[Druid] Bear Form AOE Grinding
This is my first guide that I had never meant to do. It started with a post to let the website know that you can now AOE grind with your druid and somwhow ended up with a guide lol. Because […]
This is my first guide that I had never meant to do. It started with a post to let the website know that you can now AOE grind with your druid and somwhow ended up with a guide lol. Because […]
Hello and welcome to my pre-raid gear guide for restoration shamans. This guide is dedicated to you shamans who have just turned level 80 and want to start raiding as quickly as possible. Well, before you can enter raid instances […]
Just hit level 80 and want to quickly gear up for tanking duties in Naxxramas or heroics? Don’t want to run 5-man instances over and over hoping for just 1 item to drop? There are several things you can get […]
Introduction I have been using a mixture of two strategies to make money recently; in the last couple of weeks I have financed two epic flying mounts and gained a nice amount of gold just to sit on. However I […]
Welcome, This is a list with all the gear for a Death Knight, from dungeons on Heroic mode. Including armor, weapons and jewelry. But, don’t assume every piece of gear you see here is the best you can get, this […]
This is a list of the best pre-raid tank gear available to Death Knights. It include: BoE’s, reputation rewards and instance drops. I have also included a Gem List for what gems you should be using as a Death Knight. […]
Chapter One of this three part series guide, will tell you about Mage Talents, Glyphs and Rotations for each Specialization. Choosing a specialization is totally up to you, what ever your play style is in game you should choose a […]
Introduction Hello everybody, and welcome. This guide is in a small sense an extension to Jame’s leveling guide. However instead of telling you where to go what to do, it aims to help you shape you Priest so that you […]
Purpose The purpose of this guide is to introduce, explain and illustrate what is often referred to as the “96969” Paladin tanking rotation. A practical method for using the rotation is provided as well as techniques for handling interruptions and […]
This is a very quickly put together guide for the holiday event “Love is in the air”. It is simply a collection of all the best bits of info from Wowhead.com and 90% of it should be credited to Hunterios […]
Introduction I was not sure what I wanted to put here, so my introduction is based on Jame’s leveling guide introduction. This guide is made for FAST leveling through the use of Optimized Quest Circuits. With this guide, questing will […]
Hello, These are all the WotLK reputation rewards you might be interested, if you’re a Hunter. Colour codes (although a bit obvious): – Honored – Revered – Exalted Also, you’ll probably see ‘Increases attack power by XXX in Cat…’. You […]
Hello, These are all the WotLK reputation rewards you might be interested, if you’re a Death Knight. Also, I don’t say you should get all of these rewards, they’re just ‘good to take’. For more information about your class, you […]
This guide follows the format of both Irwezsh’s Guide and Trollvink’s Guide, as requested by Jame himself. For Patch 3.0+, focused on WARLOCK gameplay! Table of content: Foreword What’s the best leveling spec? Talents Abilities and Rotations Tips Stats Gear […]
Survival Hunter Raiding Guide Table of Contents Talent Builds Stat Values Rotations Glyphs Enchants Gem Pet Choice Addons Introduction With patch 3.08 the Survival Spec has become the new maximum dps build for aspiring hunters everywhere. I will show […]
INTRODUCTION The death knight was a new class added in the Wrath of the Lich King. Blizzard calls it a hero class because of the many nice things the death knight is able too. In the start the death […]
This is a guide for fast leveling through Teldrassil as a Night Elf character. If you’re another race, I recommend that you choose another guide. This guide will take into consideration classes (class quests and talent suggestions) and professions (and […]
Introduction This guide is made for FAST leveling through the use of Optimized Quest Circuits. With this guide, questing will be very efficient and you’ll not waste any second running around and trying to figure out in which order to […]
NOTE: The Blood Tree incurs a LOT of major changes with the 3.1 patch that should be released within the next few weeks. As such, this guide will be outdated (as will most other Death Knight build guides actually). I’ll […]
Shamans are a very versatile class which offer a plethora of options for both DPS and healing. I’ll focus on the healing in this guide at level 80 for both 5 man dungeons and then raid content. Like Paladins, Shamans […]
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