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Source Code
local guide = WoWPro:RegisterGuide(‘WkjLoc1220’, “Leveling”, ‘Loch Modan’, ‘Wkjezz’, ‘Alliance’)
WoWPro:GuideNextGuide(guide, ‘WkjWet2025′)
WoWPro:GuideSteps(guide, function()
return [[
;Elmore’s Task is skipped if you’ve just done Dun Morogh quests (your not in the right place), or if you’ve already done Stormpike’s Delivery quest (Elmore’s task isn’t available)
A Elmore’s Task|QID|1097|M|41.6,65.6|Z|Elwynn Forest|N|From Smith Argus at Goldshire in Elwynn Forest.\n\nIf you don’t want the zone feeder quests, please change your Rank level.\nRank 3: All Feeder quests\nRank 2: Dun Morogh Feeder Quests\nRank 1: Loch Modan only|LEAD|353|RANK|3|
T Elmore’s Task|QID|1097|M|59.6,34.0|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Grimand Elmore in the Dwarven District of Stormwind City.|LEAD|26118|RANK|3|
A Stormpike’s Delivery|QID|353|M|59.6,34.0|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Grimand Elmore.|RANK|3|
F Ironforge|QID|26131|M|41.8,52.2|Z|Ironforge|N|Head to Ironforge either by the Stormwind Tram, or by flying from your nearest flight master.|LEAD|26118|RANK|3|
A Reinforcements for Loch Modan|QID|26131|M|41.8,52.2|Z|Ironforge|N|From Mountaineer Barleybrew in Ironforge.\nIf quest doesn’t show, drop the quest Hero’s Call: Loch Modan!|RANK|2|
F South Gate Outpost|QID|26131|Z|Ironforge|M|55.49,47.78|N|Talk to Gryth Thurden, and ask him to fly you to Loch Modan.|RANK|2|
T Reinforcements for Loch Modan|QID|26131|M|14,56.49|N|To Pilot Hammerfoot.|RANK|2|
T Hero’s Call: Loch Modan!|QID|28567|M|14,56.49|N|To Pilot Hammerfoot.|O|
A The Lost Pilot|QID|26854|M|14,56.49|N|From Pilot Hammerfoot.|
T The Lost Pilot|QID|26854|M|87.63,50.14|Z|Dun Morogh|N|To A Dwarven Corpse.|
A A Pilot’s Revenge|QID|26855|PRE|26854|M|87.63,50.14|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From A Dwarven Corpse.|
C A Pilot’s Revenge|QID|26855|M|87.46,50.02|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Kill and Mangeclaw. He appears after you accept the quest.|
T A Pilot’s Revenge|QID|26855|M|14,56.49|N|To Pilot Hammerfoot.|
A South Gate Status Report|QID|13635|LEAD|26146|M|14,56.49|N|From Pilot Hammerfoot.|PRE|26855|
T South Gate Status Report|QID|13635|M|23.4,75|N|To Captain Rugelfuss.|
A In Defense of the King’s Lands|QID|26146|M|23.48,75.03|N|From Captain Rugelfuss.|
A The Trogg Threat|QID|26145|M|23.44,74.94|N|From Mountaineer Cobbleflint.|
R Stonesplinter Valley|QID|26145|M|22.58,77.34|N|Go up the mountain trail to Stonesplinter Valley.|
C The Trogg Threat|QID|26145|S|M|31.63,69.62|N|Collect the Trogg Stone Tooth that drops from the Troggs.|
C In Defense of the King’s Lands|QID|26146|M|35.78,80.53|N|Kill 12 Stoneslinter Troggs.|
C The Trogg Threat|QID|26145|US|M|31.63,69.62|N|Finish off collecting the Trogg Stone Tooth that drops from the Troggs.|
R Valley of Kings|QID|26145|M|30.07,78.19|N|Head back to Mountaineer Cobbleflint and Captain Rugelfuss via the Trail.|
