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Source Code
local guide = WoWPro:RegisterGuide(“LudoTimeless”,’Dailies’, “Timeless Isle”, “Ludovicus”, “Neutral”)
WoWPro.Dailies:GuideFaction(guide,1492) — “Timeless Isle”
WoWPro:GuideSteps(guide, function()
WoWPro:Timeless() — Set up NPC Scan to pick up the rares and elites!
return [[
; Intro quests to Timeless Isle — Alliance
N Reccomendations|QID|33229|N|WoWPro is a great addon, but your Timeless Isle experience can be better with two other addons, RareCoordinator and _NPCScan. Check them out. This guide automatically sets up NPCScan if it is present.|
T A Flash of Bronze…|QID|33229|M|80.65,33.18|Z|Vale of Eternal Blossoms|FACTION|Alliance|N|To Chromie, at the Mogu’Shan Palace upper level.|
A Journey to the Timeless Isle|QID|33231|LEAD|33160|PRE|33229|M|80.65,33.18|Z|Vale of Eternal Blossoms|FACTION|Alliance|N|From Chromie|
R Timeless Isle|QID|33231|M|23.27,70.84|U|104113|FACTION|Alliance|N|Use watch and get wisked away!|
f Tushui Landing|QID|33231|M|23.07,71.04|FACTION|Alliance|N|Michi Windblossom is the flightmaster|
T Journey to the Timeless Isle|QID|33231|M|23.12,71.65|FACTION|Alliance|N|To Watcher Lara.|
A Time Keeper Kairoz|QID|33160|M|23.11,71.66|FACTION|Alliance|N|From Watcher Lara.|
T Time Keeper Kairoz|QID|33160|M|34.54,53.63|FACTION|Alliance|N|To Kairoz.|
; Intro quests to Timeless Isle — Horde
N Reccomendations|QID|33230|N|WoWPro is a great addon, but your Timeless Isle experience can be better with two other addons, RareCoordinator and _NPCScan. Check them out. This guide automatically sets up NPCScan if it is present.|
T A Flash of Bronze…|QID|33230|M|80.65,33.18|Z|Vale of Eternal Blossoms|FACTION|Horde|N|To Chromie, at the Mogu’Shan Palace upper level.|
A Journey to the Timeless Isle|QID|33232|LEAD|33156|PRE|33230|M|80.65,33.18|Z|Vale of Eternal Blossoms|FACTION|Horde|N|From Chromie|
R Timeless Isle|QID|33232|M|21.8,39.8|U|104110|FACTION|Horde|N|Use watch and get wisked away!|
f Huojin Landing|QID|33232|M|21.92,39.75|FACTION|Horde|N|Chi-Ro the Skytamer is the flightmaster|
T Journey to the Timeless Isle|QID|33232|M|22.01,40.93|FACTION|Horde|N|To Watcher Alundra.|
A Time Keeper Kairoz|QID|33156|M|22.01,40.93|FACTION|Horde|N|From Watcher Alundra.|
T Time Keeper Kairoz|QID|33156^33160|M|34.54,53.63|N|To Kairoz.|
A Time In Your Hands|QID|33228|M|34.54,53.63|PRE|33156^33160|N|From Kairoz.|
A A Timeless Tour|QID|33161|M|34.54,53.63|PRE|33156^33160|N|From Kairoz.|
C Meet Meet Mistweaver Ai|QID|33228|M|42.69,55.72|QO|2|N|Head up the South stairs and then across the Court. The chat with her.|
C Meet Mistweaver Ku|QID|33228|M|42.71,54.68|QO|3|N|Chat with him.|
N Tushui Landing|QID|33161|M|23.07,71.04|FACTION|Horde|N|This is where the Alliance NPCs live. Get close so you know where it is and stay away. Click once you have memorized the danger zone.|
C Old Pi’jiu|QID|33161|M|37.3,72.2|QO|5|
C Firewalker Ruins|QID|33161|M|47.2, 78.5|QO|3|
C Red Stone Run|QID|33161|M|58.01,66.99|QO|6|
C Croaking Hollow|QID|33161|M|67.6, 66.7|QO|2|
C Cavern of Lost Spirits|QID|33161|M|43.36,40.59|QO|1|
C Misty Strand|QID|33161|M|29.4,28.9|QO|4|
N Huojin Landing|QID|33161|M|21.8,39.8|FACTION|Alliance|N|This is where the Horde NPCs live. Get close so you know where it is and stay away. Click once you have memorized the danger zone.|
N Albatross up High|QID|33161|M|33.88,55.22|ACTIVE|33161|N|Learn to ride a bird and where it goes. Target an Albatross, attack, and it will pick you up. Beat it down to near death and it will move on. If you use AOE abilities, you may get taken by another bird. When you get back to where you started, kill it. Slow falls, parachutes, etc. are helpful.\nFeral Druids: You must use {Might of Ursoc} or {Prowl} or {Dash} to force the shape-shift.|T|Highwind Albatross|
R Inkeeper|QID|33161|M|36.59,46.83|N|Say hello to Graceful Swan, your Innkeeper.|T|Graceful Swan|
R Mail-Grummie|QID|33161|M|36.91,46.83|N|Say hello to Hopswift, chat with him to get your mail.|T|Hopswift|
T A Timeless Tour|QID|33161|M|34.54,53.63|N|To Kairoz.|
; Weekly Loots
A Pillar Hopping Tracking Quest|QID|32969|M|49.71,69.42|N|From Gleaming Treasure Chest, weekly, on the Firewalkers path. Hop onto the pillar and loot. Easy as pie, NOT.|
T Pillar Hopping Tracking Quest|QID|32969|M|49.71,69.42|N|To Gleaming Treasure Chest.|
N Rope-Bound Treasure Chest: First Way|QID|32968|M|60.2,45.9;53.94,47.21|CS|N|On the Firewalkers path. If you like walking on ropes, start here and work your way to the chest.|
N Rope-Bound Treasure Chest: Second Way|QID|32968|M|38.8,58.8;53.94,47.21|CS|N|If you like riding on an Albatross, target one near the Celestial Court and then kill it when you are near the chest.|T|Highwind Albatross|
A Rope Drop Tracking Quest|QID|32968|M|53.94,47.21|N|From Rope-Bound Treasure Chest.|
T Rope Drop Tracking Quest|QID|32968|M|53.94,47.21|N|To Rope-Bound Treasure Chest.|
A Feather Fall Tracking Quest|QID|32971|M|58.49,60.14|N|From Gleaming Crane Statue, weekly, on the Firewalkers path. You will be launched into the air and the you will fall slowly. Steer towards a platform and loot as many as you can in 1 minute. If you buy a [Golden Glider], dont complete the quest until late in the week, as you can access almostg anything you want this way!|
T Feather Fall Tracking Quest|QID|32971|M|58.51,60.06|N|To Gleaming Crane Statue.|
; Coin Aquisition
A A Timeless Question|QID|33211|M|65,50.6|N|From Senior Historian Evelyna, daily.|
; This first C step “catches” until you GOSSIP with Evelyna and then goes away when it does not match the gossip
