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Source Code

WoWPro:GuideLevels(guide,110, 110, 110)
WoWPro.Dailies:GuideNameAndCategory(guide,”Battle Pet World Quests Azsuna”,”Pets”)
WoWPro:GuideSteps(guide, function()
N Legion Pet Battle World Quests|N|To use this guide, look on your world map for an active battle pet world quest and go there. When the quest pops up, the guide will load pets for the strategy chosen by the addon automatically. If the strategy can accommodate a leveling pet, it will also be auto-selected. If you want to level specific pets, name them “Leveling” or favorite them and the addon will choose from them if possible.|
;Azsuna Specimens, nearest FP is Illidari Stand – Azsuna
;TESTED, working okay
A Azsuna Specimens|QID|42165|M|47.14, 41.41|Z|Azsuna|N|Quest is auto accepted here.|O|
C Olivetail Hare|QID|42165|QO|1|M|44.4, 34.4|Z|Azsuna|N|Kill or capture an Olivetail Hare wild pet around this area.|
C Felspider|QID|42165|QO|3|M|39.2, 49.8|Z|Azsuna|N|Kill or capture a Felspider wild pet around this area.|
; F Shackle’s Den|QID|42165|M|44.4, 43.81|Z|Azsuna|N|Fly to Shackle’s Den.|
; C Juvenile Scuttleback|QID|42165|QO|2|M|61.2, 61.0|Z|Azsuna|N|Kill or capture a Juvenile Scuttleback wild pet around this area.|
;Dazed and Confused and Adorable, nearest FP is Illidari Stand – Azsuna
;TESTED once
A Dazed and Confused and Adorable|QID|42146|M|50.03, 41.43|Z|Azsuna|N|Click on the Beguiling Orb to start the battle.|O|
C Beguiling Orb|QID|42146|PET1|Zomstrok;83562;1+1+1|PET2|Leveling;;;|PET3|Giant Bone Spider;68656;1+1+1|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|
C Strat by Hazelnuttygames@Youtube|QID|42146|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|N|1) Shell Shieldn2) Carpnadon3) Spam Infected Clawn4) Maintain your Shell Shield buff and keep spamming Infected Clawn5) When your Zomstrok dies, switch in your leveling pet|SELECT|1|SWITCH|2|
C Strat by Hazelnuttygames@Youtube|QID|42146|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|N|1) Switch in your Giant Bone Spider|SELECT|2|SWITCH|3|
C Strat by Hazelnuttygames@Youtube|QID|42146|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|N|1) Sticky Webn2) Leech Lifen3) Bone Bite spam and GG|SELECT|3|
;Help a Whelp, nearest FP is Azurewing Repose – Azsuna
;TESTED, working okay
A Help a Whelp|QID|42154|M|53.2, 16.2|Z|Azsuna|N|Click on the Wounded Azurewing Whelpling to start the battle|O|
C Wounded Azurewing Whelpling|QID|42154|PET1|Nexus Whelpling;68845;1+2+2|PET2|Leveling;;;H>1000|PET3|De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion;43916;2+2+2|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|
C Strat by Hazelnuttygames@Youtube|QID|42154|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|N|1) Arcane Stormn2) Mana Surgen3) When the Nexus Whelpling dies, switch in your leveling pet.|SELECT|1|SWITCH|2|
C Strat by Hazelnuttygames@Youtube|QID|42154|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|N|1) Switch immediately to your De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion|SELECT|2|SWITCH|3|
C Strat by Hazelnuttygames@Youtube|QID|42154|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|N|1) Extra Platingn2) Spam Thrash until all clear and nothing is moving.|SELECT|3|DEAD|2,2|
;Size Doesn’t Matter, nearest FP is Felblaze Ingress – Azsuna
;TESTED once
A Size Doesn’t Matter|QID|42063|M|65.41, 40.9|Z|Azsuna|N|Click on Blottis to start the battle|O|
C Blottis|QID|42063|PET1|Unborn Val’kyr;71163;1+1+2|PET2|Ikky;86447;1+1+1|PET3|Leveling;;;|STRATEGY|Xu-Fu@WoWPetGuide|
C Blottis|QID|42063|PET1|Ikky;86447;1+1+1|PET2|Crow;67443;1+2+2|PET3|Leveling;;;|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|
C Strat by Hazelnuttygames@Youtube|QID|42063|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|N|1) Black Clawn2) Flockn3) If needed, switch in your Crow after Ikky dies|SELECT|1|SWITCH|2|
C Strat by Hazelnuttygames@Youtube|QID|42063|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|N|1) Call Darknessn2) Nocturnal Strike, GG|SELECT|2|
C Strat by Xu-Fu@wow-petguide|QID|42063|STRATEGY|Xu-Fu@WoWPetGuide|N|1) Unholy Ascensionn2) Switch in your Ikky|SELECT|1|SWITCH|2|
C Strat by Xu-Fu@wow-petguide|QID|42063|STRATEGY|Xu-Fu@WoWPetGuide|N|1) Black Clawn2) Flock and GG|SELECT|2|
;The Wine’s Gone Bad, nearest FP is Challiane’s Terrace – Azsuna
;TESTED once
A The Wine’s Gone Bad|QID|42148|M|43.38, 8.16|Z|Azsuna|N|Talk to Vinu to start the battle.|O|
C Vinu|QID|42148|PET1|Syd the Squid;85527;1+1+2|PET2|Slithershock Elver;91407;1+1+2|PET3|Zandalari Anklerender;70451;2+2+2|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|
C Strat by Hazelnuttygames@Youtube|QID|42148|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|N|1) Water Jetn2) Bubblen3) Cleansing Rainn4) Water Jet x4n5) Cleansing Rain on Turn 8n6) Water Jet until Bubble comes off CDn7) Bubblen8) Spam Water Jet until Vinu diesn9) Switch to your backup aquatic pet if Syd dies.|SELECT|1|SWITCH|2|
C Strat by Hazelnuttygames@Youtube|QID|42148|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|N|1) Kill the backline pets, they should not be a problem after Vinu dies.|SELECT|2|SWITCH|3|
C Strat by Hazelnuttygames@Youtube|QID|42148|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|N|1) Kill the backline pets, they should not be a problem after Vinu dies.|SELECT|3|
;Training with the Nightwatchers, nearest FP is Illidari Stand – Azsuna
;TESTED, working okay
A Training with the Nightwatchers|QID|42159|M|46.4, 40.4|Z|Azsuna|N|Talk to Nightwatcher Merayl to start the battle.|O|
C Nightwatcher Merayl|QID|42159|PET1|Nexus Whelpling;68845;1+1+2|PET2|Pygmy Cow;87257;1+1+1|PET3|Leveling;;;H>800|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|
C Strat by Hazelnuttygames@Youtube|QID|42159|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|N|1) Tail Sweep x3n2) Arcane Stormn3) Sear Magicn4) Switch to your Pygmy Cow|SELECT|1|SWITCH|2|
C Strat by Hazelnuttygames@Youtube|QID|42159|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|N|1) Mother’s Milk (use it on CD)n2) Where’s the Beef (use it on CD, but time it with the explosion of Curse of Doom)n3) Stampeden4) When your Cow dies, switch in your leveling pet|SELECT|2|SWITCH|3|
C Strat by Hazelnuttygames@Youtube|QID|42159|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|N|1) Switch immediately to your Nexus Whelpling|SELECT|3|SWITCH|1|
C Strat by Hazelnuttygames@Youtube|QID|42159|STRATEGY|Hazel@YT|N|1) Arcane Stormn2) Spam Tail Sweep|SELECT|1|