You MUST have your 300 riding skill as of 2/20/08 to start the NEUTRAL to FRIENDLY (Day 1). [70] In Service of the Illidari is not availible to you until you have the epic riding skill.
- Travel to Shadowmoon Valley and seek out the NPC called Mordenai. He can be found wandering here:
- Accept the quest [70] Kindness (shareable). Around Mordenai, in that area full of crystals, you will see mobs that are called Rocknails. Now you have two choices:
- Kill the smaller ones. They will drop an item, of which 5 can be combined to one carcass.
- Kill the bigger ones. These drop entire carcasses.
After obtaining a carcass, place it on the ground (try to place it at a spot where you see dragons flying above). The dragons will come and eat the carcass. Repeat this step 8 times.
However be careful:- Do not have any similar buffs as Lightning Shield on you. Those will cause the dragons to attack you.
- Do not place the meat at the same spot twice. Once the drakes have eaten they get a “full” debuff and they won’t come eat again.
Go back to Mordenai and turn the quest in.
- Next accept the quest [70] Seek Out Neltharaku from Mordenai.Neltharaku roams in the same area, above in the skies. Get on your flying mount, find him and turn the quest in. You must be about 10 feet below the dragon to be able to speak to him.
- Next accept the quest [70] Neltharaku’s Tale from him. After accepting this quest, talk to the dragon again and go through the dialogue with him. (listen to his story)
After you are done listening, turn in the quest. -
- Then accept the quest [70] Infiltrating Dragonmaw Fortress.
Now in the same area there is a fortress at 66, 60. -
Kill any of the orcs you see here, you need 15 kills to complete the quest.
Return to Neltharaku and turn the quest in.
- Now accept [70] Netherwing Ledge from Neltharaku. In this quest he sends you to the Netherwing Ledge, which is just below the area you are at:
Here you’ll need to look out for plants with big thorns that have red crystals attached to them. The plants look like this:
If you are a miner you’ll be able to detect them with “Find Minerals”.
Loot 12 crystals and return to Neltharaku.
- Accept the quest [70] The Force of Neltharaku. The dragon will give you an item called Enchanted Nethervine Crystal.At the Dragonmaw Fortress you’ll see hostile dragons (68,60), which are enslaved by orcs. Several things:
- You must be out of combat to use the crystal, this means clear the area of any orcs (that aren’t linked to draogns), approach one of the NPCs with a dragon (without aggroing it) and use the crystal on the dragon.
- The dragon takes about 2 seconds to turn green (friendly) towards you. Wait until he turns green! He’ll then attack his former master and you can join him and attack the orc as well.
Free 5 dragons and return to Neltheraku.
- Turn in the previous quest and get the follow up: [70] Karynaku. The quest objective is to seek out Karynaku (the big blue dragon at the Dragonmaw Fortress). Once you’ve found him turn in the quest.
- For the next step you should optimally have a full group (healer, tank and 2-3 dps). Now follow these steps (courtesy to Arcticwolf from wowhead, thanks!):Step 1) Clear both of the Enslaved Nether Drakes in the area.
Step 2) Clear both rooms left and right of the Shamans inside of them.
Step 3) Have your group’s tank initiate the fight by accepting the quest, and then quickly run over to where Zuluhed Spawns
Step 4) While Zuluhed is talking, everyone else in the group move into the room that you cleared FIRST.
Step 5) As soon as Zuluhed stops talking, have the tank attack him and then move him into the room where you begin to DPS.
Step 6) DPS Him hard and move out of his Rain of Fire. When he spawns a Demon Portal, everyone in the entire group run as fast as you can into the other room, have your main tank run out first so that he takes all of the gunfire from the archers.
Step 7) Once he’s in the next room, the demon will spawn from the portal in the previous room, but will NOT aggro your group because he isn’t near you anymore. DPS hard on him at this point because soon he will create another portal, and this time you will have nowhere to run to.
Step 8 ) Once he’s at low health, he’ll turn into a big demon, but he’s still easymode, just DPS his down, and you’ll be fine.
