This wiki page will help us track who has volunteered to help translate sections of Jame’s Leveling Guides into TourGuide Format, so that we can finally publish an addon that will enable people following Jame’s Guide to do so without alt-tabbing.
Before you sign in for testing, revamping or writing a guide for the AddOn you should read the following two pages:
Now that you know what to do, you can take a look at the overview lists for the two factions. It might look a bit confusing on first sight but it’s really easy:
In the Status column you can see what the current status of every guide is:
N/A | The guide has not been written yet (not available) |
Testing | The guide has been written but not been tested by anyone but the author. |
Improvements | The guide has been written and tested, but it needs improvements. Numbers behind the status will forward you to posts with information on the needed improvements. |
Quality | The guide has been tested, revamped and has a very good quality. The stars indicate how well the guide has been tested. A quality guide with one star has only been tested by one person so there might still be some flaws. |
Now that you’re informed about what needs to be done, you have to look at the Progress column if the guide is already in work.
A indicates that there is no one working on this guide at the moment, so feel free to do it!
A tells you that there is someone working on that guide, if you click on the icon you will be redirected to the editors user-page.
Before you start editing a guide you should look if there are some edited files that are not included in the AddOn by default.
If the download arrow is green it means that there are files to download. Just click the arrow to download them. Put those files into the folder of the according Guide Package AddOn.
The little lamp will redirect you to a section on the “Mistakes” page. There you can see a list of known mistakes in the guide. You should take a look at this list even if the guide is not marked for Improvements!
If you found a guide that suits you and no one else is working at, you can either write a comment so that someone can add you to the list, or you can try to add yourself.
Please give us an update every week (at least) by changing the Last Updated column and giving some information about your progress in the Progress column so that everyone who wants to know can check how far you are. If we don’t hear from you in over a week, and someone else wants to take over revising/writing that section of the guide, it’s fair game! This way parts of the guide won’t be left unfinished.
If you’ve finished your part add a link to the file you edited in the Progress column and leave a comment!
Ah I see… it must not haveAh I see… it must not have worked because I am not using the English client version. And those race tags are language sensitive 🙁
i did that. Those earlyi did that. Those early quests are only available to Blood Elves so i put Race tags on them.
Snowflake’s Blood Elf Starter (1-12)I have noticed that the Snowflake’s Blood Elf Starter (1-12) must have changed since I last tested and revised it a few months ago. The complete starting area (approx. lvl 1-6) quests are missing… 🙁
Some of the “Quality” Guides……Might need adjustment. A few of the last patches have changed the starter areas reducing quantities of monsters killed or items gathered for quest completion. I’ve noticed this in the Forsaken starter guide where the number of spiders killed in the Deathknell starter area were reduced.
Maw’s 1-12 Human GuideOk. I’ve been testing and revising this guide (with Scoot’s assistance, Thanks!) and there are a few steps where we can’t figure out why I have no Waypoint arrow. Here are the line numbers that I’m having trouble with so far:
Line 51: A Rest and Relaxation |QID|2158|
Line 54: A Kobold Candles |QID|60|
Line 178: A Kobold Candles |QID|60|
Any suggestions anyone? I’m still testing and revising, but I think that with the advice I’ve gotten, I’m getting the hang of this. 😀
Not a painKeep asking questions, that’s the only way you learn. I sent you a PM to try to address these problems.
I’ll give it a shotOk. First off, I am basically syntax illiterate, but am trusting the guides on the site to take me through in baby steps. lol. I’m running through Maw’s Human 1-12 right now and noticed a few small issues. I will attempt to correct them, no promises tho. 😉
I have the guide open in Notepad and have no problem changing the numbers, etc., for quests. However, I have no idea what to do about the Use Hearthstone steps being skipped over. I also am not sure why there are two steps where there is no waypoint arrow or how to fix that.
Sorry to be such a pain! I know someone else could probably have this done in two seconds, but I would like to learn and help out. If I can do some of the simple revisions, you all can work on the big stuff!
I have thought of about a hundred other questions, but will hold off until I actually need to know the answer. (Just idle curiosity at this point.)
Thanks to all for being patient with this newb and for being so helpful!
