Of course, with a new class, new abilities and spells will be introduced.
Some people already have tested the Death Knight in WoTLK beta.
And of course, with new abilities and spells, new macros will become available.
This guide will be about Death Knight Macros.

#showtooltip Chains of Ice
/cast Chains of Ice
/cast Death Grip
Try to press it twice in a row really quickly. It will make the target fly up into the air at a very slow rate (depending on movement speed of the mob), and eventually fall down at a very slow rate. The target can be attacked while in the air, and it serves as a great crowd control, and it only uses one Frost rune. It is more effective the further away you are from your target. Can be used constantly (or near constant) with the Unholy Command talent. Can be used on most mobs.
Runner Stopper
#showtooltip Death Grip
/cast Death Grip
/cast Chains of Ice
Casts Death Grip. If Death Grip is on cooldown, Chains of Ice is casted instead. This allows for you to either pull, or stop an enemy from running away with the use of one button.
Ghoul Death Coil on Alt
#showtooltip Death Coil
/cast [nomodifier] Death Coil; [modifier:alt,target=pet] Death Coil
Casts a standard Death Coil with no modifier pressed down. With the ”Alt” key held down, uses Death Coil on your pet rather than your target for healing instead of damage.
Rune Strike Macros
#showtooltip Blood Strike
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Blood Strike
#showtooltip Heart Strike
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Heart Strike
#showtooltip Scourge Strike
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Scourge Strike
#showtooltip Icy Touch
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Icy Touch
#showtooltip Plague Strike
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Plague Strike
#showtooltip Death Strike
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Death Strike
#showtooltip “Rune Ability”
/script UIErrorsFrame:UnregisterEvent(“UI_ERROR_MESSAGE”)
/cast “Rune Ability”
”Rune Ability” can be replaced by any ability you would like to use.
With this, you won’t get the error message when you spam the macro.
I will add more macros later on, of course! ๐
Please, leave a comment if:
You have any additional information that I should add to this guide.
You have any suggestions about the Text Formatting.
You want to leave a comment about how it worked out.
Feel free to post macros, I am open for suggestions, hehe ๐
A new idea?#showtooltip Death Coil
/cast [nomodifier] Death Coil; [modifier:ctrl,target=self] Death Coil
So you can heal yourself when you are Lichborne?
Ps. #Showtooltip Corpse Explosion
/cast [nomodifier] Corpse Explosion; [modifier:ctrl,target=pet] Corpse Explosion
This Won’t work for me because my Dk’s name is Petsoul, And it will target me rather then my pet.. Anyone with idea’s how to fix it ?
I would suggest a macro forI would suggest a macro for dealing with the sparks in the Eye of Eternity raid. Something like…
/tar spark
/cast death grip
… Since Death Knights make it much easier to position them, and thus make the fight itself easier.
Runner StopperI cant really get this to work, for me it will just cast both the spells(edit: in the order stated in the macro), which I dont want ๐
this is what it says
#showtooltip Death Grip
/cast Death Grip
/cast Chains of Ice
Edit: Btw, I have the Glyph of Death Grip, maybe that has something to do with it not working?
Macros..Just a couple more easy ones. Thought id share just in case.
/cast Icebound Fortitude
/cast Bone Shield
..provided they both aren’t on CD and you have RP
/cast Rune Tap
/cast Death Pact
/use Super Healing Potion
Pretty good size heal in an emergency
Thanks. Will do.Thanks. Will do.
Hi, You should definitelyHi,
You should definitely try to use hotkeys for your spells instead of your mouse. In PVE it might be possible to survive with click-casting but in PVP you need faster reactions on what your opponent does, so you should use hotkeys.
I think we don’t have a pure PVP-Deathknight guide but you could have a look on sites like [url=http://www.wowwiki.com]wowwiki[/url], [url=http://elitistjerks.com/forums.php]Elitist Jerks[/url] or just google it ๐ I’m, sure there you will find some useful informations about PVP talent builds, tactics and macros ๐
I tried this out at a 10-man naxx run last night, and my DPS sky rocketed. I first tried using my usually rotation, and i was about 5 or 6. Once i used the unholy cast sequence…i jumped to #1 and was out DPSing the mage and huntard.
what I like about it the blood strike, blood strike combo. I was healing me like crazy. I was #5 on overall healing done.
if you use –>Obliterate then>Empower Rune Weapon you start the sequence all over again.
