We no longer use this page for works in progress, please stop posting here.
Use our new WORK IN PROGRESS PAGE isntead.
Thank you!
This wiki page will help us track who has volunteered to help translate sections of Jame’s Leveling Guides into TourGuide Format, so that we can finally publish an addon that will enable people following Jame’s Guide to do so without alt-tabbing.
If you wish to translate a section of the guide, please read through this list and find a section that you would like to contribute, being careful to select something that you will be able to test yourself and has not already been volunteered by someone else.
What has already been done
Alliance – Updated to v0.5 – 15/02/2009
- Maw’s Human Guide (1-12) | Jame | Quality: 100%
- Snowflake’s Draenei Guide (1-12) | Kinrah | Needs Improvements
- Boston’s Gnome/Dwarf Guide (1-12) | Ayajulia | Needs Testing
- Joan’s Human Guide (1-12) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Maw’s Leveling Guide (12-20) | Jame | Quality: 100% – New
- Boston’s Leveling Guide (12-20) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Boston’s Leveling Guide (20-30) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide (30-40) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide (40-50) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide (50-60) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Hellfire Penninsula | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Zangarmarsh | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Terokkar | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Nagrand | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Blade’s Edge Mountains | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Borean Tundra | Wizerd | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Howling Fjord | Wizerd | Needs Testing – New
- Jame’s – Grizzly Hills | Laotseu | Needs Testing
Horde – Updated to v0.3 – 18/02/2009
- Zerinj’s Orc/Troll Starter (1-12) | Clearasil | Quality 100% New
- Snowflake’s Blood Elf Starter (1-12) | Inyurbak | Needs Testing New
- Manovan’s Undead Starter (1-12) | Romgar | Needs Testing New
- SilverKnight’s Silverpine (12-20) | Clearasil | Needs Testing New
- Hosho’s Barrens (12-20) | Clearasil | Needs Testing New
- Jame’s 31-41 | Clearasil | Needs Testing New
- Jame’s 41-51 | Plover2| Needs Testing New
- Snowflake’s Ghostlands Guide (13-21) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide (21-31) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Hellfire Peninsula | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Zangarmarsh | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Terokkar Forest | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Nagrand | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Howling Fjord (70-71) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Borean Tundra (71-73) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Dragonblight (73-75) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Grizzly Hills (75-77) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
As you can see there’s still a lot of be done. And most importantly, the sections which have already been released need to be tested and improved if necessary.
How to test those sections?
Installing Externals
Three external files are needed to run this addon.
- TourGuide – The base of the addon.
- TomTom – Handles coordinates.
- Lightheaded – Makes TomTom even better
If you are not familiar with the installation of addons, it can be done as follows:
- Download and unzip the addon files.
- Navigate to the World of Warcraft directory (by default, it is in C:/Program Files/World of Warcraft)
- Open the “Interface” folder, then the “Addons” folder inside it.
- Copy and paste the “TourGuide” and “TomTom” folders into the World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons directory.
You can check ingame if you’ve installed it correctly; when you go to the character selection screen, down the bottom there is a button labelled Addons. Click that, then scroll down and look for TomTom and TourGuide (it’s in alphabetical order). Make sure they’re enabled.
Author’s Note: Vista users may not have a “Interface” folder, instead their Addons folder is inside the “World of Warcraft” folder. Full path should be c:\UsersPublicGamesWorld of WarcraftInterfaceAddOns
Installing the WoW-Pro Guides: Alliance – Updated to v0.3 – 03/02/2009
- Download the WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Alliance file and unzip it.
- Copy and paste the “WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Alliance” folder into your “World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons/” folder.
- Launch wow, and at the character selection screen click on the “Addons” button on the lower-left corner. Make sure that the following 3 addons are activated: TomTom, TourGuide, WoW-Pro Tourguide Alliance and Lightheaded (Lightheaded A,B,C,D,etc as well).
- Once in game, click on the TourGuide bar (should be just under your minimap). This will open the “Guides” page. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and you’ll see the WoW-Pro Guides:
Select the guide you want and there you go!
