Journey from Grizzly Hills to Zul’Drak
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70-80 WotLK Classic Leveling Guides
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide – Borean Tundra (70-72)
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide – Howling Fjord (72-74)
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide – Dragonblight (74-75)
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide – Grizzly Hills (75-77)
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Howling Fjord (70-72)
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Borean Tundra (72-74)
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Dragonblight (74-75)
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Grizzly Hills (75-77)
1-70 Leveling Guides for World of Warcraft Classic
For guides covering levels from 1-70, please check this link:
1-70 Wow Classic Leveling Guides
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This guide is made for FAST leveling through the use of Optimized Quest Circuits. With this guide, questing will be very efficient and you’ll not waste any second running around and trying to figure out in which order to do your quests. Follow each instruction carefully and you will see for yourself. The quest choices and order to do them are optimal so that you run as few as possible while doing the most possible, turning several quests at the same time. It will be like grinding, because you’ll be killing stuff almost non-stop, besides you’ll also be completing a bunch of quests at the same time!
NOTE: Following this guide will get you the Quest Achievement for Grizzly Hills: Fo’ Grizzle My Shizzle. In fact, 100% of the quests of Grizzly Hills are included in the guide, or at least mentioned as optional.
The only one I didn’t include is a daily quest called [74] Riding the Red Rocket. For two reasons:
1. This quest is only available if your faction controls the Venture Bay lighthouse.
2. It’s rather annoying to do it without a flying mount. I recommend skipping this quest while leveling up and coming back to do it at level 80 and once you have your flying mount.
Everything described in this guide can be done solo (beside when I say otherwise). You can, of course, follow this guide while duoing, grouping, it’s not a problem, it works too.
DISCLAIMER: This guide does NOT take into account tradeskills, class specific quests or PvP. It’s 100% focused on getting the most experience possible in the shortest possible time while doing a lot of quests and enjoying as much content as possible. Any race/class combination can do this guide. Any complaints about PvP, tradeskills, or class specific issues will be ignored.
Basic rules
- Spend your talent points so that you kill things as fast as possible. (e.g: Priest should specialize in Shadow Talents, Warriors in Arms/Fury, etc.
- Don’t waste your time trying to find groups for questing, you can solo everything that is described in this guide unless I say otherwise. Only group with someone when it’s not gonna be a waste of time (e.g: meeting the person at the other end of the zone to show him the way to where your quest is, that is a waste of time)
- Try to always log out in an inn or in one of the major cities when you take a break.
Color Code:
- Quests
- Items
- Locations
- Quest objectives to kill
- NPCs
- Locs
The Guide:
If you followed my previous chapters, you should be in Amberpine Lodge, Grizzly Hills.
Get the new flight path.
Go to the inn and make it your home location.
Turn in [73] The Hills Have Us.
Get all the quests from here BESIDES [74] The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran:
- [74] Local Support
- [74] Them or Us!
- [74] Replenishing the Storehouse
- [73] Mmm… Amberseeds!
Turn in [73] Mmm… Amberseeds! at Master Woodsman Anderhol, get [73] Just Passing Through.
==Note== Loot Blackroot on your way while following the next steps:
1. Go to the area north of Amberpine Lodge, kill Tallhorn Stags until you’ve looted 8 Succulent Venison.
Go back to Amberpine Lodge, turn in [74] Replenishing the Storehouse, get:
- [74] Take Their Rear!
- [73] Troll Season!
2. Go northwest to the river (29,56).
Gather 5 Blackroots Stalks and kill all the Grizzly Bears you see in the area.
3. Go west to the grey area in the woods (25,56).
Kill all the Graymist Hunters you see here.
4. Go further west to another grey area with Graymist Hunters (22,57).
Kill them and you should be done with [74] Them or Us!
5. Ride southwest to the Evergreen Trading Post (16,65).
Go inside the tower and loot the Cedar Chest:
Hearthstone back to Amberpine Lodge. (Or just ride back there if your HS is on cooldown).
Turn in:
- [74] Local Support, get [74] Close the Deal
- [74] Them or Us!, get [74] Eagle Eyes
- [73] Just Passing Through, get [73] Doing Your Duty
Get out and go few steps north to the Amberpine Outhouse:
Right-click it and click on “Use the outhouse”.
Go back to the inn, turn in [73] Doing Your Duty.
==Note== From now on, kill Imperial Eagles on your way:
1. Go northeast to Aspen Grove Post (35,55).
Turn in [74] Close the Deal, get [74] A Tentative Pact.
2. Go northeast to a spot where you’ll find several Imperial Eagles (38,53).
Finish [74] Eagle Eyes.
3. Go back to Amberpine Lodge.
Turn in:
- [74] Eagle Eyes
- [74] A Tentative Pact, get [74] An Exercise in Diplomacy.
Go to Woodsman Drake outside the inn and get his 2 quests:
- [74] Secrets of the Flamebinders
- [74] Thinning the Ranks
4. Go northwest to the river (29,56).
Kill all Grizzly Bears on your way while going north, until you hit a wooden bridge.
5. Ride west/slightly northwest to Granite Springs (16,47.5).
Turn in [73] Troll Season! and get [74] Filling the Cages.
1. Talk to Budd, a human with a troll mask sitting in one of huts. Click on the text.
Mount up, ride southwest to Drak’Zin (14,58).
Find a SOLO troll.
Use Budd’s Ability #4. This will put the troll to sleep for 15 seconds.
Right-click the Bounty Hunter’s Cage on the troll (must be in melee range).
If you fail, you’ll have to go back to Granite Springs and talk to Budd again.
2. Go back to Granite Springs.
Turn in [74] Filling the Cages, get [73] Truce?? from Drakuru.
Next to the cage you should find a Dull Carving Knife planted in a tree stump:
Loot it.
Right-click the Dull Carving Knife from your inventory.
Talk to Drakuru and click on the text.
Turn in [73] Truce?? and get [74] Vial of Visions.
Go to Ameenah, a troll female NPC selling , buy a stack of 5 Imbued Vials from her.
==Note== From now on, look for Hazelwood Bushes on the way and loot 3 Haze Leafs:
1. Go north to the lake at (15,39).
Dive in and loot a Waterweed Frond.
2. Go back to Granite Springs, turn in [74] Vial of Visions, get [74] Subject to Interpretation.
Get [74] Scourgekabob from Prigmon just a few steps northwest.
Loot a Scourged Troll Mummy.
Go southeast to Mack Fearsen, who stands in front of a bonfire with mummies burning.
Right-click the Scourged Troll Mummy from you inventory.
Turn in [74] Scourgekabob, get [74] Seared Scourge.
Go back to Prigmon and get [75] Shimmercap Stew.
1. Ride southwest to Drak’Zin. Complete the following 2 objectives:
Kill Trolls until you’ve looted 5 Frozen Mojo
Kill Ice Serpents until you’ve looted 5 Ice Serpent Eyes
Go to Drakuru’s Brazier, which is up some ruined stairs in the middle of Dark’Zin (13,61).
Right-click Drakuru’s Elixir.
Turn in [74] Subject to Interpretation, get [74] Sacrifices Must be Made.
2. Now go west towards the river, look for Shimmering Snowcaps, they can be found close to trees along the river bank:
Go north along the river bank and loot 5 Shimmering Snowcaps.
