We no longer use this page for works in progress, please stop posting here.
Use our new WORK IN PROGRESS PAGE isntead.
Thank you!
This wiki page will help us track who has volunteered to help translate sections of Jame’s Leveling Guides into TourGuide Format, so that we can finally publish an addon that will enable people following Jame’s Guide to do so without alt-tabbing.
If you wish to translate a section of the guide, please read through this list and find a section that you would like to contribute, being careful to select something that you will be able to test yourself and has not already been volunteered by someone else.
What has already been done
Alliance – Updated to v0.5 – 15/02/2009
- Maw’s Human Guide (1-12) | Jame | Quality: 100%
- Snowflake’s Draenei Guide (1-12) | Kinrah | Needs Improvements
- Boston’s Gnome/Dwarf Guide (1-12) | Ayajulia | Needs Testing
- Joan’s Human Guide (1-12) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Maw’s Leveling Guide (12-20) | Jame | Quality: 100% – New
- Boston’s Leveling Guide (12-20) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Boston’s Leveling Guide (20-30) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide (30-40) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide (40-50) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide (50-60) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Hellfire Penninsula | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Zangarmarsh | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Terokkar | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Nagrand | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Blade’s Edge Mountains | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Borean Tundra | Wizerd | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Howling Fjord | Wizerd | Needs Testing – New
- Jame’s – Grizzly Hills | Laotseu | Needs Testing
Horde – Updated to v0.3 – 18/02/2009
- Zerinj’s Orc/Troll Starter (1-12) | Clearasil | Quality 100% New
- Snowflake’s Blood Elf Starter (1-12) | Inyurbak | Needs Testing New
- Manovan’s Undead Starter (1-12) | Romgar | Needs Testing New
- SilverKnight’s Silverpine (12-20) | Clearasil | Needs Testing New
- Hosho’s Barrens (12-20) | Clearasil | Needs Testing New
- Jame’s 31-41 | Clearasil | Needs Testing New
- Jame’s 41-51 | Plover2| Needs Testing New
- Snowflake’s Ghostlands Guide (13-21) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide (21-31) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Hellfire Peninsula | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Zangarmarsh | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Terokkar Forest | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Nagrand | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Howling Fjord (70-71) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Borean Tundra (71-73) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Dragonblight (73-75) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Grizzly Hills (75-77) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
As you can see there’s still a lot of be done. And most importantly, the sections which have already been released need to be tested and improved if necessary.
How to test those sections?
Installing Externals
Three external files are needed to run this addon.
- TourGuide – The base of the addon.
- TomTom – Handles coordinates.
- Lightheaded – Makes TomTom even better
If you are not familiar with the installation of addons, it can be done as follows:
- Download and unzip the addon files.
- Navigate to the World of Warcraft directory (by default, it is in C:/Program Files/World of Warcraft)
- Open the “Interface” folder, then the “Addons” folder inside it.
- Copy and paste the “TourGuide” and “TomTom” folders into the World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons directory.
You can check ingame if you’ve installed it correctly; when you go to the character selection screen, down the bottom there is a button labelled Addons. Click that, then scroll down and look for TomTom and TourGuide (it’s in alphabetical order). Make sure they’re enabled.
Author’s Note: Vista users may not have a “Interface” folder, instead their Addons folder is inside the “World of Warcraft” folder. Full path should be c:\UsersPublicGamesWorld of WarcraftInterfaceAddOns
Installing the WoW-Pro Guides: Alliance – Updated to v0.3 – 03/02/2009
- Download the WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Alliance file and unzip it.
- Copy and paste the “WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Alliance” folder into your “World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons/” folder.
- Launch wow, and at the character selection screen click on the “Addons” button on the lower-left corner. Make sure that the following 3 addons are activated: TomTom, TourGuide, WoW-Pro Tourguide Alliance and Lightheaded (Lightheaded A,B,C,D,etc as well).
- Once in game, click on the TourGuide bar (should be just under your minimap). This will open the “Guides” page. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and you’ll see the WoW-Pro Guides:
Select the guide you want and there you go!
