Joan’s Alliance Leveling Guide Chapter 2 – Alliance level 13-20
This guide starts at level 13. So if you want to play up a character you may follow my guide for 1-12 witch in practice takes you to 13.
I wont take the quests that’s specific for the class, but I recommend you to do them. They are most often worth the trouble.
I won’t say “sell and repair” or “visit the class trainer” just do it when you think it’s proper, but try to keep them when you are in the area of a vendor or a trainer.
I don’t say this is the fastest or even a fast way to do it (even if I think it is..) but it’s a way to level between 13-20.
Many people may think the travel is a waist of time but consider that you have to do the travel at some point this may be it .
- Level
- Location
- Quest
- NCP’s
- Items / Mobs
When I’ve done this guide I’ve used the add on “Titan panel” witch is very useful and I recommend you to use it.
Titan panel: It’s a very useful addon with may different features. But it’s mostly because I sometimes use locations in my guide with coordinates (x,y), and the panel shows them. But it’s also shows you a lot of other things. Download the lates version here.
Chapter 2
Level 13
Time to travel to Westfall! When you have crossed the bridge in to Westfall there is two farmers standing along the road. Take the following quests:
- [10] Report to Gryan Stoutmantle
- [10] Westfall Stew
- [14] Poor Old Blanchy
Then follow the road until it splits in two, leave the road and go to the farm ahead, but do not go into the fields! When you get close, keep an eye out for Sack of Oats and if you find any pick it up.
At the farm turn in [10] Westfall Stew and take the quests:
- [12] Goretusk Liver Pie
- [13] Westfall Stew
- [15] The Killing Fields
When that done, move on to Sentinel Hill. Remember to take the flight path. Once that’s done, turn in [10] Report to Gryan Stoutmantle . And take the quests as follow:
- [12] The People’s Militia
- [14] Patrolling Westfall
- [15] Red Leather Bandanas (just beside the inn.)
Empty you bags, buy food and drink, then it’s time to move out. There is a lot of places where you may find Defias Trapper and Defias Smuggler, but I find the best spots just around the village.
Start killing them to finish of
- [12] The People’s Militia
- [15] Red Leather Bandanas
- [14] Poor Old Blanchy if you can but there is no need just try.
When you are done, turn in [15] Red Leather Bandanas and [12] The People’s Militia , and take the follow up. When that is done you should be well over level 14.
Level 14
Time to travel, fly to Stormwind, and there put in your quest items in the bank to save bag space. After that:
In short: Travel to Darkshore.
In detail: First to Ironforge, then to Loch Modan and after that to Wetlands. From Wetlands take the boat over to Darkshore.
Remember to take the flight paths in all the areas you pass.
When you get to Auberdine make it your home. Take the flight path and then collect the following quests:
- [10] Buzzbox 827 (over the inn)
- [12] Bashal’ Aran
- [12] Tools of the Highborne
- [13] Washed ashore
- [14] How Big a Threat?
- [14] Plagued Lands
- [16] For Love Eternal (on the bridge)
Empty your bags and buy some food and water.
2. Head to the beach just outside the village to the north. Kill Pygmy Tide Crawler until you find 6 Crawler Leg. Go along the beach until you find Beached Sea Creature, you may have passed it but just go back then. And if you find any Murloc Eye it’s a bonus so just save them until later.
3. Head over to Bashal’ Aran and up the cliff to Asterion. Turn in the quest and take the follow up [12] Bashal’ Aran . Then start killing the Vile Sprite and Wild Grell until you find 8 Grell Earring. When you are done, turn the quest in and take the follow up. Now you need to kill Deth’ ryll Satyr and find Ancieit Moonstone Seal, it can be in any one of them so just look around. Turn in the quest and take the follow up. If you haven’t dinged level 15, this is a good grinding spot so just grind up to 15.
Level 15
Go out in the forest and capture a Rabid Thistle Bear with your trap. Then head back to Auberdine. Turn in the quests and take the follow ups:
- [16] Cleansing of the Infected
- [14] Washed Ashore
- [12] Buzzbox 411
On the image is the buzzbox.