I’ve done some work on theI’ve done some work on the guides (I updated Alliance for 3.3, but I don’t play Alliance, so I haven’t gone back in to fix some of the stuff that was found to be wrong with all the guides.), so I’ll give you my opinion.
This is what I’m doing. I’m leveling an Orc Shaman (55 now) and I just leave Notepad++ open behind WoW with the guide I am following in it, so when I find those small errors I can edit them immediately. When I get finished with all of the Old World guides I will post an update. Doing this on your own isn’t very hard. If you would like to do it this way check out the [url=]How to Contribute guide[/url] if you need to.
Gethe said in a recent post that he is working through the Northrend guides and I’m going through the guides I’ve written for the third time, but we both play Horde, so any Alliance help would be great.
AwesomeThanks for the quick response. I’m leveling an alt to play with my brother who is new to WoW, so I thought I’d test ones that I hadn’t used and Joan’s was marked for testing. I’ll just continue with Maw’s, as it is quite awesome. 🙂
I have a few questions for when you “powers that be” have time. Are there other guides marked for testing that are no longer supported?
Is it worth noting updates that are needed or is that not too important because of the changes coming with Cataclysm? I’m happy to test them, but won’t clog the boards with comments if they aren’t necessary. lol.
There are quite a few beginning quests where the numbers are different (kills, drops, etc.), but so far what is listed is higher than needed, so it’s not really detrimental, other than time lost making extra kills.
If it will help, I’ll post mistakes, but if we’re just in a holding pattern with the guides until after Cataclysm, I’ll just burn through without taking more notes. 😉 I’ve noticed eight small mistakes and am at level 6.
Let me know if I should continue “testing” or just use the addon because it ROCKS and is FUN! 😀
Ah, that’s because Maw’sAh, that’s because Maw’s guide is just much better, up-to-date, and also because I wrote that part of the addon and play tested it thoroughly, so there’s no point in having another guide besides Maw’s 😉
Joan’s Human Guide (1-12)I was going to test Joan’s Human Guide, but it doesn’t appear on my in game guide list. Maw’s is the only Human guide that is there. Just a heads up. Will test one of the others when I hit 12. 🙂
For the Horde!For the Horde! 😛 😉
I’ll take the blame for theI’ll take the blame for the Alliance guides. I coded them for 3.3 and sent them to Gethe since he brought up the project. For some reason everyone working on the new guides plays Horde, so no one has been into the Alliance guides to tweak them since.
Thanks for the reply. IThanks for the reply. I thought coordinates that are being mentioned in the text like (12,34) are automatically being parsed to be displayed on the map. Oh well, I’ll just go with it until it fixes itself then I guess.
This is because completeThis is because complete steps like that are mapped to the built-in quest POIs added in 3.3. Not all guides have been updated with this in mind. A am going through Northrend on my alt at the moment so the guides will be updated as I go. I’m in Borean Tundra right now.
My bad. Thanks for the replyMy bad. Thanks for the reply !
Quoted GetheI had already pointed this out a few weeks ago, and Gethe had repied with the following:
Submitted by Gethe on Thu, 2009-12-24 14:31.
In patch 3.3 Blizz added the ability to query the server for a list of your completed quests. We use this data along with QID tags to automatically check off any steps that have a QID associated with a completed quest. It was my intention that if you had completed all of the quests in a guide, but for what ever reason it did not show this in-game, you should be able to go into the guide and not have to check off anything to get to the next guide.
I did not observe any issues associated with this feature during my testing on the ptr and apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused. I have tried looking through the code, but due to unfamiliarity with the code and general lack of coding knowledge I have been unable to find a cause much less a fix. In the mean time, I have already started going through the guides to remove the offending QIDs.
I am actually playing a lowI am actually playing a low level warlock and i’ve noticed some mistakes in the guides.
There are many lines that have a quest ID that shouldn’t have one, like :
F Refuge Pointe |QID|659| |N|Fly to Refuge Pointe. (49.30, 52.30)|
H Southshore |QID|661| |N|Hearth to Southshore. |
This makes the guide skip the line if you already turned the quest and it can be very confusing.
Problem with TomTom & TourGuide/WoWPro AddonLately I am experiencing that the TomTom arrow is only pointing to objectives like quest accept and quest turn-ins, but not always. Those locations/coordinates mentioned in notes e.g. in a combat step like this one:
C The Warsong Farms |QID|11686| |N|Go NE to Torp’s Farm at (36,53). Then go SW to the
Granary at (35,55), then NW to the Slaughterhouse at (39.51,47.37).|
…are not being shown on the map, nor pointed at by TomTom.
