Argent Dawn Reputation Guide
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The Argent Dawn is a lawful and good organization focused on protecting Azeroth from agencies that seek to destroy it, such as the Burning Legion and the Scourge. Base camps of the Argent Dawn can be found in the Eastern and Western Plaguelands as well as in Tirisfal Glades.
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The Argent Dawn has many things to offer different classes, one of the best things about this faction is when you get exalted with Argent Crusade you get the title “The Argent Champion”, which is always cool.
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Scourgestones are dropped by mobs all around the plaguelands. You can turn them for axtra rep with the Argent Dawn. When you turn them in you will get an Argent Dawn Valor Token and +50 rep. Each token will give you +100 rep so with each turn in you get +150 rep.
Minion’s Scourgestone – turn in 20 for an Argent Dawn Valor Token. Found on mobs level 50 and up.
Invader’s Scourgestone – turn in 10 for an Argent Dawn Valor Token. Found on mobs level 53 and up.
Corruptor’s Scourgestone – turn in 1 for an Argent Dawn Valor Token. Found on bosses.
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Sadly, the argent Dawn does not have a tabard so that puts heroics off the list so the first thing to do is questing. I recommend doing ALL quests in Western Plaguelands and Eastern Plaguelands, many of them give 500 reputation with the Argent Dawn. You can start Plaguelands quests around level 55; if you are level 80 just use the tracking system to track low level quests and go! For these quests, when you a [*random number*] they are the lowest level required to accept this quest, if you see a [A], or [H] it means horde or aliance specific. An [R] means repeatable, however these quests usually give low rep. For more quests in different areas go here.
Eastern Plaguelands
[50]Little Pamela – This does not get you any rep with Aregnt Dawn but you need to this quest to get a follow-up quest, and then get Uncle Carlin
[50]Pamela’s Doll – This is the follow up to get Uncle Carlin
[50]Uncle Carlin (+17400 rep, according to wowhead, if someone could confirm this or deny would be appreiciated)
[55]Binding the Dreadnaught (+1000 rep)
[R][55]Dark Iron Scraps – I wouldn’t recommend this one as it only gives 20 rep with them.
[55]Bonescythe Digs (+1000 rep)
[R][55]Bone Fragments – I wouldn’t recommend this one as it only gives 20 rep with them.
[55]Cryptstalker Armor Doesn’t Make Itself… (+1000 rep)
[R][55]Crypt Fiend Parts – I wouldn’t recommend this one as it only gives 20 rep with them.
[55]The Elemental Equation (+1000 rep)
[R][55]Core of Elements – I wouldn’t recommend this one as it only gives 20 rep with them.
[55]Savage Flora (+1000 rep)
[R][55]Savage Fronds – I wouldn’t recommend this one as it only gives 20 rep with them.
[50]Marauders of Darrowshire (+500 rep)
[50]Return to Chromie – No rep but needed
[55]The Battle of Darrowshire – No rep but needed
[50]Hidden Treasures (+1000 rep)
[55]The Archivist (+1000 rep)
[55]The Truth Comes Crashing Down (+1000 rep)
[55]Above and Beyond (+1000 rep)
[60]Lord Maxwell Tyrosus (+500 rep)
[55]The Argent Hold (+1000 rep)
[55]They Call Me “The Rooster” (+1000 rep)
[57]The Human, Ras Frostwhisper– no rep but needed
[57]The Dying, Ras Frostwhisper – no rep but needed
[57]Menethil’s Gift (part 1) – no rep but needed
[57]Menethil’s Gift (part 2) (+700 rep)
[55]Epic Armaments of Battle – Friend of the Dawn (+500 rep)
[55]Epic Armaments of Battle – Honored Amongst the Dawn (+500 rep)
[55]Epic Armaments of Battle – Revered Amongst the Dawn (+100 rep)
[55]Epic Armaments of Battle – Exalted Amongst the Dawn (+500 rep)
[55]Mantles of the Dawn (+500 rep)
[60]The Ice Guard (+500 rep)
[60]The Shadow Guard (+500 rep)
[50]Auntie Marlene – no rep but needed
[50]A Strange Historian – no rep but needed
[50]The Annals of Darrowshire – no rep but needed
[50]Brother Carlin (+150 rep)
[50]Villains of Darrowshire (+500 rep)
[50]Zaeldarr the Outcast (+300 rep)
[55]Superior Armaments of Battle – Friend of the Dawn (+500 rep)
[55]Superior Armaments of Battle – Honored Amongst the Dawn (+500 rep)
[55]Superior Armaments of Battle – Revered Amongst the Dawn (+500 rep)
[55]Superior Armaments of Battle – Exalted Amongst the Dawn (+100 rep)
[??]Writ of Safe Passage (+20 rep)
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Western Plaguelands