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Senior Historian Evelyna|N|Chat with Evelyna to get your question. The question will change each time you chat with her, but we have a cheat sheet.|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|assault on Icecrown|N|Mord’rethar|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|bloodied crown|N|King Terenas Menethil II|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Broken|N|Nobundo|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Brown-skinned orcs|N|Mag’har|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Cataclysm|N|Queen Mia Greymane|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|contagious sickness|N|Red pox|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|ethereals|N|K’aresh|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|first death knight|N|Teron Gorefiend|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|floating citadel|N|Acherus|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|gnomish people|N|Gelbin Mekkatorque|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|highest rank|N|Archdruid|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Horde ship|N|Draka’s Fury|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|King Varian Wrynn|N|Tiffin Ellerlan Wrynn|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Malfurion Stormrage|N|Cenarion Circle|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|naaru|N|Defective elekk turd|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Obsidian Sanctum|N|Tenebron, Vesperon and Shadron|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|One name for this loa|N|Mueh’zala|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Razorscale|N|Veranus|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Ripsnarl|N|Calissa Harrington|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|satyr|N|Xavius|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Silvermoon City|N|Tatal|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Sindragosa|N|Blue dragonflight|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Stalvan Mistmantle|N|Giles|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Stratholme|N|Tainted grain|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|succubus|N|Sayaad|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Taur-ahe|N|Sharp claw|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Thane Kurdran Wildhammer|N|Sky’ree|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Thank you|N|Belan shi|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|This defender of the Scarlet Crusade|N|Holia Sunshield|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Tirion Fordring|N|Mirador|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|titan lore-keeper|N| Norgannon|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|undead murlocs|N|Mur’ghouls|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|unusually large ram|N|Toothgnasher|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|War of the Ancients|N|Nordrassil|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|White wolves|N|Frostwolf clan|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Zandalari|N|Talak|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Zangarmarsh|N|Coilfang Reservoir|
T A Timeless Question|QID|33211|M|65,50.6|N|To Senior Historian Evelyna.|
A Little Tommy Newcomer|QID|33222|M|34.68,60.32|PRE|31951|SPELL|Battle Pet Training;119467;true|N|From Little Tommy Newcomer, and battle Lil’ Oondasta, a Boss beast. |
T Little Tommy Newcomer|QID|33222|M|34.68,60.32|N|To Little Tommy Newcomer.|
; This quest is independent of the one above, but if you can’t do it, you have no business doing this one!
A The Celestial Tournament|QID|33137|M|34.72,59.68|PRE|33222|N|From Master Li.|
T The Celestial Tournament|QID|33137|M|34.72,59.68|N|To Master Li?|
; Maybe you got the cash now?
C Time In Your Hands|QID|33228|N|Wander about the island killing anything you can until you have your 1000. Takes less than an hour. Why pay up? It opens up the [Hints From The Past] and [The Last Emperor] quest lines.|
T Time In Your Hands|QID|33228|M|34.54,53.63|N|To Kairoz.|
A Hints From The Past|QID|33332|M|34.54,53.63|PRE|33228|N|From Kairoz.|
A The Last Emperor|QID|33335|M|34.54,53.63|PRE|33228|N|From Kairoz.|
A The Essence of Time|QID|33336|M|34.54,53.63|PRE|33161|N|From Kairoz.|
; A Vision in Time
T The Essence of Time|QID|33336|M|34.54,53.63|N|To Kairoz.|L|105715|
A Empowering the Hourglass|QID|33338|M|34.54,53.63|PRE|33336|N|From Kairoz.|
C Empowering the Hourglass|QID|33338|N|Kill and loot till you get 50 Epoch Stones.|S|
t Empowering the Hourglass|QID|33338|M|34.54,53.63|N|To Kairoz.|
A Visions in Time|QID|33337^33375^33376^33377^33378^33379|M|34.54,53.63|PRE|33338|N|From Kairoz, He will offer six version of the quest each in turn. Accept whichever he offers.|
U A Vision in Time|QID|33337|Z|Siege of Orgrimmar|U|105930|
U Refining The Vision|QID|33375|Z|Siege of Orgrimmar|U|105931|
U Seeking Fate|QID|33376|Z|Siege of Orgrimmar|U|105932|
U Hidden Threads|QID|33377|Z|Siege of Orgrimmar|U|105933|
U Courting Destiny|QID|33378|Z|Siege of Orgrimmar|U|10594|
U One Final Turn|QID|33379|Z|Siege of Orgrimmar|U|105935|
t Visions in Time|QID|33337|M|34.54,53.63|N|To Kairoz.|
t Refining The Vision|QID|33375|M|34.54,53.63|N|To Kairoz.|
t Seeking Fate|QID|33376|M|34.54,53.63|N|To Kairoz.|
t Hidden Threads|QID|33377|M|34.54,53.63|N|To Kairoz.|
t Courting Destiny|QID|33378|M|34.54,53.63|N|To Kairoz.|
t One Final Turn|QID|33379|M|34.54,53.63|N|To Kairoz.|
; Time Worn Journal
C Hints From The Past|QID|33332|M|42.69,55.72|N|Sold by Mistweaver Ai for 500, or you can buy on AH for not much.|
T Hints From The Past|QID|33332|M|34.54,53.63|N|To Kairoz. Sell the book on the AH or mail to an alt.|
