
Current Version: 8.2.5-A0/1.13.2-L0
Last Update: Sep 24, 2019
Next Update: Sep 27, 2019.
This is the 21st WoW 8.2.5/1.13.2 Release
This update includes:
- Support for 8.2.5 and Classic
- Updated Classic
- Some bug fixes.
We have a few changes in the 8.2.5-A0 release (compared to 8.2.0-K2):
- Classic Alliance: Redridge, Duskwood, Ashenvale, Elidion I, Jame II, Azshara
- Classic Horde: Tirisfal, Barrens, Jame I/II/II, Un’Goro_Crater
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0-K2 release (compared to 8.2.0-K1):
- Respect title hiding after restoring window after hiding.
- Make /wp reset a thing.
- Allow known flight points to direct guides
- Classic Alliance: Elwynn, Darkshore, Ashenvale, Elidion I, Jame I/II, Azshara
- Classic Horde: Durotar, Barrens, Jame I/II/III, Un’Goro_Crater
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0-K1 release (compared to 8.2.0-K0):
- Error log now has UnitLevel and UnitXP
- Workaround for Blizzard bug where quest is completed but objective information is not updated
- Workaround for Blizzard bug where quest does not have objectives
- Off by one error on Level guard steps
- Fixed LUA error on profession steps
- Fixed WoW client crash when displaying log messages
- Added /wp guide-bug command to help report guide bugs.
- Fixed LUA error in instances like the Tram to Ironforge
- Classic Alliance: LochModan, Darkshore, Westfall, Redridge, Duskwood, Wetlands, Jame I/II, Azshara, Felwood, Winterspring, Eastern Plaguelands
- Classic Horde: Durotar, The Barrens, Jame I/II/III
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0-K0 release (compared to 8.2.0-J9):
- Allowed L steps to be used to grind to within certain XP from leveling.
- Fixed bug auto completing flight point discovery steps when they were not first.
- Classic Alliance: Darkshore, Ashenvale, Duskwood, Jame Chapter I/II, Felwood
- Classic Horde: Durotar, The_Barrens, Jame_Horde 21:30, 31:40
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0-J9 release (compared to 8.2.0-J7):
- Fixed profession detection using short form.
- Added |M|PLAYER| support to put arrow where the player is.
- Classic Alliance: Darkshore, Westfall, Redridge, Duskwood, Wetlands, Ashenvale, Jame 30:41, 41:50
- Classic Horde: Jame 21:30, 31:40, 40:51
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0-J7 release (compared to 8.2.0-J6):
- Add tooltip to step action icon.
- Enhanced negation of Race/Class tags
- Added |GROUP| tag support
- Classic Alliance: Teldrassil, Dun_Morogh, Elwynn, LochModan, Darkshore, Westfall, Redridge, Duskwood, Wetlands, Ashenvale, Stonetalon, Jame 30:41, 41:50
- Classic Horde: Mulgore, Durotar, The_Barrens, Jame 21:30, 31:40
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0-J6 release (compared to 8.2.0-J5):
- Better support for accepting quests from items.
- Better logging when autocompleting steps due to zone changes
- Corrected “Don’t Ask” hover text.
- Classic Alliance: Elwynn, Teldrassil, Redridge, Ashenvale, Jame_Chapter I and II.
- Classic Horde: Mulgore, Durotar
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0-J5 release (compared to 8.2.0-J4):
- A crash trying to access a function that does not exist in classic, but does in retail, when left-clicking a step and making the quest POI active.
- A crash in the Alliance Nazjatar guide with a large number (5678456779).
- Dun_Morogh (Alliance)
- Elwynn (Alliance)
- Redridge (Alliance)
- Westfall (Alliance)
- Ashenvale (Alliance)
- Jame_Chapter_I (Alliance)
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0-J4 release (compared to 8.2.0-J3):
- fill in later.
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0-J3 release (compared to 8.2.0-J2):
- 50 classic guides were updated, some slightly, some bigly. Too complicated to explain.
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0-J4 release (compared to 8.2.0-J3):
- Added note when no coordinates present for current step.
- Extended Professions support for both BFA and Classic.
- Added support for Classic automatic flights.
- Updates to Classic Alliance Elwynn, Darkshore, Westfall, Redridge guides.
- Updates to Classic Horde Tirisfal, Mulgore, Barrens, and 21/30 Jame’s Horde guide.
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0-J3 release (compared to 8.2.0-J2):
- *
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0-J2 release (compared to 8.2.0-J1):
- Alliance Elwynn
- Alliance Teldrassil
- Alliance Darkshore
- Alliance Westfall
- Horde Shururu_Mulgore
- Horde Zerinj_Durotar
- Horde Shururu_Mulgore
- Horde Zerinj_Durotar
- Horde Hosho_The_Barrens
- Horde Winterspring
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0-J1 release (compared to 8.2.0G):
- Tons of Classic guide updates in release G and H and I and J1
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0-J1 release (compared to 8.2.0G):
- Tons of Classic guide updates in release G and H and I and J1
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0G release (compared to 8.2.0E):
- Release 8.2.0F-beta was made for the classic stress test
- Update ACE3 libraries to latest
- Update HereBeDragons to latest
- Update LVL tag to allow experience grinding for Classic
- Added Discord link in addon description text
- Fixed bug for new characters with no guides selected.
- Horde Allied Race unlock guide cleaned up.
- Updates for all BFA guides
- Various Draenor guide fixes
- Tons of Classic guide updates.
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0E release (compared to 8.2.0D):
- Updated Nazjatar and Mechagon guides.
- Updated Darkmoon Faire
- Updated Azshara, Lost_Isles, Kezan, Eastern_Plaguelands, Shadowmoon, Searing_Gorge, Hinterlands
- Bug fix for AVAILABLE for dailies.
- Bug fix for S!US tag
- Updated BUFF to use -/^/& like everything else instead of ;
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0D release (compared to 8.2.0C):
- Updated Nazjatar and Mechagon guides.
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0C release (compared to 8.2.0B):
- Updated Nazjatar and Mechagon guides.
- Fixed crash when both TomTom and Carbonite are installed together.
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0B release (compared to 8.2.0A):
- Provisional Nazjatar and Mechagon guides.
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0A release (compared to 8.2.0):
- ACE Library Updated
- Mapping system update
- Added missing textures.
We have a few changes in the 8.2.0 release (compared to 8.1.5B):
- BFA 8.2.0 Support!
- Guide window slowly moves around across logins/screen reloads. (improved, but not done)
- Disabling and then Enabling addon using in-game menu loses settings.
- Guide selector module currently not functioning.
While the current guides are pretty good, we will be working constantly to improve and update these guides. Remember that if you notice a bug, you can help us by reporting it!
If you have trouble getting our addon to work, please check our “Troubleshooting Page” first. If you still need help, you can always stop by our “Discord Chat Room“!