3. Ride further north to Zimb’bo’s Hideout (15,37). It’s the biggest hut on the western side of the Zeb’Halak.
Kill Warlord Zimb’bo and loot Zimb’bo’s Mojo.
==Note== From now on, loot Sweetroot on the way:
4. Clear the way to the top of the temple east (18,36).
Right-click the Seer of Zeb’Halak, click on the text. You’ll receive the Eye of the Prophets.
Go to Drakuru’s Brazier, which is a few steps west of the Seer of Zeb’Halak.
Right-click Drakuru’s Elixir.
Turn in [74] Sacrifices Must be Made, get [74] Heart of the Ancients.
Go back down and gather Sweetroots until you have 5.
1. Go north to Drak’Tharon Keep.
Go to the area west of the stairs and you’ll see many trolls running around (16,30):
Throw Mack’s Dark Grog at them. It has a huge range, so you’ll probably need to back off a little.
Repeat until you finish [74] Seared Scourge.
2. Ride east/southeast to Silverbrook (26,35).
Turn in [74] An Exercise in Diplomacy, get:
- [74] Northern Hospitality
- [74] Wolfsbane Root
==Note== If you can’t find [74] Wolfsbane Root, it means that the quest giver (Katja) was killed by horde players recently, so you’ll have to wait a couple of minutes for her to respawn.
3. Go to the area east and south of Silverbrook and destroy 8 Wolfsbane Roots:
4. Go to the area west of Silverbrook and kill 8 Conquest Hold Marauders.
Go back to Silverbrook, turn in:
- [74] Wolfsbane Root
- [74] Northern Hospitality, get [74] Test of Mettle
1. Ride northwest to Bonesnap’s Camp (22,30).
Kill Sergeant Bonesnap.
Turn in [74] Test of Mettle at the Captured Trapper, get [74] Words of Warning.
2. Ride east, go to the tower on the northwestern corner of Silverbrook, where you’ll find a Caged Prisoner (26,32).
Before you turn in the quest, I suggest watching the tutorial video I made about the next quest, I recommend watching it in High Quality.
Video: [74] Escape from Silverbrook
==Note== If the video was useful to you, please don’t forget to rate it! 😉
Now that you’re ready, turn in [74] Words of Warning, get [74] Escape from Silverbrook.
Once you’ve completed it sucessfully, you should be in Amberpine Lodge.
Turn in [74] Escape from Silverbrook, get [74] A Swift Response.
Sell junk, repair and re-stock food/drink.
1. Ride southeast to Forest’s Edge Post (36,67).
- Kill Vladek, he’s in the tower
- Kill 7 Silverbrook Hunters
- Keep on killing them until you loot Mikhail’s Journal
Right-click it to start [74] Descent Into Darkness.
2. All around the eastern side of Forest’s Edge Post you should find a lot of Grizzly Bears, as shown on my map.
Kill Grizzly Bears until you finish [74] Take Their Rear!
3. Ride southwest to Voldrune (31,75). Two objectives here:
- Kill 12 Dragonflayer Huscarls
- Kill Dragonflayer Flamebinders until you’ve looted 3 Flame-Imbued Talismans
4. Ride back to Amberpine Lodge. Turn in:
- [74] Secrets of the Flamebinders
- [74] Thinning the Ranks, get [74] The Thane of Voldrune
- [74] Take Their Rear!
- [74] A Swift Response
- [74] Descent Into Darkness, get [74] Report to Gryan Stoutmantle… Again
Hieorphant Thayreen should have two new quests for you now, get them both:
- [74] A Dark Influence
- [74] The Failed World Tree
1. Ride northwest to Granite Springs (16,47.5). Turn in:
- [74] Seared Scourge, get [74] Search and Rescue, don’t get the daily quest
- [75] Shimmercap Stew, get [74] Say Hello to my Little Friend
2. Ride east/northeast to Vordrassil’s Tears, you’ll find a cave entrance at (28,45).
Kill Entropic Oozes on the way and loot Slime Samples off them.
Clear the way to the bottom of the cave until you find an area with black smoke.
Right-click the Geomancer’s Orb from your inventory.
Get out of the cave.
3. Cross the river north and then ride northeast to the pumping station at (37,32).
Clear the way to the top, go inside the cabin, turn in [74] Heart of the Ancients, get [74] My Heart is in Your Hands.
1. Go to the eastern point of the lake, and from there ride northeast to Drak’atal Passage (44,30).
Kill Drakkari Defenders and Injured Drakkari Refugees until you’ve looted 5 Desperate Mojo.
Go to Drakuru’s Brazier, found at the bottom of the big stairs.
Right-click Drakuru’s Elixir.
Turn in [74] My Heart is in Your Hands, get [75] Voices From the Dust.
2. Ride southwest to the Blue Sky Logging Grounds (40,43).
==Warning== There might be some PvP action involved in the following section. So if you want to avoid PvP at all costs, skip it. They don’t count for the zone quest achievement, but they do give nice XP and are quickly done.
Get all the quests from here:
- [74] Kick ‘Em While They’re Down
- [74] Life or Death
- [74] Pieces Parts
- [74] Shredder Repair
3. Go west to the central isle of Blue Sky Logging Grounds. Our main objective is to deliver 3 Shredders while completing as much as the other quests on the way:
- Kill 15 Horde Units (NPCs and players both count)
Use the Renewing Bandage on 10 Wounded Westfall Infantry
- Gather the following parts until you finish [74] Pieces Parts:
Do that on the way while looking for a Broken-down Shredder:
Jump into one, face toward the bridge east and use ability #3 to sprint.
If you get attacked:
Use Ability#1 to pushback your enemy.
Use Ability#2 to blind nearby enemies (must be in melee range)
Go back to the quest giver and use ability #5 to deliver the shredder.
Finish all 4 quests, go turn them in.
1. Ride southwest to Vordrassil’s Limb (33,49).
Clear the way to the bottom of the cave.
Right-click the Geomancer’s Orb from your inventory.
2. Ride east/southeast to Vordrassil’s Heart
Clear the way to the bottom of the cave.
Right-click the Geomancer’s Orb from your inventory.
Now kill Entropic Oozes until you’ve looted 6 Slime Samples.
3. Ride back to Amberpine Lodge. Turn in:
- [74] A Dark Influence
- [74] The Failed World Tree
Get the 2 follow ups:
- [74] A Possible Link
- [75] Children of Ursoc
Sell junk, repair and re-stock food/drink.
1. Ride southeast until you hit the road.
Follow the road south until you reach the ledge south of Voldrune (33,82).
Ride west to a path leading you up to Flamebringer (26,80).
Now check out my video on how to do this quest, as it’s kinda buggy and tricky at the moment. I recommend watching it in High Quality.
Video: [74] The Thane of Voldrune
==Note== If the video was useful to you, please don’t forget to rate it! 😉
After having watched the video you should be more than ready.
Kill the thane and then fly to Venture Bay, as shown in the video.
2. You should be in Venture Bay now.
==Warning== We’re about to do 4 daily pvp quests. If you want to avoid PvP at all costs, skip this part. However please note that [74] Seeking Solvent counts for the zone quest achievement. Those quests are really quickly done and give 20K XP each, so I recommend doing them, even if you dislike pvp.
