This wiki page will help us track who has volunteered to help translate sections of Jame’s Leveling Guides into TourGuide Format, so that we can finally publish an addon that will enable people following Jame’s Guide to do so without alt-tabbing.
Before you sign in for testing, revamping or writing a guide for the AddOn you should read the following two pages:
Now that you know what to do, you can take a look at the overview lists for the two factions. It might look a bit confusing on first sight but it’s really easy:
In the Status column you can see what the current status of every guide is:
N/A | The guide has not been written yet (not available) |
Testing | The guide has been written but not been tested by anyone but the author. |
Improvements | The guide has been written and tested, but it needs improvements. Numbers behind the status will forward you to posts with information on the needed improvements. |
Quality | The guide has been tested, revamped and has a very good quality. The stars indicate how well the guide has been tested. A quality guide with one star has only been tested by one person so there might still be some flaws. |
Now that you’re informed about what needs to be done, you have to look at the Progress column if the guide is already in work.
A indicates that there is no one working on this guide at the moment, so feel free to do it!
A tells you that there is someone working on that guide, if you click on the icon you will be redirected to the editors user-page.
Before you start editing a guide you should look if there are some edited files that are not included in the AddOn by default.
If the download arrow is green it means that there are files to download. Just click the arrow to download them. Put those files into the folder of the according Guide Package AddOn.
The little lamp will redirect you to a section on the “Mistakes” page. There you can see a list of known mistakes in the guide. You should take a look at this list even if the guide is not marked for Improvements!
If you found a guide that suits you and no one else is working at, you can either write a comment so that someone can add you to the list, or you can try to add yourself.
Please give us an update every week (at least) by changing the Last Updated column and giving some information about your progress in the Progress column so that everyone who wants to know can check how far you are. If we don’t hear from you in over a week, and someone else wants to take over revising/writing that section of the guide, it’s fair game! This way parts of the guide won’t be left unfinished.
If you’ve finished your part add a link to the file you edited in the Progress column and leave a comment!
Icecrown Guide (Horde)Icecrown (Horde) is done and you can [url=]Download Here[/url].
That’s all for Northrend except for The Storm Peaks for Alliance (and I don’t have an Alliance character anywhere near that level),so I’ll leave that for someone else.
/facepalmYea, I woke up today with the solution to The Shadow Vault question (literally the first thing I thought of). That’s what I get for testing at 3 am (/facepalm again), but I really wanted to finish.
As for the Dailies, it was just annoying to have to check them off manually while testing the guide and resetting my UI to make sure the corrections worked. It is cool that they reset, though.
Anyway, I’ll be posting later today.
Daily quests work the sameDaily quests work the same as any other quest with the exception that they reset at 3am(on my server). So like all other quests, if you do them they should stay checked regardless until the reset(servers are down atm unable to varify). We can actually take advantage of this and use the leveling guides (most of which include dailys) as daily guides after 80 (e.g. Grizzly Hills).
And on this note it [b]would not[/b] be advisable to use the QID of a daily for any step not related to that daily.
I think that area is called “[b]The[/b] Shadow Vault” the name has to be [i]exactly[/i] as spelled on your minimap.
Addon questionsI’ve finished testing my Icecrown (Horde) guide, but I have a couple of questions before I post it. 😕
Has anyone figured out how to make the daily quests stay checked off when you log out or reload the UI, or is this simply impossible now? Not a big issue, but it is a pain.
Is there any reason this line shouldn’t auto-complete?
[code]F Shadow Vault |QID|13168| |N|Fly back to the Shadow Vault. (43,26)|[/code]
It wouldn’t auto-complete using the Flight Path or flying in on my mount. I’ve also tried it without the QID and using (43.00,26.00) as coordinates, no luck.
I hope someone out there has some answers, because I’m stuck.
To be honest, niether did ITo be honest, niether did I when i started. =/
When I looked at some of the guides I saw that some of the were outdated, didn’t make sense, or just buged me, so I changed them and just hoped that it would make an overall better guide and not step on to many toes.
I hate you!*goes back to the french localization and works on all guides one by one, comparing previous and new ones to reflect the changes on the french version*
I knew it was a bad idea to make the translation.. I knew!
(Excellent work, and don’t believe what I wrote just before :))
Horde Icecrown guide comingHorde Icecrown guide coming soon. I’m testing it right now and hope to be done by the end of the week. Good job Gethe :jawdrop:, I didn’t know you were doing all that.
That’s freaking awesome.That’s freaking awesome. Thank you, you just took a load off our shoulders 🙂
Really good work and thanks Gethe and everybodyJiyambi is right, you rock guys. The only thing that hurt si that I can’t help you because I’m busy with my band and everything else. I’d like it very to give a hand. Thanks all guys and above all thanks Jame for this site.