Step 9) Loot the key, and unlock the ball and chain around Karynaku’s leg.
Step 10) Talk to her, and then you get to ride on a bigass dragon all the way back to your sweet quest rewards!Additional info:
Only one person of the group needs to use the key, and the whole group will get a quest complete message. This means that the rest of the group will keep their key. If you keep the key this way, you can complete the quest for someone else at a later point. - After having accepted [70] Ally of the Netherwing from Karynaku, he’ll return you to Mordenai on his back. Complete the quest at Mordenai. You’ll receive 42000 reputation with the Netherwing; this will make you neutral with said faction.
Also you’ll be able to choose one of the following rewards: -
Now, the next steps consist in hard faction work. However to be able to get to the next part, you need to have 300 riding skill (fast mount).
- Go back to Mordenai and get the quest [70] In Service of the Illidari. Mordenai will send you to the Netherwing Ledge, where you can find the Netherwing Encampment. After talking to Mordenai you will have an orc illusion which will permit you to talk to the NPCs in that camp, however be careful, the hostile guards that patrol the camp see through your disguise and will attack you on sight.
- Mordenai gave you an item called Illidari Service Papers. Deliver these papers to Overlord Mor’ghor in the above mentioned camp. He can be found at (66,85). Upon completion you’ll recieve 250 reputation with Netherwing.
- Accept [70] Enter the Taskmaster.
Seek out Taskmaster Varkule Dragonbreath (who is just outside) and complete the quest. You are now ready to build reputation. - Completing the above mentioned quest and another one outside at Yarzil the Merc ([70] Your Friend on the Inside) will enable you to do 3-4 daily quests (depending on how many gathering skills you have), to build faction. Each of these quests can only be completed once per day and you can only do 10 different daily quests per day.The daily quests (which you can obtain from Yarzil the Merc and the Taskmaster in the middle of the camp) are:
[70] A Slow Death
[70] Netherdust Pollen (herbalist only)
[70] Nethermine Flayer Hide (skinners only)
[70] Nethercite Ore (miners only)
[70] Netherwing Crystals
[70] The Not-So-Friendly Skies…
[70] The Great Netherwing Egg HuntNote: You can only complete one gathering quest along with the Netherwing Crystals quest daily.
- What to do:
(In the following I’ll describe a rather optimal daily quest path. You’ll follow this path every day (with a few alterations later on). Memorize it well and don’t forget to always get the quest first before you start out quest paths) -
** Look out for Netherwing Eggs that sometimes spawn on the Netherwing Ledge, scroll down to the mines section for more info**
** For miners/herbalists: While completing the following steps be sure to loot any Netherdust Bush and/or Nethercite Deposit you find on your way**After accepting the above mentioned quests, fly to the main island of Shadowmoon Valley. Here, kill Felboars (click to see where they spawn) and Felfire Diemetradon (click to see where they spawn) until you collect 12 Fel Glands. If you are grouped and one of your group members has 4 Fel Glands while you have 8, you are still good to go to complete the quest for all of your group members. You just need 12 Fel Glands in total.
Good spots to farm these items are 47,60 and 39,45. The drop rate seems to be approximately 40%.
- Next fly to the islands that are in this area:
You’ll see Dragonmaw Transporters pass by. There are 3 islands in this area where you can pull these dragons down. (one where they land and two where they pass by, all around 74,76) Kill them until you collect 10 Netherwing Relics.
Another great spot to pull these is the Dragonmaw Fortress. Position yourself here:
And pull the dragons like this:
- Go to Netherwing Ledge and search camps with orc peons. Have ONE of your group members use the Yarzill’s Mutton near the peon camp (the other group members must be close). Wait until the peons eat the mutton and until you get the quest update. Complete this step 12 times in total.