Installing the WoW-Pro Guides: Horde
Updated to v0.2 – 22/01/2009
- Download the WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Horde and unzip it
- Copy and paste the “WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Horde” folder into the “World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons/” folder.
- Launch wow, and at the character selection screen click on the “Addons” button on the lower-left corner. Make sure that the following 3 addons are activated: TomTom, TourGuide, WoW-Pro Tourguide Horde and Lightheaded (Lightheaded A,B,C,D,etc as well).
- Once in game, click on the TourGuide bar (should be just under your minimap). This will open the “Guides” page. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and you’ll see the WoW-Pro Guides:
Select the guide you want and there you go!
That’s it, you should now be good to go. For more information on how to use the addon, check this page.
How To Volunteer to write or improve a section
-Guide Section Name-
- Volunteer Name: Hosho
- Date Volunteered: 5th Jan 2009
- File Location: Hyperlink to the finished and uploaded .lua file.
Add your name and the date you volunteered to the table below, and then, when you are done with your contribution, upload it somewhere and paste the link here. You can put it anywhere you like, but I recommend using the form at the bottom of the edit page of this wiki to add the file as an attachment. You can then link to the file in a similar way to linking images in wow-pro guides, but using URL BBCode tags instead of IMG ones.
Thanks for contributing!
- Volunteer Name: Jame
- Date Volunteered: 17/01/2009
- File Location: TBA
- Note: Can’t I have fun too in my free time? ^^
1-12 Dwarf/Gnome
- Volunteer Name: AyaJulia
- Date Volunteered: Jan 9 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/01+11+Dun+Moroghlua/;12928014;/fileinfo.html
1-12 Night Elf
- Volunteer Name: GraceAlone
- Date Volunteered:1/16/09
- File Location: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=405276f8cf16920ddd8b33b5aa27078d
UPDATED Coordinates added for every objective
1-12 Draenei
- Volunteer Name: Kinrah
- Date Volunteered: 11 Jan 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/01+12+Azuremyst+Islelua/;12940308;/fileinfo.html
- Note: Needs improvements (few objective detection missing, tomtom arrows sometimes missing, double questing not always properly adapted from Snowflake’s guide, descriptions lacking for some steps and need clarifying)
12-20 Maw’s Guide (Westfall/Redridge)
- Volunteer Name: Jame
- Date Volunteered: 20th January 2009
- File Location: TBA
12-20 Sven’s Guide (Bloodmyst)
- Volunteer Name:
- Date Volunteered:
- File Location: TBA
12-20 Joan’s Guide (Darkshore/Westfall)
- Volunteer Name:
- Date Volunteered:
- File Location: TBA
20-30 Boston’s Guide (Westfall/Redridge)
- Volunteer Name:
- Date Volunteered:
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name: GraceAlone
- Date Volunteered: 1/17/09
- File Location: http://www.mediafire.com/?jjdtztzwyy5
- Volunteer Name: GraceAlone
- Date Volunteered: 1/17/09
- File Location: http://www.mediafire.com/?j1qjykzy21z
- Volunteer Name: GraceAlone
- Date Volunteered: 1/17/09
- File Location: http://www.mediafire.com/?imwm3jj12mw
- Volunteer Name:
- Date Volunteered:
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name:
- Date Volunteered:
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name: Raistlan
- Date Volunteered: 11th Jan 2009
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name: NLX3647
- Date Volunteered: didn’t give a date, I just started.
- File Location: http://www.theamazonbasin.com/~nlx3647/000_70_72_Jame_BoreanTundra.lua
- Volunteer Name: stouset
- Date Volunteered: 19th Jan 2009
- File Location: http://github.com/stouset/wowpro-jame-alliance-howling-fjord/blob/master/000_72_74_Jame_Howling_Fjord.lua
- Volunteer Name: Raistlan
- Date Volunteered: 11th Jan 2009
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name: Rovanion
- Date Volunteered: Feb 2009
- File Location: http://www.inculturated.com/files/games/WOW/000_74_75_Jame_Dragonblight.lua
- Note: Apologies to Raistlan for my impatience – feel free to use this as a rough draft to help finish yours (i’m sure it’s much better than what I have done here). This has been played through only once.