Installing the WoW-Pro Guides: Horde
Updated to v0.2 – 22/01/2009
- Download the WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Horde and unzip it
- Copy and paste the “WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Horde” folder into the “World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons/” folder.
- Launch wow, and at the character selection screen click on the “Addons” button on the lower-left corner. Make sure that the following 3 addons are activated: TomTom, TourGuide, WoW-Pro Tourguide Horde and Lightheaded (Lightheaded A,B,C,D,etc as well).
- Once in game, click on the TourGuide bar (should be just under your minimap). This will open the “Guides” page. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and you’ll see the WoW-Pro Guides:
Select the guide you want and there you go!
That’s it, you should now be good to go. For more information on how to use the addon, check this page.
How To Volunteer to write or improve a section
-Guide Section Name-
- Volunteer Name: Hosho
- Date Volunteered: 5th Jan 2009
- File Location: Hyperlink to the finished and uploaded .lua file.
Add your name and the date you volunteered to the table below, and then, when you are done with your contribution, upload it somewhere and paste the link here. You can put it anywhere you like, but I recommend using the form at the bottom of the edit page of this wiki to add the file as an attachment. You can then link to the file in a similar way to linking images in wow-pro guides, but using URL BBCode tags instead of IMG ones.
Thanks for contributing!
- Volunteer Name: Jame
- Date Volunteered: 17/01/2009
- File Location: TBA
- Note: Can’t I have fun too in my free time? ^^
1-12 Dwarf/Gnome
- Volunteer Name: AyaJulia
- Date Volunteered: Jan 9 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/01+11+Dun+Moroghlua/;12928014;/fileinfo.html
1-12 Night Elf
- Volunteer Name: GraceAlone
- Date Volunteered:1/16/09
- File Location: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=405276f8cf16920ddd8b33b5aa27078d
UPDATED Coordinates added for every objective
1-12 Draenei
- Volunteer Name: Kinrah
- Date Volunteered: 11 Jan 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/01+12+Azuremyst+Islelua/;12940308;/fileinfo.html
- Note: Needs improvements (few objective detection missing, tomtom arrows sometimes missing, double questing not always properly adapted from Snowflake’s guide, descriptions lacking for some steps and need clarifying)
12-20 Maw’s Guide (Westfall/Redridge)
- Volunteer Name: Jame
- Date Volunteered: 20th January 2009
- File Location: TBA
12-20 Sven’s Guide (Bloodmyst)
- Volunteer Name:
- Date Volunteered:
- File Location: TBA
12-20 Joan’s Guide (Darkshore/Westfall)
- Volunteer Name:
- Date Volunteered:
- File Location: TBA
20-30 Boston’s Guide (Westfall/Redridge)
- Volunteer Name:
- Date Volunteered:
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name: GraceAlone
- Date Volunteered: 1/17/09
- File Location: http://www.mediafire.com/?jjdtztzwyy5
- Volunteer Name: GraceAlone
- Date Volunteered: 1/17/09
- File Location: http://www.mediafire.com/?j1qjykzy21z
- Volunteer Name: GraceAlone
- Date Volunteered: 1/17/09
- File Location: http://www.mediafire.com/?imwm3jj12mw
- Volunteer Name:
- Date Volunteered:
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name:
- Date Volunteered:
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name: Raistlan
- Date Volunteered: 11th Jan 2009
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name: NLX3647
- Date Volunteered: didn’t give a date, I just started.
- File Location: http://www.theamazonbasin.com/~nlx3647/000_70_72_Jame_BoreanTundra.lua
- Volunteer Name: stouset
- Date Volunteered: 19th Jan 2009
- File Location: http://github.com/stouset/wowpro-jame-alliance-howling-fjord/blob/master/000_72_74_Jame_Howling_Fjord.lua
- Volunteer Name: Raistlan
- Date Volunteered: 11th Jan 2009
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name: Rovanion
- Date Volunteered: Feb 2009
- File Location: http://www.inculturated.com/files/games/WOW/000_74_75_Jame_Dragonblight.lua
- Note: Apologies to Raistlan for my impatience – feel free to use this as a rough draft to help finish yours (i’m sure it’s much better than what I have done here). This has been played through only once.
