From Jiyambi’s blog, the Journal of J.
Revenge of the Jiyas is back again, and this time in Deathknell, starting area for the Undead. In case you’ve forgotten, this is a series of articles in which I speed test the WoW-Pro Leveling addon. Today I’ll be sharing the adventures of Deadjiya, the undead warrior.

Deadjiya embraces her new
life as one of the Forsaken.
Total /played at level 5.0: 22min
Deathknell(1-5): 22min
5.5 min/lvl
I love what they’ve done with Deathknell and the rest of the undead starting area in Cataclysm. I had the privilege of recording this area’s guide the night before the Cataclysm release, and despite the rush, I really enjoyed it, and that definitely hasn’t changed. I was also pleasantly surprised by the speed at which I went through the zone. It was the second fastest time so far, losing out to Red Cloud Mesa by only 2 minutes.

Ah, the cheery Tirisfal Glades…
I do have to say that one of the quests was extremely difficult, and could probably use some tips in the guide. The final quest in which you are sent to kill Marshall Redpath nearly did me in, and I seem to recall dying to it during my first run through of the zone. Not only is Marshall himself pretty tough, but the other mobs are also quite deadly. I could easily see a newbie having trouble with the quest. So, my only change to the guide file was to add a cautionary note for this quest.

Bye for now!
- Go to the Deathknell page and copy the contents of the guide.
- Open up your WoW folder and go to Interface > Addons > WoWPro_Leveling > Horde
- Open up 01_12_Jiyambi_Tirisfal_Glades.lua
- Copy the guide contents there.
Next Up: Sunstrider Isle!
For articles about other games and the game development process,
check out her blog, the Journal of J.