Be careful: If the orcs don’t move (normally they mine the crystals) then they are bugged, don’t place your mutton there. Also if the peons have blue icons over the head like Blind (or if they sleep), they are part of a different quest and won’t eat your mutton either. - Exceptional step, won’t be repeated the next day: Seek out Arvoar the Rapacious (click on his name to see where he spawns). He looks like this:
Kill him (he can be difficult for some classes to solo; best is you attempt this grouped with another player). Loot the item Partially Digested Hand from him.
Right click the item and start the quest [70] A Job Unfinished. Group up with another person (you can try this solo, it’s difficult though) and kill 10 Overmine Flayers and Barash the Den Mother. Both can be found close to where you killed Arvoar. The Den Mother spawns here:And looks like this:
- For herbalists: If at this point you don’t have 40 Netherdust Pollen fly in cicles around Netherwing Ledge until you find 40 of them.
- Now go to the mines that are just below the Dragonmaw Base Camp and kill every mob that you see. If you are a miner loot every Nethercite Deposit you find. If you are a skinner kill every Nethermine Flayer on your way and skin it until you have:
- 40 Netherwing Crystals
- 40 Nethercite Ores (miners only)
- 1 Netherwing Egg
- 35 Nethermine Flayer Hides (skinners only)
The Netherwing Egg drops of any mob/deposit/bush on Netherwing Ledge as rare drops. However they also spawn themselves all over the island, especially inside the mines. They look like this:
You are not obliged to find one, but it gives you 250 extra reputation, which is quite nice. (so try!)
- Go back to the Dragonmaw Base Camp and turn in all your quests. Let’s say you do not have any of the gathering skills (worst case) you’ll be able to get 1350 reputation per day.
- Exceptional step, won’t be repeated the next day: [70] A Job Unfinished, upon completion, will enable you to choose between the following rewards: are done for today!
- The next day: Repeat all the daily quests, just like the previous day in the same order (while skipping the exceptional steps). You’ll make about 1000 rep if you do them all including the egg quest.
- The next day: same as above.On the third day, after obtaining the 1000 reputation, you’ll manage to achieve Friendly rank.
You will be 600 points into Frindly by the end of the thiis day and fel orcs beside Dragonmaw Ascendants, Dragonmaw Skybreakers and Dragonmaw Transporters will appear friendly to you.
Shopping List:
10x Knothide Leather
- Once you hit friendly talk to Taskmaster Varkule Dragonbreath. Accept the quest [70] Rise, Overseer!. He’ll send you to speak with Overlord Mor’ghor at Dragonmaw Base Camp.
He’ll promote you to Overseer and he will also grant you a trinket that will enable you to summon a Netherwing Alley (only works in Shadowmoon Valley, outdoors) to fight for you, every 10 minutes.
- Now next to the already known daily quests, you should have the following new quests available:[70] Overseeing and You: Making the Right Choices
[70] The Netherwing Mines
Accept them both.
- Make sure you’ve bought or skinned the Knothide Leather already, if you haven’t please do it on the way. Fly to Netherstorm.We are searching for a huge raptor called Tyrantus. He can be found here:
and he looks like this:
He has a short spawntime and is easily soloable, kill him and loot Hardened Hide of Tyrantus.
- Fly back to Netherwing Ledge in Shadowmoon Valley.Go back to the Dragonmaw Base Camp. Turn in [70] Overseeing and You: Making the Right Choices. (you can already take the follow up but I included this step in the next part because it will be repeated daily)
- Go to the entrance of the Netherwing Mines and talk to the Mistress of the Mines. She spawns at 65,90. Talk to her and complete the quest [70] The Netherwing Mines.
(You can already accept the follow up, however I put this step in the next part as it will be repeated daily) - Repeat the daily quests from the previous chapter, in exactly the same order. However you’ll add the following steps:
- From Chief Overseer Mudlump accept:
[70] The Booterang: A Cure For The Common Worthless Peon
(daily quest) - While searching peons to poison with your mutton, also search for blinded, sleeping and red peons. Use the Booterang on them that you’ve received from your quest giver. Please note, you can do this from your flying mount and don’t need to wait for the result. You need to discipline 20 peons like this.