- Volunteer Name: LaoTseu
- Date Volunteered: 11th Jan 2009
- Updated 2009-01-15: fixed a typo
- File Location: http://armorcraft.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/TourGuide_Jame_Alliance_Northrend/75_77_Grizzly_Hills.lua
- Volunteer Name: LaoTseu
- Date Volunteered: 18 January 2009
- File Location: http://armorcraft.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/TourGuide_Jame_Alliance_Northrend/Death%20Knight_55_58_The_Scarlet_Enclave.lua
- Note: The guide is not completed. For now, it bring you up to StormWind. Also, I will not be able to playtest it before patch 3.0.8. I can only make one Alliance DK for now :-).
1-12 Blood Elf
- Volunteer Name:Inyurbak
- Date Volunteered:2/1/09
- Note:done tested possible issue last optional circuit
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/Sunstrider+Isle+WoW+Pro+Sflua/;13236786;/fileinfo.html
1-12 Orc/Troll
- Volunteer Name: Clearasil
- Date Volunteered: 1st Feb 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/Zerinj+0112zip/;13259212;/fileinfo.html
- Note: Finished, needs testing.
- Note: Skotar pt1 description is west and should be south (Inyurbak)
- Volunteer Name: Romgar
- Date Volunteered: 11th Jan 2009
- File Location: https://www.wow-pro.com/files/01_12_TirisfalGlades_Manovan.txt
- Note: Please test it and give feedback on this page or via PM so I can improve its quality!
1-12 Tauren
- Volunteer Name:Yhen
- Date Volunteered:February 3rd 2009
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name: Clearasil
- Date Volunteered: 1st Feb 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/Hosho+1220zip/;13259208;/fileinfo.html
- Note: 03-02-2009: Finished 😉 Ready for testing.
- Volunteer Name: Clearasil
- Date Volunteered: 17 feb 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/SilverKnightSilverpinezip/;13303960;/fileinfo.html
30-40 Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide
- Volunteer Name: Clearasil
- Date Volunteered: 31th Jan 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/Jame+3141zip/;13259210;/fileinfo.html
- Note: Finished. Needs testing.
40-50 Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide
- Volunteer Name: Clearasil
- Date Volunteered: 30th Jan 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/Jame+4151zip/;13259211;/fileinfo.html
- Note: Finally finished! 😀
50-60 Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide
- Volunteer Name: Plover2
- Date Volunteered: 31st Jan 2009
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name: Freedave2000
- Date Volunteered: 18th Feb 2009
- File Location: http://postdownload.filefront.com/13319675//951efb26a760003e2101e95f9afcbb5f2d930f93227823d68b31e59181644bddb22ae928aafde6ba
- Note: lvl 60 Eastern Plaguelands;
- Volunteer Name: Gethe
- Date Volunteered: 5th Jan 2009
- File Location:TBA
Regarding the Horde 51-60Regarding the Horde 51-60 file:
RL has sucked here lately in how busy it’s being, so I don’t have time to do the guide up myself, but I just recently leveled my Tauren Druid through the 51-60 guide and, seeing that the volunteer who wrote his name down for it hasn’t been around in like a month, left the TourGuide Recorder addon running the whole time. Would anyone like the LUA file to put the guide together?
I’ve updated the guide forI’ve updated the guide for the Orc/Troll starter area from Zerinj: http://files.filefront.com/13307627
I added coords for every step and fixed some mistakes.
Edit: Bah, I click on reply when I don’t want to reply and when I want to add a comment I click on reply…
I guess that will be a niceI guess that will be a nice placeholder until my paper version is released 🙂
Icecrown 79-80Last week I spent time to go through Icecrown and get as many quests done as possible, while putting as much info into Tourguide as possible. Here for review and improvement. It got me the Icecrown quest achievement.