Get the 4 daily pvp quests:
- [74] Seeking Solvent
- [74] Keep Them at Bay!
- [74] Smoke ‘Em Out
- [74] Down with Captain Zorma!
1. Go west to the area north of the docks in venture bay.
Go to the stables, it’s the first building you’ll encounter (18,79).
Inside the building you should see Venture Co. Stragglers.
Use the Smoke Bomb on them.
Tip: Just run in the building, gather them all in one bunch and then use the Smoke Bomb on them.
2. Go to the next two buildings to the west and do the same thing.
==Note== Kill Horde Units on the way
You should be done with [74] Smoke ‘Em Out very quickly if you bomb the 3 buildings.
3. Go southwest and kill Captain Zorna (13.5,80). She stands under a canopy, on the docks next to the westernmost ship.
She’s elite but she’s quite easy for any class.
HP: 30,000
Avg. Hit on Cloth: 800
Can be slowed and stunned (haven’t checked fear)
Now Finish [74] Keep Them at Bay! before going to the next step.
4. Go to the middle ship (16,80). It’s the same model as the boat from Booty Bay to Ratchet.
Go inside the cabin and clear the way to the last room.
==Warning== I really mean CLEAR the way. Kill all the Venture Co. in your way, even if you are a stealth class.
Once the way is clear, go to the last room where you should see the Element 115.
Loot it. You’ll get the following debuff:
That means it’s useless to mount or to sprint or anything like that. Just run straight back to the quest NPCs. You have only 3 Minutes to get there.
Go as fast as you can, avoid fights, and turn in [74] Seeking Solvent first.
Then turn in the other 3 quests:
- [74] Keep Them at Bay!
- [74] Smoke ‘Em Out
- [74] Down with Captain Zorma!
Hearthstone back to Amberpine Lodge.
Turn in [74] The Thane of Voldrune.
You should be level 76 or somewhere around it. If you are ahead, that’s great, keep following the guide normally, don’t skip anything. If you are behind, that’s not a problem either, just keep following the guide normally. You’ll catch up eventually and there will be a lot of extra circuits at the end anyway 😉
Level 76
1. While we’re still in PvP Mode, let’s quickly get a last Daily PvP quest done.
Ride down to the river and go south to Scout Captain Carter (30,60).
Get [74] Blackriver Skirmish.
2. Kill 10 Horde Units at the Blackriver Logging Camp, a few steps southwest of here.
Go back to Scout Captain Carter, turn in [74] Blackriver Skirmish.
Go back to Amberpine Lodge.
Sell junk, repair and re-stock food/drink.
1. Ride a long way northeast to Heartwood Trading Post (49,34).
Get the quest [74] Mr. Floppy’s Perilous Adventure.
Do the escort quest. It’s pretty simple, just make sure you dispatch the wolves quickly.
2. After the escort is done, mount up and right northeast to Westfall Brigade Encampment (59,28).
Turn in:
- [74] Mr. Floppy’s Perilous Adventure
- [74] Report to Gryan Stoutmantle… Again
Get all the available quests from here:
- [75] Hollowstone Mine
- [75] Mounting Up
- [75] Softening the Blow
Get the new flight path.
1. Go to the fields south of the camp, loot 5 Wild Carrots.
2. Go west and look for Highland Mustangs.
Right-click the Stick from your inventory, this will equip it in your main weapon slot.
Target a Highland Mustang and right-click the Stick again from your main weapon slot.
This will lure the Mustang to you and make you mount it.
Ride back to Westfall Encampment, go next to Squire Percy (he stands next to the white horse, Old Blanchy).
Use Ablity #1 to deliver the horse.
Repeat this 5 times.
Turn in [75] Mounting Up.
Re-equip your main hand weapon.
1. Ride northwest to the Hollowstone Mine (55,23), where you will find Petrov.
Turn in [75] Hollowstone Mine, get [75] Souls at Unrest.
Kill Undead Miners and use the Miner’s Lantern on their corpses.
Repeat 8 times.
Go back to Petrov, turn in [75] Souls at Unrest, get [75] A Name From the Past.
2. Ride back to Westfall Encampment.
Turn in [75] A Name From the Past.
Get [75] Ruuna the Blind from Private Arun.
3. Ride southeast to Redwood Trading Post (69,40).
Talk to Hugh Glass. Buy a Howlin’ Good Moonshine from him.
Get his quest [75] A Bear of an Appetite.
4. Ride northeast to Harkor’s Camp (74,34).
Turn in [74] Say Hello to my Little Friend, get all the available quests from here:
- [75] Nice to Meat You
- [75] Therapy
- [75] It Takes Guts…
1. Kill every Duskhowl Prowler and Longhoof Grazer you see while going west/northwest, towards Westfall Encampment.
You are not supposed to finish [75] Nice to Meat You right now, so just keep going northwest.
2. When you don’t see any Duskhowl Prowler anymore, mount up and ride northwest to Westall Encampment.
Turn in [75] Softening the Blow, get [75] Brothers in Battle.
1. Ride northeast and you’ll find a Fallen Earth Warrior (63,23).
Get the quest [75] Find Kurun!
==Note== Kill Runic Battle Golems on your way.
2. Go a little northeast and you’ll find another quest given by a Battered Journal on the floor (64,20).
Get the quest [75] The Damaged Journal.
==Note== From now on gather Missing Journal Pages off the ground:
Now complete the following 2 objectives in this area:
- Kill 10 Runic Battle Golems
- Gather 8 Missing Journal Pages
Right-click the Incomplete Journal.
3. Ride back to Westfall Camp.
Turn in:
- [75] The Damaged Journal, get [75] The Runic Keystone
- [75] Brothers in Battle, get [75] Uncovering the Tunnels
1. Ride east to the southern building of Thor Modan (64,27).
- Go inside the building until you get the “Investigate South Building message“
- Kill all the dwarves in the building
2. Go northeast to the eastern building of Thor Modan (66,24).
- Go inside the building until you get the “Investigate East Building message“
- Kill all the dwarves in the building
3. Go west/northwest to the northern building of Thor Modan (63,21).
- Go inside the building until you get the “Investigate North Building message“
- Kill all the dwarves in the building
4. Go northeast to the biggest building of Thor Modan (65,19).
Kill all the dwarves there until you finish [75] The Runic Keystone.
Ride back to Westfall Camp, turn in:
- [75] The Runic Keystone, get [75] The Runic Prophecies
- [75] Uncovering the Tunnels, get [75] The Fate of Orlond
1. Go north, follow the dots on my map and you’ll find Kurun, who stands at the very top of the hill above Thor Modan (65.5,18).
Turn in [75] Find Kurun! and get [75] Raining Down Destruction.
2. Northeast of Kurun you should see Giants throwing boulders down in the trench below.
Look for a Boulder:
Right-click it and loot it.
Go to the edge of the trench.
Right-click the Boulder from your inventory and aim for a dwarf down in the trench.
Repeat 5 times.
==Note== You can only carry one Boulder at a time.
3. Go back to Kurun. Check this very short video to see how to get back up to Kurun:
Video: Way Back Up to Kurun
Turn in [75] Raining Down Destruction, get [75] Rallying the Troops.