A Timeless Treasures|QID|33333|M|34.54,53.63|PRE|33332|N|From Kairoz.|
C Timeless Treasures|QID|33333|M|24.8,53.04;22.15,49.27|CN|N|Two chests are marked on the map. If you already looted them, go to the Achievments module and select the “Treasure” guide for the rest.|
T Timeless Treasures|QID|33333|M|34.54,53.63|N|To Kairoz.|
A Strong Enough To Survive|QID|33334|M|34.54,53.63|PRE|33333|N|From Kairoz, weekly quest.|
C Strong Enough To Survive|QID|33334|N|Kill 5 Rares or Rare Elites on the island this week. The addon NPCScan works great for spotting them.|S|
t Strong Enough To Survive|QID|33334|M|34.54,53.63|N|To Kairoz.|
; Shaohao Reputation
T The Last Emperor|QID|33335|M|42.86,55.2|N|To Emperor Shaohao. Chat with him to finish the quest.|
A Timeless Nutriment|QID|33340|M|42.86,55.2|PRE|33335|N|From Emperor Shaohao.|
C Timeless Nutriment|QID|33340|M|44.0,49.2;42.3,68.2|CN|N|Eat some Ripe Crispfruit that has fallen to the ground.|
T Timeless Nutriment|QID|33340|M|42.86,55.2|N|To Emperor Shaohao.|
A Wayshrines Of The Celestials|QID|33341|M|42.86,55.2|PRE|33340|N|From Emperor Shaohao.|
C Wayshrines Of The Celestials|QID|33341|M|22.80,29.30;26.70,52.20;28.00,72.10;30.20,45.50;35.00,29.50;37.50,74.20;43.40,55.90;49.80,70.20;53.00,60.80;58.10,46.70;63.90,50.60;66.20,72.30|CN|N|Pick a shrine and click on it!|
T Wayshrines Of The Celestials|QID|33341|M|42.86,55.2|N|To Emperor Shaohao.|
A Path of the Mistwalker|QID|33374|M|42.86,55.2|PRE|33341|N|From Emperor Shaohao, daily quest.|
A Drive Back The Flame|QID|33342|M|42.86,55.2|PRE|33374|N|From Emperor Shaohao.|
C Path of the Mistwalker|QID|33374|M|67.6, 66.7|N|I like Croaking Hollow since they are mostly elites and can be peeled off nicely each day. Lots of kitties nearby if you get bored. When you mouse over the creature, it will tell you if it good for the quest. If you need REP, go kill Ordon yaungol instead.|
t Path of the Mistwalker|QID|33374|M|42.86,55.2|N|To Emperor Shaohao.|
t Drive Back The Flame|QID|33342|M|42.86,55.2|N|To Emperor Shaohao.|
A The Archiereus Of Flame|QID|33343|M|42.86,55.2|PRE|33342|N|From Emperor Shaohao.|
T The Archiereus Of Flame|QID|33343|M|42.86,55.2|N|To Emperor Shaohao.|
; Riddles – One time quests
l Rolo’s Riddle|QID|32974|M|20.10,56.90;20.50,71.20;20.90,74.00;21.10,44.90;21.30,40.90;22.90,55.00;23.10,75.50;24.20,67.80;34.20,87.10;61.80,83.60;67.10,78.80;70.20,67.20;22.70,69.45;36.50,87.45;60.10,88.45;68.20,74.45;23.45,37.75;23.45,58.85;36.45,20.25;62.45,80.53;20.60,53.50;25.85,70.50;21.45,49.70;20.40,36.05;25.50,60.05;23.39,46.30;33.80,22.50;23.57,50.35;23.25,33.35;26.55,28.38;26.51,51.65;25.40,55.25;23.00,61.60;55.60,87.75;20.68,61.03;65.49,77.06;22.55,35.23;20.90,63.75;71.22,72.90;39.65,91.75;22.79,29.99;29.35,30.15|CN|N|Click on Glinting Sand and get Rolo’s Riddle.|L|102225|
A Rolo’s Riddle|QID|32974|N|Click on the Riddle you found in the Glinting Sand to get the quest.|U|102225|
T Rolo’s Riddle|QID|32974|M|49.37,69.41|N|To Mound of Dirt, behind the jumping pillars.|
A Rolo’s Riddle|QID|32975|M|49.37,69.41|PRE|32974|N|From Mound of Dirt, behind the jumping pillars.|
T Rolo’s Riddle|QID|32975|M|34.57,26.67|N|To Mound of Dirt, at the rear of Three Breeze Terrace.|
A Rolo’s Riddle|QID|32976|M|34.57,26.67|PRE|32975|N|From Mound of Dirt, at the rear of Three Breeze Terrace.|
N Rolo’s Riddle|ACTIVE|32976|M|41.2,63.6|N|You have one of two options: Buy a glider or ride an Albatross. Ku-Mo sells them. Click this step off and pick your option.|T|Ku-Mo|
N Use an Albatross|ACTIVE|32976|M|33.88,55.22|N|Once you are on the albatross, skip to the turn-in step so you know when to exit.|T|Highwind Albatross|
R Timeless Waters|ACTIVE|32976|M|69,7|N|Take your water stider or raft onto the waters till you get here. You should now be able to fly straight up as far as you dare on your flying mount and then go towards the lake, where the arrow points. You will be dismounted, and then use your glider.|U|104346|
T Rolo’s Riddle|QID|32976|M|66.06,23.26|N|To Rolo’s Treasure.|
; Pirates!
N Dread Ship Vazuvius|QID|32957|M|38.00,90.80;39.33,92.38|CN|N|Head out to the ship and battle Cursed Hozen Swabbys util they drop the key. They count towards [Path of the Mistwalker]. The [Cursed Swabby Helmet] is the featured loot.|L|104015|
A Sunken Hozen Treasure – Tracking Quest|QID|32957|M|40.4,92.98|N|From Sunken Treasure.|
T Sunken Hozen Treasure – Tracking Quest|QID|32957|M|40.4,92.98|N|To Sunken Treasure.|
N Blackguard’s Forgotten Cove|QID|32956|M|22.69,58.94|N|Battle Skeletal Pirates coins and BOA items. Dont loot [Blackguard’s Jetsam], the chest, if you want [Spectral Grog] as the pirates become friendly.|
A Tracking Quest – Spectral Pirate Treasure|QID|32956|M|22.69,58.94|N|From Blackguard’s Jetsam.|
T Tracking Quest – Spectral Pirate Treasure|QID|32956|M|22.69,58.94|N|To Blackguard’s Jetsam.|
; Hunting time
K Emerald Gander|ACTIVE|33234|M|28.60,55.20;33.20,45.80;34.20,48.20;38.60,70.00;39.80,64.40;41.00,70.00;43.40,58.20;43.80,63.40;30.80,54.40;36.90,83.47;31.45,38.75;31.80,78.00;40.50,45.80;43.15,69.35;32.70,67.90;32.02,40.71;31.16,52.15;36.45,41.33;35.90,39.22;43.20,44.70;38.81,67.49;33.20,51.40;44.33,60.83;40.44,39.15;44.09,55.83;31.27,43.11;32.49,80.82;32.15,48.21;30.45,45.75;42.73,71.94;45.54,52.49;30.17,57.67;38.64,41.79;41.11,42.94;31.42,66.26;29.08,49.92;31.15,62.86;42.82,66.59|CN|N|Kill Emerald Gander’s to get Meaty Crane Leg’s. Click off when you have enough.|
