- 375-380: Frostwoven Robe (4x Bolt of Frostweave, 1x Eternium Thread) x5
- Da 375-425 si può craftare tutto il Frostwoven e il Duskweave set, specialmente se pensate di usarli altrimenti basta fare gli item più economici in termini di math
- 375-380: Frostwoven Robe (4x Bolt of Frostweave, 1x Eternium Thread) x5
- 380-390: Frostwoven Leggings (5x Bolt of Frostweave, 1x Eternium Thread) x10
- 390-395: Frostwoven Boots (4x Bolt of Frostweave, 1x Eternium Thread) x5
- 395-400: Frostwoven Leggings (5x Bolt of Frostweave, 1x Eternium Thread) x5
- 400-405: Bolt of Imbued Frostweave (3x Bolt of Frostweave, 2x Infinite Dust) x5
- Craftatene più possibile finchè la skill non diventa grigia a 405 Serviranno a livellare 425-450. Per arrivare a 450 di skill ne occorrono circa 300 ^^
- 405-415: Duskweave Wristwraps (8x Bolt of Frostweave, 1x Eternium Thread) x5
- 415-420: Duskweave Gloves (9x Bolt of Frostweave, 1x Eternium Thread) x5
- 420-425: Duskweave Shoulders (10x Bolt of Frostweave, 1x Eternium Thread) x5
- 425-430: Frostweave Bag (6x Bolt of Imbued Frostweave, 2x Eternium Thread) x5
Black Duskweave Wristwraps (4x Bolt of Imbued Frostweave, 2x Iceweb Spider Silk, 2x Eternium Thread) x5
Black Duskweave Leggings (5x Bolt of Imbued Frostweave, 2x Iceweb Spider Silk, 2x Eternium Thread) x5- Dipende se avete Iceweb Spider Silk Sono inclusi Black Duskweave Leggings visto che sono dei leg buoni e costano 1 Bolt of Imbued Frostweave in meno.
- 430-440: Frostweave Bag (6x Bolt of Imbued Frostweave, 2x Eternium Thread) x10
- La cosa più economica che si può fare a questo livello, e che magari mettnedola all’AH vi renderà qualcosa.
- 430-440: Frostweave Bag (6x Bolt of Imbued Frostweave, 2x Eternium Thread) x10
- 440-445: Frostweave Bag (6x Bolt of Imbued Frostweave, 2x Eternium Thread) x25
Opzionale Abyssal Bag (4x Ebonweave, 2x Spellweave, 1x Eternium Thread) x5- La pattern si ottiene con il Revered con Knights of the Ebon Blade
Opzionale Mysterious Bag (4x Spellweave, 2x Moonshroud, 1x Eternium Thread) x5
- La pattern si ottien con il Revered con The Wyrmrest Accord
Opzionale Glacial Bag (4x Moonshroud, 4x Ebonweave, 1x Eternium Thread) x5
- La pattern si ottien con l’Exalted con The Son of Hodir Exaulted
- 440-445: Frostweave Bag (6x Bolt of Imbued Frostweave, 2x Eternium Thread) x25
Ora la parte difficile. Ci sono molte pattern che saranno “gialle” a 445, ma il modo più economico
è fare 25x Frostweave Bag e sperare di essere fortunati
L’altra opzione è craftare le 3 bag rare con Ebonweave, Spellweave e Moonshroud che hanno 4 giorni di cooldown, inoltre tutte le pattern richiedono reputaizone per essere acquistate.
- 445-450: Frostweave Bag (6x Bolt of Imbued Frostweave, 2x Eternium Thread) x25
Opzionale Ebonweave Gloves (4x Ebonweave, 4x Bolt of Imbued Frostweave, 1x Eternium Thread, 1x Frozen Orb) x5
Opzionale Moonshroud Gloves (4x Moonshroud, 4x Bolt of Imbued Frostweave, 1x Eternium Thread, 1x Frozen Orb) x5
Opzionale Spellweave Gloves (4x Spellweave, 4x Bolt of Imbued Frostweave, 1x Eternium Thread, 1x Frozen Orb) x5
Opzionale Mysterious Bag (4x Spellweave, 2x Moonshroud, 1x Eternium Thread) x5
Opzionale Glacial Bag (4x Moonshroud, 4x Ebonweave, 1x Eternium Thread) x5
Lista Math:
7225 Frostweave Cloth
780 Infinite Dust
175 Eternium Thread
Oh I’m sure they wouldOh I’m sure they would 🙂
NiceI’m italian myself and I have to say that this is good written 🙂 You can also add some more formatting, but it is actually good and easy to read. Too bad it’s the only guide in italian atm, I should take some time and transalte Jame’s leveling guides in italian. Big work, I know, but a lot of players will appreciate it I think ^^
Yeah, I could do that if youYeah, I could do that if you want to 😉
I’ll send a private message to goe2d 🙂
It’s already much better.
IIt’s already much better.
I noticed a little error for your title, the size of the fonts are extremely small. I suppose it’s not intended that way 😛
I recommend size=18 for titles.
And a question: We don’t have a tailoring guide for 375-450 in English at the moment, do you think you could make a good english version of your guide? Or maybe shikamaru could do it if you have difficulties with english?
Ty for your suggestions, iTy for your suggestions, i wish it will be better now! ^^
This could use some TextThis could use some Text Formatting, because it’s a big wall of text now. 🙂
You could add link to all items to, if you feel like it, would greatly improve this guide 🙂
I know it’s a lot of work and a lot of effort, but it will turn out really nice if you do these things 😉
You could take a look at Jame’s Writing Guide for a Text Formatting addon for Firefox.