- Volunteer Name: LaoTseu
- Date Volunteered: 11th Jan 2009
- Updated 2009-01-15: fixed a typo
- File Location: http://armorcraft.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/TourGuide_Jame_Alliance_Northrend/75_77_Grizzly_Hills.lua
- Volunteer Name: LaoTseu
- Date Volunteered: 18 January 2009
- File Location: http://armorcraft.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/TourGuide_Jame_Alliance_Northrend/Death%20Knight_55_58_The_Scarlet_Enclave.lua
- Note: The guide is not completed. For now, it bring you up to StormWind. Also, I will not be able to playtest it before patch 3.0.8. I can only make one Alliance DK for now :-).
1-12 Blood Elf
- Volunteer Name:Inyurbak
- Date Volunteered:2/1/09
- Note:done tested possible issue last optional circuit
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/Sunstrider+Isle+WoW+Pro+Sflua/;13236786;/fileinfo.html
1-12 Orc/Troll
- Volunteer Name: Clearasil
- Date Volunteered: 1st Feb 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/Zerinj+0112zip/;13259212;/fileinfo.html
- Note: Finished, needs testing.
- Note: Skotar pt1 description is west and should be south (Inyurbak)
- Volunteer Name: Romgar
- Date Volunteered: 11th Jan 2009
- File Location: https://www.wow-pro.com/files/01_12_TirisfalGlades_Manovan.txt
- Note: Please test it and give feedback on this page or via PM so I can improve its quality!
1-12 Tauren
- Volunteer Name:Yhen
- Date Volunteered:February 3rd 2009
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name: Clearasil
- Date Volunteered: 1st Feb 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/Hosho+1220zip/;13259208;/fileinfo.html
- Note: 03-02-2009: Finished 😉 Ready for testing.
- Volunteer Name: Clearasil
- Date Volunteered: 17 feb 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/SilverKnightSilverpinezip/;13303960;/fileinfo.html
30-40 Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide
- Volunteer Name: Clearasil
- Date Volunteered: 31th Jan 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/Jame+3141zip/;13259210;/fileinfo.html
- Note: Finished. Needs testing.
40-50 Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide
- Volunteer Name: Clearasil
- Date Volunteered: 30th Jan 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/Jame+4151zip/;13259211;/fileinfo.html
- Note: Finally finished! 😀
50-60 Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide
- Volunteer Name: Plover2
- Date Volunteered: 31st Jan 2009
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name: Freedave2000
- Date Volunteered: 18th Feb 2009
- File Location: http://postdownload.filefront.com/13319675//951efb26a760003e2101e95f9afcbb5f2d930f93227823d68b31e59181644bddb22ae928aafde6ba
- Note: lvl 60 Eastern Plaguelands;
- Volunteer Name: Gethe
- Date Volunteered: 5th Jan 2009
- File Location:TBA
Minor Error in Snowflake’s 13 – 21 Ghostlandswho ever corrects–
The “Trouble at the underlight mines” shows as at the mines after grinding rotting hearts after leaving Tranquillien…. (this is at 40% of the guide)
There are several issues here…
1)You never take the quest before leaving town for the hearts, now you can turn it in later but for the sake of tracking what you question for that should be added to the quest log before leaving.
2)The quest “Trouble at the underlight mines” is NOT gotten at the mines as Snowflake says, it is gotten in Tranquillien (The mining undead guy to the right in the main building) and should be gotten before leaving Tranquillien for heart grinding as well.
Plover2 just messaged mePlover2 just messaged me that he was already working on the 41-51 part of the guide, and has already finished. He forgot to break it down by area tough. I had already done levels 41-43 so I lost a few hours of work wich while I could do something else instead. It isn’t a big deal however, I just hope something like this doesn’t happen again.