K Ironfur Steelhorn|ACTIVE|33236|M|26.20,71.40;30.60,49.40;34.80,62.80;33.50,69.90;39.65,38.55;34.65,40.35;29.93,71.18;34.70,59.00;40.70,65.80;44.68,45.03;35.00,42.85;35.72,71.53;28.35,49.48;38.30,36.80;28.04,39.79;32.22,43.62;28.38,46.62;27.55,59.02;29.58,43.48;33.12,60.98;31.90,58.19;30.83,46.72;37.54,44.20;41.40,39.95;30.34,68.64;35.40,67.79;33.62,37.17|CN|N|Kill Ironfur Steelhorns to get Heavy Yak Flanks. Click off when you have enough.|
K Great Turtle Furyshell|ACTIVE|33235|M|21.40,40.40;21.80,35.60;22.00,70.80;23.00,37.40;27.00,48.80;29.20,62.60;23.40,63.30;22.30,65.05;25.20,59.38;26.25,57.65;24.19,70.25;23.40,60.30;25.77,71.95;23.08,67.85;23.90,57.33;23.02,47.31;21.70,61.38;25.37,55.62;24.38,49.38;22.83,54.35;25.71,52.64;21.49,43.68|CN|N|Kill Great Turtle Furyshells to get Great Turtle Meats. Click off when you have enough.|
K Cranegnasher|ACTIVE|33238|M|43.8,69.6|CN|N|Kill Cranegnasher to get Thick Tiger Haunch. Click off when you have enough.|
K Tsavo’ka|ACTIVE|33238|M|54.2,42.8|CN|N|Kill Tsavo’ka to get Thick Tiger Haunch. Click off when you have enough.|
K Primal Stalker|ACTIVE|33238|M|64.60,54.55;63.60,57.55;52.50,61.60;49.27,58.65;55.80,44.65;50.40,56.20;52.50,64.00;57.58,47.15;63.50,59.70;60.10,66.30;61.92,52.38|CN|N|Kill Primal Stalkers to get Thick Tiger Haunch. Click off when you have enough.|
K Crimsonscale Firestorm|ACTIVE|33239|M|62.80,33.60;72.60,56.60;72.80,38.00|CN|N|Kill Crimsonscale Firestorm to get a Quivering Firestorm Egg. Click off when you have had enough.|
T Meaty Crane Leg|QID|33234|M|41.79,63.73|N|To Great Chef Woo.|L|104264|
T Great Turtle Meat|QID|33235|M|41.79,63.73|N|To Great Chef Woo.|L|104265|
T Thick Tiger Haunch|QID|33238|M|41.79,63.73|N|To Great Chef Woo.|L|104267|
T Heavy Yak Flank|QID|33236|M|41.79,63.73|N|To Great Chef Woo.|L|104266|
T Pristine Firestorm Egg|QID|33239|M|41.79,63.73|N|To Great Chef Woo.|L|104257|
C Empowering the Hourglass|QID|33338|N|Kill and loot till you get 50 Epoch Stones.|US|
C Strong Enough To Survive|QID|33334|N|Kill 5 Rares or Rare Elites on the island. The addon NPCScan works great for spotting them.|US|
; Cooking Quests
A Noodle Secrets Long Forgotten|QID|33018|M|52.08,46.13|PRE|31467&31471&31474&31476&31477&31480|N|From Old Sign Fragment, for those that are not Masters of the Way. You need to have started each of the ways at the Tillers.|
T Noodle Secrets Long Forgotten|QID|33018|M|40.93,73.45|N|To Lin Chao-Wei.|
A The Lost Secret of the Secret Ingredient|QID|33020|M|40.93,73.45|PRE|33018|N|From Lin Chao-Wei, you will get this directly if you are a Master of the Way|
T The Lost Secret of the Secret Ingredient|QID|33020|M|69.09,58.08|N|To Lin Family Scroll.|
A Bad Feeling, Worse Result|QID|33107|PRE|33020|M|68.8,58.5|Z|Temple of the Jade Serpent@EastTemple|N|From Lin Family Scroll|
T Bad Feeling, Worse Result|QID|33107|N|Automatic turnin UI|
A Secrets Lost, Forever?|QID|33021^33139|PRE|33107|N|Automatic UI |
T Secrets Lost, Forever?|QID|33021^33139|M|53.6,51.2|Z|Valley of the Four Winds|N|To Sungshin Ironpaw|
A Catch and Carry|QID|33022|PRE|33021|M|53.6,51.2|Z|Valley of the Four Winds|N|From Sungshin Ironpaw|
T Catch and Carry|QID|33022|M|53.6,51.2|Z|Valley of the Four Winds|N|From Sungshin Ironpaw|
A Is That A Real Measurement?|QID|33024|PRE|33022|M|53.6,51.2|Z|Valley of the Four Winds|N|From Sungshin Ironpaw|
T Is That A Real Measurement?|QID|33024|M|53.6,51.2|Z|Valley of the Four Winds|N|To Sungshin Ironpaw|
A These Aren’t Your Fatty Goatsteaks|QID|33026|PRE|33024|M|53.6,51.2|Z|Valley of the Four Winds|N|From Sungshin Ironpaw|
C These Aren’t Your Fatty Goatsteaks|QID|33026|M|14.80,45.00;16.60,21.80;16.60,27.60;16.60,43.60;17.60,55.80;17.60,66.20;19.40,61.80;19.60,66.00;20.40,52.80;21.00,35.80;21.20,32.60;22.80,27.80;24.60,21.80;25.80,30.60;27.00,40.40;30.40,55.00;30.60,58.00;22.60,37.80;18.90,36.05;19.23,32.08;20.11,55.02;18.70,45.40;16.60,34.70;23.85,32.10;21.85,57.27;28.00,59.90;19.12,58.25;17.62,63.52;19.55,49.10;17.09,47.96;17.13,37.92;22.93,30.26;20.62,39.76;19.36,30.01;22.40,65.33;26.10,72.03;22.95,53.22;25.30,53.20;24.26,70.02;23.55,47.52;25.16,49.82;23.46,60.99;22.87,67.46;25.17,59.42;22.39,49.50;21.65,43.95;22.60,63.08;25.10,56.19|CN|N|Kill Turtles on the western part of the Timeless Isle|
T These Aren’t Your Fatty Goatsteaks|QID|33026|M|53.6,51.2|Z|Valley of the Four Winds|N|From Sungshin Ironpaw|
A The Secret Ingredient Is…|QID|33027|PRE|33026|M|53.6,51.2|Z|Valley of the Four Winds|N|From Sungshin Ironpaw|
C The Secret Ingredient Is…|QID|33027|N|If you have addons that mess up the vehicle UI, you had better disable them for this scenario. You also want NPC health bars on.\nThe strategy is simple. There are 3 kinds of customers: Scholars like #1 soup. Merchants like #2 soup. Farmers like #3).\nThe customers will line up. You need to start the soup for the customer, right click on them and then an empty chair to seat them and then when the soup is done, click on it and then the customer.\n Red bellies mean they are hungry and will want seconds. Timers above their heads indicate impatience. Clicking too fast will give an error.\n Goal: Finish with<5 unsatisfied customers. Talk to Sungshin to start the solo-scenario.|
T The Secret Ingredient Is…|QID|33027|M|53.6,51.2|Z|Valley of the Four Winds|N|To Sungshin Ironpaw|
A Noodle Time|QID|33146|PRE|33027|M|53.6,51.2|Z|Valley of the Four Winds|N|From Sungshin Ironpaw, daily scenario.|
T Noodle Time|QID|33146|M|53.6,51.2|Z|Valley of the Four Winds|N|From Sungshin Ironpaw|
A Noodle Time: Bonus|QID|33358|PRE|33027|M|53.6,51.2|Z|Valley of the Four Winds|N|From Sungshin Ironpaw, daily scenario.|
T Noodle Time: Bonus|QID|33358|M|53.6,51.2|Z|Valley of the Four Winds|N|From Sungshin Ironpaw|
Hey Bearzerker!You can work around this bug by disabling NPCScanOverlay if you do not have NPCScan activated.I dont think this addon works without NPCScan.
