Last Update: Oct 24, 2017
Next Update: Nov 15, 2017
This is the fifth WoW 7.3 Update
This update includes:
- Support for 7.3.2
- A few Guide updates
- A few bug fixes
The updated guides in 7.3.2 (compared to 7.3.0) include:
- New World Quest Pet Battle Guides for Legion Zones
- WoWPro_Leveling Legion *All guides updated for every class and zone*
- WoWPro_Leveling Pandaria Klaxxi guide updated
- WoWPro_Profession Legion Professions guide updated
- Achievements: Shadows of Argus
- New strategy in Pet World Quests for Dalaran
- Tweak to Horde Swamp of Sorrows
- Tweak to Horde Blasted Lands
- Fixes to Horde Midsummer Festival
- Argus Pet Battles in the oven
- Argus Pet Battles
- Garrison Pet Battle updates
We have a few fixes this update (compared to 7.3.0):
- World Quests are detected more reliably
- Turning off the addon works now
- Guides can now trigger on a fixed quest list
- Addon errors when no guides were loaded fixed
- Error when using scrollbars and PlaySound(() fixed
- More reliable detection of quest completion
- Prevent Elekk Plushie being selected as an offensive battle pet
- Sped up startup by making ! and ; pre-completed
- Sped up startup by making auto-switch guides parse faster
- Corrected F= pet qualifier to accept mixed case
We have 2 known bugs this release:
- Disabling and then Enabling addon using in-game menu loses settings.
- Guide selector module currently not functioning.
While the current guides are pretty good, we will be working constantly to improve and update these guides. Remember that if you notice a bug, you can help us by reporting it!
If you have trouble getting our addon to work, please check our “Troubleshooting Page” first. If you still need help, you can always stop by our “Friendly Chat Room“!