Bitsem’s Cape of Stranglethorn Alliance

author image by Bitsem | Wiki | 0 Comments | 01 Dec 2010

WoWPro.Leveling:RegisterGuide(‘BitCap3035’, ‘Cape of Stranglethorn’, ‘Bitsem’, ’30’, ’35’, ‘filler’, ‘Alliance’, function()
return [[

T Hero’s Call: Cape of Stranglethorn!|QID|28702|O|M|55.16,42.48|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Bronwyn Hewstrike.|
T To the Cape|QID|28605|O|M|55.16,42.48|N|To Bronwyn Hewstrike.|

A Dask “The Flask” Gobfizzle|QID|26826|PRE|28702|M|55.12,42.44|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Bronwyn Hewstrike.|
T Dask “The Flask” Gobfizzle|QID|26826|M|55.33,42.01|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Dask “The Flask” Gobfizzle.|

A Too Big For His Britches|QID|26823|PRE|26826|M|55.33,42.01|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Dask “The Flask” Gobfizzle.|
A Good-Fer-Nothin’ Slither-Dogs|QID|26822|RANK|2|M|55.06,41.86|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Goris.|

f Explorers’ League Digsite|QID|26822|M|55.65,41.26|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|At Colin Swifthammer.|

C Good-Fer-Nothin’ Slither-Dogs|QID|26822|S|M|44.50,19.02|N|Kill Stranglethorn Basilisks on your way to Ironjaw Behemoth.|
C Too Big For His Britches|QID|26823|M|66.13,27.50|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|
C Good-Fer-Nothin’ Slither-Dogs|QID|26822|US|M|60.83,28.24|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Finish killing Basilisks.|

T Too Big For His Britches|QID|26823|M|55.21,41.99|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Dask “The Flask” Gobfizzle.|
A Perfectly Pure|QID|26817|PRE|26823|M|55.21,41.99|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Dask “The Flask” Gobfizzle.|
A Plush Pelts|QID|26818|PRE|26823|M|55.32,42.19|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Linzi Hewstrike.|
A Akiris by the Bundle|QID|26819|PRE|26823|M|55.32,42.19|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Linzi Hewstrike.|
A If They’re Just Going to Leave Them Lying Around…|QID|26820|PRE|26823|M|55.32,42.19|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Linzi Hewstrike.|

T Good-Fer-Nothin’ Slither-Dogs|QID|26822|M|55.05,42.41|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Goris.|

C Akiris by the Bundle|QID|26819|S|M|39.69,45.63|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Kill Nagas for Akiris weed and gather Naga Icons while questing.|
C Perfectly Pure|QID|26817|M|43.88,49.00|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|
C If They’re Just Going to Leave Them Lying Around…|QID|26820|M|37.31,52.82|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|
C Akiris by the Bundle|QID|26819|US|M|39.69,45.63|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Finish killing Naga.|
C Plush Pelts|QID|26818|M|46.93,15.81|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|

T Perfectly Pure|QID|26817|M|55.22,41.86|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Dask “The Flask” Gobfizzle.|
A Zanzil’s Secret|QID|26815|PRE|26817|M|55.22,41.86|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Dask “The Flask” Gobfizzle.|

T Plush Pelts|QID|26818|M|55.44,42.07|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Linzi Hewstrike.|
T Akiris by the Bundle|QID|26819|M|55.44,42.07|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Linzi Hewstrike.|

A Maywiki|QID|26808|PRE|26819|M|55.44,42.07|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Linzi Hewstrike.|
T If They’re Just Going to Leave Them Lying Around…|QID|26820|M|55.44,42.07|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Linzi Hewstrike.|
T Maywiki|QID|26808|M|55.68,42.14|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Maywiki.|

A Backdoor Dealings|QID|26809|PRE|26808|M|55.68,42.14|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Maywiki.|
C Zanzil’s Secret|QID|26815|S|M|53.23,31.23|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Kill Zanzil mobs while continuing.|
C Backdoor Dealings|QID|26809|M|61.53,43.05|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Activate the Totem.|
C Zanzil’s Secret|QID|26815|US|M|53.23,31.23|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Finish killing Zanzil mobs for Zanzil’s Mixtures.|

