Here’s how to enjoy the guides as much as possible, even if you don’t have a 2nd monitor, you can either:
You’ll find the list of our Cataclysm Ready leveling guides in readable format. All the guides on wow-pro are FREE, there is no trick, they are just free and will remain free. Enjoy and please contribute!
Here’s how to enjoy the guides as much as possible, even if you don’t have a 2nd monitor, you can either:
1. Print the guides. There is a “Printer Friendly Version” link at the bottom of every guide, you just have to click on it. However, that might be expansive (and probably expensive), because the guides are big, very big. Another downside is that my guides are updated very frequently, so if you print it you’ll miss the latest updates.
2. Playing WOW in Windowed Mode feels very comfortable while following along with this guide.
- Keep the guide opened in an internet window
- Log in to World of Warcraft, press Escape and go to Video Options, tick the following boxes:
Click on “Apply“.
Your screen will look exactly as if you were playing wow in full screen mode, besides you will be able to ALT-TAB to the guide INSTANTLY.
This is how I play wow while following my guide, when I don’t feel like booting up my 2nd computer 🙂
3. If you don’t like any of those options, then you should definitely try our in-game addon version of our leveling guides. Simply click the link below:

1-80 Leveling Guides List
This list will be updated frequently everytime a new guide is updated. If you want to be informed everytime we update our guides, simply use one of our feeds.
WoW Classic Alliance Leveling Guide
Starting Zones (Level 1-12)
- Night Elf – Solitha’s Night Elf Starting Zone Guide
- Dwarf
- Gnomes
- Human – Kurich’s Human Starting Zone Guide
- Draenei – Snowflake’s Draenei Starting Zone Guide
- Worgen – Rpotor’s Worgen Starting Zone Guide
Level 12-20
- Westfall Cataclysm – Kurich’s Alliance Leveling Guide 11-15
- Redridge Mountains Cataclysm – Kurich’s Alliance Leveling Guide 15-20
- Sven’s -Bloodmyst- Leveling Guide 12-20
Level 20-25
Level 30-60
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide 30-40
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide 40-50
- Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide 50-60
Level 60-70 – Outland Classic Alliance Leveling Guides
Level 70-80 – Wrath of the Lich King Classic Alliance Leveling Guides
- Borean Tundra – Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide (70-72)
- Howling Fjord – Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide (72-74)
- Dragonblight – Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide (74-75)
- Grizzly Hills – Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide (75-77)
- Sholazar Basin – Daxinator’s Alliance Leveling Guide (78-79)
Level 80+
WoW Classic Horde Leveling Guide
Starting Zones (Level 1-12)
- Undead
- Orc – Bitsem’s Durotar Starting Zone Guide
- Troll – Manovan’s Troll Starting Zone Guide
- Tauren
- Blood Elf – Snowflake’s Blood Elf Starting Zone Guide
- Goblin – Jiyambi’s Goblin Starting Zone Guide
Level 12-25
- Bloodbane’s Tirisfal Leveling Guide Part II (13-25)
- Snowflake’s Guide to Ghostlands (12-21)
- SilverKnight’s Silverpine Guide (13-21)
Level 20-30
Level 30-60
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide (31-40)
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide (41-51)
- Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide (51-60)
Level 60-70 – Outland
Level 70-80 – Northrend
- Howling Fjord – Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide (70-72)
- Krowa’s Shadowmoon Valley Quest Guide (70-71)
- Borean Tundra – Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide (72-74)
- Dragonblight – Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide (74-75)
- Grizzly Hills – Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide (75-77)
Level 80+
Don’t miss out on updates!
RE: Here you go for Verification Oh, I beleive the mistake. I was just trying to figure WTF happened. It looked like a copy paste error.Anyways, I corrected it! And I made the mistake in 2011-05-28 04:14 by Ludovicus.Thanks Taraca, good attention to detail! People have missed it for years!
Here you go for Verification Map Points of my at the correct point this helps 🙂
Re: Guide spot mismarkedThanks for the tip. I’ll fix for the next release after verifying.
Guide spot mismarkedOn the Ghostland’s guide the spot for Thalassian Pass is wrong.The way point is marked on the wron side of Deatholmeyou have it marked as : 31.74 65.66but the spot should be : 45.37 71.72
I will do my best to helpI will do my best to help you. Unfortunatly for all of us, Jame has moved on from wow, but he left us this great collection of guides that people continue to add to.Which guide are you trying to follow? I assume its This guide was written when DK’s were first brought out by Blizzard and many things have changed since then. If the quest you are referring to is The Champion of the Banshee Queen, that quest is no longer in the game, I think it was removed with the cataclysm expansion. The guides that are posted here like that one, havent been updated in favor of the addon guide, (it saves paper, or alt tabbing or a 2nd screen). The guides in the addon are significantly more corrent as they are much easier to maintain (and I think easier to use) and it is where our focus is. I hope I wasn’t too late to be of any use. Happy questing 🙂
james, please help meI just started playing Wow a few months ago from scratch i guess. Never played it when it first came out so all this stuff is hard to take in about your Deathknight leveing guide. I made it to 55 on my bloodelf and wanted to try DK anxiously and found this guide and I can’t get the Lady Sylvana or argent dawn quests. Don’t know if all the other quests are going to do the same or is it because i made my DK on the same realm as my BE and maybe she already did them? What am i doing wrong? Thanks 🙂
The Hunt Begins The Hunt Begins and get the follow-up The
Hunt ContinuesA Humble Task and get the follow-up Rites
of the Earthmotherbusiness plans
It mainly has to do with theIt mainly has to do with the way the quests have been done in Cata. You almost can’t skip any in a zone or you won’t have any quests to do. You can just skip to the next zone if you think you are too high for the zone.
