So, you just hit 80. You’re in greens and quest blues, and you’re wondering…what next? Heroics, of course! This guide will not only show you how to gear, but will also recommend glyphs, talents, and gems/enchants. Please note I will be uploading these in Chapters.
Table of Contents
2.Talents – RELEASED Guide
3.Rotations RELEASED Guide
4.Glyphs E.T.A December 18th, 2008
5. Add-ons – E.T.A. December 19th, 2008
–Edit– I’m so sorry I had to postpone these. I did not have enough time to write the 3rd chapter, therefore delaying the next. I’ll delete this edit when I post them.
1. Gear
Volkhan’s Hood – Drops from Volkhan in the Halls of Lightning
Enchant – Arcanum of Burning Mysteries
Emeline’s Locket – Obtained from the quest [80] The Admiral Revealed in Icecrown
Gem – Runed Scarlet Ruby
Dark Runic Mantle – Drops from any mob in the Halls of Stone
Gem – Runed Scarlet Ruby
Enchant – Greater Inscription of the Storm
Shroud of Dedicated Research – Obtained from being honored with the Kirin Tor
Enchant – Enchant Cloak – Greater Speed
Robes of Crackling Flame – Obtained from being exalted with the Kirin Tor
Enchant – Enchant Chest – Powerful Stats
Ancestral Sinew Wristguards – Obtained from being revered with The Wyrmrest Accord
Enchant – Enchant Bracer – Superior Spellpower
Gem – Runed Scarlet Ruby
Gloves of the Servant – Obtained from the quest [80] The Reckoning in The Storm Peaks
Enchant – Enchant Gloves – Exceptional Spellpower
Belt of Dark Mending – Obtained from being exalted with Knights of the Ebon Blade
Trousers of the Arakkoa – Drops from Erekem in The Violet Hold
Gem – Runed Scarlet Ruby
Enchant – Brilliant Spellthread
Sandals of Crimson Fury – Obtained from being exalted with The Wyrmrest Accord
Gem – Runed Scarlet Ruby
Enchant – Enchant Boots – Icewalker
Signet of Hopeful Light – Obtained from being exalted with the Argent Crusade
Signet of Ranulf
– Drops from King Ymiron in Utgarde Pinnacle
Darkmoon Card: Illusion – Obtained from the quest [80] Darkmoon Prisms Deck which involves getting all cards in the deck.
Tome of Arcane Phenomena – Drops from Cache of Eregos which spawns after Ley-Guardian Eregos death in The Oculus
Flameheart Spell Scalpel – Obtained from being revered with the Kirin Tor
Enchant – Enchant Weapon – Mighty Spellpower
Seal of Valgarde
– Drops off Gortok Palehoof in Utgarde Pinnacle
Wand of Shimmering Scales – Drops from Grand Magus Telestra in The Nexus
–End of Chapter 1–
Please post feedback on this guide!
Thanks to Shikamaru for helping me on editting.
I do love having a niceI do love having a nice amount of mana – however I don’t exactly think mana stacking is too good of an idea.
Comment me on my blog.
Never really thought ofNever really thought of frostsavage – however, I agree. They are a good choice for someone getting into heroics. Also to all the reputation comments – I myself was close to those rep levels when I hit 80.
Comment me on my blog.
Need more MANA!!I think I have a mana fetish or something, but I try to get more intellect and mana even if my health and power suffers. I would put brilliant autumn’s glow (yellow gem +16 INT) in ALL sockets and enchant everything with +intellect or +mana. My theory is that if I have enough mana, I can do more damage over all even if I am not top in DPS.
What do you think?
If I’m not mistaken the gemIf I’m not mistaken the gem system works as it did at 70, the gem nomatter color will fit in any other gem socket nomatter the color.
However if you want the socket bonuses you need the right color ofcourse.
For a mage the +4 hit rating socket bonus from ‘Emeline’s Locket’ won’t be as good as 19+ spell dmg.
Neither will the +4 spirit from ‘Dark Runic Mantle’
So for these items the socket bonus won’t mean much overall.
This is pretty good guide,This is pretty good guide, but how I’ll get all those reputation items when you really got to do either alot normal lvl 80 instances or heroics?
I myself replaced my greenies with Frostsavage items. They’re actually PVP items but still nice upgrade atleast for me. Consider taking them 🙂
Very Nice, But…This is a very nice gearing guide, but i see 2 major problems in it:
It requires gaining exalted status with Kirin Tor, Argent Crusade, Sons of Hodir, Wyrmrest Accord, and Knights of the Ebon Blade. This would take weeks pre-heroically, and therefore isn’t very desirable to a gearing mage.
On the Neck, Wrists, Legs, and Feet slots, the gem does not fit the slot.
Overall, a very good guide for gearing heroics though.
Keep up the good work!
offOff for a bit….
Comment me on my blog.
OkiWell the gear for Heroics ( most difficult) and gear for normal Naxxramas is almost the same just get 1 or 2 epic Heroic Items and you’re ready to go!
Wise things get said,
but Few get understod
This was done with more ofThis was done with more of haste in mind, but this is just for heroics.
-Edit- I’m afraid I can’t publish anymore guides at this moment. I’m just too busy right now to write anything. Once this rush is over (Most likely on my winter vacation) I’ll write the rest. Sorry for the inconvenience. 🙁
Comment me on my blog.
Hm, was looking forHm, was looking for something like this. But with all the gear and all enchants plus the gems you sugguested you hardly reach 5% on all gear. With talents that could become a maximum of 8% which is realy realy low, considering that hit is still one of the best pure-dps-stats until you cap it.