T Zanzil’s Secret|QID|26815|M|55.24,41.90|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Dask “The Flask” Gobfizzle.|
A Results: Inconclusive|QID|26824|PRE|26815|M|55.24,41.90|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Dask “The Flask” Gobfizzle.|
A Recipe for Disaster|QID|26816|PRE|26815|M|55.24,41.90|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Dask “The Flask” Gobfizzle.|
T Results: Inconclusive|QID|26824|M|55.32,42.39|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Bronwyn Hewstrike.|
A Airwyn Bantamflax|QID|26821|PRE|26824|M|55.32,42.39|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Bronwyn Hewstrike.|
T Backdoor Dealings|QID|26809|M|55.72,42.20|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Maywiki.|
A Eliminate the Outcast|QID|26810|PRE|26809|M|55.72,42.20|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Maywiki.|

C Recipe for Disaster|QID|26816|S|M|62.27,41.98|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Kill Zanzil Witchdoctors for the Formulation.|
A Message in a Bottle|QID|26603|M|62.41,46.70|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|
C Recipe for Disaster|QID|26816|US|M|62.27,41.98|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Kill Zanzil Witchdoctors for the Formulation.|
C Eliminate the Outcast|QID|26810|U|60374|M|61.15,44.61|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|

T Eliminate the Outcast|QID|26810|M|61.15,44.61|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|
A Through the Troll Hole|QID|26811|PRE|26810|M|61.15,44.61|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|
C Through the Troll Hole|QID|26811|U|60374|M|78.51,35.68|Z|Northern Stranglethorn|N|Go through the Rabbit Hole, I mean Troll Hole.|
T Through the Troll Hole|QID|26811|M|78.55,35.99|Z|Northern Stranglethorn|

A High Priestess Jeklik|QID|26812|PRE|26811|M|78.55,35.99|Z|Northern Stranglethorn|
C High Priestess Jeklik|QID|26812|U|60374|M|77.56,43.97|Z|Northern Stranglethorn|N|Destroy her body!|
T High Priestess Jeklik|QID|26812|M|77.42,44.07|Z|Northern Stranglethorn|

A Plunging Into Zul’Gurub|QID|26813|PRE|26812|M|77.42,44.07|Z|Northern Stranglethorn|
C Plunging Into Zul’Gurub|QID|26813|U|60374|M|82.11,35.37|Z|Northern Stranglethorn|N|Through another Troll Hole.|
T Plunging Into Zul’Gurub|QID|26813|M|82.11,35.37|Z|Northern Stranglethorn|

A High Priest Venoxis|QID|26814|PRE|26813|M|82.11,35.37|Z|Northern Stranglethorn|
C High Priest Venoxis|QID|26814|U|60374|M|83.70,35.96|Z|Northern Stranglethorn|N|Finish him off and grab the ladder. If you die, use the Fetish.|

T High Priest Venoxis|QID|26814|M|55.70,42.27|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Maywiki.|
T Recipe for Disaster|QID|26816|M|55.25,42.00|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Dask “The Flask” Gobfizzle.|
T Message in a Bottle|QID|26603|M|59.43,79.24|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Princess Poobah.|

A Protecting Her Royal Highness Poobah|QID|26604|PRE|26603|M|59.43,79.24|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Princess Poobah.|
C Protecting Her Royal Highness Poobah|QID|26604|M|58.07,84.56|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Slay 5 Jaguero Stalkers.|
T Protecting Her Royal Highness Poobah|QID|26604|M|59.41,79.19|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Princess Poobah.|

A Grubby Little Paws|QID|26605|PRE|26604|M|59.41,79.19|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Princess Poobah.|
C Grubby Little Paws|QID|26605|M|64.81,82.81|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Kill gorillas and monkeys for the Tiara, Scepter, Slippers and Diary.|
T Grubby Little Paws|QID|26605|M|59.51,79.17|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Princess Poobah.|

A Mukla’s Demise|QID|26606|PRE|26605|M|59.51,79.17|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Princess Poobah.|
C Mukla’s Demise|QID|26606|M|62.74,83.26|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Kill Mukla. He will throw barrels at you DK style. Loot the Shackle Key.|
T Mukla’s Demise|QID|26606|M|59.44,79.11|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Princess Poobah.|