Re: Bad tag noticeThe intenral name of the dungeon has been renamed to “Temple of the Jade Serpent@EastTemple”.Looks like someone was planning for another floor and botched the naming.
Bad tag notice“WoWPro: Step A [Bad Feeling, Worse Result] has a bad Z|Temple of the Jade Serpent| tag”Looking at the line of code, I don’t see anything wrong with it.
RE: Swatter caught a bug on this guideGrrr. Thanks for posting. I think this will be easy to reproduce and fix.You can work around this problem by editing this file and getting rid of this line: WoWPro:Timeless() — Set up NPC Scan to pick up the rares and elites! PS: You load alot of addons. I’m gonna have to look at some of them :-).
Swatter caught a bug on this guideMy Swatter report:Date: 2014-03-16 12:07:24ID: 2Error occured in: GlobalCount: 1Message: ..AddOnsWoWProWoWPro.lua line 426: attempt to call field ‘NPCAdd’ (a nil value)Debug: (tail call): ? WoWProWoWPro.lua:426: Timeless() …faceAddOnsWoWPro_DailiesNeutralLudo_Timeless.lua:32: sequencef() WoWProWoWPro_Parser.lua:389: WoWProWoWPro_Parser.lua:383 (tail call): ? [C]: ? [string “safecall Dispatcher[1]”]:9: [string “safecall Dispatcher[1]”]:5 (tail call): ? …nterfaceAddOnsAce3AceBucket-3.0AceBucket-3.0.lua:118: func() Ace3AceTimer-3.0AceTimer-3.0.lua:43: Ace3AceTimer-3.0AceTimer-3.0.lua:36Locals:NoneAddOns: MoncaiCompare, v5.4.0 Swatter, v4.4.1 (<%codename%>) NPCScanOverlay, v5.4.7.1 Ace3, v AceGUI30SharedMediaWidgets, v AckisRecipeList, v2.6.2 AckisRecipeListQuickScan, v5.4.0.-1.0.8 ACP, v3.4.7 AddonLoader, v2.0.1 Altoholic, v5.4.001 AnnounceInterrupts, v1.4 Archy, v1.8.43 Arh, v1.3.0 AtlasLoot, vv7.07.02 AtlasLootCataclysm, vv7.07.02 AtlasLootClassicWoW, vv7.07.02 AtlasLootLoader, vv7.07.02 AtlasLootMistsofPandaria, vv7.07.02 AucAdvanced, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) AucFilterBasic, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) AucFilterOutlier, v5.19.5445.5437(5.19/embedded) AucMatchUndercut, v5.19.5445.5364(5.19/embedded) AucScanData, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) AucStatHistogram, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) AucStatiLevel, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) AucStatPurchased, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) AucStatSales, v5.19.5445.5376(5.19/embedded) AucStatSimple, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) AucStatStdDev, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) AucStatWOWEcon, v5.19.5445.5323(5.19/embedded) AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.19.5445.5347(5.19/embedded) AucUtilAppraiser, v5.19.5445.5438(5.19/embedded) AucUtilAskPrice, v5.19.5445.5347(5.19/embedded) AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.19.5445.5443(5.19/embedded) AucUtilCompactUI, v5.19.5445.5444(5.19/embedded) AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.19.5445.5427(5.19/embedded) AucUtilFixAH, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.19.5445.5417(5.19/embedded) AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.19.5445.5444(5.19/embedded) AucUtilScanButton, v5.19.5445.5403(5.19/embedded) AucUtilScanFinish, v5.19.5445.5347(5.19/embedded) AucUtilScanProgress, v5.19.5445.4979(5.19/embedded) AucUtilScanStart, v5.19.5445.5347(5.19/embedded) AucUtilSearchUI, v5.19.5445.5373(5.19/embedded) AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.19.5445.5415(5.19/embedded) AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.19.5445.4828(5.19/embedded) AutoTabard, v1.972 Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded) BagBrother, v Bagnon, v5.4.9 BagnonAccountSearch, v1.7.0 BagnonConfig, v BagnonFacade, v9 BagnonGuildBank, v BalancePowerTracker, v1.3.5 Bartender4, v4.5.13.2 Bartender4ThereIsNoCost, v BasicMinimap, v2.14 BeanCounter, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) ButtonFacade, v5.4.396 CallbackHandler10, v Carbonite, v5.1.6 CarboniteTransfer, v1.01 CloudSerpent, v2.03 CollectMe, v2.4.10 Configator, v5.1.DEV.359(/embedded) CTLibrary, v5.4.2 CTMailMod, v5.4.2.1 CurseProfiler, v DataStore, v5.4.001 DataStoreAchievements, v5.4.001 DataStoreAgenda, v5.4.001 DataStoreAuctions, v5.4.001 DataStoreCharacters, v5.4.001 DataStoreContainers, v5.4.001 DataStoreCrafts, v5.4.001 DataStoreCurrencies, v5.4.001 DataStoreInventory, v5.4.001 DataStoreMails, v5.4.001 DataStorePets, v5.4.001 DataStoreQuests, v5.4.001 DataStoreReputations, v5.4.001 DataStoreSpells, v5.4.001 DataStoreStats, v5.4.001 DataStoreTalents, v5.4.001 DBMCore, v DBMLDB, v DBMStatusBarTimers, v DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded) Digits, v1.1 ElkBuffBars, v2.3.2-172 FactionGrinder3, v1.0.0 Factionizer, v5.04.07.35 14.3.8 FBMergeDatabase, v1.2p FBTrackingFrame, v1.2p FishingBuddy, v1.3b FlaskMinder, v5.4.0.001 ForteCasting, v ForteClass, v ForteCooldown, v ForteCore, v1.980.8 ForteTalent, v ForteTimer, v FriendShare, vv1.5.1 Gatherer, v4.4.1 GatherMate2, v1.27 GearScore, v5.2.0 GFWDisenchantPredictor, v5.2 GFWFactionFriend, v5.2.1 Grail, v062 Grid2, vr720 Grid2FreeLayout, v0.1 Grid2LDB, vr720 Grid2RaidDebuffs, vr720 GrinderCore2, v2.0.1 