Take Care all
Gethe, you freaking rock myGethe, you freaking rock my socks. Jame and I have been meaning to do something like this for some time now and haven’t got around to it due to various circumstances. We are planning to meet this weekend or sometime in the next week, and we’ll get this compilation loaded onto the site proper. Thanks again for the hard work, everyone!
Yes, Lightheaded is stillYes, Lightheaded is still needed, but I will be looking in to using the built in quest POIs.
thanks for the report.
Thanks, good job!
IsThanks, good job!
Is Lightheaded still needed for coordnates? Maybe it would be possible the new Blizzard quest stuff instead?
Also, there’s a bug in the Ghostlands guide – The turn-in for the quest “Shadowpine Weaponry” is missing from the guide.
AddOn Update!!![url=]Download[/url]
Please be sure to uninstall the old WoW-Pro addon and TourGuide before useing the new version.
Change Log:
[*]Updated toc for 3.3
[*]Integrated TourGuide into addon
[*]Modified TourGuide to automaticly open the appropriate guide for a new character(TourGuide already did this, but now it works for our
[*]Combined the Alliance and Horde guides into one addon, only those applicable to your faction will be loaded.
[*]Updated all guides with QID tags (Alliance updated by scoot2112)
[*]Made the guide names in-game shorter to allow them to fit better in the in-game guide list.
new format:
[WoW-Pro|Author] Zone (zone range)
[WoW-Pro|Jame] Stonetalon Mountains (21-22)
If the authors name starts with an “n” there needs to be a space before it. (“|n” means create a new line)
[*]other minor OCD changes.
[*]Mount steps moved and updated for 3.2
[*]Modified the circuits in the Plaguelands to make use of the new fight points at The Bulwark(Horde) and Thondroril River(Both)
[*]Moved the transitions in Hosho’s Barrens to the end of the Tauren and Orc/Troll guides.
[*]Split some guides that had alot of |Z| tags
[*]Incorporated all optional quest circuits into the core guide(except Hellfire at 58, it’s still optional)
[*]Updated Hellfire Peninsula guides to use the portals to Blasted Lands added in 3.2
[*]Added step to Hellfire Peninsula guides to encourage getting a flying mount at 60
[*]Added Blade’s Edge Mountains by Gethe
[*]Added Zul’Drak, Sholazar Basin, and The Storm Peaks by Scoot2112
[b]Death Knight:[/b]
[*]Removed talents from DK guides as they do not work any more.
[*]Split guide into different zones
Start wherever you want onStart wherever you want on the Horde guides. I’m working on the Alliance ones, since you said you didn’t have any plans to do them yet. I’ve gotten through the 20s.
By the way Gethe, I’ve got my guides updated already I’ll send you a link later, when I get a chance to upload them.
I’ve completed the BladesI’ve completed the Blades Edge(horde) guide and incorporated scoots Northrend guides into the Horde pack. Now starting on converting the horde guide to 3.3. I think scoot asked me to start in Outland so i guess ill start there before getting to Northrend then Old World.
I know it’s a “paper” guide,I know it’s a “paper” guide, but check out [url=]eric’s Gold making Guide[/url] if you are trying to get your epic flyer. There’s not much that his guide doesn’t cover. Good luck!
Can anyone create a DailiesCan anyone create a Dailies guide for this add-on? Maybe where you could select gold or what faction you are trying to raise and it would lead you to the proper daily quests and help you finish them as quickly as possible? And yes I am trying to afford my epic flyer. 🙂
I have compiled Tekkub’sI have compiled Tekkub’s most recent 3.3 beta if anyone wants to try it out.
I will do what I can to keep this updated.
Guide UpdatesI finally got a new character high enough to test my Storm Peaks guide (Horde) and made some revisions. Its in the package with my guides for Zul’Drak (Alliance and Horde) and Sholazar Basin (Alliance and Horde). I have deleted all of the older files, so any links below this comment will not work anymore. [url=]Here is the new link.[/url] Thanks for downloading my guides, hope they are helping. My newest character is almost to Outland, so it will be a little while before I do any more updates, unless anyone finds any problems and tells me about them. I’m also working on an Icecrown (Horde) guide, a guide for Hunter Pets, and updating the Alliance guides for 3.3 (I’ve gotten through the 20s).