A The Captain’s Chest|QID|26599|M|40.33,67.87|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Captain Hecklebury Smotts.|
A The Bloodsail Buccaneers|QID|26609|M|42.66,71.96|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From First Mate Crazz.|
A Stranglethorn Fever|QID|26597|M|41.88,72.81|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Fin Fizracket.|
A Scaring Shaky|QID|26593|M|42.05,73.46|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From “Sea Wolf” MacKinley.|

T Airwyn Bantamflax|QID|26821|M|42.49,73.15|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Airwyn Bantamflax.|

h Booty Bay|QID|26593|M|40.93,73.79|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|At Innkeeper Skindle.|

A The Curse of the Tides|QID|611|M|41.22,74.16|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Catelyn the Blade.|

f Booty Bay|QID|611|NC|U|4027|M|41.64,74.47|N|Get the Booty Bay flight path.|

A The Call of Kalimdor|QID|26596|M|40.56,68.20|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|If you’re going to go to Dustwallow Marsh in Kalimdor next. From Corporal Jeyne.|
A The Battle for Andorhal|QID|28749|M|41.55,74.35|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|If you are going to go to the Western Plaguelands next. Ask him for teleport. From War-Mage Erallier.|

T The Bloodsail Buccaneers|QID|26609|M|41.35,61.16|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|Turns in at a barrel near the water.|
A Bloodsail Treachery|QID|26610|PRE|26609|M|41.35,61.16|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|
A An Old Sea Dog|QID|26617|U|59142|M|41.19,61.36|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From “Good-Boy” Bruce.|

C Scaring Shaky|QID|26593|S|M|49.49,59.47|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From now on kill Elder Mistvale Gorillas for Giblets and a Gorilla Fang.|
C Stranglethorn Fever|QID|26597|L|2797|M|52.28,52.12;53.28,49.01;54.00,46.69|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Make sure you have a Gorilla Fang in your inventory. Then follow the arrow to the cave. Witch Doctor Unbagwa will summon Mokk for you. Kill him and loot his heart.|
C Scaring Shaky|QID|26593|US|M|49.49,59.47|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Finish killing Gorillas for Giblets.|
C The Captain’s Chest|QID|26599|M|51.59,68.80|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Kill Gorlash and loot Smotts’ Chest.|

H Booty Bay|QID|26599|N|Hearth to Booty Bay.|

A The Curse of the Tides|QID|611|M|41.18,74.14|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Catelyn the Blade.|

T An Old Sea Dog|QID|26617|M|41.03,73.25|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Fleet Master Seahorn.|
T Stranglethorn Fever|QID|26597|M|41.86,72.81|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Fin Fizracket.|
T Bloodsail Treachery|QID|26610|M|42.53,72.05|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To First Mate Crazz.|

A The Baron Must Be Told|QID|26611|PRE|26610|M|42.53,72.05|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From First Mate Crazz.|
T The Baron Must Be Told|QID|26611|M|41.14,73.15|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Baron Revilgaz.|

A Details of the Attack|QID|26612|PRE|26611|M|41.14,73.15|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Baron Revilgaz.|
A Up to Snuff|QID|26613|M|40.74,73.72|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Deeg.|
T The Captain’s Chest|QID|26599|M|40.37,67.76|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Captain Hecklebury Smotts.|

A A Giant’s Feast|QID|26600|PRE|26599|M|40.37,67.76|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Captain Hecklebury Smotts.|
T Scaring Shaky|QID|26593|M|40.48,67.70|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To “Shaky” Phillipe.|

A Return to MacKinley|QID|26594|PRE|26593|M|40.48,67.70|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From “Shaky” Phillipe.|
A Keep An Eye Out|QID|26614|M|43.43,71.37|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Up the ramp and around to Dizzy One-Eye.|
T Return to MacKinley|QID|26594|M|41.99,73.47|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To “Sea Wolf” MacKinley.|
A Kill-Collect|QID|26595|PRE|26594|M|41.99,73.47|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From “Sea Wolf” MacKinley.|