I guess I’ll just work on the 31-41 part of the guide instead. I’ll just Plover2 can edit my name out and put his instead on the list if he wants to.
Ah, no. That’s not what zoneAh, no. That’s not what zone tags are for. Zone tags basically are only useful to use paired with coordinates. It tells tourguide that you want the coordinates of this step to be calculated for a specific zone.
Thanks for the advice… I’mThanks for the advice… I’m not sure how to use the |Z| tags correctly tough. 😛 Is this how I should use them?
N Shopping List:|N| * Level 44: Patterned Bronze Bracers Level 44: Frost Oil
– * Level 44: Gyrochronatom – Level 45: All the Pages for the Green
Hills of Stranglethorn quest.|
F Ogrimmar|Z|Ogrimmar
h Ogrimmar
R Grom’gol outpost|N|Take the Zeppelin to Grom’gol outpost.|Z|Stranglethorn Vale|
A Mok’thardin’s enchantment (Part 2)|QID|572|
A Bloodscalp Clan Heads |QID|584|
A Split Bone Necklace |QID|598|
T The Troll Witchdoctor|QID|1240|
C Tiger Mastery (Part 4)|QID|188|N|
T Tiger Mastery (Part 4)|QID|188|
R Swamp of Sorrows|N|Go east [snip] of Darkshire
Actually it showed up for meActually it showed up for me in both folders…
My advice wouldCertainly.
My advice would be to make the first zone Swamp of Sorrows, and use a |Z|Stranglethorn Vale| tag for any objectives that involve coordinates in STV. Then create a seperate file for Badlands given how much you do there.
Thanks for contributing, I didn’t know how I was going to find the time to do these sections myself. 😉
Hey I just added my nameHey I just added my name into the list – I’d like to do the 41-51 part of Jame’s Guide (Horde). I finished doing the first part, untill you go to Booty Bay from the Badlands. Currently I have 3 zones in one .lua file: Stranglethorn Vale, Swamp of Sorrows and the Badlands. Should I split them up and make them into three .lua files? Putting Swamp of Sorrows in another .lua file might be a good idea, but the Stranglethorn Vale part is kinda short because you only accept a few quests there, kill Sin’Dall and move on into Swamp of Sorrows.
I tried the addon versions of Hellfire Peninsula (only the last bit) and Zangarmarsh, and I really liked them. I worked through the guide much faster than if I had to alt-tab back to look at the guide. And also: I didn’t forget to set my Hearthstone! (Wich I always forget :P) As the 31-60 guides haven’t been put into the addon yet I’d like to contribute and make the 41-51 guide for the addon if that’s ok. 😛
There seems to be an errorThere seems to be an error with the latest version, several of the guides are not loading (this is for Horde side, I haven’t done any testing on the alliance version of the addon).
EDIT: The issue is resolved, you can access a working version from [url=https://www.wow-pro.com/leveling_guides/james_leveling_guide_tourguide_style]this page[/url].
EDIT 2: Shinke, I’m assuming that you’re referring to the snowflake guide in the Alliance folder, that’s actually the Draenei guide but has the wrong name. It’ll be renamed. Eventually.
Terokkar is missing due to aTerokkar is missing due to a missing word in Guides.xml.
Check the WoW-Pro addon directory, open Guides.xml in Notepad. You’ll see a list of filenames – change _Terokkar_ to _Terokkar_Forest_ and you should be good to go.
Yea, I just need to add aYea, I just need to add a new screenshot, this one is outdated.
Just go for the guides with “wow-pro” in them. It’s our guides.
Isn’t Ghostlands for BLOODIsn’t Ghostlands for BLOOD ELVES?
Anyways walk me through what you do to install the guide and let me see what I can do to help. 🙂
Lacking guides?! I actually don’t know why, but somehow my Tourguide window looks way different from the screenshot you posted 😕
1.) Snowflake’s Ghostlands 13-21 is not there. Instead I’ve got a guide called “Ghostlands (WoW-Pro | Snowflake’s Draenei 1-12)”
2.) There is no [WoW-Pro] Jame’s Leveling Guide (21-31) but instead I only got a guide called: Ashenvale (30-31 | [WoW-Pro] Jame)
Other than that there’s no WoW-Pro guide in that particular level range.