1. Go to the area north of the trench (68,11).
Target a Grizzly Hill Giant (it doesn’t work on the giants throwing boulders from the side, you have to find a giant fighting in the middle of the field)
Right-click the Shard of the Earth on the Grizzly Hill Giant.
An Iron Rune Avenger will come out of the ground and attack you. Kill it.
Repeat 5 times.
2. Go back to Kurun, turn in [75] Rallying the Troops, get [75] Into the Breach.
3. Now check out this very short video to see how to jump down in the trench without taking falling damage:
Video: Into the Breach Shortcut
No map needed for the following circuit.
1. Get out of the water.
Check your minimap, you should see a yellow “?” labelled as Surveyor Orlond (67.5,15).
Go there, turn in [75] The Fate of Orlond, get [75] Steady as a Rock?
2. Jump down in the water. Kill a Subterranean Thresher.
Loot a Portable Seismograph.
3. Get out of the water.
Cross the small bridge east and you should find the Third Rune Plate (68.5,16).
Righ-click it.
4. Go a few paces northeast to the other side of the bridge, you’ll find the First Rune Plate (69,14.5).
Right-click it.
5. Go a few paces east and cross a bridge again, you’ll find the Second Rune Plate (70,14.5).
Right-click it.
6. Go to the very end of the trench and you should find Iron Thane Argrum (70,13).
Kill him.
7. Cross the small bridge.
Right-click the Portable Seismograph from your inventory.
A machine will appear:
Right-click it and loot the Thor Modan Stability Profile.
==Note== If you already got a flying mount, fly out of the trench, fly to Kurun and turn in [75] Into the Breach, get [75] Gavrock.
If you don’t have a flying mount, clear the way out (or ride out if you feel like taking a risk).
Go back to Westfall Camp, turn in:
- [75] Steady as a Rock?, get [75] Check Up on Raegar
- [75] The Runic Prophecies
Sell junk, repair and re-stock food/drink.
1. Ride to Kurun.
Turn in [75] Into the Breach, get [75] Gavrock.
2. Ride a long way southwest to Ruuna the Blind (44,48).
Turn in [75] Ruuna the Blind, get [75] Ruuna’s Request.
3. Go to the area north/northeast I colored on the map.
Kill Fern Feeder Moths until you’ve looted 4 Gossamer Dusts.
Go back to Ruuna the Blind.
Turn in [75] Ruuna’s Request, get [75] Out of Body Experience.
Right-click the Gossamer Potion.
Watch the scene until you get a complete message, then cancel the “Out of Body Experience” buff.
Turn in [75] Out of Body Experience, get [75] Fate and Coincidence.
1. Go southeast to Rage Fang Shrine (52,54).
==Note== Kill Frostpaw Warriors on the way and loot Crazed Furbolg Blood off them.
2. Clear the way southwest to the cave where you will find Orsonn (48,59).
Go through his text and you’ll get the quest update “Orsonn’s Story“.
Now finish killing Frostpaw Warriors until you’ve looted 8 Crazed Furbolg Blood.
3. Ride east and then southeast to a cave at (67,62).
Talk to Kodian, go through his text and you’ll get the quest update “Kodian’s Story“.
4. Hearthstone back to Amberpine Lodge.
Go to Hierophant Thayreen, turn in:
- [74] A Possible Link
- [75] Children of Ursoc
Get the two follow ups:
- [75] Vordrassil’s Seeds
- [75] Vordrassil’s Sapling
1. Follow the road a long way east until until (51,51).
Look north and you should see a big opening inside this huge tree called Vordrassil.
Once inside the tree, you should see a small tree down below:
Jump down. Go next to this tree.
Right-click the Verdant Torch from your inventory.
2. Now mount up and follow the slope, all the way up to the highest floor of the tree. There you should find Vordrassil’s Seeds:
Loot them up. You should find about 4 seeds up here.
Once you’ve looted all the seeds on this floor, mount up, take the northwestern exit.
Follow the slope down to the base of the tree and look for the seeds you still need there.
You can find seeds everywhere in the furbolg camps around the base of the tree.
3. Once you’re done with [75] Vordrassil’s Seeds, ride southeast to White Pine Trading Post (57.5,41).
Turn in [75] Fate and Coincidence, get the 2 follow ups:
- [75] Sasha’s Hunt
- [75] Anatoly Will Talk
1. Go east to Solstice Village (60,40).
Kill Solstice Hunters and Duskhowl Prowlers on sight.
2. Once you’ve killed 12 Solstice Hunters, go to the center of the village.
A few paces south of the bonfire you should see Tatjana on her horse:
Target Tatjana and right-click the Tranquilizer Dart.
Right-click the horse and you’ll be taken back to Sasha.
Turn in:
- [75] Sasha’s Hunt
- [75] Anatoly Will Talk, get [75] A Sister’s Pledge
1. Go back to the center of the village with the bonfire.
Northeast of the bonfire you’ll find a path going down (64,40).
2. Follow that path and you’ll find a cave (65,43).
Go inside and you’ll find Anya.
Turn in [75] A Sister’s Pledge.
Sasha will come, get her quest [75] Hour of the Worg.
==Note== Don’t forget to kill Longhoof Grazers and Duskhowl Prowlers on the way if you still need either of their drops for [75] Nice to Meat You.
1. Go northeast to the isles called the Ruins of Tethys (78,37).
Once you’re on the isles, look around for a School of Northern Salmon:
Get very close to it and right-click the Fishing Net.
Repeat this until you have 6 Northern Salmon. You can find more Schools of Northern Salmon all around those isles.
Tip: The water is shallow here, so you can mount up while looking for schools.
2. Go further northeast to Gavrock (80,34).
Turn in [75] Gavrock, get [75] Runes of Compulsion.
We are really close to Bloodmoon Isle here, so we have the option to do the group quest [75] Hour of the Worg.
Optional: [75] Hour of the Worg
This group quest is supposedly soloable by certain classes (Death Knights, Paladins, Hunters, Warlocks, Druids, etc). But it’s of course much easier to get a 2 or 3-man team for it.
So look for a group while following the rest of my guide, and when you find a group, come back to this section.
1. Swim northeast to Bloodmoon Isle (83,28).
2. Follow the path up and there will be a camp to your right, where you should find a big worgen called Selas (85.5,27.5). Kill it.
3. Get back on the path and further up to your left you’ll find another camp, where you will find Varlam (85,24). Kill him.
4. Once you reach the top of the hill, go around to the tower towards the southern side and you’ll find a big worg called Goremaw. Kill it.
5. Enter the tower, fight your way to the top. There you will find the Shade of Arugal.
Shade of Arugal Strategy
HP: 107,000
Phase 1: Shadowbolts for ~1500 dmg. Goes to Phase 2 at 75-70% HP.
Phase 2: Becomes invulnerable and summons 3 adds. Kill the adds to go back to Phase 1. When he hits 50% HP, he goes to Phase 3.
Phase 3: Becomes invulnerable again. Mind controls a party member which you’ll have to bring down to 35% health.
Once you break the Mind Control, Arugal goes back to Phase 1.
Bring him down to 25% HP and he’ll go to Phase 4.
Phase 4: It’s just like Phase 2, but with 9 adds instead of 3.