Empty your bags and head out again. Now is a good time to walk in the forest to get some extra xp, but if you don’t want to you just have to do some grinding later on or have rest bonus.
How ever, head to Ameth’ Aran, but on the way… Walk in to one of the camps with Blackwood’s, so that you complete [14] How Big a Threat? . Then start walking on the road until you comes to Ameth’ Aran. Once there just follow the road a few steps until you find a guard that gives you
- [12] The Fall of Ameth’ Aran
Start at the most south point of Amath’ Aran and walk in, killing ghosts. Walk up to the flames witch looks like on the picture.
Then look after the first stone plate, just a little bit away from the flames to the southeast. Keep an eye out for the ghost Anaya Dawnunner. Move over to the second plate and take it. Then just kill ghost and Anaya Dawnunner until the following quests is done.
- [12] Bashal’ Aran
- [12] Tools of the Highborne
- [16] For Love Eternal
- [12] The Fall of Ameth’ Aran
Turn in [12] The Fall of Ameth’ Aran down at the road. Then heart back to Auberdine. And turn in the quests there. Take the follow ups:
- [14] How Big a Threat?
- [15] Thundris Windweaver
Then go to Thundris Windweaver and turn in the quest and take the follow up;
- [15] The Cliffspring River
Empty your bags and it’s time to do circle 2.
1. Go to the camp where you find Blackwood’s and kill them until the quest is completed.
2. Go out to loc (31,46) where you find Skeletal Sea Turtle and from it you get Sea Turtle Remains.
3. Go back to Auberdine and turn in [13] Washed ashore .
4. Then just go north in the water and start killing Darkshore Thresher until you have completed [12] Buzzbox 411 .
5. Head to loc (41,31) and take the quest from the Beached Sea Creature. In the water you will find more Murlocs to kill utnill you have found 3 Murloc Eye. Then go to the Buzzbox just a bit further up along the beach.
Take the follow up;
- [14] Buzzbox 323
6. Go to Bashal’ Aran and turn in that quest at Asterion.
7. Go out in the woods and start killing Rabid Thistle Bears and Moonstalkers until [16] Cleansing of the Infected and [14] Buzzbox 323 is done.
8. Go to the next Buzzbox at loc (51,24) and turn in the quest don’t take the follow up.
9. Then just jump down in the river next to a waterfall and fill your little glass to the quest [15] The Cliffspring River .
By now you should be well over level 16, if you are not it’s time to grind until you ding and maybe a bit more to be on track.
10. Warp back to Auberdine if it is up, other wise just run.
Level 16
Turn in all the completed quests. Take the boat back to the Wetlands and flight back to Westfall. This is a good time to do a pit stop in Stormwind to learn new abilities and check AH. Remember to take out what you did put in on the bank.
1. Empty your bags and move out.
2. Go southeast and kill all Goretusk you can find as well as all birds, until you have done;
- [12] Goretusk Liver Pie
- [13] Westfall Stew (the part with the Stringy Vulture Meat and Goretusk Snout, you should have Murloc Eye from Darkshire, and the okra will come as well.)
3. Go more south and start killing Riverpaw’s until [14] Patrolling Westfall is completed.
4. Head over to Moonbrook and start killing the Defias for [14] The People’s Militia. You can go to the farm that is marked on the map above, there you can find Defies as well.
Level 17
5. When you are done heart back to Sentinell Hill if you can. Turn in the quests there and take the follow ups.
- [17] The People’s Militia
- [18] The Defias Brotherhood
1. Move out again. It’s time to kill Harvest Watchers until you have completed;
- [13] Westfall Stew
- [15] The Killing Fields
Remember to save the okra and Oil.
2. Go and turn in [14] Poor Old Blanchy to Verna Furlbrow.
3. Go to the next farm and turn in
- [13] Westfall Stew
- [15] The Killing Fields
- [12] Goretusk Liver Pie
4. Now move over to the path in the mountains and start killing the Defias there to [17] The People’s Militia. Just move along the path until you are on the other side. By then you should have completed the quest.