- Before entering the mines to hunt mobs there: Take quest called [70] Picking up the Pieces… from the Mistress of the Mines.
This is a new daily quest. -
Also get the following quest:
[70 Daily] Dragons are the Least of Our Problems (daily quest, from Dragonmaw Foreman who stands between the two entrances of the mine, I think there are two of them patroling)
- While hunting mobs in the mines, loot any Nethermine Cargo on the way. They look like this:
Do this until you’ve got 15 Nethermine Cargo.
- Before, it didn’t matter which mobs you killed (in the mines) in order to obtain your crystals, now it will matter and we’ll define a clear killing path. First, have a look at this map:
You’ll enter the mines where you can see the two little yellow dots next to “First Floor”. They actually mark finished quests at the Mistress of Mines and Dragonmaw Foreman as I was a step ahead already at that point. Before we do anything, we are going to go to point (1), indicated on the map. While running use the rail bridges. Point (1) is what we’ll refer to as Main Room. Now jump down from the rail tracks and you’ll be on the ground floor. (there will be a lot of Oozes around you etc.). Go to point (2) on the map.
- Exceptional step, won’t be repeated the next day: Get the quest [70] Crazed and Confused from Ronag the Slave Driver whom you’ll find at point (2).
- Now look at the map again and check out where the red arrow is. This is the path up to the second floor. First go left of point (3) and kill 15 Nethermine Flayers and 5 Nethermine Ravagers.
- This is an exceptional step and won’t be repeated the next day: When you are done killing Flayers and Ravagers, go back to point (3) and go on the right side, towards point (4). Kill the Crazed Murkblood Foreman and 5 Crazed Murkblood Miners on your way.
When you are done, jump down at point (4) and turn in [70] Crazed and Confused at Ronag the Slave Driver. -
- This is an exceptional step and won’t be repeated the next day: Go back to the main room and on to the first floor in direction entrance while killing every Ooze on your way. Their Sludge-covered Objects can contain a quest item: Murkblood Escape Plans. Right-click it and start the quest.
- When you are done with crystals, cargos and killing Flayers/Ravagers (etc.), turn in [70] Dragons are the Least of Our Problems at Dragonmaw Foreman for 350 reputation. Also turn in [70] Picking up the Pieces…
at the Mistress of the Mines for 350 reputation. -
- This is an exceptional step and won’t be repeated the next day: Also at the Mistress of Mines turn in [70] The Great Murkblood Revolt and take the follow up [70] Seeker of Truth
Seek out a Murkblood Overseer (They can be found at 73,82 and are hiding in the little alcoves behind a mining machine, in the upper corners of the second floor) and interrogate one of them. Return to the Mistress of Mines with the Hand of the Overseer. Turn the quest in for 500 reputation points. (note that you can also do this step the next day while you kill Flayers/Ravagers for more efficiency, since it’s only a one time quest) -
- While back at the Dragonmaw Base Camp, turn in [70] The Booterang: A Cure For The Common Worthless Peon for 350 reputation points.
Completing all those quests should have given you approximately 2250 points of reputation. Along with the old daily quests (1000 rep) that makes 3250 reputation points. This means that you should be at approximately 4425 reputaion into Friendly.
- From Chief Overseer Mudlump accept:
- The next day: Do all the available daily quests as described above. This will bring you approximately 2050 reputation and will make you hit Honored with 475 reputation points into Honored.
Shopping List:
2 x Felsteel Bar
Adamantite Frame
Khorium Power Core
- Once you are honored, speak to Taskmaster Varkule Dragonbreath and accept the quest [70] Stand Tall, Captain! . He’ll send you to speak with Overlord Mor’ghor. Go to him and complete the quest to receive 500 reputation and the
The Trinket summons equally strong Dragon allies as the last one, but now it’s usable outside of Shadowmoon Valley as well. (only outdoors though, which also excludes arenas) - Three new quests should be available:
- [70 Daily] Disrupting the Twilight Portal (from Overlord Mor’ghor)
- [70] The Soul Cannon of Reth’hedron (from Illidari Lord Balthas)
- [70] Earning Your Wings… (from Ja’y Nosliw, who is all around Netherwing Ledge)
Accept them all and turn in the last one (earning your wings) right away and accept the follow up [70] Dragonmaw Race: The Ballad of Oldie McOld.
