Source Code – Un’Goro Crater (Alliance)


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Source Code

WoWPro.Leveling:RegisterGuide(‘WkjUng5055’, “Un’Goro Crater”, ‘Wkjezz’, ’50’, ’55’, ‘WkjSil5560’, ‘Alliance’, function()
return [[

F Darnassus|QID|99999|Z|Darnassus|N|This guide starts in Darnassus. So if you followed my Tanaris Guide, go ahead and venture back now, train, sell junk, repair etc. Either way you don’t have to go to Darnassus; but it makes the Zone Achievement a bit easier if you do.|
A Hero’s Call: Un’Goro Crater!|QID|28525|M|45.28,49.90|Z|Darnassus|
F Gunstan’s Dig|QID|99999|Z|Tanaris|N|Fly to Gunstan’s Dig in Tanaris. If you do not have this flight path, go as far south as you can in Kalimdor. If you have a nice mage friend, get them to portal you to Theremore and fly from there.|
R Run here…|QID|99999|CC|M|27.58,58.00|Z|Tanaris|N|This is the path to Un’goro from Tanaris. (click to continue)|
A The Fare of Lar’korwi|QID|24731|M|71.13,76.38|N|From Torwa Pathfinder.|
A Claws of White|QID|24719|M|70.73,75.58|N|From Garl Stormclaw.|
N From now on…|QID|99999|N|Collect all crystals you see. You need 7 of each color. (Click to continue) If you are used to the old version of this quest It is worth noting that the 4 colors of crystals are now specific to each corner of the zone.|
C The Fare of Lar’korwi|QID|24731|M|64.96,75.25|N|Kill all dinos and loot claws as you go.|
C Claws of White|QID|24719|M|62.30,75.41|N|Remember to pick up those crystals.|
T Claws of White|QID|24719|M|70.99,76.51|N|To Garl Stormclaw.|
A Carried on the Waves|QID|24686|M|70.99,76.51|N|From Garl Stormclaw.|
T The Fare of Lar’korwi|QID|24731|M|71.13,76.51|N|To Torwa Pathfinder.|
A The Scent of Lar’korwi|QID|24732|M|71.13,76.51|N|From Torwa Pathfinder.|
R The Scent of Lar’korwi|QID|24732|L|11509 |M|63.08,76.95|N|Run here, Stomp on some eggs, kill the dino, and loot the Gland.|
C The Scent of Lar’korwi|QID|24732|M|63.69,63.04|N|Do the same thing here.|
C Carried on the Waves|QID|24686|U|50441|M|75.40,53.40|N|These are very very small and are considered a friendly mob. Use your net to catch them.|
T Carried on the Waves|QID|24686|M|70.57,75.98|N|To Garl Stormclaw.|
A Flowing to the North|QID|24689|M|70.62,76.05|N|From Garl Stormclaw.|
T The Scent of Lar’korwi|QID|24732|M|71.28,76.52|N|To Torwa Pathfinder.|
A The Bait for Lar’korwi|QID|24733|M|71.28,76.52|N|From Torwa Pathfinder.|
f Marshal’s Stand|QID|24733|M|56.06,64.07|N|At Gryfe.|
T Hero’s Call: Un’Goro Crater!|QID|28525|O|M|55.09,62.16|N|To Williden Marshal.|
A Volcanic Activity|QID|24740|M|55.10,62.18|N|From Williden Marshal.|
A Finding the Source|QID|24742|M|55.27,62.43|N|From Krakle.|
A Crystals of Power|QID|24720|M|54.23,62.51|N|From J.D. Collie.|
A How to Make Meat Fresh Again|QID|24697|M|55.08,60.53|N|From Nolen Tacker.|
h Marshal’s Stand|QID|24697|M|55.31,62.25|N|At Innkeeper Dreedle. Also take this time to sell junk. You are going to need a lot of bag space.|
C How to Make Meat Fresh Again|QID|24697|U|50430|M|54.09,60.78|N|Target a Dinosaur and throw meat at them. Drag them into the pit.|