3.) I’m lacking the Terokkar 64-66 guide. No idea why.
4.) There’s no leveling guide from 68-70. You therefore may add a Netherstorm/Shadowmoon guide to your “To-do-list”. Maybe someone volunteers 🙂
I installed Tourguide, TomTom, Lightheaded just like you explained and extracted the WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Horde package to my addon folder. Still I can’t find the guides visible on your screenshot =/ Did I miss something? Apart from that, when do you think we can expect the whole addon to be released? I do know that there’s still a whole lot of work to be done, I’m just wondering whether it will be anytime soon ^^
Maw’s Human Leveling Guide 1-12Hello guys, but I can’t find it in the add-on list? Where is it?
Try it, love it!I just released a new version and added my first contribution. The quality is very high, I recommend everyone to try it. (Maw’s Human 1-12 is the one I did)
More info here on my latest [url=http://jamewowpro.blogspot.com/2009/01/wow-pro-leveling-addon-aiming-for.html]blog entry[/url].
No!!! No more Alliance..The Alliance needs a break, make more Horde segments!! 😉
I just finished writingI just finished writing Maw’s Human 1-12 Leveling Guide. I encourage everyone to try it.
With this guide I want to set the standard for the quality I want for the addon version of our leveling guides.
Here’s what you’ll get:
[*]TomTom arrow for EVERY step requiring you to move, even short distances.
[*]Auto-completion for 99% of the steps. When it’s not an auto-complete step, I actually mention it and tell you to close the step once you finish reading.
[*]class quests included
[*]optional quests included
[*]Even giving directions to the nearest repair NPC when the guide mentions to “Sell junk and repair”
[*]Item box appearing whenever an item needs to be used from your bags
[*]Information compressed down to the minimum – just enough to go through every step smoothly
Should be a lot of fun and very relaxing to follow the guide in this addon format if everyone helps to reach this level of quality for each guide section. Not to mention, they will be unbeatable in terms of leveling speed 😉
I’ll upload the file a little later tonight. Stay tuned.
I’ve added that to the list,I’ve added that to the list, hopefully someone will volunteer to fill those spots quickly.
Ah yea, someone forgot toAh yea, someone forgot to put a zone tag, that’s all 😉
How’s the Horde gap?Seems there is still a level 30 – 60 Horde gap out there.
What’s the progress/situation for those?
Wasn’t to sure on where toWasn’t to sure on where to post this so I went with here…
Was running through the Howling Fjord Horde side of Tourguide, and when it tells me to go pick up Beachfront Property from Surveyor Hansen it has his location as (79, 65) in Howling Fjord. Which basically leads you off a cliff into the ocean.
The location is correct just in the wrong zone =P
Simple enough should haveSimple enough should have that done by early next week (gotta spend some time with the fam!) I use lightheaded so I don’t naturally think about adding the coordinates for everything. We’ll get it taken care of though and thanks for the compliments 😀
Well, guess I had the time anyway :p The guide has been updated with coordinates for every single objective and sell/repair added as well. Should be 100% now 😀
It was in the files I linkedIt was in the files I linked when I package everything in addons. You removed my links when you redid the pages :-).
Anywho, here’s where you can find all my files. It’s on a SVN server so I update them every time I find something wrong or that need improvement.
The first two files are more or less reordering of Tekkup files to follow your guide but nothing much in term of using your notes.
I haven’t had the time, butI haven’t had the time, but I will soon.
I can’t find any .rar file btw. Could you give me a link?
So, did you had time to lookSo, did you had time to look at it again? If so, is there something you still think is broken?
Alright, I’ve tested theAlright, I’ve tested the first few levels and you really did a great job, you even implemented the class quests.