T The Trogg Threat|QID|26145|M|23.45,74.98|N|To Mountaineer Cobbleflint.|
T In Defense of the King’s Lands|QID|26146|M|23.41,75.00|N|To Captain Rugelfuss.|
A A Decisive Strike|QID|26148|M|23.37,75.01|N|From Captain Rugelfuss.|PRE|26146|
A Bigger and Uglier|QID|26147|M|23.40,75.02|N|From Mountaineer Wallbang.|PRE|26146|
C Bigger and Uglier|QID|26147|M|35.04,59.37|S|N|Kill Stonesplinter Shamans and Bonesnappers.|
C A Decisive Strike|QID|26148|M|33.08,70.65;35.36,65.18;35.64,62.25;33.86,62.19;35.60,61.10|CS|N|Kill Grawmug, who is in the rear of the cave.|
C Bigger and Uglier|QID|26147|M|35.04,59.37|US|N|Finish killing the Stonesplinters needed.|
T A Decisive Strike|QID|26148|M|23.40,75.01|N|To Captain Rugelfuss.|
A Onward to Thelsamar|QID|26176|M|23.37,75.01|N|From Captain Rugelfuss.\nIf quest doesn’t show, drop the quest Out of Gnoll-where.|LEAD|26842|PRE|26148|
T Bigger and Uglier|QID|26147|M|23.34,75.01|N|To Mountaineer Wallbang.|
R Thelsamar|QID|26176|M|35,46.6|N|Follow the road north-east to Thelsamar.|
f Thelsamar|QID|26176|M|33.93,50.95|N|At Thorgum Borrelson.|
T Onward to Thelsamar|QID|26176|M|35,46.6|N|To Mountaineer Kadrell.|
A Out of Gnoll-where|QID|26842|M|35.09,46.41|N|From Mountaineer Kadrell.|
h Stoutlager Inn|QID|26860|M|35.48,48.44|N|At Innkeeper Hearthstove.|
A Thelsamar Blood Sausages|QID|26860|M|34.83,49.29|N|From Vidra Hearthstove.|
A Looking for Lurkers|QID|25118|M|35.37,42.86|N|From Dakk Blunderblast.|
A WANTED: The Dark Iron Spy|QID|13648|M|37.26,46.44|N|From “Wanted” sign.|
C Thelsamar Blood Sausages|QID|26860|M|36.75,38.25|N|Kill and loot bears for their rumps.|S|
C Looking for Lurkers|QID|25118|S|M|38.0,39.25|N|Kill 8 Forest Lurkers.|
C Out of Gnoll-where|QID|26842|M|26.25,42.37|N|Kill and loot Mosshide Scouts and Bashers to get their ears.|
R WANTED: The Dark Iron Spy|QID|13648|M|40.69,58.07;40.35,61.45;37.31,61.99|CC|N|Take the trail up and head into the cave.|
C WANTED: The Dark Iron Spy|QID|13648|M|36.46,61.23|N|Kill Gorick Guzzeldraught, then loot him.|
A Explorers’ League Document (1 of 6)|QID|13656|M|36.76,61.25|N|From the Stolen Explorers’ League Document.|
C Thelsamar Blood Sausages|QID|26860|M|36.75,38.25|N|Kill and loot bears for their rumps.|US|
C Looking for Lurkers|QID|25118|US|M|38.0,39.25|N|Kill 8 Forest Lurkers.|
T Explorers’ League Document (1 of 6)|QID|13656|M|37.18,47.82|N|To Torren Squarejaw.|
T Looking for Lurkers|QID|25118|M|35.35,42.82|N|To Dakk Blunderblast.|
T WANTED: The Dark Iron Spy|QID|13648|M|34.60,44.50|N|To Magistrate Bluntnose.|
T Thelsamar Blood Sausages|QID|26860|M|34.83,49.29|N|To Vidra Hearthstove.|
T Out of Gnoll-where|QID|26842|M|35.03,46.56|N|To Mountaineer Kadrell.|
A Stormpike’s Orders|QID|13636|LEAD|26843|M|35.09,46.41|N|From Mountaineer Kadrell.|
R Algaz Station|QID|13636|M|25.50,17.69|N|Take the road north to Algaz Station.|
T Stormpike’s Delivery|QID|353|M|25.50,17.69|N|To Mountaineer Stormpike.|O|
T Stormpike’s Orders|QID|13636|M|25.50,17.69|N|To Mountaineer Stormpike.|
