Last Update: Jul 31, 2016
Next Update: Aug 10, 2016
This is the next WoW 7.0.3 Update
This update includes:
- Support for 7.0.3 both pre-expansion and beta
- Guide Updates
- A few bug fixes
- Removed unused LibBabble-Zone library
- Yet Another HereBeDragons Library
The updated guides in 7.0.3 include:
- Achievements Garrison Campaign: updated
- Achievements Garrison_Horde Buildings: zone touchups
- Dailies Neutral TanaanJungle Dailies: spelled AVAILABLE right
- Leveling Alliance Shadowglen: class quests removed
- Leveling Alliance Dwarf_Starter: class quests removed
- Leveling Alliance Gnome_Starter: class quests removed
- Leveling Alliance Northsire: class quests removed
- Leveling Alliance Grizzly_Hills: Korelock bug fixed
- Leveling Alliance Gorgrond: zone touchups
- Leveling Alliance Talador: zone touchups
- Leveling Alliance Nagrand: zone and other tweaks
- Leveling Horde Echo_Isles: class quests removed
- Leveling Horde Narache: class quests removed
- Leveling Horde Deathknell: class quests removed
- Leveling Horde Valley_of_Trials: class quests removed
- Leveling Horde Kezan: Move quests around to make guide more efficient
- Leveling Horde FrostFire: zone touchups
- Leveling Horde Gorgrond: zone touchups
- Leveling Horde Talador: zone touchups
- Leveling Horde Nagrand: zone touchups
- Leveling Neutral LegionIntro: New guide!
- Leveling Neutral DH_Artifact: zone touchups
- Leveling Neutral Azsuna: New guide!
- Leveling Neutral Silithus: use QO tags
- Leveling Neutral Mardum: zone touchups
- Leveling Neutral WardenVault: zone touchups
We have some fixes/enhancements this update:
- Added default battle pet picker requirement of level 25
- Naming a pet “Leveling” will select it when it qualifies for leveling pet battles.
- Added new leveling pet picker that picks the pet with the lowest health+speed+power
- Fixed leaderBoard crash when in scenarios.
- Fixed log location code for Legion.
- Recorders stability fixes.
We have 3 known bugs this release:
- Disabling and then Enabling addon using in-game menu loses settings.
- Trade Skills spells not being sensed
- Some starting zone guides need a refresh. Most are done!
While the current guides are pretty good, we will be working constantly to improve and update these guides. Remember that if you notice a bug, you can help us by reporting it!
If you have trouble getting our addon to work, please check our “Troubleshooting Page” first. If you still need help, you can always stop by our “Friendly Chat Room“!