We no longer use this page for works in progress, please stop posting here.
Use our new WORK IN PROGRESS PAGE isntead.
Thank you!
This wiki page will help us track who has volunteered to help translate sections of Jame’s Leveling Guides into TourGuide Format, so that we can finally publish an addon that will enable people following Jame’s Guide to do so without alt-tabbing.
If you wish to translate a section of the guide, please read through this list and find a section that you would like to contribute, being careful to select something that you will be able to test yourself and has not already been volunteered by someone else.
What has already been done
Alliance – Updated to v0.5 – 15/02/2009
- Maw’s Human Guide (1-12) | Jame | Quality: 100%
- Snowflake’s Draenei Guide (1-12) | Kinrah | Needs Improvements
- Boston’s Gnome/Dwarf Guide (1-12) | Ayajulia | Needs Testing
- Joan’s Human Guide (1-12) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Maw’s Leveling Guide (12-20) | Jame | Quality: 100% – New
- Boston’s Leveling Guide (12-20) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Boston’s Leveling Guide (20-30) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide (30-40) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide (40-50) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide (50-60) | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Hellfire Penninsula | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Zangarmarsh | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Terokkar | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Nagrand | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Blade’s Edge Mountains | Nuzz | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Borean Tundra | Wizerd | Needs Testing
- Jame’s – Howling Fjord | Wizerd | Needs Testing – New
- Jame’s – Grizzly Hills | Laotseu | Needs Testing
Horde – Updated to v0.3 – 18/02/2009
- Zerinj’s Orc/Troll Starter (1-12) | Clearasil | Quality 100% New
- Snowflake’s Blood Elf Starter (1-12) | Inyurbak | Needs Testing New
- Manovan’s Undead Starter (1-12) | Romgar | Needs Testing New
- SilverKnight’s Silverpine (12-20) | Clearasil | Needs Testing New
- Hosho’s Barrens (12-20) | Clearasil | Needs Testing New
- Jame’s 31-41 | Clearasil | Needs Testing New
- Jame’s 41-51 | Plover2| Needs Testing New
- Snowflake’s Ghostlands Guide (13-21) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide (21-31) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Hellfire Peninsula | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Zangarmarsh | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Terokkar Forest | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Nagrand | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Howling Fjord (70-71) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Borean Tundra (71-73) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Dragonblight (73-75) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Grizzly Hills (75-77) | Black Cat | Needs Testing
As you can see there’s still a lot of be done. And most importantly, the sections which have already been released need to be tested and improved if necessary.
How to test those sections?
Installing Externals
Three external files are needed to run this addon.
- TourGuide – The base of the addon.
- TomTom – Handles coordinates.
- Lightheaded – Makes TomTom even better
If you are not familiar with the installation of addons, it can be done as follows:
- Download and unzip the addon files.
- Navigate to the World of Warcraft directory (by default, it is in C:/Program Files/World of Warcraft)
- Open the “Interface” folder, then the “Addons” folder inside it.
- Copy and paste the “TourGuide” and “TomTom” folders into the World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons directory.
You can check ingame if you’ve installed it correctly; when you go to the character selection screen, down the bottom there is a button labelled Addons. Click that, then scroll down and look for TomTom and TourGuide (it’s in alphabetical order). Make sure they’re enabled.
Author’s Note: Vista users may not have a “Interface” folder, instead their Addons folder is inside the “World of Warcraft” folder. Full path should be c:\UsersPublicGamesWorld of WarcraftInterfaceAddOns
Installing the WoW-Pro Guides: Alliance – Updated to v0.3 – 03/02/2009
- Download the WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Alliance file and unzip it.
- Copy and paste the “WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Alliance” folder into your “World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons/” folder.
- Launch wow, and at the character selection screen click on the “Addons” button on the lower-left corner. Make sure that the following 3 addons are activated: TomTom, TourGuide, WoW-Pro Tourguide Alliance and Lightheaded (Lightheaded A,B,C,D,etc as well).
- Once in game, click on the TourGuide bar (should be just under your minimap). This will open the “Guides” page. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and you’ll see the WoW-Pro Guides:
Select the guide you want and there you go!
Installing the WoW-Pro Guides: Horde
Updated to v0.2 – 22/01/2009
- Download the WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Horde and unzip it
- Copy and paste the “WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Horde” folder into the “World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons/” folder.