I just finished doing theI just finished doing the TourGuide format of SilverKnight’s Silverpine: http://files.filefront.com/SilverKnightSilverpinezip/;13303960;/fileinfo.html
I know Kwaice was in the WIP list, but as I was going to start a undead rogue anyway, I decided to do the TourGuide thing anyway because I could test it and edit it while leveling.
99% of the steps have coords for them, I have already tested and fixed some mistakes, but it could still use someone testing them to see everything is ok. I also added some rogue class quests as I was leveling a rogue ^^
Missing Info for 30-40 Alliance guideI’m using the Tourguide version of your 30-40 Alliance leveling guide. It has been awesome and really follows the Internet version very closely. However, while I was on Ranazjar Isle, I did not get a reminder or anything to prompt me to kill Nagas until I got Karnitol’s Satchel.
Fortunately, I’ve followed these guides before and knew to look for it on the mobs in this area. But it was not in the guide, though later at Nigel’s Point you are prompted to turn it in.
I’ll report anything else I find, but this was about it. Great job to whoever has converted the guide to this format.
I’d gladly add it to theI’d gladly add it to the list, but we need someone to code it first :p
I think this line doesn’tI think this line doesn’t autocomplete because there’s no quantity value in the |L| tag.
It should be |L|16742 1| instead
I see Blade’s Edge mountainsI see Blade’s Edge mountains for Horde is not included in the list. I usually use rested bonus to level, so I mostly ding lvl 70 in Nagrand, but I imagine there are people that don’t 😛 Might be an idea to include Blade’s Edge Mountains in the list? (My realms’ name, yay!)
Big updateBig Updates today!
[color=#3333ff][b]Alliance[/b][/color] v0.5 changes:
*Howling Fjord now COMPLETE! + Quality improved | Coder: Wizerd | Needs further testing
*Minor fixes to Maw’s 12-20 | Jame / Mishab
*Minor fixes Taralom’s 1-12 | Mishab
*Fixed the bug with the Dustwallow Marsh 38-41 section – Should load properly now | Mishab
[color=#ff6600][b]Horde[/b][/color] v0.2 changes:
*Added Jame’s 31-41 | Coder: Clearasil | Needs testing
*Added Jame’s 41-51 | Coder: Plover2 | Needs testing
*Added Snowflake’s Blood Elf 1-12 | Coder: Inyurbak | Needs testing
*Added Zerinj’s Orc/Troll 1-12 | Coder: Clearasil | Needs testing
*Added Manovan’s Undead Starter | Coder: Romgar | Needs testing
*Added Hosho’s Barrens 12-20 | Coder: Clearasil | Needs testing
*Fixed file names. Please follow this naming format from now on.
*Fixed file names INSIDE the files. Please follow this naming format from now on.
Enjoy. Please test them well and leave feedback!
Horde Stonetalon Mountains (21-22) FixThe first quest you should get is actually:
A Cry of the Thunderhawk |QID|913|
C Cry of the Thunderhawk |QID|913| |N|Get out of Camp Taurajo and look for a Thunderhawk. They are easy to find all around the camp. Kill them until you get Thunderhawk Wings.|
T Cry of the Thunderhawk |QID|913|
Just append this right after “R Camp Taurajo”.
I just finished the 41-51I just finished the 41-51 conversion of Jame’s guides. All guides have a Guides.xml file included that adds the guides in TourGuide’s list, to save the clueless testers some pain 😉
Guides I’ve done so far:
Zerinj’s Dutortar 01-12
Hosho’s Barrens 12-20
Jame’s Leveling Guide 31-41
Jame’s Leveling Guide 41-51
And to make it even easier for you I zipped all these guides into one file with Manovan’s Tirisfal Glades Guide included (Not converted by me): [url]http://files.filefront.com/WoW+ProAddonzip/;13276865;/fileinfo.html[/url]
(All these files go into the World of WarcraftInterfaceAddOnsWoW-Pro_TourGuide_Horde directory)
I noticed that too. I’mI noticed that too. I’m currently adding coords for the steps that need them while I’m leveling my shaman, I will post a link with the fixed file(‘s) soon.