- The Dragomaw Race quests (there are several) require you to ride your mount (which is a dragon on the Netherwing Ledge) and stay on its back, while following one of the quest givers (who throws stuff at you). These quests are not as easy as they sound and chances are you WILL get thrown off the dragon’s back at one point or the other (a.k.a die). So make sure to bag your gear (or bank it whatever) from the 4th race quest on and do those quests naked. This will save you a whole lot of repair money.While riding your mount and following the quest giver, he will throw stuff at you. You must follow the NPC while dodging the things thrown/shot at you.
In the first quest he throws pumpkins. They hurt quite a lot but if they hit you, you won’t fall off your mount. So for this one it might be better to keep your gear on, however given the fact that you’ll have to learn dodging anyway, because of the following quests, you better try to get through without being hit.
One thing to be really careful of is the Dragonmaw Skybreakers. Those will attack you during the quest, so always keep your distance and be conscious of your environment.
I’ve found out that for dodging, the following tips are helpful:
- Turn off your interface with alt+z (you’ll see much better, can turn it back on with alt+z)
- Scroll back with your mouse wheel until you have the largest possible field of vision.
- While flying use straft to go sideways. You can go to keybindings (in your options menu) and bind straft to your directional keys instead of turn left/right. This will permit you to dodge left and right while still LOOKING at the mob.
- Do not fall back too much, or you’ll get a quest failed message.
- If you are grouped with someone, don’t do the quest together, you’ll hinder each others sight and one point or the other.
- Keep moving. The NPC shoots the ammo directly at you, however if you keep moving, it becomes close to impossible to target you in the air.
- Mostly try to dodge things sideways while following the quest NPC, though you can also dodge moving up and down. Make use of the free navigation you have whilst in air.
- If you have mount speed increasing enchants or items, use them (like They will help greatly. However you should not purchase a for this quest. Even though it would certainly help, the reward at the end is an item equal to Riding Crop, so rather spend a bit more time on the quests, but get a “Crop” for free at the end 🙂
- After completing the first quest, take the follow up
[70] Dragonmaw Race: Trope the Filth-Belcher. This time the NPC will shoot poison missiles at you. They are rather easy to dodge, just do as described above while always fixing your eyes on the NPC and keeping your distance. -
- After completing this quest, take the follow up
[70] Dragonmaw Race: Corlok the Vet. This one will shoot rocks at you, still rather easy, do as described above. -
- After completing this quest, take the follow up
[70] Dragonmaw Race: Wing Commander Ichman. This is where things get more complicated. The NPC will shoot rotating fire missiles at you that go in several directions at once. This is also the first quest where being hit throws you directly off the mount.
Be sure to remove your equipment while you try to follow him and again, keep your distance. If you follow the advice given above, you should get the hang of it quite fast. -
- After completing this quest, take the follow up
[70] Dragonmaw Race: Wing Commander Mulverick. -
(editor’s note: nice to see Tom Cruise as Orc, certain might know what I mean by that :p)
This one is quite difficult. It might take you up to an hour or so to complete this. The laser like missiles that he shoots really go in all directions and are extremely hard to dodge because depending on lag, latency or gfx glitches you will see the lasers go in a certain direction and you’ll think you are safe, but actually they’ll still hit you a second later and throw you off your mount. Check this video of a successful attempt, again distance seems to be the key.
- After completing this quest, accept the last quest:
[70] Dragonmaw Race: Captain Skyshatter. -
This is slightly easer (in my opinion) than the previous quest, a few tips for making it:
This NPC is different from the other ones because you need to stay MUCH closer to him while following, or he’ll despawn. He will shower you with meteors, but if you managed to dodge Mulverick’s attacks, dodging these things is really easy, you just need to stay withing 15 yards and keep strafting left or right while always looking at the mob and the meteor showers. The difficulty lies in following him because he flies really fast. This is the only quest where not having a will give you a clear disadvantage, but it is certainly possible to manage without so keep trying.