PvP MacroMy bad Shikamaru! I didnt realize that the author wasn’t Jame. Sorry. I am open to any advice, really.
PvP Macro? Jame,
I need some advice on PvP and macros. I am just starting to PvP (world) with my DK. It sort of happened out of necessity as I am getting my bum handed to me whilst questing in Plaguelands. Do you use macros for pvp? I have researched this for two days now and I am confused about how to get off spells quickly. Usually, by the time I get my rotation going I’m dead.
Am I suppose to use the mouse to move and then use a macro (if so what kind)? Or do I press the number keys to cast? I have been using mouse to cast in Pve and I think I have developed a bad habit. I realize this is a noob question, but I really want to develop my PvP skills(it’s fun). Btw, excellent guide!
I believe it wasWell i think it was possible, but im not too sure bout that.
Of course learning it off is inevitable especially as a tank, but im leveling my WL at the moment and it gets so dry…
What i do is basically using 3 dots and then my wand, praying that i wont gain aggro over my Fel Guard…
Thanks anyways
Yeah, a cast sequenceYeah, a cast sequence basically just changes what the button does as you go through the sequence. Sounds like a useful, if rigid, way to get your rotation down, though it’s honestly probably better to actually learn the rotation so you can account for the many unexpected changes during combat.
Yees that’s what a castYees that’s what a cast sequence is to me… Was it ever possible to cast several spells by only pushing the button [b]once[/b]? That’d be like botting ๐
hmmCasting several spells in a row pressing one button?
Because my macro always made me press the button several times ๐
They do workThey do work ๐
cast sequenceI always thought that cast sequences dont work any more. Am i wrong?,because when i tried them on my WL it didnt seem to work…
great 1-botton macrothis is a great 1-button macro 4 those of us that luv to smash a single key for fighting. but remember that i made this for pve not pvp or dungeons.
“/castsequence reset=target/combat Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Death Strike, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Death Coil, Death Strike, Death Strike, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Death Coil”
also this macro is designed to reset when u enter/exit combat and also when u change targets. hope this hlps sum of u out. it sure is a great hlp for me. btw u can also replace ANY of the spells with 1’s that u prefer better and this is made for unholy use. great for leveling past 57-58 or so. ๐
Hey Shik, I was just lookingHey Shik, I was just looking through the list to see if anything new had come up, and I noticed something. It looks like the last half of the macro I passed along got cut off when you added it to the guide:
#showtooltip “Rune Ability”
/script UIErrorsFrame:UnregisterEvent(“UI_ERROR_MESSAGE”)
/cast Rune Strike
/script UIErrorsFrame:RegisterEvent(“UI_ERROR_MESSAGE”)
/cast “Rune Ability”
“Victims, aren’t we all?”
The only problem I have withThe only problem I have with making a sequence macro so I just spam 1 key (which I think is GREAT)
I want to plague strike, icy, etc
BUT what about plague strike missing?
You have a mess if you just skip it and try the rest of the sequence.
Is there a way to check and say if it missed do it again until it hits?
is the rune strike in every macro still a good idea? I am still doing it but not sure.
Stacking commands in Macros….Am I missing something here guys? We cannot stack commands into macros, and as far as I know, haven’t been able to do this for a long time…
We can only stack commands for spells that do not affect the Global Cooldown….
Death Knight
Macro’sUH Spec; To cast Plague Strike before Icy Touch is fine as long as your right on the mobs toes. When i’m about to fight a raid boss I icy touch as soon as the Tank grabs it as most cases im standing back from the tank, this gives me a disease straight off the bat. In some cases PS is the better option but its very small added DPS.
Unholy Blight adds a lot of dps in Aoe situations and I tend to get it off asap. If you just waiting to use Gargoyle which has a 3 min cooldown your wasting alot of RP. UB, DC as much as posible to use your RP up. If im on a boss I will save my RP for gargoyle and get it off as soon as RP is at 100% and maybe get off 2 gargoyles in one boss fight.