HealersHaveToDie, v2.3 Informant, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) ItemAge, v ItemDataCache, v1.505 LibAboutPanel, v1.52 LibActionButton10, v LibBabbleBoss30, v LibBabbleCreatureType30, v LibBabbleDigSites30, v5.4-release6 LibBabbleFaction30, v LibBabbleInventory30, v LibBabbleItemSet30, v LibBabbleSubZone30, v LibBabbleZone30, v LibBossIDs10, v LibCompress, v LibDBIcon10, v LibDualSpec10, vv1.9 LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.355(/embedded) LibKeyBound10, v LibMapData10, v1.0.0.30-release LibNameplate10, v LibSharedMedia30, v3.0-81 LibSink20, v LibStub, v LibWindow11, v1.1.11 LostTreasureCheck, v1.5.4a LostTreasures, v3.06 Masque, v5.4.396 MikScrollingBattleText, v5.7.131 MobMap, v540 MultiTool, v5.3.0.001 myCalendarBroker, v2.0.0 OmniCC, v5.4.3 oRA3, v Outfitter, v5.9.3 Overachiever, v0.73 OverachieverTrade, v0.73 Pawn, v1.8.11 PetTheory, v5.4.0-1.1.12 PitBull4, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4Aggro, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4AltPowerBar, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4Background, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4BattlePet, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4BlankSpace, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4Border, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4CombatFader, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4CombatIcon, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4CombatText, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4HealthBar, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4HideBlizzard, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4Highlight, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4HostilityFader, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4LeaderIcon, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4LuaTexts, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4MasterLooterIcon, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4PhaseIcon, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4Portrait, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4PowerBar, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4PvPIcon, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4QuestIcon, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4RaidTargetIcon, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4RangeFader, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4ReadyCheckIcon, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4RestIcon, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4RoleIcon, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4Sounds, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4ThreatBar, vv4.0.0-beta48 PitBull4VisualHeal, vv4.0.0-beta48 Prat30, v3.5.7 Prat30HighCPUUsageModules, v Prat30Libraries, v ProfessionsVault, v7.1.8 Quartz, v3.1.4 RareCoordinator, v ReforgeLite, v1.37 RSA, v2.900 RSAReminders, v RSAWarrior, v SavedInstances, v5.8.0 SharedMedia, v3.0.5-184 SharedMediaAdditionalFonts, v1.0.16 SilverDragon, vv3.0.10 SimpleTankFrames, v1 Skada, vr516 SlideBar, v4.4.1 (<%codename%>) Stubby, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) SunnArt, v3.68 SunnArtPack2, v1.14 SunnArtPack3, v1.14 SunnArtPack4, v1.14 SunnArtPack5, v1.14 SwindlerPreventer, v5.0.1 (15799) BETA TabardAddict, v2.21 TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.351(/embedded) TipTac, v13.09.21 TipTacItemRef, v13.09.21 TipTacTalents, v13.09.21 Titan, v5.2.3.50400 TitanArchaeology, v4.0.001 TitanBag, v5.2.3.50400 TitanBlacksmithing, v4.0.001 TitanClock, v5.2.3.50400 TitanCooking, v4.0.001 TitanCurrency, v5.9 TitanFirstAid, v4.0.001 TitanFishing, v4.0.001 TitanGold, v5.2.3.50400 TitanItemDed, v5.4.0.1 TitanLocation, v5.2.3.50400 TitanLootType, v5.2.3.50400 TitanMining, v4.0.001 TitanMobMap, v4.0.0 TitanPerformance, v5.2.3.50400 TitanRepair, v5.2.3.50400 TitanRestPlus, v5.4.0.0 TitanSocial, v5.4r24 TitanSpec, v3.3 TitanVolume, v5.2.3.50400 TitanXP, v5.2.3.50400 TomTom, vv50400-1.0.0 TradeSkillDW, v1.93 TradeSkillMaster, vv2.5.4 TradeSkillMasterAccounting, vv2.2.15 TradeSkillMasterAdditions, vv2.1.1 TradeSkillMasterAuctionDB, vv2.3.10 TradeSkillMasterAuctioning, vv2.3.1 TradeSkillMasterCrafting, vv2.4.6 TradeSkillMasterDestroying, vv2.1.1 TradeSkillMasterItemTracker, vv2.0.7 TradeSkillMasterMailing, vv2.1.5 TradeSkillMasterShopping, vv2.3.4 TradeSkillMasterWarehousing, vv2.0.10 TradeSkillMasterWoWuction, vv2.0.5 Viewporter, v WeakAuras, v2.0.5 WhoNeedsThis, v0.34 WoWDBProfiler, v WoWPro, v2.7.6 WoWProAchievements, v2.7.6 WoWProDailies, v2.7.6 WoWProLeveling, v2.7.6 WowProProfession, v2.7.6 WoWProWorldEvents, v2.7.6 XBar, v4.13 XBuffBar, v4.05 XTradeBar, v4.05 BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v5.4.7.50400 <eu> (ck=1de1)
Re: |QG| does not what do his jobWhen you chat with Evelyna, the “C” step will change to the answer, but I sometimes have to look twice to see it.I messed up the develiopment version by checking in the code, but not pushing to the server on Tuesday.Use the “official” version I am about to release!