Also don’t fly directly next to Captain Skyshatter because he’ll sometimes hit himself with a meteor and the flames caused this way will burn you too. (Be sure to dodge the meteors AND the flames they cause in the air)Anyway, again a video speaks more than a hundred words, check it out:
After turning in the quest you’ll get 1000 reputation and The whip of course doesn’t stack with any other mountspeed increasing items. (basically the same thing as Riding Crop)
- Go to Terrokar Forest and seek out Sar’This. He is at 42,44.
The NPC will spawn 5 elementals of different elements and you need to kill them while following Sar’This around. They are fairly easy and can be soloed. The fifth one (Arcane) has the Flawless Arcane Essence we seek.
- Fly back to Netherwing Ledge (though make sure you bought or made all the items on the shopping list!). Turn in [70] The Soul Cannon of Reth’hedron at Illidari Lord Balthas (500 rep) and take the follow up [70] Subdue the Subduer.
- Take the cannon and fly to the Twilight Ridge in western Nagrand. Find Reth’hedron at 9,42. He’s huge actually, you can’t miss him.
Now proceed in the following way:
(thanks to Lastemperor of wowhead for the info):
Really easy one. Drain his health down while you are in the air with your flying mount. Avoid meteors/fireballs.
The tactic I used is basicly staying in range, above him, flying around him clockwise while draining his soul. This way you will only take the shadow bolt damage (800ish). If you get cripple on you start going anti clockwise, so you dont run into the fireballs. The fireballs really hurt also dismounts you, and you die. Will take you a while till you suck his soul out, once hes on 1% hes starting to walk to the portal and leaves the place.
If you seem to take too much damage during an attempt you can flee away by just flying far from him.
Fun quest, good luck on it!Now on to the daily quests:
- Before you start them and while still in Nagrand on the Twilight Ridge, kill 20 (Deathshadow) Acolytes, Spellbinders, Archons. Be careful when you pull here though, there are elite ogres roaming. (very tough to solo)
- Do your daily quests, as described above. From now on there is (without gathering skills) 7 quests (+ the egg quest). Always start out the quests by going to Nagrand first and killing the Deathshadow Agents.
- Exceptional, won’t be repeated the other days: After you are done with the daily quests and while turning them in, also turn in [70] Subdue the Subduer. You’ll be able to choose one of the following rewards: - On the sixth day you should have earned a total of (at least) 7250 reputation. This means you’ll be approximately 7825 points into Honored.
- The next day: Do all the daily quests available to you. Which should earn you 2550 points.
- On the 8th day, after doing your daily quests and earning another 2550 points, you should ding Revered with 925 points already into Revered.
- As soon as you are revered, talk to Taskmaster Varkule Dragonbreath and accept the quest [70] Hail, Commander!. Complete the quest at Overlord Mor’ghor, you’ll recieve a new badge: as well as 500 reputation.
- Now I’ll describe two different quest paths, depending on if you are Scryers or Aldor.
- Scryers
Accept [70] Kill Them All! from Overlord Mor’ghor. He’ll send you to Arcanist Thelis at the Sanctum of the Stars in Shadowmoon Valley.Turn the quest in (+250 rep) and accept the follow up [70] Commander Hobb. You can turn in this quest already at Commander Hobb who is just outside the tent, but before you accept the follow up, you’ll need someone to group up with. Minimum for this quest is two players I’d say but without a healer it can sometimes get tough if you are only two, so try to be at least 3 players and possibly take a healer with you. Also the other players should be Scryers in faction as well. If they are Aldor the quest NPCs will attack them. Last but not least, take RANGED DPS with you as the dragons cannot be meleed.