- Launch wow, and at the character selection screen click on the “Addons” button on the lower-left corner. Make sure that the following 3 addons are activated: TomTom, TourGuide, WoW-Pro Tourguide Horde and Lightheaded (Lightheaded A,B,C,D,etc as well).
- Once in game, click on the TourGuide bar (should be just under your minimap). This will open the “Guides” page. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and you’ll see the WoW-Pro Guides:
Select the guide you want and there you go!
That’s it, you should now be good to go. For more information on how to use the addon, check this page.
How To Volunteer to write or improve a section
-Guide Section Name-
- Volunteer Name: Hosho
- Date Volunteered: 5th Jan 2009
- File Location: Hyperlink to the finished and uploaded .lua file.
Add your name and the date you volunteered to the table below, and then, when you are done with your contribution, upload it somewhere and paste the link here. You can put it anywhere you like, but I recommend using the form at the bottom of the edit page of this wiki to add the file as an attachment. You can then link to the file in a similar way to linking images in wow-pro guides, but using URL BBCode tags instead of IMG ones.
Thanks for contributing!
- Volunteer Name: Jame
- Date Volunteered: 17/01/2009
- File Location: TBA
- Note: Can’t I have fun too in my free time? ^^
1-12 Dwarf/Gnome
- Volunteer Name: AyaJulia
- Date Volunteered: Jan 9 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/01+11+Dun+Moroghlua/;12928014;/fileinfo.html
1-12 Night Elf
- Volunteer Name: GraceAlone
- Date Volunteered:1/16/09
- File Location: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=405276f8cf16920ddd8b33b5aa27078d
UPDATED Coordinates added for every objective
1-12 Draenei
- Volunteer Name: Kinrah
- Date Volunteered: 11 Jan 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/01+12+Azuremyst+Islelua/;12940308;/fileinfo.html
- Note: Needs improvements (few objective detection missing, tomtom arrows sometimes missing, double questing not always properly adapted from Snowflake’s guide, descriptions lacking for some steps and need clarifying)
12-20 Maw’s Guide (Westfall/Redridge)
- Volunteer Name: Jame
- Date Volunteered: 20th January 2009
- File Location: TBA
12-20 Sven’s Guide (Bloodmyst)
- Volunteer Name:
- Date Volunteered:
- File Location: TBA
12-20 Joan’s Guide (Darkshore/Westfall)
- Volunteer Name:
- Date Volunteered:
- File Location: TBA
20-30 Boston’s Guide (Westfall/Redridge)
- Volunteer Name:
- Date Volunteered:
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name: GraceAlone
- Date Volunteered: 1/17/09
- File Location: http://www.mediafire.com/?jjdtztzwyy5
- Volunteer Name: GraceAlone
- Date Volunteered: 1/17/09
- File Location: http://www.mediafire.com/?j1qjykzy21z
- Volunteer Name: GraceAlone
- Date Volunteered: 1/17/09
- File Location: http://www.mediafire.com/?imwm3jj12mw
- Volunteer Name:
- Date Volunteered:
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name:
- Date Volunteered:
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name: Raistlan
- Date Volunteered: 11th Jan 2009
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name: NLX3647
- Date Volunteered: didn’t give a date, I just started.
- File Location: http://www.theamazonbasin.com/~nlx3647/000_70_72_Jame_BoreanTundra.lua
- Volunteer Name: stouset
- Date Volunteered: 19th Jan 2009
- File Location: http://github.com/stouset/wowpro-jame-alliance-howling-fjord/blob/master/000_72_74_Jame_Howling_Fjord.lua
- Volunteer Name: Raistlan
- Date Volunteered: 11th Jan 2009
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name: Rovanion
- Date Volunteered: Feb 2009
- File Location: http://www.inculturated.com/files/games/WOW/000_74_75_Jame_Dragonblight.lua
- Note: Apologies to Raistlan for my impatience – feel free to use this as a rough draft to help finish yours (i’m sure it’s much better than what I have done here). This has been played through only once.
- Volunteer Name: LaoTseu
- Date Volunteered: 11th Jan 2009
- Updated 2009-01-15: fixed a typo
- File Location: http://armorcraft.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/TourGuide_Jame_Alliance_Northrend/75_77_Grizzly_Hills.lua
- Volunteer Name: LaoTseu
- Date Volunteered: 18 January 2009
- File Location: http://armorcraft.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/TourGuide_Jame_Alliance_Northrend/Death%20Knight_55_58_The_Scarlet_Enclave.lua
- Note: The guide is not completed. For now, it bring you up to StormWind. Also, I will not be able to playtest it before patch 3.0.8. I can only make one Alliance DK for now :-).
