Winter Veil: Alliance and Horde


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Source Code – Winter Veil Alliance

local guide = WoWPro:RegisterGuide(“LudoWinterVeilA”,’WorldEvents’,”Winter Veil”, “Ludovicus”, “Alliance”)
WoWPro:GuideSteps(guide, function()
return [[

N Eggs, Babs, Eggs!|QID|7025|N|You are going to need 5 Small Eggs and some Deeprock Salt. You can either pay outrageous prices on the AH, or farm them and sell the extra for outrageous prices on the AH. I’ll give you 4 places to farm them.|
K Small Eggs: Darkshore|QID|7025|M|41.4,47.2;42.4,52.4;46.6,46.4|Z|Darkshore|CN|L|6889 20|T|Moonkin|N|Kill Moonkin within the markers.|
K Small Eggs: Azuremyst Isle|QID|7025|M|46.2,16.4;48.8,15.4;49.4,10.8|Z|Azuremyst Isle|CN|L|6889 20|T|Crazed Wildkin|N|Kill Crazed Wildkin between the markers, north of Stillpine Hold.|
K Small Eggs: Loch Modan|QID|7025|M|48.2,60.6;50.6,58.4;55.0,61.4|CN|Z|Loch Modan|L|6889 20|T|Loch Buzzard|N|Kill Loch Buzzards, between the markers, south of the lake.|
K Small Eggs: Westfall|QID|7025|M|55.8,23.4;47.6,18.0;46.6,30.4|Z|Westfall|CN|L|6889 20|T|[nodead] Young Fleshripper|N|Kill any kind of Fleshrippers. Markers are for the young ones.|

N On the first day of Winter Veil …|QID|7022|N|Now wait till the first day ..|

A Greatfather Winter is Here!|QID|7022^7023|M|33.59,67.91|Z|Ironforge|N|From Wulmort Jinglepocket|
T Greatfather Winter is Here!|QID|7022^7023|M|33.16,65.46|Z|Ironforge|N|To Greatfather Winter.|
A Treats for Greatfather Winter|QID|7025|M|33.16,65.46|Z|Ironforge|N|From Greatfather Winter.|
B Recipe: Gingerbread Cookie|QID|7025|M|33.59,67.91|Z|Ironforge|SPELL|Gingerbread Cookie;21143|L|17200|N|From Wulmort Jinglepocket.|
B Holiday Spices|QID|7025|M|33.59,67.91|Z|Ironforge|L|17194 5|N|Buy 5 Holiday Spices from Wulmort Jinglepocket.|
U Learn the Recipe|QID|7025|U|17200|SPELL|Gingerbread Cookie;21143|N|Click off when done!|
B Small Eggs|QID|7025|M|24.83,73.72|Z|Ironforge|L|6889 5|N|Buy 5 Small Eggs from the Auction House.|
B Milk|QID|7025|L|1179|M|18.60,51.75|Z|Ironforge|N|Buy Milk from Gwenna Firebrew.|
l Make 5 Gingerbread Cookies|QID|7025|L|17197 5|
T Treats for Greatfather Winter|QID|7025|M|33.16,65.46|Z|Ironforge|N|To Greatfather Winter.|

A The Reason for the Season|QID|7062|M|30.25,59.41|Z|Ironforge|N|From Goli Krumn.|
T The Reason for the Season|QID|7062|M|77.52,11.83|Z|Ironforge|N|To Historian Karnik, in the Hall of Explorers.|
A The Feast of Winter Veil|QID|7063|PRE|7062|M|77.52,11.83|Z|Ironforge|N|From Historian Karnik, in the Hall of Explorers.|
T The Feast of Winter Veil|QID|7063|M|39.18,56.10|Z|Ironforge|N|To Muradin Bronzebeard, in the room of thrones.|

N Free Metzen|QID|7043|LVL|80|N|This new pair of daily quests are only for level 80 and above.|
A You’re a Mean One…|QID|7043|LVL|80|M|33.59,67.91|Z|Ironforge|N|From Wulmort Jinglepocket.|
K The Abominable Greench|QID|7043|LVL|80|M|45.26,40.32|Z|Hillsbrad Foothills|N|Go to Growless Cave in the Foothills. Loot the Treats from the bags (fast) and talk to Metzen (fast) to complete if you were not around for the kill. Yes, if you get there at the right time, you can complete the quest!|
N Snowballs near Greench|ACTIVE|6983|LVL|80|N|BTW, pick up some snowballs from the mounds around the cave.|
T You’re a Mean One…|QID|7043|LVL|80|M|33.59,67.91|Z|Ironforge|N|From Wulmort Jinglepocket.|
A A Smokywood Pastures’ Thank You!|QID|7045|PRE|7043|LVL|80|M|33.59,67.91|Z|Ironforge|N|From Wulmort Jinglepocket.|
T A Smokywood Pastures’ Thank You!|QID|7045|LVL|80|M|33.16,65.46|Z|Ironforge|N|To Greatfather Winter.|