C A Giant’s Feast|QID|26600|NC|M|41.01,73.98;42.78,69.11|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Buy Crate of Pupillyverbos Port from Whiskey Slim inside the Tavern. Then follow the arrow to Kelsey Yance. Buy Crate of Grade E Meat from him.|
T A Giant’s Feast|QID|26600|M|40.37,67.86|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Captain Hecklebury Smotts.|
A A Dish Best Served Huge|QID|26602|PRE|26600|M|40.37,67.86|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Captain Hecklebury Smotts.|

K Freewheelin’ Juntz Fitztittle|QID|26595|L|59034|M|56.50,57.89;56.79,53.75|N|Kill Freewheelin’ while he runs between these to towers. Loot his wrench.|
K Ephram “Midriff” Moonfall|QID|26595|L|59035|M|56.12,49.73|N|Talk to “Midriff”, he’ll attack you. Kill him and loot his Mirror.|
C Kill-Collect|QID|26595|L|3924|M|59.55,49.16|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Kill Maury “Clubfoot” Wilkins. Loot his Clubbed Foot.|

C A Dish Best Served Huge|QID|26602|QO|Negolash slain: 1/1|M|49.68,81.16|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Activate the Life Boat. Put in the food. Wait for Negolash to appear. Kill him!|
C Keep An Eye Out|QID|26614|M|43.16,81.72|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|
C Up to Snuff|QID|26613|M|41.17,82.64|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|
C Details of the Attack|QID|26612|US|M|42.08,83.04;41.12,82.55|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Finish killing Bloodsail mobs. The first arrow leads you to the Orders (in a rowboat). The second leads to the Charts (on a stack of boxes near a tent).|

H Booty Bay|QID|26612|NC|M|41.19,73.06|N|Hearth or run to Booty Bay.|

A The Curse of the Tides|QID|611|M|41.20,74.14|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Catelyn the Blade.|
T Up to Snuff|QID|26613|M|40.75,73.78|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Deeg.|
T Details of the Attack|QID|26612|M|41.12,73.13|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Baron Revilgaz.|

A Getting In With the Bloodsail|QID|26624|PRE|26612|M|41.12,73.13|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Baron Revilgaz.|
T Kill-Collect|QID|26595|M|42.04,73.47|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To “Sea Wolf” MacKinley.
T Keep An Eye Out|QID|26614|M|43.33,71.41|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Up the ramp to Dizzy One-Eye.|
T A Dish Best Served Huge|QID|26602|M|40.37,67.84|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Captain Hecklebury Smotts.|

A Mok’rash the Cleaver|QID|26601|PRE|26602|M|40.37,67.84|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Captain Hecklebury Smotts.|
C Mok’rash the Cleaver|QID|26601|M|35.15,65.70|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Swim West to the Island. Kill Mok’rash.|
T Mok’rash the Cleaver|QID|26601|M|40.33,67.85|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Captain Hecklebury Smotts.|

T Getting In With the Bloodsail|QID|26624|M|45.45,56.16;43.84,56.46|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Up the path to Yancey Grillsen.|
A Seeing Where Your Loyalties Lie|QID|26629|PRE|26624|M|43.84,56.46|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Yancey Grillsen.|
A Looks Like a Tauren Pirate to Me|QID|26630|M|41.14,73.25|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Fleet Master Seahorn.|

l Cow Head|QID|26630|L|59147|M|43.24,71.67|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Go upstairs and talk to Bossy the Cow.|
l Oversized Pirate Hat|QID|26630|L|59148|M|42.72,69.13|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Talk to Narkk and get the hat from him.|
C Looks Like a Tauren Pirate to Me|QID|26630|M|41.06,73.28|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Take the Head and Hat to the Fleetmaster.|
T Looks Like a Tauren Pirate to Me|QID|26630|M|41.06,73.28|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Fleet Master Seahorn.|

A The Curse of the Tides|QID|611|M|41.20,74.09|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Catelyn the Blade.|
T Seeing Where Your Loyalties Lie|QID|26629|M|43.85,56.34|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Yancey Grillsen.|
A Your First Day as a Pirate|QID|26631|PRE|26629|M|43.85,56.34|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Yancey Grillsen.|