A A Tiny, Clever Commander|QID|26843|M|25.50,17.69|N|From Mountaineer Stormpike.|
C A Tiny, Clever Commander|QID|26843|M|25.81,31.24|N|Head into the cave and kill “Commander” Nazrim.|
T A Tiny, Clever Commander|QID|26843|M|25.47,18.02|N|To Mountaineer Stormpike.|
A Kobold and Kobolder|QID|26844|M|25.47,18.02|N|From Mountaineer Stormpike.|PRE|26843|
C Kobold and Kobolder|QID|26844|M|34.37,17.29|N|Kill Tunnel Rat Surveyors and Rat Foragers. They are not in the cave.|
T Kobold and Kobolder|QID|26844|M|25.41,17.90|N|To Mountaineer Stormpike.|
A Who’s In Charge Here?|QID|26845|M|25.41,17.90|N|From Mountaineer Stormpike.|PRE|26844|
A Filthy Paws|QID|26863|M|25.41,17.90|N|From Mountaineer Stormpike.|PRE|26844|
A A Nasty Exploit|QID|26846|M|25.41,17.90|N|From Scout Dorli.|PRE|26844|
R Silver Stream Mine|QID|26863|CC|M|35.45,18.75|N|Head into the Silver Stream Mine.|PRE|26844|
C A Nasty Exploit|QID|26846|M|36.23,23.45|S|N|Kill Tunnel Rat Geomancers.|
C Filthy Paws|QID|26863|M|35.09,24.63|S|N|Loot Miners’ League Crates. They sparkle.|NC|
C Who’s In Charge Here?|QID|26845|M|34.75,26.85|N|Head to the end of the cave. Kill and loot Foreman Sharpsneer.|
C A Nasty Exploit|QID|26846|M|36.23,23.45|US|N|Kill Tunnel Rat Geomancers.|
C Filthy Paws|QID|26863|M|35.09,24.63|US|N|Loot Miners’ League Crates. They sparkle.|NC|
T Filthy Paws|QID|26863|M|25.48,17.74|N|To Mountaineer Stormpike.|
T Who’s In Charge Here?|QID|26845|M|25.48,17.74|N|To Mountaineer Stormpike.|
A The Bearer of Gnoll-edge|QID|26864|M|25.48,17.74|N|From Mountaineer Stormpike.|PRE|26845|
T A Nasty Exploit|QID|26846|M|25.48,17.74|N|To Scout Dorli.|
H Stoutlager Inn|QID|26864|M|37.17,46.40|N|Hearth back to the Stoutlager Inn in Thelsamar.|
T The Bearer of Gnoll-edge|QID|26864|M|35.09,46.41|N|To Mountaineer Kadrell.|
A Suddenly, Murlocs!|QID|26927|M|35.09,46.41|N|From Mountaineer Kadrell.|PRE|26864|
T Suddenly, Murlocs!|QID|26927|M|34.81,49.06|N|To Cannary Caskshot.|
A Smells Like A Plan|QID|26928|M|34.81,49.06|N|From Cannary Caskshot.|PRE|26927|
C Smells Like A Plan|QID|26928|S|M|42.92,47.90|N|Kill and loot the Bluegill Merloc’s until you get the 7 glands.|
A Explorers’ League Document (2 of 6)|QID|13655|M|41.35,39.00|N|From the Stolen Explorers’ League Documents. It is hard to see, it is just under the south side of the bridge.|
C Smells Like A Plan|QID|26928|US|M|42.92,47.90|N|Finish killing and the Bluegill Merloc’s until you get the 7 glands.|
T Explorers’ League Document (2 of 6)|QID|13655|M|37.18,47.82|N|To Torren Squarejaw.|
A Buzz Off|QID|26932|M|35.01,46.42|N|From Mountaineer Kadrell.|PRE|26927|
T Smells Like A Plan|QID|26928|M|34.85,49.07|N|To Cannary Caskshot.|
A Axis of Awful|QID|26868|M|34.85,49.07|N|From Cannary Caskshot.|PRE|26928|
A A Load of Croc|QID|26929|M|34.91,49.02|N|From Cannary Caskshot.|PRE|26927|
C A Load of Croc|QID|26929|S|M|55.00,56.25|N|Kill and loot the Loch Crocolisk for their Jaws.|
C Buzz Off|QID|26932|S|M|54.39,59.98|N|Kill Loch Buzzards.|