[53]A Matter of Time (+10 rep)
[53]Counting Out Time (+10 rep)
[A][50]Alas, Andorhal (+700 rep, +350 with home cities)
[H[50]]Alas, Andorhal (+700 rep, +350 with home cities)
[A][50]Better Late Than Never (+5 rep)
[H][50]Better Late Than Never (+5 rep)
[A][50]Good Natured Emma (+63 rep with home cities)
[H][50]The Jeremiah Blues (+62 rep with home cities)
[50]Good Luck Charm (+5 rep)
[50]Two Halves Become One (+10 rep)
[A][55]Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn (+350 rep)
[H][55]Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn (+350 rep)
[A][50]A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands! (+10 rep with Stormwind)
[A][50]Clear the Way (+50 rep, 63 with home cities)
[??]Dalson’s Tears Cauldron (+10 rep)
[??]Felstone Field Cauldron (+25 rep)
[??]Gahrron’s Withering Cauldron (+50 rep)
[??]Writhing Haunt Cauldron (+25 rep)
[A][55]Mantles of the Dawn (+500 rep)
[H][55]Mantles of the Dawn (+500 rep)
[A][50]The Scourge Cauldrons (+3 rep with all home cities)
[H][50]The Scourge Cauldrons (+3 rep with all home cities)
[50]Target: Felstone Field (+500 rep, +63 with all home cities)
[A][50]Return to Chillwind Camp (+3 rep with all home cities)
[H][50]Return to the Bulwark (+3 rep with all home cities)
[50]Target: Dalson’s Tears (+500 rep, +63 with all home cities)
[A][50]Return to Chillwind Camp (+3 rep with all home cities)
[H][50]Return to the Bulwark (+3 rep with all home cities)
[50]Target: Writhing Haunt (+500 rep, +63 with all home cities)
[A][50]Return to Chillwind Camp (+3 rep with all home cities)
[H][50]Return to the Bulwark (+3 rep with all home cities)
[50]Target: Gahrron’s Withering (+500 rep, +63 with all home cities)
[A][50]Return to Chillwind Camp (+3 rep with all home cities)
[H][50]Return to the Bulwark (+3 rep with all home cities)
[50]Mission Accomplished! (+1000 rep, +500 with all home cities)
[??]Mrs. Dalson’s Diary (+5 rep)
There are two main instances that you can go through to get more rep with the Argent Dawn; Sratholme and Scholomance. If your not level 80 then I wouldn’t recommend running these because it would take too long, if you are level 80 then run these if you are bored of questing, in these instances you should be picking up any scourgestone you get off the mobs. Personally I think strat is a better instance over scholomance because, one if you don`t have the key then it`s a hassle to get in (basically killing yourself by falling), and secondly Scholomance is a little more confusing to understand. Strat also, in my opinion, has one of the coolest ground mounts to get Deathcharger Reins
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Quests in Stratholme
[55]The Truth Comes Crashing Down
Quests in Scholomance
Reasons to get Exalted
Friendly | ![]() |
Honored | ![]() ![]() |
Revered | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Exalted | ![]() |
Ooh neat. I’d just like toOoh neat. I’d just like to mention a couple things.
There’s a short questline in Desolace that is very easy (especially if you’re grinding the rep up at 80 or something) so it might be worth mentioning (1200 rep total). Also, a quest line that starts in Darnassus (for Alliance) or in Blackfathom Deeps (for Horde) gives 2000/1000 rep respectively. (Technically, the Horde can take the quest that starts in Darnassus because the NPC is Argent Dawn aligned and not Alliance, but that’s a lot of trouble for 1000 rep.) Both these places are fairly out of the way, but are close together, so if you skipped them while leveling it might be worth a trip out there, if only to break up the monotony of doing classic Stratholme over and over.
you actually dont need theyou actually dont need the keys for either of them, strat you can get in the normal entrance and then just get the key to the city from the magistrate boss, and for scholo you can either duel someone at the top of building where the entrance is then jump off killing yourselfthenrun pass the door that you would otherwise ned to ulock and just repawn in there and just use the ever to let others in, or just keep on jumping off until you die.
oh, well when I was farmingoh, well when I was farming for my rep i looked on wowhead, and other websites for their wuatermaster and where to get their tabard and found that the quartermaster did not sell it, however, if you (or anyone else) found it then I would appreciate it if you could tell me so i could add it in the guide.