1-12 Blood Elf
- Volunteer Name:Inyurbak
- Date Volunteered:2/1/09
- Note:done tested possible issue last optional circuit
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/Sunstrider+Isle+WoW+Pro+Sflua/;13236786;/fileinfo.html
1-12 Orc/Troll
- Volunteer Name: Clearasil
- Date Volunteered: 1st Feb 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/Zerinj+0112zip/;13259212;/fileinfo.html
- Note: Finished, needs testing.
- Note: Skotar pt1 description is west and should be south (Inyurbak)
- Volunteer Name: Romgar
- Date Volunteered: 11th Jan 2009
- File Location: https://www.wow-pro.com/files/01_12_TirisfalGlades_Manovan.txt
- Note: Please test it and give feedback on this page or via PM so I can improve its quality!
1-12 Tauren
- Volunteer Name:Yhen
- Date Volunteered:February 3rd 2009
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name: Clearasil
- Date Volunteered: 1st Feb 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/Hosho+1220zip/;13259208;/fileinfo.html
- Note: 03-02-2009: Finished 😉 Ready for testing.
- Volunteer Name: Clearasil
- Date Volunteered: 17 feb 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/SilverKnightSilverpinezip/;13303960;/fileinfo.html
30-40 Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide
- Volunteer Name: Clearasil
- Date Volunteered: 31th Jan 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/Jame+3141zip/;13259210;/fileinfo.html
- Note: Finished. Needs testing.
40-50 Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide
- Volunteer Name: Clearasil
- Date Volunteered: 30th Jan 2009
- File Location: http://files.filefront.com/Jame+4151zip/;13259211;/fileinfo.html
- Note: Finally finished! 😀
50-60 Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide
- Volunteer Name: Plover2
- Date Volunteered: 31st Jan 2009
- File Location: TBA
- Volunteer Name: Freedave2000
- Date Volunteered: 18th Feb 2009
- File Location: http://postdownload.filefront.com/13319675//951efb26a760003e2101e95f9afcbb5f2d930f93227823d68b31e59181644bddb22ae928aafde6ba
- Note: lvl 60 Eastern Plaguelands;
- Volunteer Name: Gethe
- Date Volunteered: 5th Jan 2009
- File Location:TBA
THANK YOUTo whomever uploaded the Dragonblight.lua… Thank you SOOO much for doing what I felt the previous guides needed and adding in the coords of new quests and quest turn ins that were not at the players current position. I don’t know how many times I had to alt-tab out of wow while using the other guides to look up who to pick up a quest from! THANK YOU!!
Hey guys, we no longer useHey guys, we no longer use this page now for works in progress.
Please post on the new work in progress page from now on.
12-20 Sven’s Guide12-20 Sven’s Guide (Bloodmyst)
Volunteer Name: culin23
Date Volunteered: 2/24/09
File Location: http://cid-c2a94cba3ad51573.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Public/001%7C_12%7C_20%7C_Svens%7C_Bloodmyst.lua
Shinke’s Tauren GuideSorry for posting a third time in a row, but i found a solution and i think it might be useful for everyone trying to localize your guides.
When editing the lua file via windows editor, make sure you save the file as follows:
Click “Save as”, then choose “UTF-8” as coding, which can be chosen underneath the filename and the file type. I hope that helps… at least Jäger now works as class tag… I will leave the localized versions of the Class names in the file, so that people with german client dont have to wait for a german version of the guide but can still use the english ones… If someone tells me the class names (and also the names for the genders) for other localizations i will add these as well…
Shinke’S Tauren GuideOh, i found yet another issue. The class name for Hunter is Jäger. however Tourguide can’t cope with “ä”. I will try to work around that.
Shinke’S Tauren GuideHey, on some site here i posted about doing this guide, but i dont find it anymore, there are too many different pages concerning the addon topic ^^
anyway, i found out why the |C| Tag didn’t work. I play German version, so for Warrior it has to be |C|Warrior,Krieger| to work with both versions. However i played a female shaman and the german class names have been “genderized” so it has to be |C|Shaman,Schamane,Schamanin| X[
I’m working on part two of the guide now (6-10)
Awesome, thanks. I’ll get toAwesome, thanks. I’ll get to work on it this week sometime.