T Your First Day as a Pirate|QID|26631|M|44.41,91.61|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Captain Keelhaul.|
A Swabbing Duty|QID|26633|PRE|26631|M|44.41,91.61|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Captain Keelhaul.|
A Cannonball Swim|QID|26635|M|44.53,92.92|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From “Pretty Boy” Duncan.|
C Swabbing Duty|QID|26633|M|44.73,92.84|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Grab a mop up on deck and activate the globs of goo as they appear.|

A The Bane of Many A Pirate|QID|26634|M|44.50,92.03|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Up by the helm from Garr Salthoof.|
T Swabbing Duty|QID|26633|M|44.47,91.41|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Captain Keelhaul.|
C Cannonball Swim|QID|26635|M|43.59,97.78|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Dive off the ship and search the bottom for cannonballs.|
T Cannonball Swim|QID|26635|M|44.62,93.47|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To “Pretty Boy” Duncan.|
C The Bane of Many A Pirate|QID|26634|M|45.97,80.36|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Look for crates near trees and rowboats. Kill the theives that appear.|
T The Bane of Many A Pirate|QID|26634|M|44.51,91.89|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Garr Salthoof.|

A Attracting Attention|QID|26644|PRE|26633|M|44.43,91.69|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Captain Keelhaul.|
T Attracting Attention|QID|26644|M|46.68,95.26|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Fleet Master Firallon.|

A Ol’ Blasty|QID|26647|M|46.68,94.97|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Ironpatch.|
A Our Mortal Enemies|QID|26648|M|46.57,94.11|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From “Dead-Eye” Drederick McGumm.|
C Ol’ Blasty|QID|26647|M|46.90,93.91|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Grab a cannon. Ability 1 is ready, 2 is Aim (locks target in place), aim ahead of the dummy. Ability 3 Fires the cannon.|
T Ol’ Blasty|QID|26647|M|46.69,94.95|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Ironpatch.|

A Drive-By Piracy|QID|26649|PRE|26647|M|46.69,94.95|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Ironpatch.|
C Drive-By Piracy|QID|26649|M|61.43,54.77|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|
C Our Mortal Enemies|QID|26648|U|59226|M|63.34,83.65|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|When you get to the island, use the flare and go Pirates vs. Ninjas!|
T Our Mortal Enemies|QID|26648|M|63.18,83.31|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|
T Drive-By Piracy|QID|26649|M|46.68,94.99|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Ironpatch.|

A The Damsel’s Luck|QID|26650|PRE|26649|M|46.70,95.24|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Fleet Master Firallon.|
T The Damsel’s Luck|QID|26650|M|50.30,91.46|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Gurlgrl.|

A The Brashtide Crew|QID|26662|PRE|26650|M|50.30,91.46|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Gurlgrl.|
A Sinking From Within|QID|26663|PRE|26650|M|50.30,91.46|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Gurlgrl.|
A Making Mutiny|QID|26664|PRE|26650|M|50.30,91.46|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Gurlgrl.|

C Making Mutiny|QID|26664|M|44.71,92.59|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|S|N|Accuse Corsairs of mutiny. When they attack, kill them.|
C Speak with Long John Copper|QID|26662|M|50.30,91.46|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|QO|Speak with Long John Copper: 1/1|N|On The Damsel’s Luck.|
C Sabotage the Grog|QID|26663|M|50,91|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|QO|Sabotage the Grog: 1/1|N|On the lowest level of The Damsel’s Luck.|

C Speak with Enormous Shawn Stooker|QID|26662|M|46.77,94.17|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|QO|Speak with Enormous Shawn Stooker: 1/1|N|Now head to The Crimson Veil ship. Go to the lowest level and speak to Enormous Shawn.|
C Sabotage the Gunpowder|QID|26663|M|46.80,93.79|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|QO|Sabotage the Gunpowder: 1/1|N|Activate the Gunpowder Barrell on the lowest level of the ship.|