Kill the adds, then kill Arugal.
Sasha will show up and help you finish him off during the last phase. After the fight is over, turn in [75] Hour of the Worg.
1. Go south to a summoning circle with 4 dwarves Iron Rune-Weavers channeling (79,44):
Kill the 4 Dwarves, Overseer Brunon will spawn. Kill him.
2. Go northwest to another summoning circle (75,37).
Kill the 4 Dwarves, Overseer Lochli will spawn. Kill him.
3. Go northwest to another summoning circle (72,34).
Kill the 4 Dwarves, Overseer Korgan will spawn. Kill him.
4. Go northwest to another summoning circle (68,30).
Kill the 4 Dwarves, Overseer Druval will spawn. Kill him.
1. Go northeast to Drakil’jin Ruins (71,27).
==Note== Kill Drakkari Protectors and Drakkari Oracles on the way while going north.
2. Further north you’ll find an entrance to the catacombs at (71.5,23).
Look for Drakkari Canopic Jars:
Loot 5 of them.
3. Go deeper in the catacombs until you see a yellow “!” on your minimap (69.5,17.5). If there’s no “!” on the minimap, it means someone else is doint the escort quest, so you’ll have to wait a little.
Go to that room and you’ll find Drakkari Tablets in a corner:
Loot the Drakkari Tablets.
Now talk to Harrison Jones and start the escort quest [75] Dun-da-Dun-tah!
It’s an easy escort quest as long as you let Harrison Jones tank the elite snake for you.
1. After the escort. Kill trolls in the ruins until you’ve looted 5 Sacred Mojo.
Then go to the middle of the Drakil’jin Ruins and find Drakuru’s Brazier, up some broken stairs (71.5,26).
Right-click Drakuru’s Elixir.
Turn in [75] Voices From the Dust, get [75] Cleansing Drak’Tharon.
Now kill trolls around Drakil’jin Ruins until you finished [75] Therapy.
Optional – Instance: Drak’Tharon Keep.
Now we’ve got all the quests for Drak’Tharon Keep:
- [74] Search and Rescue
- [75] Cleansing Drak’Tharon
So from now on, if you feel like it, you should look for a group for Drak’Tharon Keep. It’s a very nice instance for level 74-76 players, I recommend it.
If you don’t feel like it or if you don’t find a group, you can abandon [74] Search and Rescue, it can easily be picked up in the future at the Granite Springs, if you change your mind. However, do not abandon [75] Cleansing Drak’Tharon, as it’s rather annoying to get that quest again if you abandon it.
2. Ride southeast back to Harkor’s Camp. Turn in:
- [75] Therapy
- [75] Dun-da-Dun-tah!
- [75] It Takes Guts…, get [75] Drak’aguul’s Mallet
1. Now look for Drak’aguul. A big troll who spawns at (74,30) and patrols on the path towards Drakil’jin Ruins.
Kill him, loot the Drakil’jin Mallet.
Go back to Harkor’s Camp, turn in [75] Drak’aguul’s Mallet, get [75] See You on the Other Side.
2. Ride to Drakil’jin Ruins, go to the gongs infront of the catacombs entrance (71.5,25):
Right-click the Drakil’jin Mallet while being very close to the one of the gongs.
You’ll die shortly after, it’s normal.
3. Go inside the catacombs and go deeper until you find Gan’jo.
Turn in [75] See You on the Other Side, get [75] Chill Out, Mon.
Right next to Gan’jo you should see Gan’jo’s Chest:
Right-click it and loot the Snow of Eternal Slumber.
Talk to Gan’jo and ask him to return you to the living.
Go back to the previous room.
Target an Ancient Drakkari Warmonger or Soothsayer and right-click the Snow of Eternal Slumber.
Follow the Ancient Drakkari when it starts to run and then loot the Drakkari Spirit Particles after its mummy burns.
Repeat this 5 times.
4. Get out of the ruins, mount up and ride back to Harkor’s Camp.
Turn in [75] Chill Out, Mon, get [75] Jin’arrak’s End.
1. Ride to the Drakil’jin Ruins again.
Go inside the catacombs and look for a Sacred Drakkari Offering in the first room:
Loot it.
Right-click the Drakkari Spirit Dust from your inventory.
2. Get out and go to the gongs just ouside the catacombs.
Right-click the Infused Drakkari Offering from your inventory.
3. Go back to Harkor’s Camp. Turn in [75] Jin’arrak’s End.
Sell junk at the merchant here.
4. Go east to Gavrok, turn in [75] Runes of Compulsion, get [75] Latent Power.
1. Go south/slightly southwest to an isle with a stone surrounded by a blue glow (79,40).
Right-click the Shard of Gavrock.
==Note== Don’t forget to kill Longhoof Grazers on sight if you still need them for [75] Nice to Meat You.
2. Go west to another of those blue glow stones (71,39.5).
Right-click the Shard of Gavrock.
3. Go further west to Redwood Trading Post, turn in [75] A Bear of an Appetite.
4. Go southeast to another of those blue glow stones (74,44).
Right-click the Shard of Gavrock.
1. Go further southeast to Prospector’s Point (77,48.5).
Turn in [75] Check Up on Raegar, get the two quests from here:
- [75] The Captive Prospectors
- [75] The Perfect Plan
2. Go south/slightly southwest to a dwarven building at (76.5,55).
Kill dwarves and golems until one drops a Dun Argol Cage Key.
Once you have one, go inside the building and free Prospector Gann from his cage:
==Note== Kill every Iron Rune-Smith on the way until you’ve looted the Golem Blueprint Section 1, 2 and 3.
3. A few steps west you should find a path going up to the upper tier.
Once you’re up on the upper tier, go straight south and you should find Prospector Torgan in a cage, just outside of a dwarven building (76,58).
Free him.
4. Follow the stairs southwest and go all the way to the top until you find another dwarven building (76,62).
Outside the building you should see two cages. Prospector Varana is in one of those cages. Free her.
Now go inside the building and kill Iron Rune-Smiths until you’ve looted the Golem Blueprint Section 1, 2 and 3.
Once you have them, right-click one of the Golem Blueprint Sections and you’ll obtain the War Golem Blueprint.
Go back to Prospector’s Point, turn in:
- [75] The Captive Prospectors, get [75] Why Fabricate When You Can Appropriate?
- [75] The Perfect Plan, get [75] Looking the Part
==Note== From now on, loot War Golem Parts on your way:
1. Go to the first dwarven building in Dun’Argol.
Kill an Iron Rune Overseer, loot an Overseer’s Uniform.
Go back to Prospector’s Point, turn in [75] Looking the Part, get [75] Cultivating an Image.
2. Go back to Dun’Argol.
Kill a dwarf, loot it, target the corpse and use Kilian’s Camera from your inventory.
Repeat 8 times.
Finish gathering War Golem Parts for [75] Why Fabricate When You Can Appropriate? while doing this.
3. Go back to Prospector’s Point. Turn in:
- [75] Why Fabricate When You Can Appropriate?, get [75] We Have the Power
- [75] Cultivating an Image, get [75] Put on Your Best Face for Loken
1. Mount up.
Ride back to Dun’Argol.
Once in Dun’Argol, right-click the Overseer Disguise Kit. Yes, it works while mounted, and only if you are already mounted!
