WoW-Pro 2.7.2 Leveling, Dailies, WorldEvents, Achievements and Professions Release Notes




Current Version: 2.7.2
Last Update: Nov 27, 2013
Next Update: Dec 11, 2013

This update includes:

  • Updates, as we incorporate the suggestions and bug fixes from YOU, our community! There are > 175 guides, of which 17 guides had updates.
  • A promise to update the guides frequently.
  • A few bug fixes.

The updated guides include:

  1. General Emmaleah_LostFound
  2. General Est_UnbornValkyr
  3. Quests Pebble
  4. Neutral Emm_Tillers
  5. Alliance Bitsem_Westfall
  6. Alliance Wkjezz_Loch_Modan
  7. Alliance Kurich_Redridge_Mountains
  8. Alliance Wkjezz_Wetlands
  9. Alliance Bitsem_Arathi_Highlands
  10. Horde Jiyambi_Western_Plaguelands
  11. Horde Emmaleah_JadeForest
  12. Horde Emmaleah_KrasarangWilds
  13. Neutral Fluclo_Panda
  14. Neutral Arixan_Hyjal
  15. Neutral Emmaleah_Valley4Winds
  16. Professions Alchemy
  17. Professions Blacksmithing

We have some fixes/enhancements this update:

  1. The right and left clicks on the steps now work again.
  2. Fixed problems with waypoints not going away on steps that had more than one.
  3. Fixed a crash in dailies with steps that had no Quest id in them.
  4. If you have enabled Show Coords, the separator now changes dynamically.

We have 2 known bugs this release:

  1. Guide resets across load screens needs to be better.
  2. Buy steps are not handled consistently across guides.
  3. There rumors of problems with the Borean Tundra guides, both factions. We need more information!

While the current guides are pretty good, we will be working constantly to improve and update these guides. Remember that if you notice a bug, you can help us by reporting it!

If you have trouble getting our addon to work, please check our “Troubleshooting Page” first. If you still need help, you can always stop by our “Friendly Chat Room“!

—Ludovicus Maior

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