My rotation on a single raid boss would go something like IT, PS, SS, BS, BS, UB, SS, SS, DC, SS, DC repeat Want to use gargoyle Remove The UB and DC and yu will have 100%RP
/castsequence reset=nocombat Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Scourge Strike, Unholy Blight
I think switching Plague Strike and Icy touch around increases DPS. Also in case people didnt realise this is for Unholy.
Also in dungeons and at 80 I remove unholy blight. Mobs are normally dead, and I’d rather use the runic power on a gargoyle or the like.
Yea, the rune strikeYea, the rune strike included in macros is more useful for leveling / dps’ing.
I can see it being a problem for other situations. Should probably add a note:
“Not recommended for tanking and pvp’ing, as you might need your runic power available for other skills”
Your macro:
#showtooltip”’Your macro:”’
#showtooltip Death Coil
/cast [nomodifier] Death Coil; [modifier:alt,target=pet] Death Coil
”’But how about this:”’
/cast [mod:alt,tar:pet]Death Coil; Death Coil
*Reason why I am writing ”’mod”’ instead of ”’moderator”’ is because every command run within World Of Warcraft will be valid as long as it is the only similar to something unique. For example, you can type ”’/tar”’ instead of ”’/target”’ because the only command that starts with ”’/tar”’ is ”’/target”’. (But then we have ”’/targetexact”’ which might indicate that ”’/tar”’ chooses the next and most probable command, which is ”’/target”’ and not ”’/targetexact”’ or anything like that.)
*Leaving out ”\'[nomodifier]”’ (aka. ”\'[nomod]”’) also saves us size on the macro (limit is 255 chars), in addition to that: if you have ”’#showtooltip”’ without a specific spell name after it (or a specific macro icon), then it will never show the nasty ”\'[ ? ]”’ icon (Which will stop forcing you to specify a name after the #showtooltip).
/cast [nomodifier] Death Coil; [modifier:alt,target=pet] Death Coil
IF no modifier THEN cast Death Coil; IF modifier alt THEN cast at pet Death Coil; ELSE no action
/cast [mod:alt,tar:pet]Death Coil; Death Coil
IF modifier alt THEN cast at pet Death Coil; ELSE cast Death Coil
Less text
Apart from that, I just have to say that adding ”’Rune Strike”’ to every basic ability is ”’shit”’ for tanks and pvp’ers. I tried it, and pretty soon found myself wiping on AOE packs because I burnt my ”’RP (Runic Power)”’ before I could cast ”’Icebound Fortitude”’ and reduce the damage I took by half.
However, if you have five Resto Druids on you and just want to faceroll: be my guest. But I play on a PvP server, and do not recommend it for anything else but pure solo damage output.
About preventing error messages – what is ”’/script UIErrorFrame:Clear()”’ supposed to do? I can’t seem to get any function out of it.
I will test it in theI will test it in the weekend, when my warrior hits 55 and I can start my Death Knight, at last.
Thanks for commenting, I will add it if it works out well ๐
Fixed it, thanksFixed it, thanks ๐
But Icy Touch Strike isBut Icy Touch Strike is cuter, isn’t it?! ๐
Icy TouchOn your macro for Icy Touch you have /cast Icy Touch Strike
Should be just /cast Icy Touch
DPS Macro’sI been playing around with a few macro’s. Its for a solo target, usually the target is dead by the time you finish the sequence.
/castsequence reset=nocombat Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Scourge Strike, Unholy Blight,
I was having trouble with the death grip when leap was on my pet and would pull more than the intended mob.
#showtooltip Death Grip
/petautocastoff Leap
/cast Death Grip
/petautocastoff Leap
I’ve tried adding different spells in like icytouch at the end to get your first disease out. This next one is the one im using at the moment which is great for getting the most out of your pet. This will stun the mob for 3 seconds while you beat the SH*T out of it
#showtooltip Death Grip
/petautocastoff Leap
/cast Chains of Ice
/cast Death Grip
/cast Gnaw
/petautocaston Leap
Then I start my diseases.
/castsequence reset=nocombat Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Scourge Strike, Unholy Blight,
For a Spell caster mob try adding /cast Strangulate at the end of the macro
Added it, thanks !Added it, thanks ! ๐
Thanks, updated it.Thanks, updated it.