I would also appreciate if people pm me missing coords for steps that need them. Please mention the quest (or step name). I would eventually do this myself, but it could be a while before I level a Orc/troll in Dutotar, or the Barrens for example.
Edit: Updated. Here is the new link: http://files.filefront.com/WoW+ProAddonzip/;13276865;/fileinfo.html
Added coords and fixed bugs for the following files:
Horde Guide 31-41 DustwallowHorde Guide 31-41 Dustwallow Marsh:
We are told to accept signs of treachery, but there’s no arrow and I’ve got no idea where to get that quest…
Alliance Hellfire Guide suggests buying “Maiden’s Anguish”.… from reagent vendor. This item is no longer available (Rogue poisons don’t need reagents anymore).
At Ashenvale (levels 26-27)At Ashenvale (levels 26-27) the step where turn in your Deadly Blunderbuss for Warsong Saw Blades doesn’t autocomplete.
|N|Talk to Pixel, (…) your Deadly Blunderbuss.| |L|16742|
I wouldn’t know what is wrong with this line, but maybe someone else does.
Edit: The guide also doesn’t say to turn in the quest Satyr Horns at the end.
Not really a mistake, but aEdit: Ignore this post, apparantly the .lua commentary lines give errors. 😛
Alliance Borean Tundra guideBorean Tundra guide works great! Just did it on my Rogue without any trouble at all =}
I still think it’s worthNoted and paradigm shifted. TY having only done the starter areas with the talents of none, I easily missed the challenges of writing guides for toons that can do just what you stated. I think the “from now on.. kill” works as a single note before setting out to do a series of quests. Main reason so too minimize the notes on the guide that you have to manually click off, more automatic the faster we power level 😉
Maw’s 12-20Am I the only person who can’t seem to find Maw’s 12-20 redridge guide? I get 12-20 Boston’s guide split into zones, but I can’t find Maw’s guide. I got the new guide package and new Tourguide.
I still think it’s worthI still think it’s worth mentioning all the objectives at the beginning, especially for the later Outland guides and the later Northrend ones. In those two cases, people may be a couple levels higher than the guide says and will have flyers. This makes it easy to accidentally skip efficient routes because they can just fly right to them and had no idea without looking ahead.
Also, stealth classes, thinking they can just go in and kill the single mob and stealth out, might get frustrated as well.
Multiple quest in same areaThe way I did these guides was to pick an objective that was in the middle of a mess of mobs to kill. Like take out the chieftain so and so in the middle of a camp. knowing full well that part of the kill so many quest was going to be worked on just by going into the camp. After the kill the chief objective I would place the other one, which sometimes auto completes because you had to fight your way into the camp.
In short… same area objectives
Kill single mob
Gather objectives
then kill so many if it hasn’t been filled yet (tourguide won’t even show this if it has been done)
Yea make sure your not justYea make sure your not just usng “Hellfire 70-72”. Has to have James next to it.
Are you sure you’re usingAre you sure you’re using the WoWPro guide and not the defaults that come with Tourguide?
Use your mousewheel to scroll all the way down…
Various guidesI just started leveling my Ally DK. I’ve used your guides several times to level several different alts. I had previously tried the Tour Guide addon guides with my undead warlock in Zangarmarsh. It was not close to your guide so I disabled it and went on as I had just alt-tabbing over.
I figured I’d give it another chance with my DK when I started Hellfire. So I redownloaded Tour Guide, the two databases and dove right in. Well, I must say I was kind of disappointed. I know the people who converted your guides for Tour Guide did it out of the kindness of their hearts, and I want to say I appreciate it. However, at least Ally side, the Tour Guide guide for Hellfire is not even close. It changes on the second step, and after looking a bit it never seemed to catch up. For example, in step 2 you tell us go kill the orcs, step 2 in the addon tells us to go to Sergeant Altumus. No big deal. Your next step is to turn in those two quests. The addon sends us to turn the quests to the Sergeant, then after getting The Path of Anguish it sends us to kill the orcs from your second step, and gather the metal and wood. Then we go do The Path of Anguish, turn it in, and then go to Expedition Point and start working on those quests.
As you can see, it’s not even close to your quest circuit.
