This is an addon for ingame guides of every sort, including the famous guides by Jame: Alliance/Horde
Please be considerate because this addon has not been made by a professional! If you find errors please make a screenshot and send it to me (Jahwo) with a description of what you did when the error occurred.
If you find mistakes in the guides or wrong/missing coordinates please write a comment or send me a PM.
Currently Included
- Maw’s Human Leveling Guide (1-12)
- Jame’s Leveling Guide Dragonblight (74-75)
- Jame’s Leveling Guide Grizzly Hills (75-77)
- Zernij’s Durotar Leveling Guide 1-12
More guides will follow soon.
- Download the latest version of the Addon: WoW-Pro Addon (v0643)
- Unzip the package
- Copy the folder WoWPro to your Addons folder. (\World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons)
How to use it
- Before you start with the guides you should bind a key to the “Next Step” function. You can do that by going into the Key Bindings-Menu (press ESC –> Key Bindings) and scroll down to the bottom.There you should find a Option called “JamesAddon Next Step“. Bind a key to it you can easily reach, because you’ll use it a lot.
- To open a guide click on the
button. The WoW-Interface menu will open. There you can choose a guide from the categories “Alliance“, “Horde“, “Both” and “Other“
- In the options menu you can also change the transparency of the frame. Just drag the Transparency-slider to the right for more transparency.
- If you want to go to an other step you can enter the step-number in the edit box at the bottom and press enter.
- Many steps have a coordinate you have to go to. The arrow at the topleft circle shows you where to go. If it shows to the top and becomes golden you’re on the right way.
- Additionally you can see the distance to the actual target in the progressbar next to the arrow.
If you reached the coordinate the arrow will change to this: - You can toggle the window wit the slash-commands /jamesaddon or /ja
- You can change the height by dragging the top or bottom of the textarea. The area where you can drag will change red if you move your mouse over it, like that:
Now you’re ready to go! Choose your guide and start leveling.
Include new Guides
If you downloaded a single guide from the list below, or got it from wherever else you should have a .lua file.
Put this file into the Guides-folder in the Addon-folder. The full path is:
World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\WoWPro\Guides
Now you have to register that guide in the “table of contents“. Just open the “Guides.xml” file with a text-editor of your choice.
There you have to add a line between the < Ui > and < /Ui > tags:
<script file="theguide.lua"/>
Where theguide.lua is the filename of the guide you want to add.
Single guides
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Dragonblight
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Grizzly Hills
- Maw’s Human Leveling Guide 1-12
- Zernij’s Durotar Leveling Guide 1-12
more to come…
If you want to contribute by rewriting one of Jame’s guides for the addon, please read this:
I figured it was something like thatbut I dind’t think it would hurt to ask. If I can get your input on something – for an event that’s “go here and get these 4 quests”, is it better to have 5 steps in the guide or combine them as one? I’m asking from a standards perspective, as I know functionally either will work.
No with the style itNo with the style it currently has it is not possible to manage a horizontal sizing. This is because the textures are from frames used by WoW itself and those sadly have a fixed width.
The vertical sizing is possible because the addon uses only the top and bottom parts of the textures and “stretches” only a “custom” middle part.
if you would stretch it horizontally it would look ugly as hell. And looks go over functionality! 😉
Oh that just depends on howOh that just depends on how the guide was coded. We do have multiple objectives in one step.
Like for example, if you try Maw’s Human Leveling Guide 1-12 you’ll see, there are multiple objectives on one page, several times. And you don’t need to click on the next step either, it automatically does it when it detects you finishing the objectives.
The guide you tried just isn’t 100% finished, that’s all.
Well I am sure Zygor usesWell I am sure Zygor uses this addon. At least all looks the same as the one I downloaded from this site. He only has multiple step on 1 page. For me it’s not handy to read “Kill XX at YY,ZZ” and than need to click on “Next Step” to see I should also “Gather NN from the floor” and such.
Dunno if its anything different in the human version tho. I never play Ally’s, they stink 😉
Resize Horizontally?Is there a way to resize the in-game box horizontally? I’ve only been able to move it vertically, and I would personally prefer the ability to resize horizontally as well.
Also, as a matter of opinion I think the current vertical resize function is a little clunky. Having to click inside the text frame to resize seems awkward. I know addons like Recount and Omen allow you to resize at the corners. Would that be possible with this addon? Just a thought. Thanks.
I don’t think zygor usesI don’t think zygor uses this addon, except he just recently stole it 😀
This AddOn has been written 4 weeks or so ago 😉
And I think in most guides there is enough information for every step.
I’m not sure why we wouldI’m not sure why we would need to put more information.
If you try the wow-pro addon version of Maw’s human leveling guide for example, you’ll see that there is no need for even one bit more information. As it is it’s perfect, adding more information would just make people read extra unecessary lines, which are just a waste of time.