U Cannary’s Cache|QID|26868|U|60681|M|50.99,55.70|N|Open up Cannary’s Cache|L|60502|
R The Loch|QID|26868|M|49.6,57.7|N|Head to The Loch|
U Clever Plant Disguise Kit|QID|26868|U|60502|M|49.6,57.7|BUFF|82788|N|Use the Clever Plant Disguise Kit when you are near the loch.|
C Axis of Awful|QID|26868|U|60503|M|50.3,56.9|N|Stand near the Tunnel Rat Lackey and the Bluegill Representatives, then throw the Potent Murloc Pheromones.|
C Buzz Off|QID|26932|US|M|54.39,59.98|N|Finish killing the Loch Buzzards.|
C A Load of Croc|QID|26929|US|M|55.00,56.25|N|Finish killing and looting the Loch Crocolisk for their Jaws.|
T Buzz Off|QID|26932|M|35.01,46.84|N|To Mountaineer Kadrell.|
T Axis of Awful|QID|26868|M|34.86,49.03|N|To Cannary Caskshot.|
T A Load of Croc|QID|26929|M|34.86,49.03|N|To Cannary Caskshot.|
A Resupplying the Excavation|QID|13639|M|37.26,47.60|N|From Jern Hornhelm.|PRE|26868|
C Resupplying the Excavation|QID|13639|NC|M|56.39,65.97|N|Head to the waypoint to find Huldar, Miran and Saean.|
T Resupplying the Excavation|QID|13639|M|56.39,65.97|N|To Huldar.|
A Protecting the Shipment|QID|309|M|56.39,65.97|N|From Huldar.|PRE|13639|
C Protecting the Shipment|QID|309|M|56.37,65.90|N|Stay near Huldar and protect him from the incoming Dark Iron Ambushers and kill Saean when he comes back.|
T Protecting the Shipment|QID|309|M|65.33,65.98|N|To Prospector Ironband.|
A Keep Your Hands Off The Goods!|QID|13650|M|65.19,66.02|N|From Prospector Ironband.|PRE|309|
A Gathering Idols|QID|26961|M|64.80,66.54|N|From Magmar Fellhew.|
C Gathering Idols|QID|26961|S|M|72.57,66.29|N|Kill and loot Troggs until you get 8 Carved Stone Idols.|
C Artifact of the Upturned Giant|QID|13650|M|70.13,59.79|N|Head to the Upturned Giant and stand on it (to simulate inspecting it, you don’t need to click it).|QO|2|NC|; Artifact of the Upturned Giant Inspected: 1/1
C Artifact of the Broken Tablet|QID|13650|M|70.71,67.57|N|Head to the Broken Tablet and stand on it (to simulate inspecting it, you don’t need to click it).|QO|1|NC|; Artifact of the Broken Tablet Inspected: 1/1
A Explorers’ League Document (4 of 6)|QID|13658|M|68.20,65.97|N|Walk up a near by ramp located close to the last objective completed.|
C Keep Your Hands Off The Goods!|QID|13650|M|72.57,65.11|N|Head to the Overdressed Woman and stand on it (to simulate inspecting it, you don’t need to click it).|QO|3|NC|; Artifact of the Overdressed Woman Inspected: 1/1
C Gathering Idols|QID|26961|US|M|68.3,63.2|N|Finish killing and looting the Troggs until you get 8 Carved Stone Idols.|
T Keep Your Hands Off The Goods!|QID|13650|M|65.19,66.07|N|To Prospector Ironband.|
T Gathering Idols|QID|26961|M|64.94,66.56|N|To Magmar Fellhew.|
A Joining the Hunt|QID|13647|M|64.93,66.60|N|From Magmar Fellhew.|PRE|13650&26961|
R The Farstrider Lodge |QID|13647|M|82.79,63.42|N|Head to The Farstrider Lodge, you can follow the road north then east around the Excavation Site to reduce the likelyhood of any attacks.|