|QG| does not what do his jobWith release version I did indeed get a wall of text (and I tought first it was a error untill a saw it were all possible answers 😉 )So I was very much intrested how this new tag |QG| would work (used develement release). I did get good direction to questgiver:A A Timeless Question|QID|33211|M|65,50.6|N|From Senior Historian Evelyna, daily.| –> is okThen I did get notice about how this quest goes and that a cheat-sheet would appaer:C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Senior Historian Evelyna|N|Chat with
Evelyna to get your question. The question will change each time you
chat with her, but we have a cheat sheet.| –> possible okBut no “cheat-sheet” was show. I saw no anser at all from wow-pro. Afther a few question I was able to answer corectly and addon did go on with next quest. So I saw zerro answer (nor wrong noor correct) from addon.C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|assault on Icecrown|N|Mord’rethar|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|bloodied crown|N|King Terenas Menethil II|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Broken|N|Nobundo| ——–> did get this question (wrong answed by me)
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Brown-skinned orcs|N|Mag’har|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Cataclysm|N|Queen Mia Greymane|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|contagious sickness|N|Red pox| ———-> did get this question (wrong answred by me)
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|ethereals|N|K’aresh|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|first death knight|N|Teron Gorefiend|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|floating citadel|N|Acherus|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|gnomish people|N|Gelbin Mekkatorque|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|highest rank|N|Archdruid|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Horde ship|N|Draka’s Fury|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|King Varian Wrynn|N|Tiffin Ellerlan Wrynn|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Malfurion Stormrage|N|Cenarion Circle| ——> did get this question (corect answered by me)
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|naaru|N|Defective elekk turd|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Obsidian Sanctum|N|Tenebron, Vesperon and Shadron|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|One name for this loa|N|Mueh’zala|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Razorscale|N|Veranus|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Ripsnarl|N|Calissa Harrington|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|satyr|N|Xavius|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Silvermoon City|N|Tatal|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Sindragosa|N|Blue dragonflight|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Stalvan Mistmantle|N|Giles|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Stratholme|N|Tainted grain|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|succubus|N|Sayaad|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Taur-ahe|N|Sharp claw|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Thane Kurdran Wildhammer|N|Sky’ree|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Thank you|N|Belan shi|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|This defender of the Scarlet Crusade|N|Holia Sunshield|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Tirion Fordring|N|Mirador|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|titan lore-keeper|N| Norgannon|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|undead murlocs|N|Mur’ghouls| —> did getthis question (wrong aswered by me)
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|unusually large ram|N|Toothgnasher|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|War of the Ancients|N|Nordrassil|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|White wolves|N|Frostwolf clan|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Zandalari|N|Talak|
C A Timeless Question|QID|33211|QG|Zangarmarsh|N|Coilfang Reservoir|Not sure what did go wrong but I hope this help to sort it out and get it fixed. Like alwys, yours trully is happy to help and test out futher :-p
Re: Thanks. I have integratedCool. I still have two toons left that I can use to triple check.Who knows, maybe blizzard moved the chest location.
Thanks. I have integratedThanks. I have integrated these two changes for the next release. I cannot think why I would have had quest 33175 location so far off.
Dead Nuts On! (For the vast majority of the)OK. I sent a toon through and checked the chests.You really did stand right on top of them! Computing the center for the trees is not good, as the chests are often to one side. And the chests in some of the areas are downright dangerous unless ALL the NPCs have been wiped. Lucky I had a druid kitty to stealth about.Anyways, this is my one correction:A One-Time Chest 005|QID|33175|M|22.15,49.27|N|From Moss-Covered Chest.|The only one I did not check was the one in “Hammer Cavern”.The other tweak is this one:A One-Time Chest – Cavern of Lost Spirits|QID|33203|M|62.91,34.88|Z|Timeless Isle/22|N|From Skull-Covered Chest, inside the cavern …|The coords are on floor 22, not floor 0 of the Timeless Isle.
Re: error when loading Remove the line that reads:WoWPro:Timeless() — Set up NPC Scan to pick up the rares and elites!from the guide that should fix it till I check in the function later today.
error when loading I have tried today with development version (recorder map was not copied over to wow dir and so was not needed to be disabled, utilities map was copied but I think it was not needed)Replaced timelesguide like found here (today) in neutral dailies map.wow starts and load perfect but timeless guide gave a error:
Date: 2014-01-14 11:12:24ID: 1Error occured in: GlobalCount: 1Message: …faceAddOnsWoWPro_DailiesNeutralLudo_Timeless.lua line 2: attempt to call method ‘Timeless’ (a nil value)Debug: …faceAddOnsWoWPro_DailiesNeutralLudo_Timeless.lua:2: sequencef() WoWProWoWPro_Parser.lua:381: WoWProWoWPro_Parser.lua:375 (tail call): ? [C]: ? [string “safecall Dispatcher[1]”]:9: [string “safecall Dispatcher[1]”]:5 (tail call): ? …eAddOnsQuartzlibsAceBucket-3.0AceBucket-3.0.lua:118: func() …AddOnsDataStorelibsAceTimer-3.0AceTimer-3.0.lua:43: …AddOnsDataStorelibsAceTimer-3.0AceTimer-3.0.lua:36Locals:NoneAddOns: Swatter, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) WowheadLooter, v50014 NPCScan, v5.4.2.3-1-gc50c49f NPCScanOverlay, v5.4.2.1 Altoholic, v5.4.001 Atlas, v1.26.02 AtlasBattlegrounds, v1.26.00 AtlasBurningCrusade, v1.26.00 AtlasCataclysm, v1.26.00 AtlasClassicWoW, v1.26.00 AtlasDungeonLocs, v1.26.00 AtlasOutdoorRaids, v1.26.00 AtlasScenarios, v1.26.00 AtlasTransportation, v1.26.04 AtlasWrathoftheLichKing, v1.26.00 AtlasLootLoader, vv7.07.01 AtlasQuest, v4.8.7 AucAdvanced, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) AucFilterBasic, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) AucFilterOutlier, v5.19.5445.5437(5.19/embedded) AucMatchUndercut, v5.19.5445.5364(5.19/embedded) AucStatHistogram, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) AucStatiLevel, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) AucStatPurchased, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) AucStatSales, v5.19.5445.5376(5.19/embedded) AucStatSimple, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) AucStatStdDev, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) AucStatWOWEcon, v5.19.5445.5323(5.19/embedded) AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.19.5445.5347(5.19/embedded) AucUtilAppraiser, v5.19.5445.5438(5.19/embedded) AucUtilAskPrice, v5.19.5445.5347(5.19/embedded) AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.19.5445.5443(5.19/embedded) AucUtilCompactUI, v5.19.5445.5444(5.19/embedded) AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.19.5445.5427(5.19/embedded) AucUtilFixAH, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.19.5445.5417(5.19/embedded) AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.19.5445.5444(5.19/embedded) AucUtilScanButton, v5.19.5445.5403(5.19/embedded) AucUtilScanFinish, v5.19.5445.5347(5.19/embedded) AucUtilScanProgress, v5.19.5445.4979(5.19/embedded) AucUtilScanStart, v5.19.5445.5347(5.19/embedded) AucUtilSearchUI, v5.19.5445.5373(5.19/embedded) AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.19.5445.5415(5.19/embedded) AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.19.5445.4828(5.19/embedded) AutoRepair, v Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded) BadBoy, v12.108 