However, here are my suggestions to make it perfect:
1. Add “Sell junk and repair” notes, with coordinates to the repair NPC. Like for example, right the beginning before we do The Balance of Nature (Part 2), there’s a note to sell junk and repair in taralom’s guide, but not in your file.
Add this simple line:
N Sell junk and repair |N|Sell junk and repair at Keina (59.30, 41.10) |
2. When using the ‘C’ tag to send people to do quests, there are no TomTom arrows. So you have to add a note with the coords. You don’t always have to add details in the note about how to do the quest when it’s something straightforward like “kill 7 boars”, but at least add the coords for the TomTom arrow to show up.
Like for when we do The Balance of Nature (Part 2), change the line to this:
C The Balance of Nature (Part 2) |N|(59.00, 36.00) | |QID|457|
And the TomTom arrow will show up.
Basically we want the TomTom arrow to show up for every step requiring you to move, even if it’s a short distance. That way following the guides will be done at amazing speed.
NE Starting File DoneOkay I finished the NE starting (1-12) guide and it is available for download. If people could play test it and let me know of any mistakes, additions, corrections, that would be great. I’ll test it myself later when I actually get some time to play 😀
Yep, that’s also what IYep, that’s also what I noticed. I added a note about it under the Azuremyst.lua.
All we need is someone with the time and dedication to fix it 🙂
I’ve played through almostI’ve played through almost all of Snowflake’s Draenei Guide and have found a few things that could be cleaned up/corrected. I’m not completely finished with it yet, but I’ll post the completed file when I finish it. The big thing that I found was that there was a lack of “Complete” and “Loot” objectives which help make the guide much easier to follow and prevents manually having to check off the entry. More to come 😀
Working on the NE 1-12 guide at the moment; about half done. One thing that would be useful for the guide creation tool is the ability to enable class only quests. It’s not a huge deal to edit the exported file, but it is an extra step. The tool is great though and makes correcting items/creating guides nice and easy. Thanks!
That’s already something, IThat’s already something, I can format most guides like that I guess.
The only problem is for my 30-40, 40-50 and 50-60 chapters. We go through many different zones during those chapters, and with this formatting I’ll have to make a big list of zones for each chapters, which is just kinda annoying to look at in the list.
[WoW-Pro Jame’s] Nagrand[WoW-Pro Jame’s] Nagrand (xxx-xxx) will not generate error.
I’ve open a ticket about it but I don’t know when it will be solved (if ever).
I’ll look into it tonight.I’ll look into it tonight.
[edit]T Hour of the Worg |QID|12164| is the last quest of the online guide. That and “Ursoc, the Bear God” are group quests. I left the A line exactly where you said to get the quests in your guide but I put the completion at the end since they are optional. My thinking was that anytime you find a group, you do them. If you finish the zone without finding a group, you go to the next zone and can always select back the unfinished guide for the group quests. It’s not perfect but that’s the best I could come up with.
The comments after the end are logs from TrouGuide_Recorder that I used to make the guide. I left them there as reference in case I needed to fix something but they could be removed.
P.S. You’ll see in the .rar file that I’ve also put my BT, HF and DB guides. I didn’t link them in the .toc since someone else volunteered for those guides even though no files have been linked yet.
Yes, but apparently thoseYes, but apparently those error messages don’t appear often and they don’t matter, the guide still works.
If anyone knows of a way to disable the error messages, it would be great. Because having to follow that naming standard makes it confusing to know which guide you are following exactly, and makes it hard to differentiate the wow-pro guides from the default guides.
If the name of the title ofIf the name of the title of the guide is not [xxx] Zone Name (xxx-xxx), you will have TourGuide throw errors. Something like “Jame’s Nagrand” is not a know zone. At least, it does for me.
Problem with Grizzly Hills fileHey Laotseu, there’s a little problem with your grizzly hills file. It’s fine until this point:
T Hour of the Worg |QID|12164| |N|Sasha right there or in White Pine Trading Post (57.52, 41.35)|
And then the rest doesn’t appear because there’s an end tag after it. I removed the end tag and put it at the end of the file.