C Volcanic Activity|QID|24740|S|M|48.54,43.40|N|You should also easily have 7 Blue Crystals now.|
C Finding the Source|QID|24742|U|12472|M|48.54,43.40;45.40,48.51;47.75,55.77;56.20,56.66;55.29,43.23|N|If you are used to the old version of this quest, it works different now. You have to hit 5 hotspots, they are all around the lower edge of the mountain. Kill elementals and loot their ash as you go.|
C Volcanic Activity|QID|24740|US|M|48.54,43.40|N|You should also easily have 7 Blue Crystals now.|
T How to Make Meat Fresh Again|QID|24697|M|54.97,60.62|N|To Nolen Tacker.|
T Volcanic Activity|QID|24740|M|55.06,62.15|N|To Williden Marshal.|
A Blazerunner|QID|24690|M|55.11,62.22|N|From Williden Marshal.|
T Finding the Source|QID|24742|M|55.27,62.40|N|To Krakle.|
A Speak With Spraggle|QID|24794|M|55.27,62.40|N|From Krakle.|
T Speak With Spraggle|QID|24794|M|55.22,62.56|N|To Spraggle Frock.|
A Lost!|QID|24734|M|55.22,62.56|N|From Spraggle Frock.|
C Blazerunner|QID|24690|M|49.18,48.82|N|Get to the top of the mountain and kill the beasty.|
T Lost!|QID|24734|M|53.02,52.02|N|To Living Blaze.|
A A Little Help From My Friends|QID|24735|M|51.99,49.88|N|From Ringo.|
C A Little Help From My Friends|QID|24735|NC|U|11804|M|54.97,62.47|N|This is a different sort of escort quest. Ringo will follow you, so don’t wait for him to lead the way. Use the canister on him when he starts to complain.|
T A Little Help From My Friends|QID|24735|M|55.02,62.56|N|To Spraggle Frock.|
T Blazerunner|QID|24690|M|55.17,62.31|N|To Williden Marshal.|
A The Fledgling Colossus|QID|24692|M|55.06,62.23|N|From Hol’anyee Marshal.|
A Peculiar Delicacies|QID|24691|M|54.80,63.67|N|From Quixxil.|
r Repair/Restock|QID|12650|CC|M|55.01,61.91|N|At Gibbert.|
C The Fledgling Colossus|QID|24692|S|M|47.05,85.46|N|Kill and Loot bugs on the way. She shouldn’t be too hard to solo, use cool downs and a potion (if needed) Be sure to hide behind a pillar when the game tells you to.|
R The Fledgling Colossus|QID|24692|CC|M|46.66,82.98|N|Fight your way into the cave here.|
C The Fledgling Colossus|QID|24692|M|47.28,86.68|
R The Fledgling Colossus|QID|24692|CC|M|46.66,87.18|N|Take the right fork.|
R The Fledgling Colossus|QID|24692|CC|M|47.13,85.78|N|Turn left here. (Click to continue)|
C The Fledgling Colossus|QID|24692|US|M|47.05,85.46|
C Peculiar Delicacies|QID|24691|M|48.47,82.31|N|Keep killing bugs for legs.|
R Marshal’s Stand.|QID|99999|CC|N|Run or hearth|
T The Fledgling Colossus|QID|24692|M|55.05,62.20|N|To Hol’anyee Marshal.|
T Peculiar Delicacies|QID|24691|M|54.83,63.75|N|To Quixxil.|
A Mossy Pile|QID|24693|M|54.83,63.75|N|From Quixxil.|
T Mossy Pile|QID|24693|M|43.29,40.91|N|To Gremix.|
A Marshal’s Refuse|QID|24701|M|43.23,40.96|N|From Doreen.|
A Super Sticky|QID|24737|M|43.20,40.98|N|From Tara.|
A Hard to Harvest|QID|24700|M|43.18,41.04|N|From Tara.|
A Shizzle’s Flyer|QID|24736|M|43.40,41.31|N|From Shizzle.|
r Repair/Restock|QID|27240|M|43.36,41.55|N|At Dramm Riverhorn.|
f Mossy Pile|QID|24736|M|44.03,40.37|N|At Flizzy Coilspanner.|
C Shizzle’s Flyer|QID|24736|S|M|40.52,34.14|N|You should collect 7 Yellow crystals by now also.|