2. Ride up to the next tier with the two dwarven buildings.
First, go to the building on your right-hand side. You should find Rune-Smith Durar inside (75,57).
Cancel the Iron Rune Overseer Disguise buff. Kill Rune-Smith Durar, loot Durar’s Power Cell.
3. Use the Overseer Disguise Kit again.
Get out of the building and go straight ahead, towards the next building (77,59).
Kill Rune-Smith Kathorn, loot Kathorn’s Power Cell.
4. Get out of the building.
Mount up.
Use the Overseer Disguise Kit again.
Go about 20 yards north and you should see a path going east.
Follow this path until you reach the easternmost dwarven building (81,60).
Inside the building, right-click Loken’s Pedestal, listen to Loken’s speech and you’ll get a quest udpate.
Get out of the building.
Mount up.
Use the Overseer Disguise Kit.
Ride back to Prospector’s Point.
==WARNING== Do NOT turn in [75] Put on Your Best Face for Loken. The disguise will be very useful for the rest of the quests.
ONLY turn in [75] We Have the Power, get [75] … Or Maybe We Don’t.
1. Right-click the Golem Control Unit from your inventory.
Ride to the snowy hills which are located just below Dun’Argol.
Kill 10 Lightning Sentries, your golem should reach Charge level 10.
Go back to Prospector’s Point.
Turn in [75] … Or Maybe We Don’t, get the, get the two follow ups:
- [75] Blackout
- [75] The Iron Thane and His Anvil
2. Ride back to Dun’Argol.
Use the Overseer Disguise Kit again.
Ride to the very top of Dun’Argol and go inside the big dwarven building.
Take one of the elevators going down, you should be in a room with the Dun Argol Power Core.
Target it and right-click Raegar’s Explosives from your inventory.
Now right-click the Golem Control Unit.
Go next to Iron Thane Furyhammer and The Anvil, which should be in the same room.
Now do this:
1. Use Ability #2
2. Cancel the Overseer Disguise buff.
3. Target Iron Thane Furyhammer and use Ability #1 whenever it’s up. Also use Ability#2 again whenever The Anvil recovers from the EMP.
4. Once Iron Thane Furyhammer is dead, stay in the Golem Suit and run away until they give up on following you. Don’t bother killing The Anvil. (Please note that you take no falling damage in the suit, so you can jump off high cliffs too to escape).
Once they’ve given up on you, mount up, use the Overseer Disguise Kit and ride back to Prospector’s Point.
Turn in all 3 quests:
- [75] Blackout
- [75] The Iron Thane and His Anvil
- [75] Put on Your Best Face for Loken
1. Ride northeast to Gavrock, turn in [75] Latent Power, get [75] Free at Last.
2. Ride southwest to a plains area at (72,37).
Look for Runed Giants and use Gavrock’s Runebreaker on them.
- If it works, the giant will become friendly and you’ll get a quest update
- If it doesn’t work, the giant will attack you but will be in a much weaker state. So you’ll just have to re-use Gavrock’s Runebreaker until it works. Meanwhile, try to stun or to kite the giant until the item cools down.
Keep doing this until you’ve 4 Runed Giants Freed.
While you’re here, also kill Longhoof Grazers and Duskhowl Prowlers until you finish [75] Nice to Meat You!
No map needed for this part.
1. Ride to Harkor’s Camp. Turn in [75] Nice to Meat You!
2. Ride to Gavrock. Turn in [75] Free at Last.
3. Hearthstone back to Amberpine Lodge.
Go to Hierophant Thayrenn, turn in:
- [75] Vordrassil’s Seeds
- [75] Vordrassil’s Sapling
Get the follow up [75] Ursoc, the Bear God.
You should be level 77 or somewhere around it. If you are ahead, that’s great, keep following the guide normally, don’t skip anything. If you are behind, that’s not a problem either, just keep following the guide normally. You’ll catch up eventually and there will be a lot of extra circuits at the end anyway 😉
Level 77
Optional: [75] Ursoc, the Bear God.
Fly to Westfall Brigade Encampment.
1. Ride west until a narrow path going up at (51.5,27).
2. Follow this path up and you’ll find Tur Ragepaw (52,24).
Now before you talk to him, read the following paragraph.
Despite being a 3-man group quest, [75] Ursoc, the Bear God is soloable for tank and healer classes if you use the help of Tur Ragepaw correctly.
- If you are a tank or pet class (Protection Warrior, Paladin, Feral Druid, Death Knight, Hunter, Warlock). Tell Tur Ragepaw “We could use a healer“. He will heal your tank or your pet through the fight.
- If you are a healer class, tell Tur Ragepaw “Assume your druidic bear form, Tur.” And he will tank for you as long as you keep him alive with your heals.
- For other classes/specs it might be too difficult to solo the quest. With my mage in quest greens I couldn’t do it. It might be possible for rogues and dps warriors if they ask Tur Ragepaw to assume the role of a healer, depending on gear.
If you can’t solo it, try to look for a group. Duo’ing this quest should be easy.
==WARNING== During the fight, Ursoc will release a small black sludge called Blood of the Old God. Kill it ASAP, it only has 2K HPs, but it’s very annoying (does 1K damage + stun every 5 seconds or so).
After the fight is over, target Ursoc’s corpse and use the Purified Ashes of Vordrassil.
==Note== You can also use the Purified Ashes of Vordrassil on the corpse even if someone else killed Ursoc.
If you can’t find a group, just save this quest for when you reach level 80.
We’re done with the Grizzly Hills. It’s time to go to Zul’Drak. Please follow my guide to Zul’Drak!
I hope you enjoyed this guide. If you want to return the favor, please try to contribute.
© 2008 Copyrights All Rights Reserved
Items and QuestsJust a general comment. First of all great guides, I’ve used them from 30 to 79. The WOTLK guides were fantastic I made 79 when finishing Grizzly Hills. Some of the quests you, don’t have us turn in right away because we can use the items later. I would add a comment when you get the quests to not turn them in until you tell them to. For example when you pick up the quest using the overseers disguise in grizzly hills. Some like me who are senile don’t read through the whole thing first and just jump in lol.
“Out here due process is a 2 handed axe in the back of your skull”
[74] Wolfsbane RootGreat job as usual, only played one and a half hour and I’m already halfway through the level.
Just noticed something: When we get to Silverbrook and you say get [74] Wolfsbane Root, Katja(The quest-giver) wasn’t there. Checked Wowhead and it mentions that Horde players have a quest to kill them so she sometimes dies. She respawned for me after around 2-4 minutes.
Basically, please mention that Katja may be dead and that’s why you don’t see a yellow quest mark on your map and you should just wait till she respawns.
Thanks again for the great work, enjoyed the video giving instructions on how to finish the Silverbrook escape quest.
Top classA true labor of love Jame. Top top class.
One thing.
In the IronOne thing.
In the Iron Thane Furyhammer fight. I couldn’t remove the disguise after I mounted the golem. So I removed the buff before quickly clicking the Golem Control Unit and followed your instructions thereafter. I don’t know if I just missed the icon to remove the buff but it worked anyway.
Running around to a lift that was in the down position and getting out was very easy.
Thanks again.
Aye, I’ll add a section forAye, I’ll add a section for the cold flying skill soon.