I am using the latest version of TomTom, the latest version of the WoWPro guide and latest of LightHeaded.
Does anyone know why this would be the case?
Here is it.Hello.
You can download it here:
Thanks for your efforts!
I’m not entirely sure whyI’m not entirely sure why your having those issues could you send me a copy of your localized version?
Still not working…Hello and thanks again for your time.
In fact the sample I gave was not the one I am testing, here is it:
[code]N Relevé sud de Frimarra |QID|11900| |QO|Relevé sud de Frimarra : 1/1| |N|(…|)[/code]
Here is the relative quest window:
Here is the completion message I have:
I tried with and without the “1/1”, with and without a space before the “: 1/1” (since english version does not have it) – with no luck in any case.
I tried to enter in the Addon code, but I failed to understand how it is working…
Thanks again!
For QO to work, you need toFor QO to work, you need to type the objective exactly how it appears in-game when you complete it. I found this french quest: when you see the objectives it says “Chaudron est purifié” and not “Chaudron est purifié: 1/1”
It doesn’t work…hi Scoot thanks for the answer.
I tried it, but it still does not auto-complete.
I’ll try to understand how it works in the addon…
See if this worksI don’t have a clue about problem #1, but I have run into problem #2 a few times.
Sometimes I have found when all of the code is crammed together it doesn’t work (sometimes it does, I can’t figure it out), so:
[code]N Purifier le Chaudron est |QID|11647|QO|Chaudron est purifié : 1/1|U|34806|N|Il est juste au Sud de la sortie de la Flèche de la Douleur (88,30). Allez à côté et utilisez le Totem de la sage Aeire.| [/code]
may need to read:
[code]N Purifier le Chaudron est |QID|11647| |QO|Chaudron est purifié: 1/1| |U|34806| |N|Il est juste au Sud de la sortie de la Flèche de la Douleur (88,30). Allez à côté et utilisez le Totem de la sage Aeire.| [/code]
I know it doesn’t make sense, but I have found this to work when the first example doesn’t.
Hope this helps.
Maybe Gethe has an idea on the other thing.
Problem with localized addon versionHello.
As usual, I have done the translation of the Addon guides in french, and I am confronted to 2 problems:
1/ settings are not saved
2/ quest objectives are not auto-completed
[u]1/ settings are not saved[/u]
I have renamed the “Wow-Pro” addon to “Wow-Pro-FR”, and the “WoW-Pro.lua” and “WoW-Pro.toc” files to “WoW-Pro-FR.lua” and “WoW-Pro-FR.toc” (changing also the reference in “WoW-Pro-FR.toc” to use “WoW-Pro-FR.lua” instead of “WoW-Pro.lua”) – it’s the only things I did for non-guide files.
Each time I restart the game, I am confronted to the “No Guide” thing and the location of the “next step” window is reset.
Yesterday, I played a character in the Borean Toundra (translated by “Toundra Boréenne” in french), and here is the content of the Wow-Pro-FR.lua file generated in the SavedVariables folder :
WoWProAlphaDB = {
[“char”] = {
[“Hurlehaine – Confrérie du Thorium”] = {
[“currentguide”] = “[WoW-Pro|Jame] Toundra Boréenne (71-73)”,
[“completion”] = {
[“No Guide”] = 0,
[“turnins”] = {
[“No Guide”] = {
[“[WoW-Pro|Jame] Toundra Boréenne (71-73)”] = {
[“profileKeys”] = {
[“Hurlehaine – Confrérie du Thorium”] = “Hurlehaine – Confrérie du Thorium”,
[“profiles”] = {
[“Hurlehaine – Confrérie du Thorium”] = {
[“statusframepoint”] = “BOTTOMLEFT”,
[“statusframex”] = 542,
[“statusframey”] = 109,
No progression is saved even if I reached the middle of the guide…
[u]2/ quest objectives are not auto-completed[/u]
Step sample not auto-completed :
[code]N Purifier le Chaudron est |QID|11647|QO|Chaudron est purifié : 1/1|U|34806|N|Il est juste au Sud de la sortie de la Flèche de la Douleur (88,30). Allez à côté et utilisez le Totem de la sage Aeire.| [/code]
I had the “Chaudron est purifié : 1/1” message displayed exactly as-is (I double-checked), but step is not auto-completed…
I don’t know how to solve these things. Any clues? Any ideas?