N Time to wait, again!|QID|8827|N|Wait till Dec 25th.|
b Ironforge|QID|8767|N|Go see Greatfather Winter in Ironforge|
A Winter’s Presents|QID|8827|M|60.31,33.84|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Wonderform Operator.|
T Winter’s Presents|QID|8827|M|33.16,65.46|Z|Ironforge|N|To Greatfather Winter.|

A A Gently Shaken Gift|QID|8767^8788|M|33.48,65.54|Z|Ironforge|N|Your first gift!|
A A Carefully Wrapped Present|QID|8744|M|33.84,65.75|Z|Ironforge|N|Your second gift!|
A A Festive Gift|QID|8803|LVL|10|M|33.87,65.93|Z|Ironforge|N|Your third gift!|
A A Winter Veil Gift|QID|11528^13203^13966^28878^29385^32106|LVL|10|M|33.64,65.63|Z|Ironforge|N|Your fourth gift!|
A A Gaily Wrapped Present|QID|8768|LVL|20|M|33.76,66.31|Z|Ironforge|N|Your fifth gift!|
A A Ticking Present|QID|8769|LVL|40|M|33.84,66.66|Z|Ironforge|N|Your sixth gift!|

N All done for the day|

Source Code – Winter Veil Horde

local guide = WoWPro:RegisterGuide(“LudoWinterVeilH”,’WorldEvents’,”Winter Veil”, “Ludovicus”, “Horde”)
WoWPro:GuideSteps(guide, function()
return [[

N Eggs, Babs, Eggs!|QID|6962|N|You are going to need 5 Small Eggs. You can either pay outrageous prices on the AH, or farm them and sell the extra ones for outrageous prices on the AH. I’ll give you 4 places to farm them.|
K Small Eggs: Eversong Woods|QID|6962|M|40.4,50.8;45.8,64.8;48.0,53.6|Z|Eversong Woods|CN|L|6889 20|N|Kill Feral Dragonhawk Hatchlings within the markers.|
K Small Eggs: Eversong Woods|QID|6962|M|54.8,61.6;62.2,59.4;70.2,59.6|Z|Eversong Woods|CN|L|6889 20|N|Kill Crazed Dragonhawks between the markers.|
K Small Eggs: Mulgore|QID|6962|M|48.2,50.2;52.2,35.2;57.2,48.0|Z|Mulgore|CN|L|6889 20|N|Kill Wiry Swoops|
K Small Eggs: Mulgore|QID|6962|M|43.4,21.8;48.8,9.6;59.0,21.4|Z|Mulgore|CN|L|6889 20|N|Kill Taloned Swoops; Use the back lift from Thunder Bluffs.|

N On the first day of Winter Veil …|QID|6961|N|Now wait till the first day ..|
A Great-father Winter is Here!|QID|6961^7021^7024|M|52.54,77.03|Z|Orgrimmar|N|From Kaymard Copperpinch.|
T Great-father Winter is Here!|QID|6961^7021^7024|M|49.62,78.00|Z|Orgrimmar|N|To Great-father Winter.|
A Treats for Great-father Winter|QID|6962|M|49.62,78.00|Z|Orgrimmar|N|From Great-father Winter.|
B Recipe: Gingerbread Cookie|QID|6962|M|52.68,77.28|Z|Orgrimmar|L|17200|N|From Penney Copperpinch.|
B Holiday Spices|QID|6962|M|52.68,77.28|Z|Orgrimmar|L|17194 5|N|From Penney Copperpinch.|
U Learn the Recipe|QID|6962|U|17200|N|Click off when done!|
B Small Eggs|QID|6962|M|53.80,73.50|Z|Orgrimmar|L|6889 5|N|If you did not farm the eggs, buy them at the AH.|
B Milk|QID|6962|L|1179|M|55.08,77.97|Z|Orgrimmar|N|Buy Milk from Barkeep Morag.|
l Make 5 Gingerbread Cookies|QID|6962|L|17197 5|
T Treats for Great-father Winter|QID|6962|M|49.62,78.00|Z|Orgrimmar|N|To Great-father Winter.|