C Hard to Harvest|QID|24700|S|M|47.99,22.31|N|These are in the tar iteself. The tar puts a pretty nastly slowing effect on you. Once you see a blossom (big red flowers) you can swim over to it on the surface, repeatedly jumping, this should offset the slowing a little.|
C Super Sticky|QID|24737|U|50742|M|48.96,30.84|N|Kill tar monsters and use this item on their corpses.|
C Hard to Harvest|QID|24700|US|M|47.99,22.31|
C Marshal’s Refuse|QID|24701|M|42.03,2.78|N|The otherwise passive stone guardians don’t like you looting boxes. You can get multiple mobs try to beat you up if they are close enough, especially in the cave. I suggest killing the guardians close to the boxes before looting them.|
C Shizzle’s Flyer|QID|24736|US|M|40.52,34.14|N|You should have 7 Yellow crystals by now also.|
T Marshal’s Refuse|QID|24701|M|43.18,41.86|N|To Doreen.|
T Super Sticky|QID|24737|M|43.12,41.56|N|To Tara.|
A Gormashh the Glutinous|QID|24699|M|43.12,41.56|N|From Tara.|
T Hard to Harvest|QID|24700|M|43.12,41.56|N|To Tara.|
A The Apes of Un’Goro|QID|24717|M|43.20,41.57|N|From Gremix.|
T Shizzle’s Flyer|QID|24736|M|43.37,41.31|N|To Shizzle.|
A Chasing A-Me 01|QID|24714|M|43.42,40.96|N|From Karna Remtravel.|
F Marshal’s Stand|QID|99999|N|Fly there|
A Adventures in Archaeology|QID|24698|M|54.95,60.58|N|From Nolen Tacker.|
T Flowing to the North|QID|24689|M|76.44,48.34|N|To Ithis Moonwarden.|
A Bouquets of Death|QID|24687|M|76.44,48.34|N|From Ithis Moonwarden.|
C Bouquets of Death|QID|24687|M|74.13,39.14|N|Remember… collect green crystals as you go.|
T Bouquets of Death|QID|24687|M|76.39,48.32|N|To Ithis Moonwarden.|
A Aberrant Flora|QID|24855|M|76.39,48.32|N|From Ithis Moonwarden.|
U The Bait for Lar’korwi|QID|24733|PRE|11568|U|11568|M|68.93,40.35|N|Go here and use Torwa’s Pouch. Combine the items and drop them on the ground. Also, from now on Kill all Bloodpetal Trappers and Flayers you find. (click to continue) |
C The Bait for Lar’korwi|QID|24733|M|70.57,41.92|
A Is This Stuff Still Good?|QID|24865|M|68.62,36.47|
C Aberrant Flora|QID|24855|M|67.22,30.95|
C Gormashh the Glutinous|QID|24699|U|50746|M|59.14,32.23|N|You should also be close to having 7 Green Crystals by now.|
T Chasing A-Me 01|QID|24714|M|63.73,19.82|N|To A-Me 01.|
A Repairing A-Me 01|QID|24715|M|63.73,19.82|N|From A-Me 01.|
C The Apes of Un’Goro|QID|24717|S|M|68.65,14.21|
C Repairing A-Me 01|QID|24715|U|50237|N|The coconuts are sparlink in nearby bushes. Crack it on the rock near A-Me 01, then right click the coconut in your inventory.|
T Repairing A-Me 01|QID|24715|M|63.92,19.82|N|To A-Me 01.|
A Serving A-Me 01|QID|24926|M|63.92,19.82|N|From A-Me 01.|
A The Mighty U’cha|QID|24718|M|65.01,16.79|N|Head into the cave now, and this quest should pop up.|
C The Mighty U’cha|QID|24718|M|66.54,15.45|N|U’cha now patrols the cave. Keep your eyes out for the Skull icon on your minimap.|
C The Apes of Un’Goro|QID|24717|US|M|68.65,14.21|N|Check inside and outside the cave|
T Aberrant Flora|QID|24855|M|76.45,48.34|N|To Ithis Moonwarden.|
A The Eastern Pylon|QID|24721|M|76.91,49.16|N|From Ithis Moonwarden.|
C The Eastern Pylon|QID|24721|NC|M|77.32,50.04|N|clicky clicky|