Yea, a few things could beYea, a few things could be changed in the vanilla guides (I’m running through them again now), but when Cataclysm comes out all of those guides will be obsolete and need to be completely rewritten. Maybe you will be willing to write and/or test some of those guides for the site. Thanks for the input though and as you level, don’t hesitate to post anything else you think could be improved.
Suggestions for The Barrens (25-26)
– Make “Mahren Skyseer” and its followup non-optional. It’s too easy to miss it, since the addon skips optional quests.
– Also, add “Dig Rat Stew” from the tower east of X-roads as an optional, since it takes you also to Bael Modan.
Awesome, I’ll try to makeAwesome, I’ll try to make and update tonight and add this version to the download page.
I’m not positive, but itI’m not positive, but it looks like if someone replies to a comment you can no longer edit it.
Those will be included IThose will be included I just forgot to do so before I uploaded the file.
Also, for any one who knows, why cant i edit my comments beyond my most recent? this is very annoying.
Nice to see the WoW-ProNice to see the WoW-Pro Addon being updated. Im just upset that the revised versions of guides are not being incluided in the new packs… 🙁 Is that being done anytime?
AddOn Update!!! Again!![url=]Download[/url]
Fixed a small issue with neutral guides not showing up.
Be sure to always completely remove an addon before you update them.
There is also a know bug that typically occurs when you go from an accept step directly to a complete step of the same quest. You will see something like:
Message: InterfaceAddOnsWoW-ProMapping.lua:59: attempt to perform arithmetic on local ‘x’ (a nil value)
This happens because the addon gets to the next step before the game client has the POI info. im trying to find a fix but in the mean time you can just check and uncheck the step to get POIs.
I had just downloaded theI had just downloaded the new version (Addon Update!!!) and I was in Horde 1k Needles (28-30), but the guides didn’t even load. They weren’t in the Interface menu at all, but the newest version (Addon Update!!!Again!!) works so far. I’ll report any new issues I find.
Didn’t think about that for the DK guides, but it makes sense.
The code area is just the regular [code] tag. I do put a blank line in before and after the tag, if that makes a difference. I’m also using Firefox and it’s text editor.
what guide were you using.what guide were you using.
also, be sure you delete the old version before updating.
the DK guides need to be in there own faction because, while the starting area is neutral, it leads into the main guide. there is also currently no way to have more than one possible guide after the current one.
By the way how do you do that code area, it looks much better that the regular [ code] tags I’ve been using
Addon ErrorJust tried the new download and I got this error message:
[code]Date: 2010-01-06 12:44:05
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..AddOnsWoW-ProParser.lua line 20:
attempt to index global ‘WoWPro’ (a nil value)
[C]: ?
WoW-ProParser.lua:20: in main chunk[/code]
It’s like the addon didn’t even load (it is checked on the addon page).
By the way, the DK guides could go in the Neutral folder if you want to put them there (just an idea).
AddOn Update!!![url=]Download[/url]
Change Log:
[list][*]Completed TourGuide integration!
[list=a][*]TG and WoW-Pro will no longer interfere with each other if used together. (Though, why whould you do that?)
[*]For guides that are not included in this download you will have to edit the first line:
[*]Quest POIs are now operational!!
[list=a][*]On every Complete, Turn-in, and |QO| step it will use Blizzard’s built in POIs and direct you towards it.
[*]Added the |NOPOI| tag because sometimes Blizz’s don’t quite cut it.
[*]If you use the POIs outside of the guides zone you need to use |Z|one tags
[*]Added a Neutral folder
[list=a][*]You can use this for dailys guides and other things that are faction independant.
[*]When writeing a guide use “Both” as the faction and put it in this folder.
[*]I have added Scoots Dailys guides to this folder to get us started.
[list=a][*]Added a missing turn-in for the Ghostlands guide
[list=a][*]Corrected some QIDs
[*]Added some quests and tweaks to Nagrand and a note for those who want Loremaster.