But when I do that, the file won’t load anymore in-game.
Could you try to fix it please? Then I’ll add it to the .zip and upload it 🙂
Thank you Laotseu, it helpedThank you Laotseu, it helped me understand how to do it. I’ve done another version myself to get it closer to what I want it to look like in terms of file names.
I’ve uploaded the Alliance version and put a screenshot up as well. I’m currently doing the same for the horde side.
It’s done, both the AllianceIt’s done, both the Alliance and Horde TourGuide files are now packaged as one big addon.
I’ve also set up the Alliance .toc for each of the subfolders so it would be possible to use them separatly (and not having to load everything in memory in one go).
The names I have set up for the addons begins with TourGuide_WoWPro so that it is obvious that we are dealing with TourGuide files.
Next step is to write a little wiki article on how to set the .toc and Guides.xml stuff.
Let me know what you think.
That would be best actually.That would be best actually. One big folder for Alliance, one big folder for horde.
I’d really appreciate if you could do that.
I’ve added Grizzly HillI’ve added Grizzly Hill yesterday if ppl want to try it.
Quick note, the file names for Northrend should begin with the level otherwise they will not be displayed in the correct order within TourGuide.
[edit]I’m wrong, the order in TourGuide is the order the file are loaded. That said, having the level in the name might not be a bad thing anyways. What do you guys think?
[edit2]I just downloaded the Guide file for Alliance and realized that that the guides are missing TOC and guide.xml to make them usable by themselves. Would the ppl that made those guides be offended if I were to make them addon that ppl can just drop in their AddOn folder and use? And if I do, would you guys prefer one big addon for all Alliance guides or one addon by guide (or both I guess 🙂 ?
Hm, I thought I answeredHm, I thought I answered this comment already. -.-;
I didn’t put in a coordinate for this part because it’s so close to The Grizzled Den, where we were already killing bears and so forth, that I assumed the player would have seen the Wendigos there. Given that it’s only a couple of characters, I don’t really want to mess with life and re-upload the thing with just that one change, esp. since it’s already been put into the main file. I fully condone all changes made to it to bring it more in line, though. 🙂
The reason Rescue theThe reason Rescue the Survivors won’t have a coordinate arrow is because the survivors don’t have a fixed spawn point as far as I know, they spawn all over the vale.
I think I mentioned this elsewhere, but if you’re doing 2 killquests at once, you have the complete objectives one after the other and TG will track both.
My guess is that his are farMy guess is that his are far more polished than mine. Again, I wrote them for my own use with no thought of anyone else seeing them. As such I knew the guides almost by heart and when their was an error or something wasn’t clear I pretty much knew what to do. IMHO anyway 🙂
Nuzz also did 30-60. SoNuzz also did 30-60. So right now I’m not sure what to do.
If anyone has the time to test both GraceAlone and [url=https://www.wow-pro.com/files/wowprotourguide_a1-69_Nuzz.zip]Nuzz’s versions[/url] and tell me which one is more polished, it’d be a huge help.
Hey Kinrah, I just tried itHey Kinrah, I just tried it and it seems nice so far, good job!
A few extras could be added though, like for example at the start when we kill the moths and the volatiel mutations, the quest doesn’t automatically complete once we’ve finished both quests.
Also a little later for Rescue the survivors, when we’re supposed to use the Gift of the Naaru on a Draenei Survivor, there’s no tomtom arrow appearing to guide you towards the Draenei Survivors.
It’s not a big deal of course, but it’s just nice little additions we’ll have to add in the future to make those addon version as polished as possible.
Keep up the good work guys.
AzuremystJust about done with Azuremyst, some things I would like to note:
1 – In areas like multiple loot-items for quests and long notes, I followed Aya’s lead and used Buy tags and preview notes to try and make the two guides slightly more consistent.