T The Bait for Lar’korwi|QID|24733|M|71.19,76.79|N|To Torwa Pathfinder.|
H Marshal’s Stand|QID|99999|N|If your stone is on cool down, run back.|
r Repair/Restock|QID|27240|M|55.03,61.91|N|At Gibbert.|
T Is This Stuff Still Good?|QID|24865|M|55.06,62.21|N|To Williden Marshal.|
T The Eastern Pylon|QID|24721|M|54.18,62.49|N|To J.D. Collie.|
F Mossy Pile|QID|99999|N|Fly there|
T The Mighty U’cha|QID|24718|M|43.18,41.54|N|To Gremix.|
A The Northern Pylon|QID|24722|M|43.18,41.54|N|From Gremix.|
T Serving A-Me 01|QID|24926|M|43.50,40.83|N|To Karna Remtravel.|
T Gormashh the Glutinous|QID|24699|M|43.11,41.62|N|To Tara.|
T The Apes of Un’Goro|QID|24717|M|43.18,41.54|N|To Gremix.|
T Adventures in Archaeology|QID|24698|M|31.89,50.34|N|To Spark Nilminer.|
A Roll the Bones|QID|24730|M|31.76,50.11|N|From Spark Nilminer.|
C Roll the Bones|QID|24730|S|QO|Dinosaur Bone: 0/8|N|Kill and Loot dinosaurs as you see them.|
A An Important Lesson|QID|24703|M|30.61,51.19|N|From Maximillian of Northshire.|
C An Important Lesson|QID|24703|NC|M|30.61,51.19|N|Scroll thru his dialogue.|
T An Important Lesson|QID|24703|M|30.61,51.19|N|To Maximillian of Northshire.|
A The Evil Dragons of Un’Goro Crater|QID|24704|M|30.61,51.19|N|From Maximillian of Northshire.|
A Damsels Were Made to be Saved|QID|24705|M|30.63,51.38|N|From Maximillian of Northshire.|
R Run here|QID|99999|CC|M|36.42,59.27|N|Looting red crystals and dinosaurs on the way. Wait for the Bloodelf and Max to finish bantering and loot the crate in the water, talk to “Her”.|
C The Evil Dragons of Un’Goro Crater|QID|24704|M|27.85,57.29|
T The Evil Dragons of Un’Goro Crater|QID|24704|M|28.07,56.47|
C Roll the Bones|QID|24730|US|M|34.19,75.75|
A An Abandoned Research Camp|QID|24866|M|38.52,66.09|N|A bunch of crates|
T Roll the Bones|QID|24730|M|31.88,50.32|N|To Spark Nilminer.|
A The Fossil-Finder 3000|QID|24708|M|31.88,50.32|N|From Spark Nilminer.|
C The Fossil-Finder 3000|QID|24708|U|50405|M|32.97,74.69|N|Using your fossil finder, it will point you in this direction. Use it once you are here and loot the pile or dirt.|
T The Fossil-Finder 3000|QID|24708|M|31.88,50.29|N|To Spark Nilminer. Remember, Red Crystals the next few steps are your last chance to get them in a convenient location.|
A A Tale of Two Shovels|QID|24709|M|31.88,50.29|N|From Spark Nilminer.|
C A Tale of Two Shovels|QID|24709|M|36.88,77.03|
T A Tale of Two Shovels|QID|24709|M|31.92,50.16|N|To Spark Nilminer.|
A The Western Pylon|QID|24723|M|31.92,50.16|N|From Spark Nilminer.|
C Crystals of Power|QID|24720|M|20.74,50.07|N|This quest should be complete soon. If you have not, click this step to bypass it, and loot the remaining crystals as you find them.|
C Damsel of the Cliff.|QID|24705|QO|Damsel in the Cliffs saved: 1/1|M|23.70,49.92|N|Looting red crystals on your way. Wait for Max to finish bantering and for the quest complete message to register. Max can be stubborn here, you may need to dismount to activate this step.|
C The Western Pylon|QID|24723|NC|M|23.47,50.00|
C Damsels Were Made to be Saved|QID|24705|M|28.69,21.14|N|Follow the road to Silithus|