Updated itUpdated it ๐
Hmm, I stand corrected then.Hmm, I stand corrected then. I knew Mind Freeze didn’t trigger the GCD, but I didn’t think a macro could cast two spells with just one click, for some reason.
Now I just remembered all the mages with their PoM/Pyro/trinket macro. One click = 3 actions there so yea, it’s the same for Strangulate and Mind freeze.
Should just remove that macro then Shikamaru ๐
Hello Jame,
I did tests andHello Jame,
I did tests and it does cast both; Mind Freeze does not trigger the GCD and thus the macro will be able to cast the next spell if avaible. I think a macro will stop if the next spell is under cooldown, in our case under the global cooldown.
Maybe I understood something wrong – but at least this macro does cast both spells with my DK.
Sorry!To all players commenting, many thanks for your feedback ๐
Sorry for not updating this guide, I completely forgot about it :(!
I will update this guide as soon as possible!
Should be updated at the end of the weekend ๐
If you have anything more to add, please comment ๐
Hmm normally 1 action = 1Hmm normally 1 action = 1 spell cast. So if you press the macro once it will only cast one of the two spells, not both.
The Mind Free + StrangulateThe Mind Free + Strangulate macro won’t work as intented:
If both spells are available, the macro will cast Mind Freeze and Strangulate on the target. This is useless since you do not need to silence the target twice and it will trigger the Strangulate CD.
EjectionThis way of DK CC is not doable anymore. Blizzard must have fix this awhile ago, I just tested it today 11/16/08 and was unable to successfully make this work.
Unholy CastUnholy Cast Sequence
/castsequence reset=target/dead Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Scourge Strike, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Scourge Strike
Gogo shikamaru, updateGogo shikamaru, update :p
Here Jame, this is the RuneHere Jame, this is the Rune Strike Macro I used for all of my abilities:
#showtooltip “Rune Ability”
/script UIErrorsFrame:UnregisterEvent(“UI_ERROR_MESSAGE”)
/cast Rune Strike
/script UIErrorsFrame:RegisterEvent(“UI_ERROR_MESSAGE”)
/cast “Rune Ability”
That makes it so you won’t be spammed with error messages every time you use an ability while Rune Strike isn’t available. Replace “Rune Ability” with whatever ability you want, of course.
Good idea.Good idea.
You could also addYou could also add /startattack to each macro to make sure you always auto-attack when switch target etc. To make it even easier you could add /petattack too but it could make problems with some aoe pulls I suppose.
Added them, thanks XymphAdded them, thanks Xymph and Jame ๐
Will add them tonightWill add them tonight ๐
Thanks for testing!
Tested, it works, and ITested, it works, and I would advise making one for every strike:
#showtooltip Blood Strike
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Blood Strike
#showtooltip Heart Strike
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Heart Strike
#showtooltip Scourge Strike
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Scourge Strike
#showtooltip Icy Touch
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Icy Touch Strike
#showtooltip Plague Strike
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Plague Strike
#showtooltip Death Strike
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Death Strike
Could you test thisJame,
Could you test this macro, please ?
Since I’m not in beta either, I can’t :p
Good point, Rune Strike isGood point, Rune Strike is definitely something worth putting on a macro.
Rune StrikeSince Rune Strike is on Next Melee and off the GCD, I guess it works the same as the old Kill Command. It casts Rune Strike when it’s up and also the Strike you’ve put in the macro if possible. Works for every Strike of course.
#showtooltip Heart Strike
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Heart Strike
/script UIErrorFrame: Clear ()
Also, I’m not on beta, so I can’t test it. But theres a possibility you have to put your Strike before Rune Strike, like this.
/cast Heart Strike
/cast Rune Strike
/script UIErrorFrame: Clear ()
ThanksThanks for the information ๐
I will edit it right away.
Edit: edited it ๐
and you got a typo in your comment :p ”abvoe”
Pretty cool, especially thePretty cool, especially the ghoul healing macro, I could use one and was too lazy to research it ๐
About the spell interrupt macro, I’d put Mind Freeze abvoe Strangulate, so that Strangulate is only used if nothing else is available. It’s more logical that way, as strangulate is a very long cooldown, while mind freeze is really short.