A Thistle While You Work|QID|27025|M|82.79,63.42|N|From Safety Warden Pipsy. The entrance to the lodge is north-east of the building.|
A The Joy of Boar Hunting|QID|27016|M|83.35,65.01|N|From Daryl the Youngling.|
T Joining the Hunt|QID|13647|M|81.82,61.74|N|To Marek Ironheart.|
A Hornet Hunting|QID|27028|M|81.82,61.74|N|From Marek Ironheart.|
A Foxtails By The Handful|QID|27030|M|81.87,61.88|N|From Marek Ironheart.|
f Farstrider Lodge|QID|27031|M|81.96,64.10|N|At Eeryven Grayer. |
A Wing Nut|QID|27031|M|81.70,64.59|N|From Bingles Blastenheimer.|
C Wing Nut|QID|27031|M|75.15,73.70|N|Kill and loot Golden Eagles for their feathers.|
C Foxtails By The Handful|QID|27030|M|68.77,42.89|S|N|Kill and loot foxes until you get 7 Fluffy Fox Tails.|
C Thistle While You Work|QID|27025|M|68.39,39.97|NC|N|Collect the Seeds from the ground.|S|
A Explorers’ League Document (6 of 6)|QID|13659|M|73.09,35.91|N|From the Stolen Explorers’ League Documents.|
C Thistle While You Work|QID|27025|M|68.39,39.97|NC|N|Collect the Seeds from the ground.|US|
C Foxtails By The Handful|QID|27030|M|68.77,42.89|US|N|Kill and loot foxes until you get 7 Fluffy Fox Tails.|
C Hornet Hunting|QID|27028|M|54.64,32.21|S|N|Kill and loot Marsh Hornets.|
C The Joy of Boar Hunting|QID|27016|M|57.54,34.71|S|N|Kill 10 Mudbelly Boars.|
A Explorers’ League Document (5 of 6)|QID|13660|M|53.70,38.21|N|From the Stolen Explorers’ League Documents.|
C The Joy of Boar Hunting|QID|27016|M|57.54,34.71|US|N|Kill 10 Mudbelly Boars.|
C Hornet Hunting|QID|27028|M|54.64,32.21|US|N|Kill and loot Marsh Hornets.|
H Stoutlager Inn|QID|13658|M|37.17,46.40|N|Hearth back to the Stoutlager Inn in Thelsamar.|
T Explorers’ League Document (4 of 6)|QID|13658|M|37.18,47.75|N|To Torren Squarejaw.|
T Explorers’ League Document (5 of 6)|QID|13660|M|37.18,47.75|N|To Torren Squarejaw.|
T Explorers’ League Document (6 of 6)|QID|13659|M|37.18,47.75|N|To Torren Squarejaw.|
F Farstrider Lodge|QID|27031|M|33.96,50.88|N|Fly to Farstrider Lodge.|
h Farstrider Lodge|QID|27031|M|33.96,50.88|N|At Vyrin Swiftwind.|
T Wing Nut|QID|27031|M|81.68,64.66|N|To Bingles Blastenheimer.|
A Bird is the Word|QID|27032|M|81.70,64.63|N|From Bingles Blastenheimer.|PRE|27031|
T Thistle While You Work|QID|27025|M|82.86,63.50|N|To Safety Warden Pipsy.|
A Defcon: Bobcat|QID|27026|M|82.86,63.50|N|From Safety Warden Pipsy.|PRE|27025|
T Hornet Hunting|QID|27028|M|81.87,61.81|N|To Marek Ironheart.|
T Foxtails By The Handful|QID|27030|M|81.87,61.81|N|To Marek Ironheart.|
T The Joy of Boar Hunting|QID|27016|M|83.40,65.26|N|To Daryl the Youngling.|
A Vyrin’s Revenge|QID|27036|M|81.99,64.44|N|From Vyrin Swiftwind.|PRE|27016|
C Defcon: Bobcat|QID|27026|M|69.67,73.70|S|N|Kill Bobcats.|
C Vyrin’s Revenge|QID|27036|M|80.28,52.17|N|Kill and loot Ol’ Sooty.|
C Defcon: Bobcat|QID|27026|M|71.57,76.91|N|Finish killing the Bobcats as you make your way to Ironwing Cavern.|US|
R Ironwing Cavern|QID|27032|M|71.57,76.91|N|Run to Ironwing Cavern.|