Work in progress… or is it?Hey guys,
I’m back on WoW, now that my PC is working again after 4 very long months. Also its getting cold outside, so thats another good reason for wow 😉
I was surprised to notice that progress here with the addons has stagnated 😮
Nobody on it anymore? 🙁
Sholazar Basin GuideFinished my [url=]Sholazar Basin[/url] guide. It’s in the package with all the others. I’ve got some other stuff I’m working right now, so I’m putting Icecrown (Horde) on hold. Hopefully I’ll get it done by the time 3.3 is released.
Cool, that actually makesCool, that actually makes sense. I’m starting on the Alliance guides, shouldn’t take to long. If anyone wants to help with them, let me know, and could you start in Northrend, I’ve started at the beginning. I’ll post my progress to reduce the confusion.
New GuidesI’ve completed new guides for Zul’Drak (both Alliance and Horde). I need some testers please. You can download them [url=]here[/url]. In the zipped folder are both of the Zul’Drak guides and my Storm Peaks guide, as well as the appropriate XML files to make them work. Look at the Read Me file for installation instructions. Thanks to all of the people who have already downloaded my Storm Peaks guide. Hope you find it useful. You can send me a PM for feedback.
Found a problem in my post from yesterday. Fixed them and the link is now to the corrected files. If you downloaded it on Oct. 27, get the new one in order for everything to work properly.
Yeah that line should beYeah that line should be fine since it doesn’t actually complete a quest objective.
edit: After some testing on the ptr I’ve realized that EVERY step must have a QID. This is mostly for the benefit of someone who starts the guide late because in the new version, TourGuide will get a list of competed quests and any steps that have a completed QID will be checked off.
So, theoretically, if someone with Loremaster would start the guide without having done it before, it would automatically be completely finished because the addon knows he/she already did those quests.
If a step does not reference any quest(ex. hearth steps) use the QID of the next turn-in. If a step does reference a quest like scoots example above, use the QID for that quest.
Thanks for the info. I’veThanks for the info. I’ve just finished a couple of new guides and will start the conversions on them to be posted after 3.3. I understand your example, but are lines like this one still correct.
K Kill more Elementals |N|Keep killing the Elementals.| |L|38323 3|
I’m guessing it is, since this is really just a note that auto-completes, But I thought I’d ask before I have to do things twice.
I am currently working onI am currently working on the Blades Edge(horde) guide, but I am going to write it to be compatable with the 3.3 version of TourGuide which means that it will not work properly until the patch. This is due to the new quest history api that will be provided post 3.3 and the changes in the way TourGuide recognizes quests in response.
After Blades Edge I will then start on the other horde guides and release them when they are all done or the patch comes out(whichever comes first).
For those that want to know; every step that is related to a quest MUST have a QID tag.
N Thunderlord Clan Drum|Q|Thunderlord Clan Artifacts|QO|Thunderlord Clan Drum: 1/1|N|To the southwest, inside the hut. (40.17,58.34)|
[/code]needs to be changed to:
N Thunderlord Clan Drum|QID|10524|QO|Thunderlord Clan Drum: 1/1|N|To the southwest, inside the hut. (40.17,58.34)|
I do not intend to do the alliance side at the moment so if someone would like to do that it would be great.
Holy smokes, that’s awesome!Holy smokes, that’s awesome!
Thanks for the hard work!Thanks for the hard work!
Blade’s Edge can be a painBlade’s Edge can be a pain in the butt, I’ll warn you ahead of time. I had to do a bunch of the Ogri’La group quests that required Apexis shards. Ugh. Only other bad one in Outland was Nagrand, the rest were all really easy there.
Storm Peaks GuideI wrote a guide for The Storm Peaks (Horde), if I did this right it can be found for testing here. Anyone wanting to do an Alliance guide is welcome to use anything I have written that is for both Factions.
yeah all i have left to doyeah all i have left to do is Netherstorm and blades edge. wish i had this for kalimdor T_T
I am sortaSO MUCH WIN.
I am sorta annoyed I already completed Loremaster now >_<
For those of you that don’tFor those of you that don’t know, Blizzard has added the ability to see your completed quests in 3.3
[quote]You can now query for a list of completed quests with “QueryQuestsCompleted()” then wait for the “QUEST_QUERY_COMPLETE” event, and call “GetQuestsCompleted()”.[/quote][url=]Patch Notes[/url]
Tekkub has already added this to TourGuide in his latest build.
This will make it MUCH easier to get Loremaster, among other things, though i already have Kalimdor(pita) and Eastern Kingdoms
Hmm, I didn’t edit or changeHmm, I didn’t edit or change the Tauren guide at all so it must have happened before I did the last update of the addon. If you have the original files I can probably update the addon to include them.