BadBoyCCleaner, v3.66 BadBoyLevels, v2.97 BagBrother, v Bagnon, v5.4.3 Bartender4, v4.5.13.2 BeanCounter, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) Carbonite, v5.1.6 CarboniteTransfer, v1.01 Configator, v5.1.DEV.359(/embedded) CrapAway, v DataStore, v5.4.001 DataStoreAchievements, v5.4.001 DataStoreAgenda, v5.4.001 DataStoreAuctions, v5.4.001 DataStoreCharacters, v5.4.001 DataStoreContainers, v5.4.001 DataStoreCrafts, v5.4.001 DataStoreCurrencies, v5.4.001 DataStoreInventory, v5.4.001 DataStoreMails, v5.4.001 DataStorePets, v5.4.001 DataStoreQuests, v5.4.001 DataStoreReputations, v5.4.001 DataStoreSpells, v5.4.001 DataStoreStats, v5.4.001 DataStoreTalents, v5.4.001 DBMArchaeology, v DBMCore, v DBMSpellTimers, v DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded) Enchantrix, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) EnchantrixBarker, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) Factionizer, v5.04.00.28 13.9.24 Informant, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.355(/embedded) LibSharedMedia30, v3.0-81 LightHeaded, v370 MikScrollingBattleText, v5.7.131 Omen, v3.1.8 OPie, vMango 1 Overachiever, v0.73 Postal, v3.5.1 Prat30, v3.5.7 Prat30Libraries, v Quartz, v3.1.4 Recount, v SlideBar, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) Spade, v1.8 Stubby, v5.19.5445 (QuiescentQuoll) TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.351(/embedded) Titan, v5.2.3.50400 TitanBag, v5.2.3.50400 TitanClock, v5.2.3.50400 TitanGold, v5.2.3.50400 TitanLocation, v5.2.3.50400 TitanLootType, v5.2.3.50400 TitanPerformance, v5.2.3.50400 TitanRepair, v5.2.3.50400 TitanVolume, v5.2.3.50400 TitanXP, v5.2.3.50400 TomTom, vv50400-1.0.0 WoWPro, v2.7.3 WoWProAchievements, v2.7.3 WoWProDailies, v2.7.3 WoWProLeveling, v2.7.3 WoWProProfession, v2.7.3 WoWProWorldEvents, v2.7.3 XLoot, vz14e-release XLootFrame, vz14e-release XLootGroup, vz14e-release XLootMaster, vz14e-release XLootMonitor, vz14e-release BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v5.4.2.50400 <eu> (ck=f32)Alwys happy to help/test to get this fixed 🙂
Re: For the vast majority of theSigh. Lucky I saved one toon for detailed mopups like this. I think some of the chests or quests have been moved about.I’ll collect the information the in the achievment guide for now.
Development VersionThe latest development zip file is at:https://github.com/Jiyambi/WoW-Pro-Guides/archive/master.zipWhen you install it, disable the recorder or it make make things weird for regular questing.
Re Another very useful additionYup! as I was writing the code, I even discarded the first version because I said:how am I gonna explain this in the documentationand so I made it simpler. But even when I do forget to do something, its nice to know I’ve got folks watching out!I wonder if I can auto-generate a guide for the Golden Lotus. Hmmm!
thx and good workI will retry to test with develment version only I don’t know where to find it. I supose I have to search on github but not sure how. Is there a direct link?thx for all te explaition and offcourse very nice work done!
Another very useful additionAnother very useful addition from Ludo, great work! Also, I think this is the first time you added a new tag that you even remembered to add it to the guide syntax documentation without someone needing to point it out 😉
For the vast majority of theFor the vast majority of the chests I actually stood on them to get the coords. For the ones in the tree trunks I just picked a side I thought was logical for the approach. Technically I should probably have taken all four sides and computed the center, but I was a little lazy at that point (after suffering how to actually accomplish the silly thing in the first place). Unfortunately the mechanism used to record completion of the quest is not going to automatically record the location. Therefore, if there is a location that is wrong the best way to get it recorded into grail (assuming you have tracking on) is to target yourself and do “/grail target” and then make a comment in the tracked information like “/grail c This was the location for chest foo”. Of course if you are sending corrected points in a Grail.lua saved variables file please point them out or pull them from the file because my automatic processing of the saved variables file does nothing with tracking data. That would have to be manually analyzed.
Re: The horrible thing with theWell, its not so bad with the guide, as we only have one quest to query. BTW, there is a small problem with Grail and its record of the locations of some of the tracking quests.You need to keep track of the floor as well as the zone/X/Y !The skull chest in the spirits cave happens in floor 22 of zone 951. Now why floor 22? Where are are the other 21 floors?Some of the locations for the chests may be off as well. Can you extract that info from the saved variables file?
The horrible thing with theThe horrible thing with the processing LOOT_CLOSED and then querying for the difference in quests completed is it happens for looting creatures as well. That is why I made the option for Grail to turn it off. Of course I do limit it to Timeless Isles as well to help minimize the impact. It would be so much easier if Blizzard would post an event that indicates a quest is completed on the server, indicating what that quest is as well.
Re: ust to let you know – WhollyLOL, it was on my list to fix today!These chests are entierly silent except for a special spell that is cast that is _SENT, _SUCCEDED and then _STOPs. But then it is followed with the usual LOOT_OPENED followed by one or more LOOT_CLOSED messages.I’ll just bucket the LOOT_CLOSED messages at a 0.25 interval and then query to see if the quest is done and restrict it to this zone, as it seems to be yet-another-way of doing things in the Blizzard Bizzaro world.Do their developers ever talk to each other? Jeeeze!
Re: map name nok (and new features)If you update to the development version of the addon, the message will go away, as I added the entry it was missing.I will also post the new revision of the guide in a few minutes, and it will NOT work with the old addon.There is a new tag |QG| which queryies the current gossip quest and then skips the step if it does not match or selects it if it does..It is used for the daily triva quest so you dont have that horrible wall of text.A “T” step will no longer show if the quest is not ready to complete. This is usefull for vage standing quests like “kill 5 elites” or “collect 250 ears” or rocks that if you tried to make them sticky steps, would end up wrapping the entier guide.But of course, I will edit the documentation before posting :-).
Just to let you know – WhollyJust to let you know – Wholly and Grail can handle the chests. It took some hacking, but it seems to work pretty well.
map name nokI have adde this guide and used it today (as test) but there seems to be a wrong map name. Wowpro awys reported this and said it would use a map number id instead. Will try later to get this message here exactly