T Damsels Were Made to be Saved|QID|24705|M|28.69,21.14|
A The Spirits of Golakka Hot Springs|QID|24706|M|28.69,21.14|N|From Maximillian of Northshire.|
C The Northern Pylon|QID|24722|NC|M|56.57,12.42|
H Marshal’s Stand|QID|24720|M|54.20,62.49|N|ONLY Do this if you have all the crystals you need, which by now you should. If not, gather the remaining, then hearth/run back to Marshal’s Stand.|
T Crystals of Power|QID|24720|M|54.29,62.51|N|To J.D. Collie.|
T The Western Pylon|QID|24723|M|54.29,62.51|N|To J.D. Collie.|
T The Northern Pylon|QID|24722|M|54.29,62.51|N|To J.D. Collie.|
T An Abandoned Research Camp|QID|24866|M|54.94,62.32|N|To Hol’anyee Marshal.|
A The Shaper’s Terrace|QID|24694|M|53.96,62.51|N|From Un’Goro Examinant.|
T The Shaper’s Terrace|QID|24694|M|83.39,46.07|Z|The Shaper’s Terrace |N|Tell the ball you are ready, then turn in the quest to Nablya.|
A Ever Watching From Above|QID|24695|M|83.39,46.07|Z|The Shaper’s Terrace |N|From Nablya.|
C Ever Watching From Above|QID|24695|M|54.99,62.02|N|When you teleport to the Big Lady; Pull the levers to her sides and backs. Using your abilities, complete her tasks. All are easy and straight forward, except the Diemetradon Task. Simply target one humanoid, bite, target another, bite, and so on. You do not need to kill them. Once you have done, turn in the quest, and ask her for a teleport back.|
T Ever Watching From Above|QID|24695|M|83.39,45.97|Z|The Shaper’s Terrace |N|To Nablya.|
r Sell/Repair|QID|99999|M|55.01,61.87|N|55.10,61.87 (Click to complete)|
F Mossy Pile|QID|99999|N|Fly there.|
R The Spirits of Golakka Hot Springs|QID|24706|M|30.68,51.18|N|Return to max and tell him you are ready for adventures (groan). Dismount and walk up to a Steam Fury, and giggle at the dialogue while you get beat up. |
C The Spirits of Golakka Hot Springs|QID|24706|M|30.83,54.97|
T The Spirits of Golakka Hot Springs|QID|24706|M|30.83,54.97|
A The Ballad of Maximillian|QID|24707|M|30.62,51.11|N|From Maximillian of Northshire.|
C The Ballad of Maximillian|QID|24707|N|Simple Press Button 1 to stun the Dino. As you run away spam press button 2 to pelt it with rocks, and each time it’s up, Press 3 to deal a large blow to the dinosaur. You might want to look away from max at the end, as he is a bit… exposed.|
T The Ballad of Maximillian|QID|24707|M|36.52,60.32|N|To Steaming Fury.|
N The End|QID|99999|N|Please now load your Silithus guide.|



Change Log

12/2/2010 – Edit by Jiyambi
Addon Version: v2.0.6
Game Version: 4.0.3
Summary: Fixed the stability issue, added more notes and stickies, removed 70% of click to continues and added a new quest I had missed.

12/2/2010 – Edit by Jiyambi
Addon Version: v2.0.4
Game Version: 4.0.3
Summary: Created a source file page

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  • img
    Mar 2, 2011 @ 16:06 pm

    I just did this guide fromI just did this guide from lvl 50.5 and it got me to 53.25, not even close to 55 like the guide says. Tanaris also left me short a level.

  • img
    Dec 5, 2010 @ 0:32 am

    Un’goro 2.0 AlliancePlease view change log.

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