5. Move out to the coast and over to the lightning house and take the following quests;
- [16] Keeper of The Flame
- [19] The Coast Isn’t Clear
- [20] The Coastal Menace
Then you just have to turn in [16] Keeper of The Flame .
6. Then just move along the beach and kill what you have to kill until [19] The Coast Isn’t Clear , (you have to move a long way to the north to complete it). When you are in the south of the beach, keep an eye out for Old Murk-Eye. By now you should have dinged level 18, if you haven’t just grind something on the beach.
Level 18
7. When they are completed go back to the lightning house and turn the quest in.
Run back to Sentinell Hill, turn in [17] The People’s Militia and take the follow up, [18] The Defias Brotherhood . Now is a good time to take a trip to Stormwind, otherwise warp to Darkshore.
1. Collect the following quests;
- [17] Cave Mushrooms
- [18] Tharnarium’s Hope
- [18] The Tower of Alhalaxx
- [17] Fruit of the Sea
2. It’s time to move out again. First of, some killing of big bears. Go up to the small cave just next to the big Blackwood camp. In it there are some small bears in levels around 10. And then there is the big one, witch you need to kill. Try to take out some of the small ones before pulling the big one. It can be a bit tricky but everyone can do it.
3. Swim over the river and up to the second cave and kill the mobs so that you can pick the mushrooms so that you complete [17] Cave Mushrooms . If you can’t do it by yourself there are most often someone that can help you out.
5. Follow the road and turn in the quest [18] The Tower of Alhalaxx and take the follow up.
6. Go up to the tower and start killing the humans there until [18] The Tower of Alhalaxx is completed. Go back and turn it in, don’t take the follow up.
7. Go out to the beach and kill the crabs, you will find Beached Sea Turtle, take the quest it gives. Keep killing crabs until [17] Fruit of the Sea is done.
8. Warp back to Auberdine and turn in the quests. You should ding level 19 if you haven’t already.
Level 19
Now you have to make a choice because now is a really good time to do The Deadmies, otherwise you have to grind your way up to level 20, or do quests on your own because I strongly advice you to do The Deadmines. It’s a good experience to know how your character works in a instance and work in a team.
If you choose to do The Deadmines then there is some legwork to do. First of, take yourself to Stormwind and from there to Lakshire in Redridge Mountains. There, take the flight path and find the person you need to talk to, to complete [18] The Defias Brotherhood , (he is in the second floor of the inn.) Take the follow up and fly back to Stormwind. Go to Old District. Turn in the quest and get the follow up. Then go over toDwarven District and take the following quests;
- [18] Collecting Memories (a dwarf in the inn.)
- [20] Oh, Brother… (a dwarf in the inn.)
- [20] Underground Assault (A gnome on the street.)
Then head over to Westfall and Sentinell Hill. Turn in [18] The Defias Brotherhood . Then, you are suppose to kill the Defias Messeger. He walks along the coast way in Westfall and respans in Moonbrook. Just walk along the road up to the mine and back again and you should find him, otherwise wait in Moonbrook until you find him there. Then head back to Sentinell Hill and turn the quest in.
Then at the foot of the tower there stands one or two mans. If it is just one, you have to wait until the second one appears. He gives you an escort quest that you should take and escort him to Moonbrook. Then go back again. Turn in the quest and take the last follow up.
Just one more quest to collect, and it’s an easy one. At the top of the tower and take the quest.
Now I suggest that you use Jame’s Deadmines guide witch you find here.
Level 20
When you are done in The Deadmines, and have turned in the quest you completed you should be well over level 20, and here ends this guide.
I hope you have enjoyed it.
New in 3.0.2The guide was written a while ago; Stormwind Harbor was introduced in Patch 3.0.2 (October 2008), and with it the Alliance boat routes changed. The Auberdine – Eastern Kingdoms boat now goes to Stormwind rather than Menethil Harbor, and Menethil now has a boat to Valgarde in Howling Fjord. This was a welcome change for the Allies; although all four Horde capitals are connected via zeppelin or teleporter, Darnassus and Exodar were isolated from the other Alliance capitals.