Guide Completeness FunctionHey there, I just want to start off by saying how awesome these guides are and that they’ve helped me save hours and hours of messing about in the game.
I’m using the in-game add-on, and it has a Guide Completeness Function, ranging from 1 (most important quests to finish the zone) to 3 (all the quests in the zone for the achievement). I don’t think that this is working though. I always end up doing every quest in the zone, while being fully heirloomed and in a max lvl guild. So my EXP bonus is +45%. Completeness 1 is supposed to work with Heirlooms/Guild and even RAF. Am I doing something wrong, or have the guides not been altered to work with this and the Completeness Function isn’t working yet?
Yep, I just updated theYep, I just updated the source code pages a day or two ago. It should be reflected in the updates later this week.
Alliance Dragonblight – Step 85 – Death to the Traitor KingPlaying through your guide as normal…….dropped down the hole…but all Kilix the Unraveler said was 1 sentance and no quest options….The 3 quests are no longer available from Kilix the Unraveler. If you go into the instance, they are available from Reclaimer A’zak.:D
thanksokay thanks very much^^
horde guidesWhilst we don’t have the guides in a plain english viewable state on the site currently, they are all in our addon.
When will the horde guides beWhen will the horde guides be finished? thanks
While it would be nice toWhile it would be nice to have “paper” guides, I don’t think anyone currently has plans to make any. There are addon guides for every zone from level 1 to level 85, though!
estimated time on 1-60 horde guides?I prefer to play in window mode, but I don’t see any guides; I don’t see any comments on their absence. Are they available in the add-on?
When im on the characterWhen im on the character selection screen it has it listed in the addons part, but when in game it isnt anywhere in the interfrace – Addons area. Ill check again though just to be sure.
Edit: This is annoying me 🙁
Strange. On the minimap, wasStrange. On the minimap, was there an icon that looked like a panda face (Or just like a black and white icon depending on your screen size)? Since it is possible for it to be disabled.
There were 3. And they cameThere were 3. And they came up in the addon panel but not in game.
When you did Extract All, wasWhen you did Extract All, was there 3 folders or just 1 folder? If there were 3 folders, open that up and there should be 3, put those into the Addons folder. Don’t forget to make sure you have the WoW-Pro and the WoW-Pro Leveling checked in the addon panel at the character selection screen.
I checked to see if i hadI checked to see if i had either of those program and found i didnt but i decided to try again and found that i have an extract all button that i didnt see before :/ Now im just gonna hop on wow and hope it works….
Edit: It didn’t work -.-
I would check to see if youI would check to see if you have either WinRar or 7zip. I know after x amount of days, it comes up saying to buy it, but you can still use it anyways, not sure about 7zip since it has been awhile since I’ve used it.To extract the file, right click on the, you should see something akin to Extract files…, Extract Here, Extract to Or if you have 7zip, a seperate little popup menu with basically the same thing. Do Extract Here, and you should have 3 folders wherever the zip file is.Since you have Windows 7, open up the Library, go to the Games folder and you should see World of Worldcraft, open that folder up, then open the one that says Interface. Drag the 3 WoWPro folders into the Addon folder. Note, that this is the default area that WoW should have installed itself it. If it is not there, check under C>Program Files.Hop on game, check to see if the WoWPro parts are checked on the Addon Controls, if not, check them and enjoy.
What operating system are
What operating system are you using? Umm.. Windows 7? is that an operating system?
What rights do you have within your user account? (eg limited/admin) Admin
What program did you try to extract/unzip the archive with? Umm when i tried this addon it didnt say i needed too for some reason.. last time i tried to do one without the curse client was on my old laptop so im not sure.
Are you on a Mac? No
What version/patch are you on in WoW? Cata, 4.1.whatever the latest one is.
Are you on a private server? no
What operating system are youWhat operating system are you using?What rights do you have within your user account? (eg limited/admin)What program did you try to extract/unzip the archive with?Are you on a Mac? What version/patch are you on in WoW?Are you on a private server?
I have no clue how. Tried aI have no clue how. Tried a few times and failed miserably. Googled how to do it, followed the steps and still couldnt get it. at the time i had to use some free trials of some weird programs that unzip stuff cus apparently i needed to do that. nothing worked so i just decided to use the Curse Client because it does it all for me. I attempted to get the addon from here a few hours ago but it didn’t work properly, it came up but there were no guides on it, it was just empty except for an enable button.
It’s to get more traffic toIt’s to get more traffic to the site basically, that and it is easier for us to keep track of thing easier (rather than several sites).]Out of curiousity, why are you unable to get the addons yourself?
Add-onI just found this site and decided to use it to level my mage, i dont have a printer and find it annoying having to swap back and forth between WoW and a guide. Because of this i decided to get the addon. I Cannot get addons myself and so i have to use curse, i got the addon on curse to find out its only the trial. i couldnt find the regular version and it pissed me off. Why isnt the regular addon on curse when its still 100% free???
What about Old Versions?Google Jame’s wow leveling guide. It should bring up the old guides. I found 30-40 and 40-50.
It was about 20 hours ofIt was about 20 hours of /played time over the course of 3 days or so. And thanks again for the work – to everyone 🙂
I see what happened, some ofI see what happened, some of the changes I had made got missed. I’ve updated the Eastern Plaguelands, Winterspring source codes to put the missed changes in.
Eastern Plaguelands1 to 42 in a day? How many hours, just out of curiosity?Eastern Plauguelands was recently converted from two guides into a single unified Neutral guide for both factions.I’m running my own Blood Elf DK through all the guides to get Loremaster, so I have not had a chance to personally correct the Horde or Neutral guides like I have the Alliance side.Please note anything you see wrong at and we will fix it!PS: I assume you mean the addon and not the guides, right?