About the Barrens guideAbout the Barrens guide 🙂
I’m not so sure about that.I’m not so sure about that. ;D
I think I’ll sleep a night over this and maybe I have some genius idea. If not I’ll leave it like it is. 🙂
I’ll leave it up to yourI’ll leave it up to your judgement then 🙂 Regardless of exactly how you organize it, the page you are working on is much more efficient than this one, I think you should just put it together here as you see fit, since you have done a lot more thinking and working with it than I have 🙂
Hmmmmm Maybe it’d be a goodHmmmmm 🙂 Maybe it’d be a good idea to not make this a wiki page, but to make it a page maintained by admin and mods (:P) and only allow comments about progress updates. It’s just that I fear that everything in one list could cause quite some misunderstandings which makes the list hard to manage.
Don’t know.. I’m just not all convinced.. 😉
Heh good point. But it seemsHeh good point. But it seems this could be acoomplished by simply noting in the status column when the guide is being worked on. Something like “Undergoing revisions – 60%” or something like that. Or at least, have it listed in the main section like that and have details down below? I’m just not sure. But I think there is still something to be said for listing all the guides in one big table.
In fact I don’t likeIn fact I don’t like splittnig the whole thing into two lists, too. But the problem I see in the way you described it is that no one knows what the other currently does, you’d only know what [i]already[/i] has been done.
After all you just had that problem yourself with Clearsil, didn’t you? 😉
Yeah, I really didn’t meanYeah, I really didn’t mean to edit one you were already working on >_< sorry Clearasil.
I would like to take a look at the Barrens one, I was planning on just plowing through from Durotar to Northrend 😛
For your second comment, which guide are you talking about? So I (or others) know what to look for 🙂
Its beautiful! However IIts beautiful! However I would just combine the works in progress with those already done, if that’s possible. That’s the problem I had before, looking back and forth between them, and then people uploaded new versions but that was down in the comments zone so I didn’t see it right away.
You could make the name of each guide a link to the most recently uploaded file by the maintainer of that guide (or any other volunteer) and also add the date it was most recently uploaded. So you would just need one more column, a date, on the main tables. The % complete could be added into the status column for unfinished guides.
Anyway, I definitely like what you have so far. I think all the “how to test the guide” stuff should just be moved to “how to contribute” or the other pages, so this one can be streamlined and more useful to keep track of who is doing what.
Well I’m learning a bit ofWell I’m learning a bit of HTML at school, so it shouldn’t be a problem. But it looks nice 🙂
I thougth about somethingI thougth about something like this:
It might be a bit complicated to use for the users themselves because it uses html tables, but if someone maintains it regularly (I would volunteer 😉 ), I think it would help to give a clearer view about who’s doing what.
I left away all the works in progress from the list here as they seem to either be finished or outdated…
Oh thank you I was alsoOh thank you 🙂 I was also going to test the Barrens guide I coded to improve it, but if you’re going to do it I’ll say away 😛
I also have put in circuits for all the different races (except Blood Elfs… sorry!) and I already noticed some mistakes (Forgot to put the |R|Troll| for example) so some steps might appear twice. So if you see something like that just look at the lines with the race tag behind them.
That would be wonderful,That would be wonderful, Jahwo. I was thinking the same thing as well.
Hmmm. I am wondering now ifHmmm. I am wondering now if I was really working in parallel when I thought I was working in series. Drat!
Well, I’ll have to look at Clearasil’s revision and compare it to what I did when I have time (tomorrow?).
Durotar Guide RevampI just did an in-depth look at the Durotar guide, which Clearasil so kindly coded 🙂 I added a ton of coords for different objectives, cleaned some things up, and added all the available class quests. I will continue with the Barrens next.
My updated version of the Durotar guide can be found [url=http://sites.google.com/site/jiyambi/horde-leveling-addon-revisions/000_1_12_Zerinj_Orc_Troll_Starter.lua?attredirects=0]here[/url].
It’s something that’s beenIt’s something that’s been bothering me too, but I haven’t had the time and will to do it. So by all means, give it a try 🙂
I think this page needs aI think this page needs a makeover. The list at the bottom is pretty unclear in my opinion and the finsihed guides should be removed there.
We also need some easy way to check on who tests or tested which guide and who is revamping which guide.
If you guys agree I could try to make it a bit more clear.