After you’ve set up your group, get [70 Daily] The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid (Scryer). The NPC will run just outside the gates of the Altar of Stars and will join up with a few NPC archers.
Next, dragons will attack the NPCs and you’ll need to help the NPCs kill them. At first stay back though and let the NPCs get the initial aggro as you’ll easily die taking damage from all dragons at once.
Help the NPCs take down the dragons while trying to stay alive. Two things:
– You won’t fail the quest if you die, you’ll appear at the graveyard which is just next to the battlefield and you can raise up right away. You must just not die when the quest update is given.
– You don’t need to kill all dragons. You just need to help killing them while keeping the main quest NPC (Commander Hobb) alive. After a certain time, even if there are still dragons up, you’ll get a quest complete message.
Once you are done, return to the Netherwing Ledge and turn in the quest at Overlord Mor’ghor for 500 reputation.
- Aldor
Accept [70] Kill Them All! from Overlord Mor’ghor. He’ll send you to Anchorite Ceyla at the Altar of Sha’tar in Shadowmoon Valley. -
Turn the quest in (+250 rep) and accept the follow up [70] Commander Arcus. You can turn in this quest already at Commander Arcus who is just outside, but before you accept the follow up, you’ll need someone to group up with. Minimum for this quest is two players I’d say but without a healer it can sometimes get tough if you are only two, so try to be at least 3 players and possibly take a healer with you. Also the other players should be Aldor in faction as well. If they are Scryers the quest NPCs will attack them. Last but not least, take RANGED DPS with you as the dragons cannot be meleed.
After you’ve set up your group, get [70 Daily] The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid (Aldor). The NPC will run just outside the gates of the Altar of Sha’tar and will join up with a few NPC archers.
Next, dragons will attack the NPCs and you’ll need to help the NPCs kill them. At first stay back though and let the NPCs get the initial aggro as you’ll easily die taking damage from all dragons at once.
Help the NPCs take down the dragons while trying to stay alive. Two things:
– You won’t fail the quest if you die, you’ll appear at the graveyard which is just next to the battlefield and you can raise up right away. You must just not die when the quest update is given.
– You don’t need to kill all dragons. You just need to help killing them while keeping the main quest NPC (Commander Arcus) alive. After a certain time, even if there are still dragons up, you’ll get a quest complete message.
Once you are done, return to the Netherwing Ledge and turn in the quest at Overlord Mor’ghor for 500 reputation.
As you might have already guessed, this is a new daily quest and you should try to do this every day as this quest gives really nice reputation. However I didn’t include it in a specific order into the daily quest path as you might get troubles finding people to do this quest with, so just do it whenever it suits you and whenever you find the players to do it with.
After completing this quest you should be 1425 points into Revered.
- Scryers
- From now on, if you complete all the daily quests and if you either turn in one egg per day or turn in one of the gathering quest, you should be able to gain 3050 reputation points per day. This means that it will take you seven more days to achieve exalted with the Netherwing
EXALTED (Day 15)
- Now comes the fun part 🙂 (I’m not at this stage of the quest yet, but I’ll add screenshots as soon as I do it myself)
- Speak with Taskmaster Varkule Dragonbreath and accept the quest [70] Bow to the Highlord. Turn it in at Overlord Mor’ghor and accept the quest [70] Lord Illidan Stormrage.Mor’Gor will now walk out and summon Illidan for you (yay!) and Illidan will immediately see behind your disguise. He’ll also order Mor’Gor to kill you. In that moment a Netherwing Dragon will come and pick you up to save you. It will also fly you to Shattrath 🙂
- At Shattrath, speak with Barthamus in the Lower City and turn in [70] Lord Illidan Stormrage (+1k rep).
- Now you’ll be able to talk with ONE of the dragons next to the quest NPC. Upon completion you’ll receive that dragon as your mount, so choose wisely!
Congratulations, you are now poud owner of a Netherwing mount! Also you made about 3k gold in the process 😉
Thanks for reading the guide, if you liked it please make sure to link it to your friends/guild/etc.
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