Zygor uses the exact sameZygor uses the exact same addon for his guide. However with his it’s possible to have alot more information on 1 page. Perhaps someone could figger out how to do so?
New Version ReleasedJust released version of this addon, and a few minutes later (ack!) a quickie bugfix, because I had forgotten one lousy line of code in another file. :shocked:
Enjoy the new release and remember to check what new features are available to you in the How To article.
Should be fixedAnd this bug should now be fixed.
It’s funny how when fixing one bug you introduce another… This one was quite easy to figure out, starting from the change that led to it to how to fix.
Step errorWhile using the Grizzly Hills guide i noticed a error on step 92. When it says to get the quest Making Repairs, the error points in the opposite direction and says you have to go 32596731 to get to Lurz
I found this as well andI found this as well and sent a PM to rioshin.
I found a bugWhen the guide comes to a step that does not have any auto complete conditions it will skip that step. In the case of some of the older guides, like dragonblight, this means the entire guide.
I don’t know if this is justI don’t know if this is just me, but when i try to use the grizzly hills and dragonblight horde side guides it auto scrolls through the whole guide by itself. If there is any solutions to fixing this, please tell 🙂
Jame said:That’s what theJame said:
That’s what the community is for 😉
One one needs a break, others take over. I’m confident we’ll have the best leveling addons out there real soon.
Just don’t be charging us for them, heh.
OopsOops :shocked:
That actually was a mistake by me in the How To. It’s supposed to check if it still needs to be completed, and that’s what the code does; I’ve updated the How To page accordingly.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention, zyzx.
One small thingSweet work. Love it. But, could someone change the version number at the download link?
Completed StepsLol,
just teaches me to refresh a page before posting a comment 😀
sorry about the dual posting 🙁
I was under the impression that checkQuest evaluated having completed a quest or a step, so
[quote=rioshin]<checkQuest=Aggression>Now kill [o]Tenders[/o] and [o]Feral Tenders[/o] until you are done with the quest [q][4] Aggression[/q].<regQuest=Aggression>[/quote]
would only show up when you have already finished Aggression.
Another new versionI’ve just released version of the WoWPro addon.
This version fixes some bugs, one inadvertantly added by yours truly when doing some tests and forgetting to reset the code back to normal…
The regFaction and checkRep code should work, although I haven’t had a chance to test them (since I’m not working on reputation with any character). I’d be grateful for any bug reports regarding this functionality (and any other, as well).
I’ll tryI’ll try to make one, before we hit version 1.0. 🙂
It’s just that it would have to actually parse all the reg tags in it and decide on what they meant… First up is to get all the necessary checks and regs in (and fix all the bugs found), then finally add in that.
Now I feel a bit ashamed,Now I feel a bit ashamed, but I have a feature request rioshin 😉
what about a checkreg-tag (cool word :D), to make the work a bit more comfortable.
Completed StepsThat’s why these checks are coming all the time, and why I try to keep the same things available as both a check and a reg.
For example, if you have a quest event, for example
it’s now possible to tell the player to kill the mobs necessary whenever they encounter them and then use a line like
[code]Now kill [o]Tenders[/o] and [o]Feral Tenders[/o] until you are done with the quest [q][4] Aggression[/q].[/code]
My aim is to have 100% coverage of completion conditions and corresponding checks, so that the player won’t have to click on [i]next[/i] at any point. 🙂
Great Work RioshinLove the new checks and regs. Anything be done about knowing if steps have been completed before they come up?
Awesome work Rioshin.Awesome work Rioshin.
Nice work on the checks!Rioshin and Jahwo, you guys are the bomb.
I’ll go over my guides and will try to put these checks in.
New Version ReleasedHi,
I’ve just released a new version of the WoWPro Addon, version
A description of the new features can be found in the [url=]HowTo Contribute[/url]; look at the new check and reg conditions available to you.
(If you manage to spot the reputation stuff in the code, note that it’s not yet usable. I’ll post an updated version once I’ve fixed the problems with them.)
Yeah, funny learning bothYeah, funny learning both Lua and the WoW API at the same time.
Thankfully, it’s not too hard, even if software development is just a hobby. 🙂
That’s what the community isThat’s what the community is for 😉
One one needs a break, others take over. I’m confident we’ll have the best leveling addons out there real soon.
In fact, I can
Can youIn fact, I can 😀
Can you believe that this addon is the first real Lua work I’ve done ,too? 😉
Jahwo wrote:But I’m also[quote=Jahwo]But I’m also glad that rioshin seems to have taken my place as developer and improves it probably better than I could. Many thanks to you![/quote]
So far what I’ve added has mainly been features that I’ve had a need of in doing the blood elf starting guide as well as the ghostlands one – what better way to know what is missing? 🙂
And no problem if you don’t have the time at the moment – I’ve managed to squeak a few extra hours of work on the addon even by occasionally sleeping a few hours less than what I’d need, but it’s a nice challenge to get it up to shape (especially as I don’t know Lua that well – can you believe it’s the first real Lua work I’ve done?)