T Bird is the Word|QID|27032|M|78.52,76.30|N|To the Rusted Skystrider.|
A Skystrider’s Heart|QID|27033|M|78.51,76.32|N|From the Rusted Skystrider.|PRE|27032|
H Farstrider Lodge|QID|27033|M|81.90,64.62|N|Hearthstone back to Farstrider Lodge.|
T Skystrider’s Heart|QID|27033|M|81.63,64.61|N|To Bingles Blastenheimer.|
A He’s That Age|QID|27034|M|81.66,64.55|N|From Bingles Blastenheimer.|PRE|27033|
T Defcon: Bobcat|QID|27026|M|82.87,63.35|N|To Safety Warden Pipsy.|
T Vyrin’s Revenge|QID|27036|M|83.39,65.25|N|To Daryl the Youngling.|
A Vyrin’s Revenge|QID|27037|M|83.39,65.25|N|From Daryl the Youngling.|PRE|27036|
T Vyrin’s Revenge|QID|27037|M|81.88,64.42|N|To Vyrin Swiftwind.|
T He’s That Age|QID|27034|M|58.47,28.99|N|To Ando Blastenheimer.|
A Standing Up|QID|27035|M|58.47,28.99|N|From Ando Blastenheimer.|PRE|27034|
C Standing Up|QID|27035|M|50.64,23.82|N|Head into the center of the Twilight Camp and destroy the Twilight Landshaper.|
T Standing Up|QID|27035|M|58.59,28.96|N|To Ando Blastenheimer.|
A Fight the Hammer|QID|27074|M|58.59,28.96|N|From Ando Blastenheimer.|PRE|27035|
T Fight the Hammer|QID|27074|M|64.05,26.80|N|To Ashlan Stonesmirk.|
A Servants of Cho’gall|QID|27075|M|64.05,26.80|N|From Ashlan Stonesmirk.|PRE|27074|
A Clutching at Chaos|QID|27077|M|64.05,26.80|N|From Ashlan Stonesmirk.|PRE|27074|
C Servants of Cho’gall|QID|27075|M|70.91,23.24|S|N|Kill 7 Mo’Grosh Ogres.|
C Clutching at Chaos|QID|27077|M|69.40,23.80|N|Sparkley black long spikes, click on them to pick them up.|NC|
C Servants of Cho’gall|QID|27075|M|70.91,23.24|US|N|Kill 7 Mo’Grosh Ogres.|
T Servants of Cho’gall|QID|27075|M|64.05,26.83|N|To Ashlan Stonesmirk.|
T Clutching at Chaos|QID|27077|M|64.05,26.83|N|To Ashlan Stonesmirk.|
A Gor’kresh|QID|27078|M|64.05,26.83|N|From Ashlan Stonesmirk.|PRE|27075&27077|
C Gor’kresh|QID|27078|M|74.82,19.81;79.80,14.90|CS|N|Head to the back of the cave, and kill Gor’kresh.|
T Gor’kresh|QID|27078|M|64.17,26.83|N|To Ashlan Stonesmirk.|
A Ando’s Call|QID|27115|M|64.17,26.83|N|From Ashlan Stonesmirk.|PRE|27078|
T Ando’s Call|QID|27115|M|58.57,29.07|N|To Ando Blastenheimer.|
A The Winds of Loch Modan|QID|27116|M|58.57,29.07|N|From Ando Blastenheimer. On accepting this quest you will be whisked to Algaz Station.|PRE|27115|
T The Winds of Loch Modan|QID|27116|M|25.51,17.87|N|To Mountaineer Stormpike.|
Re: f FarstriderYeah, the QID for the step is silly. It should be moved before the turnin to the lead-in quest and use that QID.I’ll re-arrange the section as you suggest.
f Farstriderf Farstrider Lodge|QID|13647|M|81.96,64.10|N|At Eeryven Grayer. |This line disappears from the guide as soon as you turn in ‘Joining the Hunt’. I’d suggest moving this one down and turning it in last. Only reason I see to having this one first is the level restriction on the rest of the quests in the area.Unfortunately, it’s the only turn in before you hearth out and have to fly back. I’d add a note suggesting level 15 as you head there. You can level up on the way.