Is there some formatting I am missing when I installed? Or is the steps just put in differently?
Not to be disrespectful, butNot to be disrespectful, but after using about half of your Grizzly Hills guide so far, I wish you would spell check the descriptions and use proper grammar. :/
It’s also missing coordinates for about half of the goals, and doesn’t note objectives that are to be done simultaneously. I just finished Howling Fjord and Dragonblight as well, and posted the Howling Fjord one in the main info page comments yesterday, but haven’t posted Dragonblight’s yet (I want to do a second run through on it first, with my other character).
On that note (and this is a general question to anyone), what is the fascination with using coordinates in sentences? I know Jame did it in the online guide, but it made a lot more sense there. For these addons, the user is expected to have LightHeaded and TomTom (or some form of arrow pointer) installed, right? What I’ve been doing is simply listing the coordinates at the end of the note, after the sentence(s), and using the word “here” when referring to the spot. For example:
“|N|Defeat “Crowleg” Dan on the ship here. (35.95,83.60)|”
The player will get an arrow pointing to “Crowleg” Dan’s location almost exactly (as close as double decimal coordinates can get), and there is an explanation of what you’re doing for the quest. Every complete quest has an explanation to go along with it, even those that don’t seem like they would require one, such as “Kill 10 Kobold Vermin here” (if I were writing a human lv1-12 guide). That way, if the user happens to forget what he or she is doing, or they log out mid-quest and back in, they can easily be reminded.
And when there are quest objectives to be completed simultaneously, I will note every following quest objective in each note. For example (in primitive form):
Objective 1: “collect Frostberries off the ground, kill Dr. Louis, kill scourge mobs, kill ancients.”
Objective 2: “Kill Dr. Louis, kill scourge mobs, kill ancients.”
Objective 3: “Kill scourge mobs, kill ancients.”
Objective 4. “Kill ancients.”
This way, the user can remind themselves of what they are doing if they either forget, or log out and back in. When I started writing the ones I did, I basically thought this was going to be the general convention for writing them – keep them the same quality as Jame’s online guides – but they haven’t been. The outland ones were good, but they didn’t follow this convention really, for the most part. :/
Maybe I’m just being too picky… But when I have to open my quest log and read the quest to figure out what I’m doing, I sometimes wonder why I have the addon loaded.
Before you start your own,Before you start your own, please look at what I’ve done for Dragonblight and even Howling Fjord. I don’t think they are as good as what I did for Grizzly Hills but I’ve already used them with two characters and I think they are pretty usable.
I didn’t upload them because Raislain had already put is name as maintainer and I though he was about to upload something soon(tm).
Anyways, if anyone is interested, here are the links:
Whenever I find error on them, I commit new versions in SVN. If you do try them and find problem, let me know.
The name of the guide do not follow Jame’s standard i.e. (WoW-Pro, –) because I also load WoW-Pro guides and I don’t want to confuse them when I’m fooling around.
Whats the story with Alliance Dragonblight?Just wondering is there any progress on the Alliance Dragonblight guide. It has been almost a month it seems since Raistlan took it on and still no guide. I am just about to start in there now and I would be quite happy to do the dragonblight guide for alliance if for some reason he is unable to complete it at this point.
New stuff, try itJust released a new version for the alliance!
WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Alliance.zip[/url] v0.4:
[*]My own latest chapter – Maw’s Leveling Guide 12-20 | Try it, the quality is very high!
[*]Also added a [b]new[/b] revamped version of the Borean Tundra guide (Thanks to Wizerd – also thanks to Elmo and NLX067)
[*]Fixed a few minor bugs
[*]Started to rename the files, so that it looks more organized in the list. [b]YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE LATEST VERSION OF TOURGUIDE FOR IT TO WORK[/b].
21 to 22 Stonetalon.. Just finished 13 – 21 Ghostlands, pretty decent overall. Stepped into 21 – 22 Stonetalon and 1st item is got to “Camp Taurajo” and next is get “The Ashenvale Hunt” which isn’t always there, which then goes to Org. to turn in “Samophlange manual” (I know it is optional) but it appears to have appeared in my inventory and quest log somehow.