You get AD rep regardless ofYou get AD rep regardless of whether you wear the trinket or not, up to a point.
Couple of comments on thisCouple of comments on this guide.
It’s usually worthwhile to just kill the undead mobs in the instances (Scholo & Strat) until you stop getting rep from them. That’s through honored for the trash and through revered for the elites – bosses give rep all the way to exalted. Save all your scourgestones until you get to that point and it’ll significantly speed up the grind through exalted. I’d save as many WPL & EPL quests as possible until that point as well.
You need the keys for both [url=]Scholo[/url] and [url=]Strat[/url] for the [url=]Keymaster achievement[/url], and the rep gains for Scholo are about 50% higher for a full clear than for a 45 minute Baron run on dead Strat.
I’d recommend doing the quest chains for Scholo at least, since there’s some pretty cool stuff that happens in there and unless you played in vanilla WoW, you probably haven’t ever seen it.
Yes, I worded that poorly.Yes, I worded that poorly. Because this faction is from pre-TBC, I find it strange that you comment on the lack of a reputation tabard, because these tabards were only introduced with WotLK for the new factions.
oh thx i got the idea ofoh thx 🙂 i got the idea of the actual wow website
ok, so after reading yourok, so after reading your comment i have a few of my own. First i will add the commission trinket i must have forgot to add that so i will, second this faction was not released with wotlk that was argent crusade this one is pre-BC, and finally rep gains do not stop after a certain rep level, when i did this with my pally i ran strat to get my rep p and i was revered and i wet all the way to exalted and i got rep off kills too.
Some notesI have a couple of remarks:
– It might be good to note that the Scourgestones only drop if you have [url=]Argent Dawn Commission[/url] or the rare equivalents ([url=]Seal of the Dawn[/url] / [url=]Rune of the Dawn[/url]) equipped. Some information on how to obtain these would be nice as well.
– I find the comment about this faction not having a reputation tabard strange, since they weren’t introduced till WotLK while this is a vanilla faction.
– Just killing undead (while wearing the trinket? haven’t tried without) will also give you reputation, so a full clear of Scholo or Strat will easily get you a few thousand reputation, especially after turning in the Scourgestones. Note that this stops once you reach a certain reputation level, so it might be best to run the instances first and do the quests once you are revered or something.
AwesomeThis is awesome. I will def. be using this guide once I get my new BE Priest to 80 and start working on getting lots of achievements/titles ect.
The way you set up the faction rewards next to the required level of rep w/ the pictures and tooltip link is very nice looking.
-Koviblade (And now, Elindeil on the Earthen Ring US Server :P)
Once agian, I do not thinkOnce agian, I do not think that has a lot to do with the guide because thorium, though good to make money, has nothing to do with getting argent tournament rep, but thanks for the imput.
You could also put a sideYou could also put a side note that thorium is really high in EPL and you could mine that for some good gold if you come across some.
lol, no i wqas referring tolol, no i was referring to the comment because i accendentally made a new note, but i was supposed to respond to Jiyambi’s. Abot the epic drops and stuff, i don’t really think they have much to do with the guide reasons being that one: If you are going through Strat or Scholo to raise your rep then you probably aren`t getting run or pugging with people because then it would take too long, therefore you would have to be a higher level which would make the drops not very good, however, Baron Rivendale’s Deathcharger would probably be the best thing to mention because of it`s status and cool looks (Book of the dead falls under the too low level to be good category) and secondly this is a rep guide not a instance guide so possible loot would just make the guide longer, harder to digest, and would kind of change the main topic of the guide. Thanks for the imput tho 😉 . And i think i will mention the mount only because normally its the only thing that keeps people from quitting the argent rep farming process.
This isn’t randomness.This isn’t randomness. Argent Dawn is needed for the Argent Champion achievement. Sure it is outdated, but for title-whores, like myself, it is useful.
I just skimmed over it, but the links are good, but you should mention how much rep each scourgestone, or X scourgestones give, as well as some of the epic rewards that you could get from Strat or Scholo, namely the Baron Rivendale’s Deathcharger and Book of the Dead. Those items give out a goal for people to go after, if you are into the whole vanity thing. Nonetheless very straight forward. I like it.
lol thx i made them myselflol thx i made them myself 😛
Nvm this randomnessNvm this randomness
The guide looks good!
ThoseThe guide looks good!
Those flaming arrows are a little scary though 😉