Current Version: 6.2.0F
Last Update: Aug 27, 2015
Next Update: Sep 10, 2015
This update includes:
- Tweaks to many guides
- Updates, as we incorporate the suggestions and bug fixes from YOU, our community! There are about 220 guides, of which some guides had updates.
- A promise to update the guides monthly, and more frequently at the start of a new client release.
- Various bug fixes.
- Support for 6.2
The updated guides in 6.2.0F include:
- 6.2.0F Updates: Alliance Azuremyst, Alliance Hellfire
- 6.2.0F New: Pandaria Exploration, Pet Leveling, Pet Tamers, and Harrison Jones
- 6.2.0E Updates: Draenor Treasures guide, Tanaan Jungle unlock, Alliance Talador, Spires.
- 6.2.0E New: Draenor Exploration guide
- 6.2.0D Updates: Garrison Buildings Alliance, Gnone Starter, Shadowmoon, Talador Alliance
- 6.2.0C Updates: Narache, Mulgore, Ashenvale
- 6.2.0B Updates: Shadowmoon, Nagrand, Ghostlands, and Valley4Winds
- 6.2.0A Updates: Undead starter zones.
- 6.2.0D New: Tanaan Jungle Dalies unlock (1 new guide replaces 2 old guides)
- New Guide: Bringing the Bass
- New Guides: Garrison Buildings (Alliance and Horde)
- New Guide: Treasures of Draenor
- New Guide: Draenor Legendary ring and follower quests
- Updates to: Shadowmoon, Echo Isles, Valley of Trials, Sunstrider Isle, Durotar,
- Updates to: Eversong Woods, Azshara, Northern Barrens, Hinterlands, Spires of Arak
We have some fixes/enhancements this update:
- Fix crash when in debug mode on Neutral guide (6.2.0F)
- Fix missing sounds (6.2.0F)
- Silence missing maps till we have a better way (6.2.0F)
- Fix potential WoW client crash when skipping steps (6.2.0F)
- Add location when generating debug log (6.2.0E)
- Add map entries for [504][1], [520][1], [903][1] and [903][2] (6.2.0D)
- Fixed crash on Draenor Treasures Guide (6.2.0D)
- Skipping steps did not work for steps without a QID (6.2.0D)
- Enabled J steps (6.2.0D)
- Fixed crash on BUILDING|TownHallOnly tag combo (6.2.0D)
- Enabled guide switching (6.2.0C)
- Astrolabe zone updates for Cleft and Brawl’gar (6.0.2C)
- Enabled Trial release patches [Suffixes T-Z] (6.2.0B)
- More Astrolabe map updates (6.2.0B)
- Enabled more Guide Selector functionality (6.2.0B)
- Various crashes (6.0.2A)
- A Fix to the PRE tag processing. (6.2.0A)
- Updated to the latest ACE libraries for 6.2 support
- Included hot-fixes for Astrolabe for better TomTom support
- Next guide steps added to all guides automatically
- Fixed bugs with unchecking steps from the “Current Guide” panel
- Fixed bug where single item loots were unreliably detected
- Fixed bug with Grail quest picking integration
- Got rid of “Pet Battle” messages
- Moved quest completion logic from QUEST_COMPLETE event to QUEST_TURNED_IN for more reliable quest completion detection
We have 2 known bugs this release:
- Guide chooser is now waiting for cosmetic changes.
- Garrison Guides is being consolidated.
While the current guides are pretty good, we will be working constantly to improve and update these guides. Remember that if you notice a bug, you can help us by reporting it!
If you have trouble getting our addon to work, please check our “Troubleshooting Page” first. If you still need help, you can always stop by our “Friendly Chat Room“!
I have not checked yourI have not checked your coordinates, but Grail should have all the positions of where the items are (not paths to get to them though) for the Harrison Jones’ quests. Remember that once you have completed them all and gotten Harrison as a follower, the quest giver changes (if anyone really cares).
Treasure Contract GuideI just checked in my first cut at the Treasure Contract guide.Completely untested and needs more coord precision and proper paths for some quests.But it is a good excercise in data-gathering.
Harrison JonesI forgot about Jones!This is an easy one.
One for treasure contracts.One for treasure contracts. Having to plug that in each time, and I keep forgetting to backup so when I update by deleting the old folders, I end up deleting the guide 🙁
On Tap for 6.2.0ETwo new exploration guides: One for pandaria and the other for Draenor.You will want the Draenor exploration one to get flying!