Now, ok, it’s only 3%. BUT, I suggest add a READ ME as first item explaining that this continues from (?) and if you just joined us skip to… (Make a Hearth to Org, get FP, walk to XR for FP, walk to Ratchet FP and start there)
I replaced the .txt and itI replaced the .txt and it error-crashed my WoW… not sure what’s causing that.
Apparently it tried to do 2 things at once… may be my copy, gonna reinstall addon…
The 31-40 and 41-51 areThe 31-40 and 41-51 are zipped because these chapters are broken down by area, so multiple .lua’s. The undead one takes place in one area, so just one file so zipping isn’t really needed.
But what do you mean with “not a finished code method”? This IS how guides for TourGuide are made, and they work in-game. The undead .txt file could by easily fixed to replace the .txt extension with .lua.
Hm, this is the TourGuideHm, this is the TourGuide page are you converting the 31-41 version to .lua for the custom or Tourguide? I already finished the 31-41, and I’m currently working on the 41-51 part.
new links (Horde) error?Affecting:
30-40 Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide
40-50 Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide
1-12 Undead
Notes: the first 2 are collections zipped rather than sets, it doesn’t seem to fit with the code method, could that be clarified a bit?.
The undead one is a text file, not a finished code method.
Sets that are turned in should be correct and ready for testing and implementation. (I am a code validation developer for a living, when I’m working)
Another spotFound another spot that needs to be fixed. In the horde guide, Terrokar Forest (65-67 | [WoW-Pro] Jame’s Outland), the turn in for “The Final Code” leads you to an alliance quest “The Path of Glory”. This quest should turn in at Tooki in Stonebreaker Hold coords (50,45).
Horde 31-41I am almost done converting the lvl 31-41 guide to .lua, should I bother completing this or stop? I was planning to do the 41-51 also but noticed that someone else was signed up for this stuff but it looks like they did tour guide format…
Hey you’re right I probablyHey you’re right 😛 I probably zipped the guides.xml before updating it… *Bangs head on the wall*
I just uploaded the guideI just uploaded the guide for the Barrens. I’m pretty sure it could use some testing, as I probably made some mistakes here and there… 😛
Edit: Oh, and if you found a bug inside any of the guides I coded, SPLATTER THEM! Do clean up the mess tough. If the splattering doesn’t help you can always pm me instead 🙂
31-41 bugThere are 5 guides missing from the guides list in-game.
Now i dont really know how this alll works, but i didnt see them on the guides.xml.
Just thought i’d point that out.
Great guides so far by the way!
This is getting ratherThis is getting rather messy. For example for the Alliance Howling Fjord guide, someone volunteered and released a file, which made it look like it was the full chapter.
I just checked it out and actually it’s just the beginning of the Howling Fjord chapter.
It would help to mention that in the description here on the wiki page. If you only did something partially, mention it.
Someone else did the last 10% of the Howling Fjord guide as well.
So now we have the first 20% of Howlingfjord and the last 10%. What are we supposed to do with this, seriously? 😛
My point: Try to do a full chapter before relasing a file, or at least more than 50%. Or things get rather complicated for me to sort out.
In the written one maybe..In the written one perhaps, but in the Addon I can assure you (tested twice) that it doesn’t tell me to get all the quests (in fect, there are 4 untaken at this point). Further, the location for “Trouble at the Underlight Mines” is shown with the arrow to get the quest at the mines, which it isn’t. Also the addon (as far as I have seen) NEVER says just to get all quests you see because that would fail the tracking code, it needs each npc noted.
AmazingI’d just like to say a big thank you to everyone who has put time and effort into making these.
I used to print guides off, and tonight I’ve just started using the Add on. I decided to level a Draneai Mage, and It’s alot more efficient with the add on. I have my new mage, and my 71 DK to level with the add on, so I’m looking forward to it! My main is already at 80.
But anyway, the add on is fantastic! Going to save me ALOT of paper!
