Current Version: 2.7.3
Last Update: Dec 12, 2013
Next Update: Jan 15, 2013
This update includes:
- Updates, as we incorporate the suggestions and bug fixes from YOU, our community! There are > 175 guides, of which 10 guides had updates.
- A promise to update the guides frequently.
- A few bug fixes.
The updated guides include:
- Alliance Bitsem_Arathi_Highlands
- Alliance Crackerhead22_Hinterlands
- Alliance Rajitazi_JadeForest
- Neutral Arixan_Hyjal
- Neutral Arixan_Uldum
- Neutral Fluclo_Panda
- Horde Emmaleah_JadeForest
- Horde Bitsem_Ashenvale
- Horde Wkjezz_Northern_Stranglethorn
- Horde PilgrimsBounty
We have some fixes/enhancements this update:
- The bug where accepted quests were being lost track of has been fixed!
- Minor bugs in the Guide checker.
- Got rid of some excess noise in the chat window.
- Recorder updates
We have 2 known bugs this release:
- Guide resets across load screens needs to be better.
- Buy steps are not handled consistently across guides.
While the current guides are pretty good, we will be working constantly to improve and update these guides. Remember that if you notice a bug, you can help us by reporting it!
If you have trouble getting our addon to work, please check our “Troubleshooting Page” first. If you still need help, you can always stop by our “Friendly Chat Room“!
—Ludovicus Maior
Awesome!!!Been on a break for a couple of months and started working on getting my 13th 85 to 90. I normally stay in Jade Forest until 86.5, then go over to Valley of the Four Winds until 87, then jump up to Kun-Lai until 88.5, then over to Townlong to 89.5 then finish up on Dread Wastes.My problem has been that I get to Westwind Rest and it wants me to take Beyond the Wall which you can’t take until 88. I had been just checking off the accept step and turning it in on my way to Townlong, but this patch took care of the “Make Sticky” thing (maybe, it might have been one before).Thanks again for all your hard work!!!!James