As far as I can tell, the guide is still accurate, and offers efficient leveling to 20 (though if you’re all about efficiency, Bloodmyst is hard to beat); the change in boat routes just makes it easier to get back and forth between the zones.
[Edit 18 Feb 09 00:35 UTC: Ogrimmar and Thunder Bluff are connected by wyvern, not zeppelin. Still, my point was that young Hordies didn’t have to dodge level 25 crocs to get from one capital to another. It’s a long run from Mulgore to Durotar, but a relatively safe one.]
DarkshoreThis is really a great guide! But about traveling to darkshore: You can go to stormwind and take the boat to auberdine. Way faster 😛
Keep on the good work! Love your guides 😛
It depends where you comeIt depends where you come from. If you are in Stormwind, take the tramway to Ironforge, then go to Loch Modan, then north to Wetlands.
Wetlands is the tricky part, you must simply be very sneaky, and if something aggros you just keep running and hope they give up before they kill you.
You might die a couple of times, but it’s not a problem since you can ghost run and resurrect at your corpse, you’ll eventually make it 😛
how do i get to darkshore ? o_oallright i haven’t played wow for so long x-x am i supposed to walk all the dam way to wetlands?! X_X sure i could do that but how many times do i have to die because of high lvl monsters on the way there ? is it worth it ?
Great guide!I just finished this with my night elf hunter and im about to do it again with a night elf rogue
great guide. there were a few times where i had to grind but not too much. it got alot easier at around lvl 17. a few typos in there i think but still easy to read and the pictures help a ton! you should make a 20-30 guide! 😉
Too far for meI personally don’t like the fact that you have to travel to Darkshore. Travelling that far seems to be a bit of a waste to me. >.< Other than that I found nothing wrong with it 😛
great jobi love the guide cant wiat till the next one
lol plz make a nother one
“I also made the mistake of“I also made the mistake of turning in a quest when my inventory was full and lost the quest prize. Live and learn.”
When you have the inventory full you can’t turn it quests (if there is a stuff reward (armor, potions, weapons), so it says you that your inventory is full and you don’t get any XP but at the same time you don’t loose the chance to finish the quest and take the quest reward, just empty free some space and you’ll get everything. It’s not true that you loose the reward in short, you CAN’T turn it quests with the INVENTORY FULL.
Response to Netspook[quote=Netspook][quote=Ethesis]
1. Also helps to know that the ghost you are supposed to lay to rest spawns randomly in the area, rather than in a specific place. Luckily she has a distinctive look.
2. I also made the mistake of turning in a quest when my inventory was full and lost the quest prize. Live and learn.
3. Another strange event was when I was bringing the Thistle Bear back, I was attacked and leveled up. I got to the quest giver and he reported a failure and gave me another trap. I went off to sell out my inventory and when I came back, he gave me the quest reward and the next quest. So now I have the trap and have completed the quest as well.
4. I’m not sure what to do with the trap, I wonder if I could get myself a bear pet as a follower. May try it.[/quote]
Ok. I’ve edited your post in the quote box, to give numbers to the sections I’m answering, and I also removed what’s not relevant for my reply to your post.
1. You mean Anaya? Well, I’ve done this quest 4 times with different characters, and each time she spawned at the EXACTLY same place. Yes, she moves, but only a little. It could be a coincidence, but I doubt it.
[i]I first spotted her at the far South of the encounter area, someone else killed her.
I finally got her at the far North, with an entourage, near a hill. Which is what people told me to expect when I asked while doing the quest (there were a bunch of people looking for her to spawn).
I’ve only done the quest once.[/i]
2. Bullshit – you can’t turn in a quest which has item reward(s), if there’s no room in your inventory. If you try, you will get an error message.
I did get some sort of error message.
What I didn’t know, but figure I should have figured out was that I could have emptied out my inventory and gone back and done it again. I just thought it was lost. I’ve learned something.