Loch Modan updateRemoved unneeded zone tags, added in breadcrumb quest from Ironforge, added in missing quests, re-arranged certain quests to better flow for those coming from Dun Morogh. Added missing notes, missing cords. Fixed a few notes and cords.
Revised Loch Modan Guide in my grubby handsAnnaSender’s revised Loch Modan guide is in my hands. I just spun up a Gnome Warlock and am testing the guide starting tomorrow.
The Loch Modan guide in theThe Loch Modan guide in the addon was only done as a temp’ measure, as I had a hard drive failure and lost the last couple of days before Cata went live and my code with it, WKJezz just blasted through them, think LM was done in about an hour before Cata went live.
Matching quest linesAs long as it is a good match with the quest lines from the Gnome and Dwarf quest lines, it can be adjusted.
I don’t think 12 is going to be required to come inI’m part way through mapping it all out, and the lead in sequence is level 7 or 9 (two choices) and the follow ons are many level 10 quests. So entering at level 12 is not necessary I think. The guide was somewhat backwards in it’s sequence bringing you into the higher level quests in the zone first. I’ll finish my sequencing and optmization, record/test it and will be back with the results.Anna
Leveling to 12Yeah thats the annoying bit for Dun Morogh, blizzard removed a bunch of quests not long before cata was released, and only added one extra in. Add that to the fact that you get no XP for any mob you kill at the airfield, that why I put the note in about grinding dark iron until so far into 11, as the remainder you to get you to 12 will come from all the turnins.If I get a chance, I will try and finish up Loch Modan, and see if Wetlands needs anything more doing to it
annasender I have since spoken to AnnaSender and she is going to take a crack at the resequencing. I will then test her mods on my own toon, precisely leveled to 12, as you suggest :-).Back to Felwood and my quest for Loremaster.
Loch Modan guideRemember it best if you finish Dun Morogh guide at Level 12, as a couple of quests for Loch Modan can be picked up before you go there, and for these you need to be Level 12. I forget the names now, But 1st one is in the throne room after you complete the final quest of the Dun Morogh guide, the other is in Stormwind. If your going to go to Stormwind, you can quickly do the Deeprun tram Rat quest and follow up.I have all these on my local Loch Modan write-up just never got round to completing and posting it.
Noo need …The moment I started poking at it, I realized that I need to start with the Hero’s call board and re-arrange the guide.This will take a bit to work out and I will have to spin up a gnome (just cause I never did one post cata) and run it through the guide to make sure it works right.I’m thinking we need to crank up the standards on the guides. We are not using the RANK tag in many of them and now that I am going for loremaster, I can see there are alot of quests missing even at rank=3. Rank=3 should satisfy the OCD folks who want to get everything in a zone, Rank=2 should get you the zone acheivement and the exploration acheivement + level you properly for the next zone (and maybe extra) , Rank=1 should just aim to get you through the main quest lines, no side lines, and barely level you.Cheers!
Will get more info if you needI can do a full analysis of the dependencies and optimize the sequencing of the quests if you like and report back. Just let me know. Nothing I like more than info sleuthing.
Quest Compulsion in Loch ModanThanks for catching these. I’ll updater the guide later today.
Ordering of quests, missing quests for Loch Modan guideI just ran through this guide and some quests are missing, and a few, because of order, cannot be done later.These quests are missing from the guide:http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26860http://www.wowhead.com/quest=13655http://www.wowhead.com/quest=13657http://www.wowhead.com/quest=13659And the ordering needs to be adjusted on these:http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26176 should be before http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26842http://www.wowhead.com/quest=13636 should be before http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26843And finally, it looks like this guide should begin with http://www.wowhead.com/quest=28567 which will lead to sequence that completes some missing quests from the Dun Morogh guide and pulls you into Loch Modan in a way that you won’t miss some of these breadcrumb quests.