Correct me if I’m wrong. 😉
AhAh, thank you, Jame. I’ll do that right now.
IWell, if we need guides like that I can indeed write one. 🙂
Suggestion: Make theSuggestion: Make the “Talents” in your Table of Content a link to your Chapter 2.
I’m loinv’ it!Wonderful Job, really impressive. I have just to say that the gem you listed for the neck is for a red socket while the neck has only 1 yellow slot.
Too bad that the “basic” mage guides (leveling talents, spell rotations etc.) are outdated now.
Nice one Kostada!
And thankNice one Kostada!
And thank you Shikamaru for helping out 😉
AlsoAlso need to remember this is just for heroics – I might post a naxx 10 gear guide in the near future.
The good thing is IThe good thing is I’m already done with the 2nd chapter. I’m just waiting for tomorrow to post it.
The reason The reason I used a red gem is because socket bonuses don’t matter much. And I can add up the +hit in it to see if it does.
I think, I might make a guide for shadow priests also. Since I’m not totally sure if it will/will not work with it, I don’t know as of yet.
Hmm…Like this guide will try it out.
Got a question will this gear / enchant make me reach the hit cap?
and also noted that for the neck you put a red gem but the socket
seems to be yellow
Wise things get said,
but Few get understod
You think this gear is alsoYou think this gear is also fine for priests? That way I can use it too 😉
And if not, can you make such a guide for priests, I’m jealous 😛
Oh, I see! Thank you. WillOh, I see! Thank you. Will do that right now.
I mean that you should makeI mean that you should make them Bold 🙂
Hm, really?Hm, really?
Great!Great! 🙂
By the way, redo the ‘Context’ section, the colors don’t match with those in the guide anymore 🙂
Just went through to makeJust went through to make sure that all the links work. They indeed do, I fixed the one that was broken also.
Yeah, it indeed looks wayYeah, it indeed looks way better than before 🙂
And, good job!
I think it looks prettyI think it looks pretty good. I took the liberty of also linking the npcs/zones.
Alright, sounds good.
WhatAlright, sounds good.
What do you think of the end result ? 🙂
Yes. I am fixing those rightYes. I am fixing those right now, notice them while skimming through to check it 🙂 Thank you.
You forgot some spaces hereYou forgot some spaces here and there and some links/codes are broken, easily fixable though 🙂
Looks way better now!
byLooks way better now! 🙂
by the way, redo the context now, or it won’t match the colors, hehe :p
Going to try something
[url=]Volkhan’s Hood[/url]
[size=15][b][color=#ff0000]Enchant[/color][/b][/size] – [url=][b]Arcanum of Burning Mysteries[/b][/url]
[size=15][b]Head:[/b][/size] [url=]Volkhan’s Hood[/url]
[size=15][b][color=#ff0000]Enchant[/color][/b][/size] – [url=][b]Arcanum of Burning Mysteries[/b][/url]
What looks better?
It’s exactly the same asIt’s exactly the same as items, same code, just a different HTML link.
Also, you could make theAlso, you could make the Neck, Hands, Enchants and Gems Bold.
[url=]Sandals of Crimson Fury[/url]
[color=#008000][b]Gem[/b][/color] – [url=][b]Runed Scarlet Ruby[/b][/url]
[color=#ff0000][b]Enchant[/b][/color] – [url=][b]Enchant Boots – Icewalker[/b][/url]
Possibly, Possibly, could you tell me the code for quests?
ThankThank you so much! I was going to get to that in a little bit, but now I have some time and can do it. 🙂
I’m on a rollI’m on a roll today,
Another suggestion:
You could add additional information to every item.
[url=]Gloves of the Servant[/url], Quest Reward from [url=][80] The Reckoning[/url].
Yes, now we are gettingYes, now we are getting somewhere!
About the font size:
Use a bigger font size for the ToC, Gear etcetra.
You could use this: [ size=15 ][ b ]Table of Contents[ /b ][ /size ] (without the spaces again)
It’ll look like this:
[size=15][b]Table of Contents[/b][/size]
Done.Done on separating this. 🙂 Thank you Shika!
Ahh!Ah! One little question, though. Do you put that right at the start? –EDIT– Oh, never mind. Figured it out. Will do it right now.
Also, you could separate theAlso, you could separate the guide into pieces with this code:
[ hr ] (without the spaces of course! :))
bla bla enchant/gem
bla bla enchant/gem
ThankThank you. I’ll get on it right now.
Looking better now, butLooking better now, but still a bit hard to read.
I suggest doing the following:
[color=#ff0000][b]Enchant[/b][/color] – [url=]Arcanum of Burning Mysteries[/url]
Make the enchant Bold, and put a ‘-‘ between the enchant and the item.
Aye, tell me if you areAye, tell me if you are having trouble with the coding, I can help you out 🙂
Okay,Okay, everything should be all good now. 🙂 -Edit- I am still formatting the gems/enchants, bare with me.
Thanks, Thanks, ya this was my first time using the bar, I was just testing that out. Fixing that plus codes.
Also, I’d use a differentAlso, I’d use a different color for Enchants / Gems, it’s hard to read this way.
Another suggestion:
Use spaces between Gem + ‘item name’
This’ll make it easier to read 🙂
AhI obviously messed up on formatting it. It’s fixed now.
Yeah, I noticed it too
AreYeah, I noticed it too 🙂
Are you using the Text Formatting Toolbar in Firefox ?
I canI can see that some of the item codes did not upload correctly. I will fix this A.S.A.P.