CoordsIn the horde guide for Hellfire Penninsula the coords for the final beacon in the quest Marking the Path are incorrect. The bad coords are (36,60), the correct coords are (36,65). Will post anything else I see.
Testing out the Horde 31-41 Guides right now. I just started playing through the 31-41 guide that is listed here. So far I am through 1k needles and the first set of Tarren Mill quests. So far the guide is perfect. I plan on playing through the rest of it today and tomorrow and I will keep you guys posted. If the rest of the guide is this good then I would strongly recommend adding to the release package of guides.
It does say to get theIt does say to get the quest, at the end of the previous section the guide says “Take all the quests available besides the one on the wanted poster.” which would thus include Trouble at the Underlight Mines. Also the guide doesn’t say it’s gotten at the mines, the quest the guide is referring to there is Underlight Ore Samples.
I’ve seen these two mistakesI’ve seen these two mistakes done in several guides. Everyone please read.
[size=14][b]1. Quests with the same name[/b][/size]
When you have a quest with several follow ups with the same name, you MUST add (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) etc tags in the step description, or it won’t work.
For example, in the 1-12 Night Elf guide:
A The Balance of Nature |QID|456|
C The Balance of Nature |QID|456|
T The Balance of Nature |QID|456|
A The Balance of Nature |QID|457|
Needs to be:
A The Balance of Nature (Part 1) |QID|456|
C The Balance of Nature (Part 1) |QID|456|
T The Balance of Nature (Part 1) |QID|456|
A The Balance of Nature (Part 2) |QID|457|
[size=14][b]2. No need to put coords for quest accept and quest turn in steps, if you input the QID[/b][/size]
In 99% of the cases, you don’t need to add a note with coords for these two types of steps: Quest Accept and Quest Turn in. (A and T)
Why? Because Lightheaded already has a database of all the quest NPCs’ locations linked to each Quest ID (QID). So it automatically creates a TomTom arrow pointing you to the quest NPC you need to talk to to accept or turn in a quest. Better than that, it also puts the name of the quest NPC you need to interract with under the TomTom arrow.
So there’s no need to add a note with coords int he step, as long as:
[*]It’s Quest Accept or Quest Turn-in step
[*]You added the QID in the step (which is done automatically if you use Nuzz’s TourGuide Editor)
A The Balance of Nature (Part 1) |N| (58.70, 44.30)| |QID|456|
C The Balance of Nature (Part 1) |N| (62.00, 38.00)| |QID|456|
T The Balance of Nature (Part 1) |N| (58.70, 44.30)| |QID|456|
A The Balance of Nature (Part 2) |N| (58.70, 44.30)| |QID|457|
The coords here are only necessary for the C step. It’s not needed for the other 3 steps. It should be like this instead:
A The Balance of Nature (Part 1) |QID|456|
C The Balance of Nature (Part 1) |N| (62.00, 38.00)| |QID|456|
T The Balance of Nature (Part 1) |QID|456|
A The Balance of Nature (Part 2) |QID|457|
Well, if he didn’t break itWell, if he didn’t break it down by area, your work is not going to waste. We’ll definitely use your files for the levels you covered, and the rest of the guide will have to be broken down by zone.
Borean Tundra guide not loadingThe Borean Tundra guide is not loading, looking at the guides.xml file it seems that the name of the guide is incorrect there. It is listed as 000_70_72_Borean_Tundra.lua when the correct name is 000_70_72_Jame_Borean_Tundra.lua. Changing this makes the guide load correctly.
Also the link to the guide on this site is also incorrect, the underscore between Borean and Tundra is missing so the link appears broken, http://www.theamazonbasin.com/~nlx3647/000_70_72_Jame_BoreanTundra.lua needs to be http://www.theamazonbasin.com/~nlx3647/000_70_72_Jame_Borean_Tundra.lua.
Otherwise, I have just played through the Nagrand and Terrokkar guides completely and it was a pleasure to level using them. Great work all round.
1-12 Blood ElfWill take this one, is this how we sign up?
Finished!I just finished the 31-41 Horde part of the guide and is ready for testing/playing! 😀 I might do a starter area next, Durotar maybe.