C Speak with Wailing Mary Smitts|QID|26662|M|44.52,93.15|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|QO|Speak with Wailing Mary Smitts: 1/1|N|Last, head to The Riptide ship. One level down, speak to Wailing Mary.|
C Sabotage the Cannonballs|QID|26663|M|44.71,92.78|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|QO|Sabotage the Cannonballs: 1/1|N|On the lowest level, between a wall and some normal crates.|
C Making Mutiny|QID|26664|M|44.71,92.59|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|US|N|Finish your accusations if necessary.|

T The Brashtide Crew|QID|26662|M|44.52,93.15|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|
T Making Mutiny|QID|26664|M|44.71,92.59|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|
T Sinking From Within|QID|26663|M|44.71,92.78|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|

A Call of Booty|QID|26665|PRE|26663;26664;26662|M|44.71,92.78|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|

H Booty Bay|QID|26665|NC|N|Hearth to Booty Bay.|

T Call of Booty|QID|26665|PRE|26662;26664;26663|M|41.13,73.17|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Baron Revilgaz.|
A Doublerum|QID|26678|PRE|26665|M|41.13,73.17|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Baron Revilgaz.|
T Doublerum|QID|26678|M|40.69,73.27|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Go down three flights of stairs and into the room on the right.|

A Return to Revilgaz|QID|26679|PRE|26678|M|40.69,73.27|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Loot the barrel and return to Baron Revilgaz.|
T Return to Revilgaz|QID|26679|M|41.19,73.16|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Baron Revilgaz.|

A Prepare for Takeoff|QID|26695|PRE|26679|M|41.19,73.16|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Baron Revilgaz.|
A Seeking Seahorn|QID|26698|PRE|26679|M|41.19,73.16|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Baron Revilgaz.|

T Seeking Seahorn|QID|26698|M|41.55,73.00|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Fleet Master Seahorn.|
A The Damsel’s (Bad) Luck|QID|26700|PRE|26698|M|41.55,73.00|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Fleet Master Seahorn.|
A Turning the Brashtide|QID|26699|PRE|26698|M|41.55,73.00|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Fleet Master Seahorn.|

C Turning the Brashtide|QID|26699|S|M|42.59,72.46|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From now on kill Brashtide Raiders on sight.|
C The Damsel’s (Bad) Luck|QID|26700|M|41.49,73.00;41.29,71.25;41.12,70.93|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Activate the rope beside him. Kill Corsairs. Activate the rope on the deck to get back.|
C Prepare for Takeoff|QID|26695|M|42.62,69.09|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Inside the Old Port Authority. Loot the Crate behind Narkk.|
C Turning the Brashtide|QID|26699|US|M|42.59,72.46|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Finish killing Raiders.|

T Prepare for Takeoff|QID|26695|M|41.10,73.07|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Baron Revilgaz.|
A The Final Voyage of the Brashtide|QID|26697|PRE|26695|M|41.12,73.09|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Baron Revilgaz.|
T The Damsel’s (Bad) Luck|QID|26700|M|41.12,73.09|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Baron Revilgaz.|
T Turning the Brashtide|QID|26699|M|41.12,73.09|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Baron Revilgaz.|

C The Final Voyage of the Brashtide|QID|26697|M|40.47,73.38;34.06,53.27|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Speak to Kebok for a ride. Use Action 1 to bomb the ships and rowboats. Don’t forget you need to get 6 of them too. Use Action 3 to return when finished.|
T The Final Voyage of the Brashtide|QID|26697|M|41.12,73.12|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Baron Revilgaz.|

A Bloodsail’s End|QID|26703|PRE|26679|M|41.12,73.12|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|From Baron Revilgaz.|
C Bloodsail’s End|QID|26703|M|40.47,73.38;36.05,66.51|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Speak to Kebok again. Once on the ship, go down to the Captain’s room and kill him and his little parrot too.|
T Bloodsail’s End|QID|26703|M|41.17,73.15|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|To Baron Revilgaz.|

R Western Plaguelands|QID|28749|O|M|41.55,74.34|N|To continue to Western Plaguelands, get a teleport from War-Mage Erallier below the Alliance Flight Master.|
b Northern Barrens|QID|26596|O|M|39.10,67.05|N|To continue on to Dustwallow Marsh in Kalimdor, hop on the ship to Ratchet.|


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