I just wanna say sorryHi,
I just wanna say sorry that I’m pretty inactive and don’t work on the addon very much, because I am really busy in real life with school and exams and so on =/.
But I’m also glad that rioshin seems to have taken my place as developer and improves it probably better than I could 🙂 Many thanks to you! 😉
WeirdA weird problem you’re encountering, since it should be able to match any string there.
I’m using
[code](.+) is now your home.[/code]
to match for the location name, and .+ grabs the whole line before what I’ve written after it, ie. if WoW sends
[code]Falconwing Square is now your home[/code]
the .+ grabs the [i]Falconwing Square[/i] part.
And in the registration function for the bind event, I use
which grabs everything between the = and the first end-bracket following it.
Maybe the reason you’re having a problem is the regBind line? Could you post the line here and let me know what zone you’re in, and I could take a look? (unless it’s too high a level for my 70 DK)
is it just me or does theis it just me or does the regBind=name thing not seem to work on names with ‘ ?
It shows the step toIt shows the step to everyone below level 11
Sorry that I keep asking,Sorry that I keep asking, but I need a little more detail, as I can use this in the guide I’m currently making 🙂
Will skip the step if you’re level 11 or show the step ONLY to lvl 11s?
if you only add a regXP itif you only add a regXP it will go to next step if you [i]hit[/i] level 11. If you want the step to be skipped if you already are level 11 you have to use the following conditions in addition:
So it would beCool,
So it would be like,
{“Grind here until you hit level 11.“,0.85,0.50},
and then it would go to next step when you hit 11 or if you already are? 🙂
It works likeIt works like this:
The first one just checks for the level. The second one is finished after you’re “expIn” experience into the level. Same thing with the third one, but this time the amount of expereince before you reach the level. (note the – !)
What is thisWhat is this WP_RegisterXPEvent that we can see in WowProEvent.lua with the new version? 🙂
Any tips on how to use this?
Problems againI really can’t get it to work, I just do exactly the things you people tell me to do but I just can’t get it to work.
And another new feature.
ByAnd another new feature. 🙂
By clicking on the circle on the topleft you can switch between the TomTom arrow and the standard WoW-Pro addon arrow. (of coruse only if you have installed and activated TomTom 😉 )
Thanks for fixing it!
IThanks for fixing it! 🙂
I changed the link to the list with all versions so it does not have to be changed everytime there is an update.
Forget it, I didn’tDUH!
Forget it, I didn’t know I was supposed to restart WoW after downloading the new version, my bad 😉
I’ll check it out now 🙂
New versionThere’s a new version up at the repository: [url=][/url]
This should work; at least I’m able to use it with the guides I’m currently converting, including the new features brought in 0600.
(I’d edit this page, but can’t – have to wait for Jahwo to do it)
Looked awesome atLooked awesome at first.
Tried it out for Manovan’s undead 1 – 13, but it won’t work at all, can’t even choose the guide.
Tried with and without capital letters and everything.
Help please :p
(yes, I’ve downloaded the new version)
Update and new featuresUpdate and new features 🙂
Thanks to [url=]rioshin[/url] the WoW-Pro Addon just got a few noew features:
[/code]this condition is finished after you set your hearthstone to “location”
[/code]those tags check if the player has (or has not) the class “class”. If this condition is true the step will be shown, else it will be skipped.
[/code]the same thing with races 🙂
You can combine these tags as much as you want. For example if you want the step to only be for Undead, Orc and Troll Rogues then it looks like this:
Only undead, troll and orc rogues can see this!”,0.,0.},
All credits to rioshin! 🙂
The WoW-Pro thing (withThe WoW-Pro thing (with hyphen) is a typo in the guide above. I’ll fix it right now. Like James said, you have to download the, unzip it and you should find a folder called “WoWPro”. Copy this one to you addons folder and it definitely works 🙂
Not sure I understand….When you download the file you should get a When you unzip that file, you will get a WoWPro0501 folder. Inside that folder will be a WoWPro folder. Copy that folder and paste it into your AddOns folder. When you get to the character selection screen, there is a button in the lower left hand corner that says “AddOns.” click that and scroll down. You should see a WoWPro listed there. If you do, everything is installed correctly.
Everything I try to download it it doesn’t work. Because when i download it i get WoWPro instead of WoW-Pro. Really weird, i just download it, unzip it, put it in the Add0ns map, but doesn’t work. I get all my other addons with WoWMatrix. So can’t u put the addon on WoWMatrix or something?
Grtz,, Feroby.
P.S: Great Guides 😀
regZoneAwesome! I was just thinking about something like that this morning!
I’ll intergrate it in my 12-20 Barrens guide.