Brilliant and a huge amount of workHuge thanks for what must have taken an enormous amount of work. The only time I had any problems was when I failed to read your guide properly.
Despite ignoring your advice I hit 77 just before Flamebringer. I prefer to play holy priest. Even so I have averaged under 10 hours played/level so far.
One thing you don’t mention. By following your guide you get maximum benefit from “Rested Bonus” – That really speeds things up. Even now I have half a level of rested bonus, purely due to your clear instructions about where to go and what to do.
You might think about adding a bit about getting the cold flying skill. Lots of other people will want that before the end of this guide.
Thank again.
Ah yea, you did the rightAh yea, you did the right thing :p
From A Sister’s Pledge to Hour of the Worg.After turning in “A Sister’s Pledge”, I spent too long reading the quest “Hour of the Worg”, whereupon Sasha disappeared and I lost that opportunity to collect the new quest.
I’m not sure if Sasha ever goes back to the cave but I killed a few wolves while I was waiting (I needed to finish that part of “Nice to Meat You”) and she didn’t re-appear. The quest was available when I retraced my steps to her original location in White Pine Trading Post.
[75] Mounting UpIf you attack your chosen Highland Mustang, it will stand still while you dangle the carrot. It makes things just a little easier rather than having to be careful about timing the “dangle” just when the mustang runs out of range.
Just remember to stop attacking so that you don’t kill it!
Minor questline fix in Prospector’s PointThe following lines:
[75] The Captive Prospectors, get [75] Why Fabricate When You Can Appropriate?
[75] The Perfect Plan, get [75] Looking the Part
Should instead read:
[75] The Captive Prospectors, get [75] Looking the Part
[75] The Perfect Plan, get [75] Why Fabricate When You Can Appropriate?
Raegar Breakbrow gives the first pair, while Mountaineer Kilian gives the second pair.
Oh ok coz i already been toOh ok 😛 coz i already been to Dalaran and got the mount (lvl 77 in Grizzly already) but was still skipping that quest 🙂
I wish I could give you my free time so that you could finish the guide asap 🙂 I am loving it so much!
They are exactly the sameThey are exactly the same mustangs, both spots are fine. It doesn’t matter.
Regarding “[75] Mounting Up”I found the mustangs for this quest north of the camp rather that to the west where you pointed out.
I was supposed to add aI was supposed to add a section about it, but I didn’t get the time yet.
Basically, I want you to take that quest once you reach level 77, go to dalaran, unlock flying mounts in Northrend and then go back to the guide.
Fantastic guide as alwaysAwesome as always on the guide.
One think I wanted to mention and could be included. On the quest “Free at Last” (zapping irritating Elite Runed Giants), it is a lot easier if you CC the Runed Giant first and then use the Rune (or whatever it was) on them.
I found at first that the Rune had a very low success rate – took a couple of attempts on a Giant before it worked.
By using Entangling Roots and then zapping them, it seemed to work first time, every time.
Other classes with CC should try the same thing.
Absolutely great guide!Absolutely great guide! Loving it! I like its perfectness, clearness and easytofollowness 😛
Thanks for this, James! =)
but I got a question, why do we skip The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran all time?
and we we skipped a quest from blood elf in Wintergarde Keep in Dragonblight? (his name was Van smth not sure)
Work horseJame you’re a work horse! 🙂
Can’t wait to use this new addition with my DK.
Keep up the great work!
LevelsFound your site when wotlk came out and have been following this since 70. I’ve done the tundra, fjord, dragon, and now am in griz. What was fantastic is that just as i came to the section in griz that says you should be 76, i dinged 77. So resting in the inns gave me an entire level. I love working with the guide, i take side trips sometimes but getting things done makes the time in wow so much nicer. Thanks for the great work. Now about that 78 to 80 guide 🙂
Yea, I love all thoseYea, I love all those references blizzard puts in the game 😉
But most importantly, where is Indiana Ford?!
harrison jones?“harrison jones” “Kill snakes” “smallsphere”
Harrison ford/Indiana Jones parody here lol also “small sphere” aka Short Round is the gnome near where u hand in the quest and when you do he says “that jones hes not nuts… he’s crazy”
Also look for the “bambi” parody as well
Someone else mentioned thisSomeone else mentioned this earlier, it’s already added in the guide. Empty your cache and you’ll see the udpated version 😉
Free at last, reuse runebreakerFirst: excellent guides all of them, thanks!
I noticed that in the quest Free at last you can reuse the runebreaker after its cooldown is back up. As a rogue I would normally build some combo points, kidney shot, retry the rune, gouge if needed, retry the rune. (just don’t the kill the giant while doing this -grin-)
This worked for me for the 2nd and 3rd giant I tried to free (and resulted in 2 freed giants) however after that the runebreaker didn’t work anymore (something about invalid target) for about 10 minutes, not sure if that is related or some odd bug somewhere.
Oh, didn’t know that. ThankOh, didn’t know that. Thank you!
Haha, thanks for clearingHaha, thanks for clearing that up. Call me crazy but I have an obsession for perfect-looking guides! 😛
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First of all, Thank you soFirst of all, Thank you so much for this marvelous Guide!
After trying it, I have one thing who can be ameliorate at the end of this part:
If Runed Giants can’t turn friendly in a first shot with the Gavrock’s Runebreaker, you can recast it whenever it’s necessary to have your quest update. No need to kill them and wasting time for found another one ;).
It’s because the guide isIt’s because the guide is stickied at the moment. As soon as Jame comes out with his next guide, this one won’t be linked from the main page and it won’t be gray anymore. Instead, the new one will be. So never fear, the gray is temporary 😉
Background?This may sound a bit silly, but why is the background of the guide light blue/gray? Maybe it’s just me but I find the guide looks a lot better on a white background 😛
Have no fear, from this day forward you too can experience the overwhelming amounts of power and superiority that my beloved [url=]iWin button[/url] can bring you!
You are just one click away.
I’m not sure aboutI’m not sure about Bartender, but there is probably a way to set one action bar as your “possess” bar. I also sometimes have a problem because my main action bar is too short to show all the actions. I just lengthen it for those fights. I use Dominos, though, so it may be different. Or perhaps you knew all this already and it was a different problem altogether >_<
Great again Just little comment:
[quote]” [75] Ursoc, the Bear God is soloable for tank and healer classes if you use the help of Tur Ragepaw correctly.
If you are a tank or pet class (Protection Warrior, Paladin, Feral Druid, Death Knight, Hunter, Warlock). Tell Tur Ragepaw “We could use a healer”. He will heal your tank or your pet through the fight. “[/quote]
Went there alone, 79 feral (green/blue)
After some time, Tur stopped to heal. (don’t think mana was down though ?)
Regened and pot but died.
Went back to my body to find that Tur, as tree, was still alive.
Could finish Ursoc and the quest (poor Tur didn’t survived though).
So should you die, race back to Ursoc to finish it.
[quote]”==WARNING== During the fight, Ursoc will release a small black sludge called Blood of the Old God. Kill it ASAP, it only has 2K HPs, but it’s very annoying (does 1K damage + stun every 5 seconds or so).”[/quote]
Tur (as healer) kills them too, no big worry apparently.
