The Kirin Tor are a sect of wizards, stationed in Dalaran, that study and record all of humanity’s magic and artifacts. They are also charged with the protection of the city, but once failed to prevent Archimonde from destroying the city, under rule of Prince Arthas, who was summoned by defected Kirin Tor member Kel’Thuzad. The remaining members of the Kirin Tor were determined to salvage the ruins and rid the city of the remaining undead and reclaim their once magnificent city. The members of Kirin Tor are now cautious about who is let into their organization in fear of more defections.
Hey! Thanks for visiting this guide. In it, I’ll summarize the Kirin Tor Faction, how to gain reputation for it, and the rewards you get for doing so. Any feedback, such as catching a mistake or suggestions, in the form of comments is welcome. I will make an effort to reply to every single comment, even if it’s just to confirm I read it.
So, you’re in Northrend and want to be friends with the biggest local mage group. But, how? Good news is, if you’re a mage, you’re already friendly with them. But what about all those other folks?
Well, I suggest you do the quest chain starting with A Strange Device and ending with Defending Wyrmrest Temple. If you’re still leveling and don’t want to go out of your way to do this, that’s no problem. Follow Jame’s Leveling Guide. It’s covered in there. Another useful quest chain is the one that starts with Too Close for Comfort for the Horde and Nick of Time for Alliance. These lead to Coldarra, where other Kirin Tor quests can be found, most notably the ones for the Nexus. (Side note: There’s even more quests, which are all listed at this link, but I feel that listing every single one will make for an unpleasant experience to the reader!)
Other methods of obtaining a reputation with those Kirin Tor folk include wearing their tabard while hacking and slashing your way through Northrend dungeons. This is certainly the most effective way to go about earning reputation, as the dailies that those Magi offer you are disappointing. You either do some cooking for Katherine or Awilo, or do a heroic dungeon. I do suggest doing that daily heroic while wearing a tabard, that way you can do a double-whammy, getting tabard rep and daily rep at the same time! Bwahahaha!
Of course, if you’re friends with these purply beings of magic and sparkles, you might wonder, “Hey, I went through a lot of work just to be friends with these purply beings of magic and sparkles. What’s in it for me?”
Well, naught to worry, young one. They plan to fully compensate your troubles by giving you the honor to purchase their wares! Mr. Alvareaux in Dalaran is the man to buy from; here’s a nice little list of his wares:
- Tabard of the Kirin Tor: Wearing this, one can easily earn reputation from running Northrend instances, especially its heroics. This can easily be the easiest way to obtain reputation for the Kirin Tor, dressed in a stylish purple!
- Arcanum of the Flame’s Soul: This is the best fire resistance head enchantment in the game! That’s about all there is to say, after all; why would you need fire resistance?
- Helm of the Majestic Stag: According to some Wowhead comments, this seems like a very good resto shaman pre-raiding headpiece!
- Lightblade Rivener: This may be good for rogues due to its fast speeds.
- Shroud of Dedicated Research: This cloak is actually the second best pre-raiding cloak for many casters who are already hit-capped. Otherwise, one should go for the Dark Soldier Cape or the Cape of Seething Steam.
- Spaulders of Grounded Lightning: This seems to be a PvP hunter shoulder-piece! Good luck battling your opposing faction.
- Arcanum of Burning Mysteries: This is the downright best DPS caster head enchant! It also works very well if you are a holy paladin.
- Flameheart Spell Scalpel: This is the best one handed dagger for DPS casters! A good addition to this would be the Ward of the Violet Citadel.
- Girdle of the Warrior Magi: This is another wonderful gear piece for holy paladins.
- Mind-Expanding Leggings: These leggings are very great for feral druids and rogues alike. Get ’em and be proud!
- Stave of Shrouded Mysteries: It’s a good feral tanking staff, but definitely not the best!
- Boots of Twinkling Stars: These are rather nice for hunters and enhancement shaman. However, the Boots of Neverending Path will end up giving you more overall DPS.
- Fireproven Gauntlets: These are just dandy for plate tanks. Just dandy, indeed.
- Ghostflicker Waistband: These are good for moonkins and elemental shaman. They’re a bit underpowered at the moment, but are expected to receive a buff in patch 3.1.
- Robes of Crackling Flame: This is pretty good for clothies. I can’t say much more, but I know that it’s absolutely great as an alternative to some other on-par robes you can find in the auction house for around 1000g.
- Design: Runed Scarlet Ruby: It’s a jewelcrafting design for the most popular caster gem! What more can I say… err type?
- Pattern: Sapphire Spellthread: It’s a tailoring pattern for the most popular caster leg enchantment! What more can I type?
Thanks for Reading!
- Wowhead for the icons
- WoW Insider for the title image
- lunargecko for the organization, formatting, and image editing
- WoWWiki for the introduction to the Kirin Tor
Very nice guide, thanks ! IVery nice guide, thanks ! I like the writing and the formatting, very well done !
I may be mistaken (100% newbie inside), but the fishing dailies seem like a nice way to gain Kirin Tor reputation, since they’re rewarded 250 points with KT 🙂
looking forward to them.Great news, more of these high quality and usefull guides.
I am very much looking forward to them.
Thumbs up.
DoneDone! Thanks for the suggestion. 🙂
Well written, cool image andWell written, cool image and nice formatted. Top Notch 🙂
What about the quests in Borean Tundra/coldarra? also you could recommend to go through nexus with all 4 quests optained by long series of quests in Coldarra.
You can copy the little section from my [url=https://www.wow-pro.com/instance_guides/eric039s_nexus_guide]Nexus guide[/url]about quests – No problem with me – or you could write your own, your own will for sure be better 🙂
Thank you!Thank you for leaving such positive feedback! I tried to include anything of great importance, so if I missed something big, please alert me! :0
Jewel-crafting DailyI’m afraid the jewelcrafting daily grants even less reputation than the cooking daily, at a measly 25 rep per daily compared to the cooking’s 150! I felt it was negligible enough to exclude from this guide.
Perfect?Perfect? I thought perfection was impossible! :jawdrop: Ah, well I suppose it’s a very high honor to be praised as such by you! Thanks a lot. 🙂
ThankThank you! Your compliments make me feel happy and bubbly on the inside. 🙂
You’re very welcome!You’re very welcome. I’ll be sure to make more guides in the future. 🙂
So I was looking at thisSo I was looking at this guide… And it’s rather small…
Then I thought; what else is their to add?
Kirin Tor RepNice guide,
You also get some rep from doing the Jewel Crafting Daily.
Champion tabard and Herioc Dungeon look like the way to go.
Short, yet perfect!
5/5Short, yet perfect!
Great one,Thanks a bundle for this great second guide.
You indeed picked most tips from the first post and used them very well in this one.
Also i feel the guide is of very high quality, shows you have done good research.
I also like the help this gives me. Very nice, thanks a bundle for this information.
I do hope you will get the rest of the rep guides going to.
Very good job, and thanks for this. Keep em coming please 🙂
Looks awesome! Thanks forLooks awesome! Thanks for posting it 🙂 it’s a simple guide but very nicely formatted and I think it has all the needed info.
Well here it is…Well here’s my second guide to ever be published on wow-pro. I reformed my formatting rules to make it look a tad better. I hope this is of some use to the community! 🙂