[list=a][*]Howling Fjord tweaks
Yea I figured that out afterYea I figured that out after I had made copies and put them in both folders, but no big deal it was just mostly cut and paste anyway.
On another note, I have run through the Zul’Drak guide again and revised a few things (I forgot all of the Flight Paths, so I added them too). I noticed though, when I got to the end the Sholazar Basin (Horde) guide didn’t auto-load and wasn’t in the guide list. After looking into it I found that it was omitted from the Guides.XML file. I corrected this and am now running through SB to tweek that guide. I will upload the updated guides and .XML files by the end of the week, probably. 🙂
if the guides are the sameif the guides are the same for both horde and alliance you can use “Both” in the first line where you would put the faction so you’d only need one guide.
I’ll add a Neutral folder to the addon for this purpose in the next update.
Good effort!Good effort! Haven’t tested them, as I’m only level 70 so far, but the idea is grand! Thanks for the effort already!
Daily Quests in TourGuideI have seen some comments asking for daily quests in TourGuide style, so I wrote these guides for the Northrend Daily Quests while I was bored over the Holidays and didn’t have access to WoW. [url=]You can Download them here.[/url]
They are divided into 2 categories: Factions and Zones, so you can do your dailies however you want.
I have not done the Argent Tournament yet, but I am trying to work out a way to make it work (We’ll see what happens). Other than that I think I got most of them. I did ignore the PVP daily quest in Icecrown and [color=#009900]Riding the Red Rocket[/color] in Grizzly Hills as wastes of time, but you can figure out how to work them into your rotation if you must do them. I also didn’t include any of the Dalaran dailies (Cooking, Fishing, etc.). They are easy enough to do anyway.
Hope the New Year is treating everyone well so far and that you get some use out of these guides.
ZangarmarshJust saw I had made a few changes to the Zangarmarsh file as well as I went through it. Uploaded it and linked it above.
NagrandI’ve updated the horde Nagrand guide. It is linked above and [url=]here[/url].
For nowWell for now I have deleted the QIDs in the steps that messed it up. So how should we go about it now? Remove the QIDs or use the QID of the next Q that needs to be accepted or how again was that?
Problem Solved?I’ve noticed the same problem and I think I’ve found a solution. The easiest one is to take out the QID on all traveling and Flight Point steps, but if you use the QID for the next quest you have to accept instead of any quest you have completed it seems to work fine. I think this is because once a quest is considered complete, TourGuide ignores any steps with the same QID that are before the Turn-in step.
I have edited the Northrend guides for the Horde up to Grizzly Hills (that’s where I was leveling). I also noticed that steps other than Notes (B,U,L, etc.) don’t always show up, so I have turned them into Notes (Kill steps seem to be fine). Gethe, I hope you haven’t done these yet, but you can [url=]Download them here.[/url]
I’m off of WoW for the Holidays (traveling), but I do have computer access and will be working on some new guides for release at the first of the year.
About QIDsIn patch 3.3 Blizz added the ability to query the server for a list of your completed quests. We use this data along with QID tags to automatically check off any steps that have a QID associated with a completed quest. It was my intention that if you had completed all of the quests in a guide, but for what ever reason it did not show this in-game, you should be able to go into the guide and not have to check off anything to get to the next guide.
I did not observe any issues associated with this feature during my testing on the ptr and apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused. I have tried looking through the code, but due to unfamiliarity with the code and general lack of coding knowledge I have been unable to find a cause much less a fix. In the mean time, I have already started going through the guides to remove the offending QIDs.
Hey everyone,
when testingHey everyone,
when testing and revising the guides I often see steps like
F Swamprat Post|QID|9775|
R Swamprat Post|QID|9774|N|(84.5, 55.1)|
which of course don’t work correctly due to the QID part. Is this for any special reason that the QIDs were inserted in the fly, run or use hearthstone etc. steps? Because as I said they only seem to make things worse.
Improved Horde Hellfire PeninsulaI have tested Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Hellfire Peninsula and made adjustments. Now it works quite well and is linked above. Or you get it here:
Really looking forward toReally looking forward to that guide btw 😉
Oh and thanks again Gethe for this amazing update. I’ll make an update post in the coming 10 days to list all the great changes you made.
C’est la vie!C’est la vie! :p