Wow Jame great work! WaitingWow Jame great work! Waiting for your horde guide! Im 77 at Dragonblight 🙂
Quote:After the Blue Sky
[quote]After the Blue Sky Logging PvP quests, I found it easier to go straight south to the Vordrassil Heart since it almost lines up with the PvP questgivers north to south. Then I headed west to the Vordrassil Limb, and then south back to Amberpine Lodge. Not sure if that way is shorter or not, but it lined up better with where I was at the time.[/quote]
It’s about the same, I just found it easier to do it in the other order because of how terrain was in that area.
After I did “Into the Breach” and looted the Seismograph, I flew back to Kurun since it’s on the way back to Westfall Brigade Camp. Not sure how that works if you’re still using a ground mount, but it seemed strange to fly over Kurun only to come back, so I read a little ahead and decided to turn in at Kurun.[/quote]
That’s because I assume people still don’t have their flying mount at this point.
[quote]When I got to “Looking the Part” and “Why Fabricate When You Can Appropriate,” I went ahead and collected the 8 golem parts (because there were 4 in the room where I killed the overseer for the uniform). This eventually saved me a trip (and shuffling the disguise on and off) later in those chains. My next turnin was “We Have the Power” and “Cultivating an Image.” Then I did “Put on Your Best Face” and “…Or Maybe Not” together (so I didn’t have a separate trip for just “Or Maybe Not”). Then I did “Blackout” and “Iron Thane and Anvil.”[/quote]
Well, people generally like to kill as little stuff as possible. If you do it my way, you’ll gather those parts while killing dwarves that you need to kill for other quests anyway. So that’s why I made them in that order.
Thank you for your feedback!
You skipped a whole questYou skipped a whole quest step:
[quote]1. Go to the eastern point of the lake, and from there ride northeast to Drak’atal Passage (44,30).
Kill Drakkari Defenders and Injured Drakkari Refugees until you’ve looted 5 Desperate Mojo.
Go to Drakuru’s Brazier, found at the bottom of the big stairs.
Right-click Drakuru’s Elixir.
Turn in [74] My Heart is in Your Hands, get [75] Voices From the Dust.[/quote]
Right now you shouldn’t be in Drakil’jin ruins, that’s the next step in the quest chain. And that’s also why the Drakkari Tablets are not lootable for you. You need [75] Voices From the Dust to be able to loot them.
Please, before asking questions, first start by using the search function of your internet browser (CTRL + F). In your case, you could have easily found where you made a mistake, without my help.
Yes of course you shouldYes of course you should 😛
I’ll add a section about that.
It’s good!Even though I don’t play alliance anymore, I’ve read this chapter of the guide and it seems very performant xp-wise. I have just 1 question: at level 77 should we buy the flying skill for Northrend or not? If you wrote it I think that I’ve just missed it 😛
A couple things I did differentlyAfter the Blue Sky Logging PvP quests, I found it easier to go straight south to the Vordrassil Heart since it almost lines up with the PvP questgivers north to south. Then I headed west to the Vordrassil Limb, and then south back to Amberpine Lodge. Not sure if that way is shorter or not, but it lined up better with where I was at the time.
Also, the PvP quests, if you’re grouped, the healing wounded soldiers and returning shredders and horde killing can be done by anyone in the group. I think the gathering is the only one that doesn’t count that way.
When going down to kill Thane of Voldrune, I was a little surprised that I wound up in Howling Fjord for a brief moment.
After I did “Into the Breach” and looted the Seismograph, I flew back to Kurun since it’s on the way back to Westfall Brigade Camp. Not sure how that works if you’re still using a ground mount, but it seemed strange to fly over Kurun only to come back, so I read a little ahead and decided to turn in at Kurun.
When I got to “Looking the Part” and “Why Fabricate When You Can Appropriate,” I went ahead and collected the 8 golem parts (because there were 4 in the room where I killed the overseer for the uniform). This eventually saved me a trip (and shuffling the disguise on and off) later in those chains. My next turnin was “We Have the Power” and “Cultivating an Image.” Then I did “Put on Your Best Face” and “…Or Maybe Not” together (so I didn’t have a separate trip for just “Or Maybe Not”). Then I did “Blackout” and “Iron Thane and Anvil.”
Very nice guide, as always! This zone seemed very fast relative to the previous ones, but there are 30 fewer quests than Dragonblight and 50 fewer than Tundra/Fjord. I was also flying for the majority of it (dinged level 77 about 25-30 quests into Grizzly Hills thanks to some instances runs and full rested XP).
Bug?So I’m doing [My heart is in your hands].
I have the Heart of the ancients in my inventory.
I collect all the mojo, drink the elixir and summon Drakuru at Drakil’jin ruins.
I don’t have the option to turn the quest in. What’s wrong?
Drakkari tabletsWhat quest is that? I was confused. I went to do Harrison jones and I didn’t have the option to loot the tablets.
No, thank you. Very useful.No, thank you. Very useful.
Ha That’s one more reasonHa 😉 That’s one more reason why my guides are forever and always >>>> Quest helper and co.
Haha, yes I do enjoy theHaha, yes I do enjoy the game still. I just wish I actually had more time to play my main characters 😛
Thank you!Wow – waiting ages for this and then I plow through it in one day :jawdrop: Finished up being half way through lvl 78, was 77 when I started, having the ability to fly everywhere made it a lot easier I’m sure.
Thanks very much for all the time and effort you obviously put into these guides. When I first found this site I was struggling to know what to do to level my characters, now I use your guides to level several characters.
Mount Up & Bartender 4Great guide. I wanted to add, that for me, I had to disable my Bartender 4 addon in order to use the Highland Mustangs Action 1 button. This occurred with a previous “vehicle” quest, too.
Little Useless-to-say ErrorHey,
Here’s the mistake I found. I know it’s stupid but I tought you’d like your guide to be perfect.
Blue Sky Looging Ground, you say that from the “Broken-Shredder” :
Jump into one, face toward the bridge east and use ability #5 to sprint.
It’s ability #3 .. not 5. Okay I know I should stfu but it was just for your information.
Gee thanks very much James.Gee thanks very much James. I was just wondering why there were so few quests in the Hills. After reading your guide, I realized that I somehow managed to miss 2 quest hubs 😀
Thank youThank you for your time and effort on these, Jame. You’ve done a lot for the WoW community, and I hope you are still enjoying yourself in the game.
Awesome guideReally enjoy following ur guides. One quick note on [74] Seared Scourge, you can use the ramp going into Drak’Tharon Keep to throw Mack’s Dark Grog down onto the trolls without pulling any agro. Keep up the good work !!!!
Thank you Jame!Thanks for this new release! I’m going to start lvling now!
Fantastic guide as alwaysFantastic guide as always Jame, I’m just about finished with Grizzly Hills but you showed me what I missed!
Thanks for the next chapterThanks for the next chapter Jame. Mine lvl 77 (almost 78) Warlock was already standing by in GH.
Followed your guide’s from lvl 30 and the are superb!!!!
Thanks alot.
Regards from Holland
Alright, it turns out thisAlright, it turns out this guide took longer than what I expected, so I can’t finish the text formatting tonight.
However, all the maps are there, the guide should be 100% functional.
I’ll finish the rest of the text formatting tomorrow morning.