Thank You!Thank you Wow-Pro for making these guides so easy for people to use, and Thank you Ludovicious for pointing out the ordering of the quests. I was wondering if there was a prereq that I hadn’t done previously.
This guide needsSome love and fine tuning, yes. I was not supposed to do this zone, but the person who had it was unable to do this in time for launch, so this source code was completed litterally 2 minutes before they flipped the switch for Cata. Not my finest work as is being discovered, looks like it is being actively improved though
Explorers’ league Document (6 of 6)This quest is not in the current -loch modan (12-20)- , so at the end of the guide i miss one quest and dont get the achievement: [Loch Modan Quests] but after getting the quest: Explorers’ league Document (6 of 6) and delivering it i have done all available quests in Loch Modan.
You could probably put it after step: 60 because step 61 sends you to get the farstrider lodge flight point, so why not grab this quest on the way there. You can find the quest at these coordinates close to some stoneskull statue and tablet, inbetween some trees. –> coordinates: 73,36. and then after flying back to thelsamar to deliver some quests why not put delivering this new quest somewhere inbetween?
Thanks for your time
Tested and tweakedOK, I tested the guide through the altered portions.Things seem to behave more smoothly and I added a few warnings and coords to be more helpful.
Thank you *very* much, that’sThank you *very* much, that’s a big help!
All comments incorporated!I added the original source code and then posted revisions for each change.Should be ready for the next shot.I patched my own leveling guide with it and will validate with a low level toon sometime.
Ludovicus – I just promotedLudovicus – I just promoted you to Trusted Member due to all these excellent feedback posts. If you’d like, you are welcome to edit the source code and post it in the wiki page above – it should be editable by you now.
I really appreciate all the work you’ve done on this! Sadly this guide was the last one we did before getting the main Cataclysm version of the addon out, and was *extremely* rushed, so needs lots of work.
Sequence tweak to avoid traveling after [Bigger and Uglier]Do:T A Decisive Strike|QID|26148|M|23.40,75.01|N|To Captain Rugelfuss.|T Bigger and Uglier|QID|26147|M|23.34,75.01|N|To Mountaineer Wallbang.|Right after:C Bigger and Uglier|QID|26147|M|35.04,59.37|
Quest [WANTED: The Dark Iron Spy] is not from InnkeeperThe quest is from the “Wanted Poster” A WANTED: The Dark Iron Spy|QID|13648|M|37.26,46.44|N|From Innkeeper Hearthstove.|
Sequence wrong after turning in [The Bearer of Gnoll-edge]You are offered [Suddenly, Murlocs!] after turning in [The Bearer of Gnoll-edge]. Swap the last two lines?T The Bearer of Gnoll-edge|QID|26864|M|35.09,46.41|N|To Mountaineer Kadrell.|A Out of Gnoll-where|QID|26842|M|35.09,46.41|N|From Mountaineer Kadrell.|A Suddenly, Murlocs!|QID|26927|M|35.09,46.41|N|From Mountaineer Kadrell.|
Sequence wrong around [A Nasty Exploit]I think the last two lines should be swapped:T Who’s In Charge Here?|QID|26845|M|25.48,17.74|N|To Mountaineer Stormpike.|T A Nasty Exploit|QID|26846|M|25.48,17.74|N|To Scout Dorli.|A The Bearer of Gnoll-edge|QID|26864|M|25.48,17.74|N|From Mountaineer Stormpike.|Mountaineer Stormpike offers [The Bearer of Gnoll-edge] right after turning in [Who’s In Charge Here?]
Sequence wrong around [A Who’s In Charge Here?]This:A Who’s In Charge Here?|QID|26845|M|25.41,17.90|N|From Mountaineer Stormpike.|is not availible till after completing:T Kobold and Kobolder|QID|26844|M|25.41,17.90|N|To Mountaineer Stormpike.|
Wrong OrderVersion: 2.1.0One of the quests for this guide is out of order- the guide says to pick up Who’s In Charge Here? after doing A Tiny, Clever Commander, but this quest is not available until after doing Kobold and Kobolder.