2 – The overview page is slightly confusing as to the use of the |O| Optional tag, so the level 2 class mini-quests, the Draenei Youngling quest, and the Blood Elf Bandit quest have been omitted for now. Attempting to put them in with guessing as to their use resulted in a multitude of errors.
3 – I have slightly overlapped with Sven’s Bloodmyst Guide as far as his first quest, because I’ve included the Paladin level 12 class quest in as well, so while they go up to do their Redemption quest, the other classes are just arriving there to finish up the guide.
I playtested this about halfway through with a Paladin, so got the chance to catch up on a few bugs (wrong QID, wrong number of items in a note, etc) but would like to run this past some others for feedback. I can see there being perhaps a couple of problems where I’ve integrated the Warrior and Shaman level 10 quests with the actual leveling itself.
I have all of the 30-60 doneI have all of the 30-60 done already, but they could be cleaned up, commented, bug tested, etc. The link is http://www.mediafire.com/?znorknynq5i I’m not sure how the community would like to proceed but I think a LOT of work has already been done (it worked really well for me when I leveled a new toon threw them).
Nope, boston’s guide areNope, boston’s guide are still there 😉
By the way I’m trying the tourguide file you made right now and noticed a small mistake.
At the step where the guide sends us to the grizzled den to kill Wendigos, there’s no TomTom arrow giving directions. I suppose you forgot it.
I see. Thanks for the KarmaI see. Thanks for the Karma boost, and for the response. I didn’t know Boston’s guide wasn’t being abandoned, it’s just that here we have Sven/Maw/Joan listed only, and same for https://wow-pro.com/1-80_leveling_guides . 🙂 Seemed like it was being ditched. Although it means we have three Westfall guides! Haha. 🙁
Maybe I should try my hand at doing one for Night Elves that has them stay in Darkshore, who knows.
I tried the first few stepsI tried the first few steps and it seems like you’ve done a very good job!
And with that you got a bunch of karma points, so your comments won’t need moderation anymore 😉
We’re not moving away from Boston’s Guide. It’s still an option between his and Maw’s Guide, so feel free to make a 12-20 with Boston’s guide!
I just finished Dun Morogh.I just finished Dun Morogh. Here are my notes on it…
1- For the objectives of “A Refugee’s Quandary,” I was sorely missing a simple “Loot” tag. I decided to use the “Buy” tag, but you might care to change it to a Note. It would work fine, auto-complete and all, if you just change the B to N. Whatever you like.
2- In one of the notes, in the interest of keeping the game tooltip at a reasonable length I put kind of a “preview” note and put the rest of the note in the tooltip. i.e.:
N Lorem ipsum dolor… |N|Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
I like how this turned out, and thought I’d put this here for someone else to use in case of any particularly long note sections.
3- I included the class quests at level 10, because Boston mentions to stop and do them, but some aren’t all that necessary. You [i]might[/i] care to add the following two lines:
N Your class quest is really quite important, and you should stop and do it now. |C|Hunter, Warlock|
N Your class quest will give you an exp boost to reduce an upcoming grind session and some green equipment, but it’s not important. |C|Mage, Rogue, Warrior|
4- Speaking of class quests, Boston’s guide doesn’t include Pallies’ level 12 quest, so I didn’t either. I think for consistency’s sake it should probably be there, but it’s a rather long line and it’s 3 AM. 🙂
5- Since we’re moving away from Boston’s mid-level guide (why on earth???) there needs to be some work done integrating Dwarves and Gnomes into Maw’s guide. On my end, I didn’t ask the player to set his or her hearth in Thelsamar, but rather Ironforge. Honestly, the 12-20 guides seem to be a bit of a horrible mess and would have to use racial tags heavily to properly integrate with each other. ^^; I don’t know how the person inputting Maw’s guide is going to handle “Follow the level 10-12 section of my Human Leveling guide” short of copy/pasting the whole thing with |R|Dwarf, Gnome, Draenei, Night Elf| in each step, which is workable but clunky.
Anyway, I play-tested the whole thing as I wrote it and it seemed to have no issues.
PS- When do I get to not have my comments moderated anymore? O:)