A The Reason for the Season|QID|6964|M|51.00,71.00|Z|Orgrimmar|N|To Furmond.|
T The Reason for the Season|QID|6964|M|39.54,47.33|Z|Orgrimmar|N|To Sagorne Creststrider, in the Valley of Wisdom.|
A The Feast of Winter Veil|QID|7061|PRE|6964|M|39.54,47.33|Z|Orgrimmar|N|From Sagorne Creststrider, in the Valley of Wisdom.|
T The Feast of Winter Veil|QID|7061|M|60.29,51.66|Z|Thunder Bluff|N|To Baine Bloodhoof, Thunder Bluff|

N Free Metzen|QID|6983|LVL|80|N|This new pair of daily quests are only for level 80 and above.|
A You’re a Mean One…|QID|6983|LVL|80|M|52.55,77.04|Z|Orgrimmar|N|From Kaymard Copperpinch.|
K The Abominable Greench|QID|6983|LVL|80|M|45.26,40.32|Z|Hillsbrad Foothills|N|Go to Growless Cave in the Foothills. Loot the Treats from the bags (fast) and talk to Metzen (fast) to complete if you were not around for the kill. Yes, if you get there at the right time, you can complete the quest!|
N Snowballs near Greench|ACTIVE|6983|LVL|80|N|BTW, pick up some snowballs from the mounds around the cave.|
T You’re a Mean One…|QID|6983|LVL|80|M|52.55,77.04|Z|Orgrimmar|N|From Kaymard Copperpinch.|
A A Smokywood Pastures’ Thank You!|QID|6984|PRE|6983|LVL|80|M|52.55,77.04|Z|Orgrimmar|N|From Kaymard Copperpinch.|
T A Smokywood Pastures’ Thank You!|QID|6984|LVL|80|M|49.61,77.98|Z|Orgrimmar|N|To Great-father Winter.|

N Time to wait|QID|8828|N|Wait till Dec 25th!|
b Orgrimmar|QID|8744|N|Go see Great-father Winter in Orgrimmar|
A Winter’s Presents|QID|8828|M|50.0,61.6|Z|Orgrimmar|N|From Wonderform Operator.|

T Winter’s Presents|QID|8828|M|49.62,78.00|Z|Orgrimmar|N|To Great-father Winter.|
A A Gently Shaken Gift|QID|8767^8788|M|49.15,78.07|Z|Orgrimmar|N|Your first gift!|
A A Carefully Wrapped Present|QID|8744|M|49.29,78.27|Z|Orgrimmar|N|Your second gift!|
A A Festive Gift|QID|8803|LVL|10|M|49.55,77.79|Z|Orgrimmar|N|Your third gift!|
A A Winter Veil Gift|QID|11528^13203^13966^28878^29385^32106|LVL|10|M|49.40,77.60|Z|Orgrimmar|N|Your fourth gift!|
A A Gaily Wrapped Present|QID|8768|LVL|20|M|49.6,78.2|Z|Orgrimmar|N|Your fifth gift!|
A A Ticking Present|QID|8769|LVL|40|M|49.19,77.76|Z|Orgrimmar|N|Your sixth gift!|

N All done for the day|

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  • img
    Dec 28, 2012 @ 21:35 pm

    Re: Couple things seem a little off (Part II)Hmm, if you look at the “current guide”, are those steps marked as skipped?Which version of the addon were you using?   I checked the logic out on Level 15 and a level 65 toon and had no problems, so something funny is going on.The changes I have not checked in yet simply move around code and delete duplicate code.  It should not change functionality.

  • img
    Dec 26, 2012 @ 22:48 pm

    Re: Couple things seem a little offDang!   I must have forgot to check in a fix, because I ran through it on almost ALL my toons on both sides.It will have to wait till tomorrow.  Going out for dinner tonight in 13 minutes!

  • img
    Dec 26, 2012 @ 21:30 pm

    Couple things seem a little offThe level restricton commands don’t seem to be working correctly:–  ‘Ticking Present’ does not show up in the list even though my lv 63 can clearly open it.– ‘You’re a Mean One…’ should not be visible to my lv 63When I open the first present, it doesn’t automatically complete the step and advance to the next one.When you mouseover ‘A Gently Shaken Gift’ and ‘A Carefully Wrapped Present’ they both say ‘Your First Gift!’ 

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