From your comments I’ve learned that I made a mistake in interpreting what happened.[/i]
3. What do you mean with your lvl up and failure comments? This quest will only fail if you don’t have the bear with you back! You got another trap? I don’t know about this quest, but other quests involving a given (i don’t mean collected) required item + failure: you must toss away the item, if you still have it, AND abandon the quest, THEN get the quest + quest item again. You claim you got this completed – I usually avoid the word “liar”, but I’m tempted to use it here…
[i]Ok. I leveled up on the way back. I click on the guy and he offers me another trap. I take the trap. Wander around with the bear still following me, go back and notice a gold question mark, and pick up the reward. Noticed the second trap still in inventory.
I did not get the quest a second time when I got the second trap, I just got the second trap message, but I did complete the quest and had an extra trap. Didn’t do much. This particular quest, if you don’t get the bear back to the guy he gives you another trap to go try for it again.
All my experience did was tell me that I could complete the quest and have a *useless* trap left.[/i]
4. Yeah, right… That will never happen, not by using that trap.
[i]You were right, the trap was pretty much useless.[/i]
Joan: [b]GREAT guide[/b], but learn to use is/are correctly. You have done an excellent job with this guide – I hope we see more of your work in the future :)[/quote]
[b]I agree that the guide is great.[/b]
As I noted, this is my first time playing WoW and my first character to go anywhere. It has been interesting to learn, but the guide has also made the game a lot more fun.
1. Also helps to know that the ghost you are supposed to lay to rest spawns randomly in the area, rather than in a specific place. Luckily she has a distinctive look.
2. I also made the mistake of turning in a quest when my inventory was full and lost the quest prize. Live and learn.
3. Another strange event was when I was bringing the Thistle Bear back, I was attacked and leveled up. I got to the quest giver and he reported a failure and gave me another trap. I went off to sell out my inventory and when I came back, he gave me the quest reward and the next quest. So now I have the trap and have completed the quest as well.
4. I’m not sure what to do with the trap, I wonder if I could get myself a bear pet as a follower. May try it.[/quote]
Ok. I’ve edited your post in the quote box, to give numbers to the sections I’m answering, and I also removed what’s not relevant for my reply to your post.
1. You mean Anaya? Well, I’ve done this quest 4 times with different characters, and each time she spawned at the EXACTLY same place. Yes, she moves, but only a little. It could be a coincidence, but I doubt it.
2. Bullshit – you can’t turn in a quest which has item reward(s), if there’s no room in your inventory. If you try, you will get an error message.
3. What do you mean with your lvl up and failure comments? This quest will only fail if you don’t have the bear with you back! You got another trap? I don’t know about this quest, but other quests involving a given (i don’t mean collected) required item + failure: you must toss away the item, if you still have it, AND abandon the quest, THEN get the quest + quest item again. You claim you got this completed – I usually avoid the word “liar”, but I’m tempted to use it here…
4. Yeah, right… That will never happen, not by using that trap.
Joan: GREAT guide, but learn to use is/are correctly. You have done an excellent job with this guide – I hope we see more of your work in the future 🙂
Ah, the green goo is aAh, the green goo is a disease that ol’ one eye drops.
Interesting, he doesn’t always drop his own scale. That is strange. Guess I need to kill him again?
On the other hand, he spawns regularly, it is kind of fun to kill him.
I haven’t gone back to the Elflands, but I’m at level 19, expect I’ll ding twenty and then be on my way to the deadmines.
My warlock is getting some good experience.
I really appreciate knowing which quests are worth the effort and which are not.
I’d add that the Red Crystal isn’t a bad quest to toss in the mix around level 12-13.
[17] Cave Mushrooms — the cave is under the waterfall. I spent a lot of time looking for it on the other side 😉
The mushrooms respawn over and over again, which is a good thing, as it lets you make good use of them. You basically go in the cave, clearing out the targets one at a time. Even if you have someone come in and swipe the mushrooms out from under you, you can just go back and forth on the right handed side and eventually get all you need as they respawn.
Note, the critters respawn too, rather quickly. At the end I just warped home to my home inn and then walked back up.
