black cat had fixed the 30-60 files for Alliance. I’ll add those changes now and update a new .zip asap.
Thanks Black Cat!
Try again nowTry again now
addons on a MacI also use a mac and it works great with wow.
Sounds like you did not install the addon correctly.
If you just put the one lighthead folder in your addons folder then that is the problem
here is what you need to do to fix lighthead.
Drag the 1 folder out of your interface addons folder (just drop it on the desk top)
open the lighthead folder. inside you will see several other folders and an text file
Drag all those folders (they are the actual addon) in to your interface addons folder
start up wow and lighthead should be there.
Borean TundraMy wife and I are getting ready to leave for Florida for just over a week (space shuttle launch and Daytona 500!!!). She would string me up by my “short and curlies” if I spent our vacation playing WoW, so I won’t be able to test Borean Tundra until I get back. I am hopeful to get cooking and jewelcrafting dailies done before we turn in for the night though.
My Death Knight is almost done with Howling Fjord (will hopefully be done with that by the time we leave) and my Rogue will be in Borean Tundra after that. If no one has tackled it by then, I’ll test it for you.
Can’t get better :)Dear Clearasil, I really like your effort, keep it up 😉
i dont see the new alliancei dont see the new alliance file :]
I was using the guide Jame’sI was using the guide Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Howling Fjord (70-71) last night and noticed an error. It sent me to venomspite to do a couple quests and when it said to find the surveyor it tried to send me back to HF off a cliff. I think it’s only a coord error seeing he’s just SE of Venomspite but thought you would like to know.
RE: addons on your MacAre you positive that they are installed correctly? I’m on a Mac, as well, and every time I’ve had trouble it’s been b/c I installed incorrectly. If you haven’t got it already, I recommend getting WoW Matrix to manage your addons – I haven’t had any trouble with mods since I began using this.
I’m working on it
-I’mI’m working on it 🙂
-I’m currently working on the 12-20 Barrens part
-The 21-31 is done by Blackcat and in the current release version.
-The 31-41 part is done by me, a link is up on the work in progress page.
-I’m also going to do the 41-51 part and the first few levels are available to download. I will continue to work on these when I’m done with the Barrens.
When my wife and I level ourWhen my wife and I level our next characters (as soon as our refer-a-friend triple exp goes away… I haven’t had a chance to fully experience your lower level guides, pre 60, due to this), I will retest and polish the Borean Tundra guide if it hasn’t been done already by then.
I’m still not entirely happy with it, a lot of quest accepts and turn-ins had coordinates that I didn’t take out, but I didn’t want to take anything like that out if I couldn’t test it for myself.
Anyway, back to work on Dragonblight!
Edit: Oh, actually here would be a good place to post this I suppose. I used all the outland guides (Hellfire right up to Blade’s Edge) for my second character, and I found the quality to be quite good. I wish I could remember the bugs (I think I found about 4 “bugs” throughout the entire thing), but I can’t other than one quest in Hellfire that you’re told to turn in but never told to pick up. That was easy to fix in-game though because the quest pickup is right nearby… it’s that little outpost southwest of the giants.
Anyway, the author of these did a very good job, but he seems to have used an outdated version of the guide. I believe it was Nuzz that wrote it? I suspect he wrote them a while ago and that’s why the Alliance had so many ready so early, right? The reason I say this is at each level turn in the first half (I forgot about the last half), there is a note to grind 50-75k exp depending on your level, or to get [xx] level, whichever takes *longer*. After WotLK, this is no longer necessary as you know, but guide followers who are trying to follow it exactly won’t know this and will waste a lot of time getting exp they don’t need, even though they will be 71 or close to it after finishing Blade’s Edge Mountains.
Other than that, they were pretty darn nice and I was finishing each zone in about… 4-5 hours I’d say? Just a guess.
I’m testing Snowflake’sI’m testing Snowflake’s 13-21 leveling guide and is going very good so far. Any plans about making Jame’s horde leveling guides from level 20 to level 60? 🙂
No better place to postNo better place to post this, you did the right thing.
Great job on the Borean Tundra guide, I just browsed your version and it’s a big improvement over the previous one. Looking forward to see your next tourguide works 😉
I’ll add your new version to the .zip and upload it right away. Keep it up!
Borean Tundra, Howling Fjord, Dragonblight (Alliance)I made a new comment instead of squeezing it into the posts below about Borean Tundra because I have other slightly unrelated things to say!
For Borean Tundra, I’ve finished revamping the guide for the most part. There are still issues with it because I wasn’t able to completely test it through after the revamp; I was already around halfway into it.
– Some objectives that should complete may not do so if the quest objective text is wrong (I think I got them all right, but of course will need testing).
– The first quest to get and turn in immediately doesn’t seem to auto-complete, because it’s one of those quests where you just talk and turn in without actually accepting the quest. (Would having just the complete quest tag work for this?)
– The waypoint arrows point to the wrong Thassarian while doing his line of quests.
Overall, the quests should now be in the correct order and the descriptions, I think, give a better idea of what’s going on. The previous version of the guide also completely left out the instance quests or any mention of The Nexus instance altogether, so I added that in. I also put waypoint arrows to the nearest Sell junk/repair at each of those steps.
File for Borean Tundra:;13187547;/fileinfo.html
[b]Alliance Howling Fjord and Dragonblight[/b]
I didn’t really volunteer these ahead of time or anything, but since my wife and I would like to level through Dragonblight easier (and when I started, we were going through Howling Fjord), I started working on them. It’s been about a day and a half and I have all of the Howling Fjord guide done without coordinates, and about half of the Dragonblight one done this way. I plan on adding coordinates afterwards by going around with her level 80 Rogue, then playtesting both with one of my characters (just finished Borean Tundra and ready to start on Howling Fjord). Dragonblight will get a double run through for testing, so it’ll be even more polished.