Hi, i just wanted to askHi, i just wanted to ask what happened to my Tauren guide… the new one included in the zip doesn’t in clude class quests or hearthstone and has some flaws here and there… not to say it’s bad, but it’s lacking some of the work i put into the old one and it’s annoying that the effort i put in that just disappeared.
Hellfire peninsula has wrongHellfire peninsula has wrong coordinates for the signals in the valley next to falcon watch… the coords for the south beacon are XX,36 instead of XX,30 or something, i’d have to look it up my self. it’s a minor mistake but however it cost me some flying around.
Horde Guide – 51-66In Azshara, Delivery to Archmage Xylem, it doesn’t tell you that to get to him you need to talk to Sanath Lim-Yo to teleport up to where he is. That might be something useful to add as it’s a tad confusing if you haven’t already tried Sanath before.
I’ve tested Snowflake’s 1-12I’ve tested Snowflake’s 1-12 Draenei Guide, and Sven’s 12-20 Bloodmyst Isle Guide!
Did find the following errors:
67% through Snowflake’s Guide for the quest “All that Remains”, there was a waypoint that leaded to Exodar, which should be leading to the NPC “Cowlen”, in the very south of Azyrmyst Isle, on a bridge.
[b]So far, I’m level 20 with 9 hours and 35 min /played![/b]
I will be posting more, along when I level up. So next step, Boston’s 20-30 Guide :)!
Agreed, it’s so annoying notAgreed, it’s so annoying not to know what quests you’ve done. Make sure you’ve gotten all the drop quests in the barrens, that was super helpful for me. There’s four hunting ones, and also the Alliance Outriders (that’s two quests).
Alliance!?!? Never!! For theAlliance!?!? Never!! For the Horde!!! (the ally one is 700)
Anyway, thanks for the advice, but everywhere else said basically the same thing about this ach.
The worst part about this ach is not knowing what quests you have not done, it’s horrible, and is seems like the only thing i can do is run around in each zone, one by one, looking for a “!” while grinding mobs that have a chance at droping an item. Is this what you did? Is there an easier way?
Blizz making there finished quest list visible would make the ach [b]much[/b] easier, I wish they would…
Sounds like you are on theSounds like you are on the Alliance side.
Kalimdor was super hard for me as well, though I’m Horde side. Some quests you may have missed:
[list][*]The first turn ins for the salve creation quests in Felwood
[*]Instance quests. My last quest was the “Zapper Fuel” follow up, that comes from Ratchet and takes you to Sunken Temple and back. Most Kalimdor instances count, and some Eastern Kingdoms ones have follow ups in Kalimdor.
[*]Check WoWhead for quests which come from dropped items. I don’t know which ones these are for Alliance, but Horde had a lot. All those sea monster ones in Darkshore count, I beleive.
[*]Make sure you’ve done the baby zone quests for night elves and draenei.
[*]Check the Wowhead achievement for hints, it helped me a ton.[/list]
And good luck! I am still working on the Eastern Kingdoms one, but I have lots of instance quests to do over there so I think I’ll be fine.
your doing Loremaster? i amyour doing Loremaster? i am 640/685 in kalimdor and i have no idea where the quests are.
oops meant to be a reply to jiyambi’s comment below
You can post them here.You can post them here.
Excellent! I will test itExcellent! I will test it out soon on my main, she’s just finishing up her loremaster of kalimdor and eastern kingdoms before moving on to Blade’s Edge.
Snowflake’s Draenai GuideI will be testing Snowflake’s Draenai Guide with a warrior. If I discover any problems, where should I report them to?
Transcribed Blade’s Edge guide for addon I’ve transcribed Jame’s horde guide for Blade’s Edge into tourguide. The file can be found here
another azuremyst issue isanother azuremyst issue is that cowlen is in the zone “the veiled sea”, so tourguide says “No zone provided, using current zone” and directs you in the wrong directon
Alliance Blade’s Edge Mountains revisedI’m hoping it works. I think I have a 70 that can go back and go through it, but if anyone else could give it a run I’d appreciate it. Youcan dowload it through the link in the list above, or from [url=]here[/url]. Please place this in the appropriate addon folder. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
revising azuremyst.hey guys, I’m finally back and love to see that my guide made it into your shiny, new (for me at last) addon.
testing the addon with my druid I found some flaws:
snoflakes azuremyst guide is missing some draenei only quest flags
the quests are:
You Survived!
Medicinal Purpose
An Alternative Alternative
the problem is that then the notes have to be overhauled for draenei and non-draenei also.
I won’t edit that myself because it feels too complicated and I’m not that into the code yet. Instead I’ll check my guide portion of the addon now 🙂
Error in TourGuideEdit: I managed to solve the problem.