Well, the ThistlebearWell, the Thistlebear followed me for a while, then it went away.
I’m at the lighthouse, realized I needed only five flasks of oil.
I killed ol’ Murkeye *before* I got there, now I’ve got to kill him again 😉
Big question. What are the blops of green goo that keep on splatting on me? They don’t seem to aggro my Voidwalker and I can’t find anything attacking me.
The hills were alive with nasties. At level eighteen, I’m not sure I would have been tough enough to get through them except I had lots of people on the way.
I’ve really enjoyed the guideI admit that finding my way has been a little challenging sometimes. I didn’t know about the tram (but eventually figured it out), and Wetlands is kind of large (luckily I read around and found out about the harbor — guess I got lucky on the ship I took — ship names would be helpful).
On The Fall of Ameth’ Aran, the second reading is very close to the fires that destroy the token, the other one is in the direction you state — but quite some distance away. It helps to know that it is at the edge of the encounter area.
Also helps to know that the ghost you are supposed to lay to rest spawns randomly in the area, rather than in a specific place. Luckily she has a distinctive look.
I also made the mistake of turning in a quest when my inventory was full and lost the quest prize. Live and learn.
I realize this is a leveling guide, but this is also my first time playing WOW and it has been a great guide all in all.
BTW, on 1-12, when I was looking for the two guards, I didn’t realize that you had to cross the river — wish I’d read this guide sooner. I had the strange result of the quest being marked “complete” when I’d found only one body and then fading from inventory when I had not turned it in.
That was strange.
Another strange event was when I was bringing the Thistle Bear back, I was attacked and leveled up. I got to the quest giver and he reported a failure and gave me another trap. I went off to sell out my inventory and when I came back, he gave me the quest reward and the next quest. So now I have the trap and have completed the quest as well.
I’m not sure what to do with the trap, I wonder if I could get myself a bear pet as a follower. May try it.
verry niceits a verry good guide for players who are fast bored in this game the most dont come in the 20+ but with this guide they will! * /cheer * * /clap *
Nice GuideLooks very well written indeed. I’ll be using it for my alts XD.
Ok joan got a couple thingsOk joan got a couple things for you, dont know if you read these or if you will change them accordingly–there are a couple fixable things in your guides so far:
1st hole: lvl 12, after doing the indicated quests, princess and the 2 gnoll quests including hogger, i was 45% away from lvl when you said i should be done. yeah need something in there
2nd hole: lvl 13: if im reading correctly, you have me turn in westfall stew, and report to gryan stoutmantle, as well as gathering 9 quests and completing the 2 defias quests with the oats quest. After completing them all and turning them in with the oats i am once again 45% away from lvl.
3rd: When describing the long method to get to auberdine, you assume that the audience of the guides knows how to get there just by the names, perhaps a more detailed explanation would be appropriate for the level of players reading this guide. For instance: you say take the boat from wetlands, where wetlands is a huge zone, instead say “travel through wetlands to menethil harbor on the western shore, grab the flight path and get on the boat leaving from the right dock looking toward the sea.” implementing more specific explanations throughout the guide would also make it more appropriate.
4th: Once again i have finished everything you told me to for lvl 14 and in the guide you said “if you havent dinged 15 yet” which makes me believe that I should be close–I am a full 50% away. The wording is misleading here, because there is no way you can be close to dinging
My only advice would be to include a disclaimer that a player must kill everything they come accross, then im sure i would have “travel-grinded” my way through almost a lvl of hole. In addition get someone to proofread your guides, there are some gramatical errors that take away from credibility. What makes Jame’s guide so wonderful is that it is [b]very[/b] specific. Doing the same would be fantastic.
Thanks to both of youThanks to both of you 🙂
Nice one joan!Nice one joan!
Very nice guide Joan, can’tVery nice guide Joan, can’t wait to test it. There were a few bbcode errors which were most likely due to the buggy quickcode bar that we use currently. Hopefully we’ll soon get to replace it. I took the liberty to correct the bbcode, I hope that’s ok.
Thank you for your work Joan.