Again, I didn’t volunteer ahead of time, so I don’t want to displace anyone else working on Howling Fjord or Dragonblight. If it would make anyone upset to share these when I’m done, then I will (again) use them as my own personal versions. I’d hate to make other peoples’ work useless.
[b]One last thing[/b]
I was looking at the known issues for the Horde Borean Tundra guide, and I had an idea for the Core of Malice problem. It may not be worth it, but the idea is basically separating it into 2 steps: getting a core, then continuing to get cores and using them.
To do this, replace:
C The Lost Spirits |QID|11607| |N|Get cores off Beryl hounds, then use them on Kaskala Craftsmen and Kaskala Shaman. There are a bunch of Beryl Hounds at (52,31).| |U|34711|
With something like this:
N Core of Malice for The Lost Spirits |L|34711| |N|Kill Beryl Hounds in the quarry to get a Core of Malice.|
C The Lost Spirits |QID|11607| |N|Get more cores off Beryl hounds, then use them on Kaskala Craftsmen and Kaskala Shaman. There are a bunch of Beryl Hounds at (52,31).| |U|34711|
I tried to be consistent with the guide’s form of describing things.
[b]Lastly:[/b] If there is a better place for long posts like this, I’d love to hear about it ^^; I feel like I’m plugging up the page. There was the forums post, but it looked like people were dealing with things here more.
suggestion.I am not shure, since i will only start to use the addon tonight on a new toon.
But would it be an idea to put your starter notes AND a date + link to check for guide updates on the first note ?
And as an endnote again, go here to post comments please ?
That may get people back anf forth a bit more ?
BTW, i started working on the online editor. Plan is to make it wiki- like
With a backup for only the site admin to revert when someone messed with it.
I believe Jame will put thisI believe Jame will put this version on WoW-Pro soon.
filefront problemis there any chance that you could upload the addon on another site then filefront because my computer cant enter filefront 🙁
Missing Guides in TourGuide – Solution (try the mouse wheel)Like many below I to had a little trouble installing the guide (human error). It turns out that I simpply had to use the wheel on my mouse to scroll down in the guides to get to Jame’s. Believe me, I tried arrow keys, PG UP/Down, reinstalling, before I tried the simpliest of the solutions. Otherwise – it was a simple unzip of the guide to the addons folder.
Speaking to the zip file, anyone else have troubles unzipping the file in Vista? My first attempts were unsuccessful and resulted in errors (already a file with same name / folder error). I cheated and unzipped on my Web host (linux( and repackaged the zip file and problem solved, but may be something we should keep an eye on.
Can wait to give the guide a try tomorrow after Blizzard brings everything back on line.
In the current state we alsoIn the current state we also need the people who want to use the addon to improve it even more. If it’s available on curse it’s a “one-click-download” thing and much less people will notice that we need help on this project. 🙂
Edit: which is exactly what Jame wrote ._.
Just think about itJust think about it logically. What happens if we do this?
-People stop visiting here, they just update the addon through curse and don’t even bother registering an account here and posting feedabck (which we need to improve the addon and make it better)
-We get less traffic, which means that the site won’t grow as fast as it should, which means less of a chance of new great features and guides to appear here.
Help smaller sites like wow-pro grow bigger by contributing to them, instead of feeding those giant money machines like curse, just because “it’s easier” to update the addon with their client.
It’s really not that difficult anyway is it? Check for updates here every now and then, download the .zip, extract it to your addons folder. Takes 1 minute. And drop some feedback while you’re here, if you got any.
You lose 1 minute of your time but you contribute to something everyone can enjoy for free.
curseAny chance of publishing this through or is that a bad thing to suggest a different website sorry if I offended. My thought is it makes addons very simple to download and they will get automatically updateded saving you the hassle of all the questions when people cant figure out how to download or update the addon. Thanks
Oh yeah the guides are awesome am excited to try the addon.
Cool thx :)Cool thx 🙂
I’ll fix it asap.I’ll fix it asap.
The problem seems to be anThe problem seems to be an errant return. The closing pipe for line 4 was accidentally pt on line 5 by itself, and when I fixed it in my file it let me load up the guide, but I haven’t tested it further than that.
The new update is brokenThe download does not seem to be there. When you unzip, theirs two files in the unzipped folder, both 0 kb in size. DownThemAll! even refuses to download it, gives a “404 file not found” error.
Finished it and also theFinished it and also the Sholazar Basin guide, they are great! Got the 2 100% quest achievement, they are a little buggy (bad coords or a empty step in the sholazar basin guide for example).
I recommend them if you don’t want to wait for Jame guides.
LightheadedI play on a Mac and have had problems with addons in the past where they will not show up in my addons list on the character selection screen and they do not work ingame. This is currently happening to me with lightheaded and it makes following tourguide really hard. Any ideas on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated.
I have no idea why it won’tI have no idea why it won’t overwrite. I thought it was supposed to, and I’m pretty sure Tekkub’s “how to edit” page says it’s supposed to as well, but it just isn’t doing it for me.
Both coordinate sets are there even if I don’t give any coordinates at all, and it always prioritizes to the wrong one. It’s frustrating since the point of revamping it was supposed to make it all correct and now I’m coming across things that just won’t work either way. 🙁
Complete-only quests that you don’t accept first are another example of this, I can’t figure out how to make them auto-complete.